OEM :: Volume #7

#618: Wound? Be worth!

This is the dream! This is the dream! This is I am certainly having a dream...... From saying asked one's conscience to be rescued to awake, started to have a dream...... Otherwise, to have how likely such inconceivable matter? 这是梦!这是梦!这一定是我在做梦……从说问心能被救醒,就开始了做梦……否则,怎么可能会发生这样不可思议的事情? The deep sleep ten years of living corpse has been able to wake up...... Under 20-year-old two people, Supreme Fourth Level, Superior Supreme...... Divine Profound was Rank 9, how could it not be Superior Supreme? 沉睡了十年的活死人能醒来……不到20岁的两个人,一个至尊四阶,一个至尊之上……神玄九品,岂不就是至尊之上了么? Even if legend...... Does not have such person...... Old Madame collapsed happily...... Collapse and happiness, this grade of fond dream, how even if collapses again?! 就算是传说……也没有这样的人啊……老夫人幸福的崩溃了……崩溃并着幸福,这等美梦,就算再崩溃又如何?! ................................................ The remote yard enters in an unprecedented silence, the Dongfang Aristocratic Family person, outside the yard, closely monitors any sound, the Dongfang Wenqing three brothers hands is pressing the sword hilt, is critical situation, back and forth patrol \; The Old Madame oversee bedroom, the eye does not wink...... Mei Xueyan white clothing white robe, stands remarkably in the small roof, holds a sword to look in all directions! …………………………………………偏僻小院进入一片空前的寂静之中,东方世家的人,在小院外,严密的监视着任何的动静,东方问情三兄弟手按剑柄,如临大敌,来回巡逻\;老夫人坐镇卧室,眼睛也不眨一下……梅雪烟白衣白袍,卓然站立在小楼顶上,仗剑四顾! Such alert, is absolutely safe! Believes that is Three Great Sacred Lands simultaneously hand in hand turns out in full strength, only Mei Xueyan, can support some time...... Let alone, in this and other unvisited is at remotely? 这样的戒备,已经是万无一失!相信就算是三大圣地同时联袂倾巢而出,只梅雪烟自己,也能撑一段时间……更何况,还是在这等人迹罕至的偏僻所在? In the bedroom, Jun Moxie closes one's eyes slightly, the capture mother's hand, achieves the extreme magnanimously pure Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, the continuous transportation, is driving away the haze of that heart's core...... Jun Moxie does not dare grass excessively anxiously, does not dare to be negligent, bit by bit is melting...... After all, mother ten years has not moved, even if the body underwent own recuperation, still from weak to considerable degree, if makes an effort oversized...... Perhaps will cause the unquantifiable damage...... Does not fear 10,000, fears eventuality! 卧室中,君莫邪微微地闭着眼睛,抓住母亲的手,海量精纯达到极点的天地灵气,源源不断的输送进去,驱赶着那心灵深处的阴霾……君莫邪不敢艹之过急,一点都不敢大意,一点一点地化解着……毕竟,母亲已经十年没有活动,身体纵然已经经过自己的调理,仍自虚弱到了相当的程度,若是一个用力过大……恐怕就会造成难以估量的伤害……不怕10000,就怕万一! Jun Moxie has put out own complete discrete! 君莫邪拿出了自己的全部谨慎! Cannot have any accident absolutely...... Heart haze disappearance of Dongfang Wenxin bit by bit slowly, under Jun Moxie might infinity Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi oppresses, direct dissipation, without a trace, slowly, only remaining finally a small group...... Small one group...... If had apple size, then now only then strawberry seed size...... The Dongfang Wenxin indifferent to fame or gain facial expression on bed vanished, displaces, deeply frowned unexpectedly, as if also felt, oneself in fond dream...... Soon will pull out, therefore she is not very willingly, she still wanted to stay here, strength that but that pulls, actually that big...... Cannot resist to her formidable completely, is unable to resist...... She performs all strength to struggle, the facial expression on face, sees the pain more and more, her head is swinging fiercely...... Old Madame Dongfang has gripped daughter's hand gently, the facial expression on face full is take pity on, full is surprise, also...... Worry...... At this moment, arrived at wanting to stop but cannot time, Old Madame is afraid suddenly...... Regrets...... If after asking one's conscience to wake up,...... The husband died, knew two sons' death news...... What will have to respond? 绝对不能有任何闪失……东方问心的心头阴霾慢慢的一点一点的消失,在君莫邪威力无穷大的天地灵气压迫之下,直接消散,无影无踪,慢慢的,只剩下了最后一小团……小小的一团……若是原本有苹果大小,那么现在就只有草莓种子大小了……床上的东方问心原本恬淡的神情消失了,取而代之的,竟是深深地皱起了眉头,似乎也感觉到了,自己在美梦中……即将被人拉出去,所以她很不甘心,她仍想要留在这里,但是那拉扯的力量,却是那么的大……强大到她完全不能抗拒,无法抗拒……她尽一切力量挣扎着,脸上的神情,越来越见痛苦,她的头在剧烈的摇摆着……东方老夫人轻轻握住了女儿的手,脸上的神情满是怜惜,满是惊喜,还有……担心……此刻,已经到了欲罢不能的时候,老夫人突然害怕起来……后悔起来……如果问心醒来之后……丈夫已死,又知道了两个儿子的死讯……会有什么反应? A woman, what in the life is most important is what? Most important, nothing but is the family! Husband! Child! 一个女人,一生中最重要的是什么?最重要的,无非就是家庭!丈夫!孩子! One dream ten years, the happiness in dream vanishes instantaneously, when is sober, the tragedy that not only need forever go to oneself facing the husband, must die facing three sons unexpectedly two facts...... This is the what kind of brutality! Deeply grieved! 一梦十年,梦里的幸福瞬间消失,清醒之余,非但要面对丈夫永远离自己而去的悲剧,更要面对三个儿子竟已死去两个的事实……这是何等的残酷!惨痛! After Old Madame almost does not dare to imagine again wakes up the daughter is any appearance, will have anything to respond...... She closely is shaking daughter's hand, worrying too much sees the daughter in the pain, is struggling...... She as if must transmit oneself complete strength to the daughter , helping her to resist this boundless pain...... Soon will be of great success! 老夫人几乎不敢再想象醒来后的女儿是什么样子,会有什么反应……她只是紧紧地握着女儿的手,忧心如焚的看着女儿在痛苦,在挣扎……她似乎要将自己全部的力量传递给女儿,助她抵挡这无边的痛苦……即将大功告成! Even links Mei Xueyan on roof, can feel the pain in Jun Moxie heart clearly contradictory and joyful...... This, is the critical moment! 甚至连房顶上的梅雪烟,也能清晰地感觉到了君莫邪心中的痛苦矛盾与欣喜……这,是关键时刻! Finally...... Dongfang Wenxin tight knitting the brows, painful shaking the head, the facial expression on face, full is the great pain of parting forever, on the forehead the soybean big beads of sweat is dense and numerous, falls gently, suddenly...... Her eyelid winked gently, suddenly rending pitiful yell: Wuhui (No regrets)!......” Then suddenly sat! 终于……东方问心紧紧的皱着眉,痛苦的摇着头,脸上的神情,满是生离死别的巨大痛楚,额头上黄豆般大的汗珠密密麻麻,轻轻滑落,突然……她眼皮轻轻的眨了一下,突然撕心裂肺的惨叫一声:“无悔!……”接着便猛然坐了起来! Meanwhile, in Jun Moxie meridians huge Spiritual Force flows backwards immediately, explodes in Dantian loudly, a big scarlet blood has spurted, is the continuous blowout blood, in the hand actually still continues to transport Spiritual Force...... These time is injured, is not the cheating wound that before drew up, but was clear injury! 与此同时,君莫邪经脉中庞大灵力即时倒流,在丹田中轰然一炸,一大口猩红的鲜血喷了出来,然后就是源源不断的喷出鲜血,手中却依然继续输送着灵力……这一次受伤,可不是之前拟定的诈伤,而是真真切切的受伤! Quite serious injury! 颇为严重的伤势! In order to make every effort clearly, Jun Moxie simply starts out insincerely but ends up seriously, such explodes directly, the five main internal organs (entrails) completely received the extremely serious injury, several nearly suffocate...... If the list by the common custom vision, Dongfang Wenxin has awakened, but Jun Moxie actually also ended, likely since then fell ill, above the life tangled up bed collapses, not an exaggeration! 为了力求逼真,君莫邪干脆假戏真做,直接这么一炸,五脏六腑尽都受到了极其惨重的伤害,几近奄奄一息……若单以世俗眼光而言,东方问心就唤醒了,但君莫邪却也完了,很可能从此一病不起,一生缠绵床塌之上,并无一点夸张! He has to so wrestle, because only he cares, he cannot lose! 他不得不如此一搏,只因为他太在乎,他更损失不起! For mother, spelled! For mother, wound...... Is worth!!! Heavy is also again worth! 为了母亲,拼了!为了母亲,伤……值得!!!再重也值得! Dongfang Wenxin only felt oneself wake up from the remote dream inexplicably, opens the eye at a loss, on the face, is still a pain of face...... She only felt, in own hand, still transmits the warm heat flow, she opens the eye, sees front one fully is the old face of wrinkle, is with the tears to look at itself, calling out that a familiar sound, trembles: Asks one's conscience...... My daughter...... My clever daughter, you wakes up finally......” 东方问心只感觉自己从遥远的梦中莫名醒来,茫然地睁开眼睛,脸上,依然是一脸的痛苦……她只感到,自己的手上,依然传来温暖的热流,她睁开眼睛,就看到面前一张满是皱纹的老脸,正含着泪花看着自己,一个熟悉的声音,颤颤的叫道:“问心……我的女儿……我的乖女儿,你终于醒来……” Eye fierce opening, Dongfang Wenxin incredible looks at front this face, but under the function of mother and daughter day surname, still confessed that the present old woman unexpectedly is mother of peerless grace and talent, being panic-stricken of suddenly face, lost one's voice to call out: Mother?! How did you turn into this appearance?” 眼睛猛的睁大,东方问心不可置信的看着面前这张脸,但母女天姓的作用之下,仍自认出了眼前的老妪竟是自己风华绝代的母亲,顿时一脸的惊慌失措,失声叫道:“娘?!你怎么变成了这个样子?” Old body anything has not obstructed greatly, first do not manage me, first has a look at your son, oh \; The pitiful child......” Old Madame weeps bitterly to make noise, tears unceasing falls. “老身没什么大碍,先别理我,先看看你儿子吧,唉\;可怜的孩子……”老夫人痛哭出声,眼泪不断的落下来。 Son......?” Dongfang Wenxin following looking, sees only young pretty familiar facial features to map in the eyes, bends down on the quilt of own top head, both eyes shuts tightly, looks deathly pale, is similar to the deceased person, in the mouth still keeps has the blood to overflow, is the human affairs does not know...... The corners of the mouth, are actually hanging one joyfully...... That is he face, the person decides at present however is own son! “儿子……?”东方问心顺着看去,只见一张年轻俊秀的熟悉面容映入眼中,就伏在自己身上盖的被子上,双目紧闭,脸色惨白,如同死人,口中依然不停的有鲜血溢出来,已经是人事不知……嘴角,却挂着一丝欣喜……那是“他”的面孔,眼前人定然是自己的儿子! His hand, but also in shaking own hand, the warm current of that faint trace, is transmitting from this hand...... Is the son makes me wake up? 他的一只手,还在握着自己的手,那丝丝的暖流,正是从这只手上传来……是儿子让我醒来? But, his what happened, so in the appearance Dongfang Wenxin suddenly heart will be how sour and astringent, looks at the son pale complexion, the blood of corners of the mouth, suddenly in the heart the rending pain...... this is...... Moyou?” She sees front this son surprisedly, before oneself unconscious, as if eldest son Moyou had was so big, but...... As if compares front person also to be bigger: „Is could it be Mochou?” 可是,他怎么了,怎地会如此模样东方问心突然间心中又酸又涩,看着儿子惨白的脸色,嘴角的鲜血,突然心中撕心裂肺的痛起来……“这是……莫忧吗?”她惊疑的看着面前这个儿子,自己昏迷之前,似乎大儿子莫忧已经有这么大了,但……似乎比面前的人还要大一些:“难道莫愁?” she shivers, stroked the Jun Moxie right hand sleeve, looked, shook the head, said: „It is not Mochou, is not Moyou......” suddenly, she exceptionally called grievedly: „Is could it be unexpectedly Moxie?” 她颤抖着手,捋起了君莫邪的右手袖管,看了看,摇了摇头,道:“不是莫愁,也不是莫忧……”突然,她异常心痛地叫起来:“难道竟是莫邪?” She extends make a move hurriedly, has opened out son's head hair, a finger/refers of place above the ear, has three birthmarks impressively! The birthmark in this position, even Jun Moxie do not know! 她急忙伸出手,拨开了儿子头上的头发,在耳朵上方一指处,赫然有三颗红痣!这个位置的红痣,甚至连君莫邪自己也不知道! Very tiny, looks like the sesame seed equally big three birthmarks abreast in row...... This, is only some mothers can discover, the ability can remember own graciousness symbol that...... is Moxie...... My Moxie child......” Dongfang Wenxin is startled, in a twinkling is grieved such as twists: Mother...... Moxie what happened? How he will spit these many blood...... Your skill is exquisite, saves him quickly...... Saves him......” 很细小,就像是芝麻一样大的三颗红痣并排……这,也是唯有母亲才能发现,才能记得住的亲恩标志……“是莫邪……我的莫邪孩儿……”东方问心惊慌起来,霎时间心痛如绞:“娘……莫邪怎么了?他怎地会吐了这么多血……您功力精湛,快救救他……救救他啊……” what happened? This do not blame you?” Old Madame is wiping tears: Around you deep sleep ten years, Dongfang and Monarch two families has exhausted the innumerable mental efforts, the manpower also has no alternative...... Moxie he to let you wakes up, since childhood then cultivation mysterious Core Law, now, finally has an achievement, then impatient saves you, actually to save you...... This silly child has exhausted own complete Origin Qi, has initiated backlash of skill, spits blood injured...... life critically-ill...... You...... Asks one's conscience...... Has a look at your son, you...... in the heart what Ren? You...... Oh......” 怎么了?这还不是都要怪你?”老夫人抹着眼泪:“你前后已经沉睡了十年,东方、君两家耗尽无数心力,人力也无可奈何……莫邪他为了让你醒来,自幼便修炼了一种神奇的心法,如今,终于有所成就,便迫不及待的来救你,却为了救你……这傻孩子耗尽了自己的全部元气,引发了功力的反噬,吐血受伤……姓命垂危……你……问心啊……看看你的儿子,你……于心何忍?你……唉……” Old Madame heaved a deep sigh, has helped up Jun Moxie, let him by in own bosom, was cleaning the bloodstain of corners of the mouth with the gentle silk handkerchief for him, but this, let the pale face of this being mentally and physically exhausted, appeared in front of Dongfang Wenxin, complete appearance...... I unexpectedly already deep sleep ten years?” Dongfang Wenxin vacant thinking aloud, but casts behind this matter at once, in the heart is an anxiety, a heart closely has clutched, had forgotten unexpectedly own grief is ordinary, urged hurriedly: Mother...... Moxie can he have the matter? You try to find the solution quickly...... This silly child, he...... He such goes all out to do......” 老夫人长叹一声,扶起了君莫邪,让他靠在自己怀里,用轻柔的丝巾替他擦拭着嘴角的血迹,但这样,也让这张心力交瘁的惨白的脸,出现在了东方问心面前,完整的出现……“我竟已沉睡了十年?”东方问心茫然的自言自语,但旋即又将这件事抛在脑后,心中又是一阵焦虑,一颗心紧紧地揪了起来,竟然忘记了自己的伤痛一般,急忙催促道:“娘……莫邪他会不会有事?您快想想办法……这个傻孩子,他……他这么拼命干什么啊……” Such goes all out to do? You also felt all right to say! Moxie such goes all out, not for your this mother? Couldn't have a mother to love him for him? The pitiful child, his anything did not have, remaining your this mothers, but his biological mother such is still lying down is paying no attention to him...... Child's heart painful, worries? Have you thought?” “这么拼命干什么?你还好意思说!莫邪这么拼命,还不是为了你这个娘亲?还不是为了他能有个娘来疼爱他?可怜的孩子,他什么都没有了,就剩下你这个娘亲,可他自己的亲娘还在这么躺着不理他……孩子的心有多痛,多着急?你有想过吗?” The old women complained: You only know oneself are sad, only knows oneself are sad, in the sinking sleep, is not willing to wake up...... But this child what to do? Moxie he is the good luck, finally good health and good luck was long to be so big, was he...... Is always hoping you......” 老妇人抱怨道:“你只知道自己伤心,只知道自己难过,沉睡梦中,不愿醒来……可是这孩子怎么办?莫邪他算是好运气的,总算没病没灾的长到了这么大,可是他……从来就盼望着你……” Dongfang Wenxin is grieved, raises quilt to get out of bed: Makes me have a look...... Has a look at Moxie, the pitiful child......” she such gets out of bed, closely held Jun Moxie in the bosom, the tears has welled up suddenly...... Originally I have rested the entire ten years...... Originally Wuhui (No regrets)...... He went for ten years...... Entire ten years! How long years! I do not know that three children do not have the care of mother, how to grow? They what kind of...... Heart of the loving mother, has flooded her atrium in a twinkling, one side the husband image that even is hard to give up continually also temporarily threw...... She has not thought what kind, but Old Madame is actually eyes opened wide...... Unexpectedly...... Immediately can under walk? Like the normal person?! Jun Moxie method, this wonderful to what situation? Loss of Jun Moxie...... Big? At this time, the old person was loyal to true worry...... Thinks was selected the wound, but now looks like...... The injury is seemingly heavy...... Dongfang Wenqing walked quietly, deeply sighed: These years, the Little Sister you......” said half, this wanted to say her two, but the words said half, sobbed...... you only to know that loved dearly the son...... But do you know? Your biological mother, for you...... A night of old age, old in this way......” Old Madame disappointed sighed...... mother...... Is the daughter is unfilial, the daughter is unfair to you...... Moxie, my Moxie...... The mother does not do right by you......” Dongfang Wenxin closely to hold Jun Moxie, cried...... not to cry loudly „! First saved the child to say again!” Old Madame relaxed, the loud reminder, this pass/test passed finally first. As for the later matter, later again said...... 东方问心心痛起来,一掀被子就要下床:“让我看看……看看莫邪,可怜的孩子……”她就这么下床,将君莫邪紧紧地抱在了怀里,眼泪突然哗哗的涌了出来……原来我已经睡了整整十年……原来无悔……他已经去了十年……整整十年!多么漫长的岁月!我不知道三个孩子没有母亲的照料,如何成长的?他们怎么样……一颗慈母之心,霎时间充斥了她的心房,甚至连难以割舍的丈夫形象也暂时抛掷一边了……她没觉得怎样,但老夫人却是睁大了眼睛……居然……马上就能下地走路?跟正常人一样?!君莫邪的手段,该神妙到了什么地步?君莫邪的损耗……会有多大?这时,老人家忠于真正的担心起来……原本只是以为受点伤,但现在看来……伤势貌似不轻啊……东方问情悄悄地走了进来,深深地叹了口气:“这些年,小妹你……”说了一半,本想要说她两句,但话说了一半,却又哽咽了……“你只知道心疼儿子……可你知道么?你自己的亲娘,为了你……一夜白头,苍老如斯……”老夫人怅然的叹了口气……“娘……是女儿不孝,女儿对不起您……莫邪,我的莫邪……娘更对不住你……”东方问心紧紧抱着君莫邪,放声大哭起来……“别哭了!还是先救孩子再说!”老夫人松了一口气,大声提醒,这关总算是先度过去了。至于以后的事,以后再说吧…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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