OEM :: Volume #7

#611: shock ancient shine present Chu Qihun

The vision that Jun Moxie looks, long time has said: Relax, he definitely cannot die, you have not seen him to run that quickly...... Can achieve the Assassin Supreme person, can die is so easy? Also...... This his is not a good person...... Do not be worried for him, first leaves this, your injury temporarily had been depressed by me, waits to look to be at peacefully, I help your thorough treatment, next time surely careful, that Supreme from exploding may non- be the commonplace!” 君莫邪看的目光一直,良久才道:“放心,他肯定死不了的,你没见他跑得那么快……能做到杀手至尊的人,又怎么会死的这么容易?再说了……这丫的也不算个好人……你就别为他担心了,先离开这,你的伤势只是暂时被我压下了,等下找个安静所在,我帮你彻底的治疗,下次千万小心,那至尊自爆可非是等闲啊!” Their continues to start off to go with ease, this following several days, but is really relaxed pleasant, a wave of interception has not encountered...... Three Great Sacred Lands this interception lineup of sending out, the strength is it may be said that strong, mammoth \; Totals to have 90 present age peak expert! Such terrifying strength, it can be said that sufficiently shocking shakes in this earthliness! 两人一身轻轻松松地继续上路而去,这接下来的几天,可真是轻松如意,一波截杀也没有遭遇到……三大圣地这一次派出的截杀阵容,可谓实力坚强,声势浩大\;合共有90位当世顶峰强者!这样的恐怖力量,可说是在这俗世间足以震天撼地! But is actually suffering heavy casualties! 但却是一路的损兵折将! The person who Dream Blood Sea dies are least, actually also around buckle six people \; The Supreme Gold City aspect died 17 \; The Fleeing World Immortal Palace simple 30 people all extinguish, even/including Genren the wool does not have remaining...... 90 people finally only remaining 37 people! Moreover in these people, the also 3-4 person cripples in Jun Family, has 7-8 to hang out colored streamers in today's this fight personally, the injury has the heaviness lightly, even linked on Xiao Weicheng to be also many several lying this way and that scars...... Depending on their present strength, if also presumptuously thinks to intercept Mei Xueyan, that may be equal to courting death! Therefore, Zi Jinghong and Xiao Weicheng gave up this motion as if by prior agreement. Changed another goal: Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun! 梦幻血海死的人最少,却也前后折损了六人\;至尊金城方面死了17个\;遁世仙宫干脆30个人全灭,连根人毛也没剩下……90人最终只剩下37人!而且这些人中,还有三四人是在君家致残,另有七八个人在今天这场战斗中挂彩,伤势有轻有重,甚至连肖未成身上也多了数道横七竖八的伤痕……凭他们现在的力量,若是还妄想截杀梅雪烟的话,那可就等于是找死了!所以,紫惊虹肖未成不约而同的放弃了这次行动。转向了另一个目标:杀手至尊楚泣魂 Supreme Gold City spreads the Gold City chasing down command: Kills Chu Qihun certainly! 至尊金城传出金城追杀令:绝杀楚泣魂 Dream Blood Sea is also unwilling to fall behind, is comes out one in a big way to kill: Blood Sea chasing down command! 梦幻血海也不甘落后,也是出来一大杀器:血海追杀令! Does not kill Chu Qihun, vows not to rest! 不杀楚泣魂,誓不罢休! That side Fleeing World Immortal Palace heard that said the person who oneself send out all extinguishes unexpectedly, heard that Chu Qihun played the crucial role, is infuriated, without hesitation is a Daoxiangong chasing down command! 遁世仙宫那边闻说自己派出的人居然全灭,又听说楚泣魂在其中起到了关键作用,也是火冒三丈,不假思索的就又是一道仙宫追杀令! Three Great Sacred Lands shares a common hatred, common goal: Chu Qihun! 三大圣地同仇敌忾,共同的目标:楚泣魂 Suddenly, Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun reputation moves Xuan Xuan Continent, unmatched, prestige illustrious, male shocking under! In several days skill/effort, the Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun reputation, has spread over the entire mainland! 一时间,杀手至尊楚泣魂的声名可谓名动玄玄大陆,一时无两,威名赫赫,雄震天下!只是在短短几天的功夫,杀手至尊楚泣魂的名头,已经是传遍了整个大陆! All people were exclaiming in surprise: This Assassin Supreme was too flamboyant! Too fucking awesome! By a person of strength, selects Three Great Sacred Lands only! Many Supreme expert, Supreme above expert was killed in his hand, since this is ten thousand years have not presented the matter! The really fierce person, his mother was also too valiant...... Therefore, the Chu Qihun reputation continues skyrockets 90,000 miles, rose an unprecedented astonishing altitude! Since all previous dynasties all assassin Assassin, no matter how once had the magnificent success, in front of Chu Qihun, performs is overshadowed! 所有人都在惊叹:这杀手至尊可是太牛逼了!太牛叉了!以一人之力,单挑三大圣地!多名至尊高手,至尊以上的强者丧命在其手中,这可是万年以来从未曾出现过的事情!真是猛人啊,这他妈也太彪悍了……于是,楚泣魂的名头持续的扶摇直上90000里,上升到了一个前所未有的惊人高度!历代以来所有的杀手刺客,不管是曾经拥有如何辉煌的战绩,在楚泣魂面前,尽都是黯然失色! The Chu Qihun reputation, steps the assassin generation, from starts at this moment, directly Chu Qihun reaches the sky in a single bound has realized he biggest desire: Becoming through the ages the assassin first person! 楚泣魂的名头,远迈杀手界列祖列宗,自此刻开始,楚泣魂直接一步登天的实现了他最大的愿望:成为古往今来杀手界第一人! shock ancient shine present! 震古烁今 During near ten thousand years of years, who dares so directly to challenge Three Great Sacred Lands? Do not say that is three all annoys, even if only offends one, that is also unique! But now, our great Schoolmate Chu Qihun, a bamboo pole simultaneously held to turn three most terrifying hornet's nests! 近万年的岁月之中,谁敢如此正面地挑战三大圣地?不要说是三个全惹,就算是只得罪一个,那也是绝无仅有!而现在,我们伟大的楚泣魂同学,一竿子同时捅翻了三只最恐怖的马蜂窝! First did not say his success. 先不说他的战绩。 Only this courage and wisdom, this breadth of spirit, after absolutely is unprecedented, does not have the future! 就只这份胆识,这份气魄,绝对是前无古人后无来者! Cultivates the behavior to treat as Chu Qihun, overawes the world not to have Billen! 做人当做楚泣魂,威震天下无比伦! Looking disdainfully past and present who side by side? 睥睨古今谁比肩? Outshines others assassin! 一枝独秀杀手尊! Suddenly, the common people spread such a poem, praised the Great Supreme Chu great achievements...... On Jiang Hu Profound Expert, so long as collects the pile, will discuss: 一时间,世人流传出了这么一首诗,争相传颂楚大至尊的丰功伟绩……以至于江湖玄者们只要一凑堆,就会讨论: Yeah, do you have the recent news today? About Assassin Supreme?” “哎,你今天有新消息没?关于杀手至尊的?” No, but this goods may be really fierce...... Can simultaneously do but actually Three Great Sacred Lands unexpectedly! This mettle, Elder Brother I admired......” “没有,不过这货可真猛啊……竟能同时干倒三大圣地!这份胆略,哥哥我佩服死了……” Without the news words, has not died...... Actually does Three Great Sacred Lands also take him not to have means?” The sound pulls down obviously. “没有消息的话,就是还没死……竟然三大圣地也拿他没办法?”声音明显压低。 What do you understand? Great Supreme Chu is first assassin, Three Great Sacred Lands no doubt is very through the ages good, but...... Can they compare favorably with their seniors? Must know Chu Qihun, but the pupil surpasses the teacher won in blue, any water did not have Great Assassin Chu coldly......” “你懂什么?楚大至尊乃是古往今来第一杀手,三大圣地固然很牛,可……他们能比得上他们的前辈吗?要知道楚泣魂可是青出于蓝而胜于蓝了,什么水也没楚大杀手寒……” Said is also...... Arrived Chu Qihun this grade of situation, truly is also fearless......” “说的也是……到了楚泣魂这等地步,确实也是无所畏惧了……” fucking awesome...... Elder Brother has not heard, in this world unexpectedly also this and other fierce people...... Too his paternal grandmother gratifying...... Selects Three Great Sacred Lands only, thinks that Elder Brother is excited trembles......” 牛叉啊……哥从未曾听说过,这世上居然还有这等猛人……太他奶奶地过瘾了……单挑三大圣地啊,想想哥哥就激动得发抖……” Who didn't say? Chu Qihun truly plants/type, really had to plant, too man!” “谁说不是呢?楚泣魂确实有种,实在是太有种了,太男人了!” Yes, you know why Chu Qihun can kill the Three Great Sacred Lands person?” mysterious...... why? Said quickly said quickly......” people anxious...... you, is really ignorant and inexperienced...... This secret, but I know...... Oh, has marched on that far road, was thirsty, hungry...... Really tired......” kept sighing took Qiao...... waiter! The exquisite wine good dish to hurry the end to come up, late a moment father wrenches apart your neck! Picks well, is most expensive on!” Of bang, several people simultaneously shout to treat. “是啊,你们知道,楚泣魂为什么要杀三大圣地的人吗?”神秘地……“为什么?快说快说……”众人急切的……“你们啊,真是孤陋寡闻……这个秘密,可就我一个人知道……唉,赶了那么远的路,口渴了,饿得要死……真是累啊……”长吁短叹的拿乔……“小二好酒好菜赶紧端上来,晚一刻老子就扭断你的脖子!捡最好的,最贵得上!”轰的一声,好几个人同时大喊请客。 Looked, in you so have in the sincerity share...... I told you \; mysterious narrows the eyes to focus, stretches out two fingers: Actually this matter, there are two reasons...... The first reason is, Chu Qihun has friends from childhood is intimate...... Was long too beautifully...... But how does not know, in Dream Blood Sea the person by Three Great Sacred Lands was known, therefore before comes to see, looked has charmed......” “看在你们如此有诚意的份上……我就告诉你们吧\;”神秘的眯着眼,伸出两个手指头:“其实这件事呢,有两个原因……第一个原因是,楚泣魂有一个青梅竹马的相好……长得太美了……但不知怎么地,就被三大圣地梦幻血海的人知道了,于是前来看看,一看就迷住了……” So that's how it is...... Originally is scandal......” people are suddenly enlighted. “原来如此……原来是桃色纠纷啊……”众人恍然大悟。 „...... Therefore snatched...... But after snatching, the person only has one, how to divide? Therefore fought...... This dozen is unimportant, Sacred Land Lord, after drinking stopped bleeding spells, actually unknowingly saw that female...... Has saying that was really too beautiful, startled was the beauty...... Has saying that the young person is really the source of trouble......” wagging the head in a high-spirited manner, is charmed...... then?” Impatient touches own ears and cheeks...... then appropriates to oneself...... The music and song......” indecent smiling , the sound is extremely every night low, the people collect on the table, concentrating on leans the ear to listen attentively, the dark head presses together, looked like on a small dish cabbage encircles completely the fly...... In a people heart is the gossip soul, everybody in the eyes is the curiosity...... „, but...... How does not know, this matter was known by another two Great Sacred Land...... Therefore the hosts of another two Great Sacred Land were curious, hand in hand visit...... Has to say...... The female was really too beautiful...... Has to say...... Femme fatale...... Then...... Hehehe...... Do you guess?” Winking smiled...... fights?” “……于是就抢了回去……但抢回去之后,人就只有一个,咋分?所以打架了……这一打不要紧,圣地之主出来了,喝止了血拼之后,却不经意地看到了那女子……不得不说,实在是太美了,惊为天人啊……不得不说,红颜真是祸水啊……”摇头晃脑,神往中……“然后呢?”心急的抓耳挠腮……“然后就据为己有……夜夜笙歌……”猥亵的笑了笑,声音极低,众人凑在桌上,全神贯注侧着耳朵倾听,黑乎乎的头颅挤在一起,就像是一小盘大白菜上面围满了苍蝇……人人心中都是八卦魂,人人眼中皆是好奇心……“但……不知怎么地,这件事被另外两大圣地知道了……于是另外两大圣地之主就好奇了,联袂来访……不得不说……那女子实在是太美了……不得不说……红颜祸水啊……然后……嘿嘿嘿……你们猜?”挤眉弄眼的笑……“打架了?” No, has not fought, but made concrete me not to know what's the matter...... The hosts of Three Great Sacred Lands were very in any case happy, is very crisp...... Matter uneventful......” “不,没打架,但具体我也不知道咋回事了……反正三大圣地之主都很高兴,都很爽……事情风平浪静……” Oh......” a sound of meaningful being suddenly enlighted...... then Chu Qihun knew this matter...... Everybody, has this matter, if you? How will you do?” ……”一阵意味深长的恍然大悟的声音……“然后楚泣魂知道了这件事……各位,发生这件事的要是你们自己呢?你们会怎么做?” That also with saying? On grass knife! His paternal grandmother, man anything can do, is the turtle is undoable! Is a man must on!” “那还用说?艹刀子上啊!他奶奶的,男人啥都能做,就是乌龟不能做!是个男人就得上!” Claps, excitedly: Yeah...... Thereupon...... Arrived today's this grade of situation...... Chu Qihun actually is also be forced, but, Great Supreme Chu is a genuine excellent son actually does not need to question......” 一拍手,兴奋地:“可不是么……于是乎……就到了今天这等地步……楚泣魂其实也是迫于无奈啊,不过,楚大至尊是个真正大好男儿却是毋庸质疑的……” Right, real man!” “对对,真的男人!” Was right, another reason?” “对了,另外一个原因呢?” Another reason...... Was obvious: Arrived Chu Qihun this and other profound Realm, after is unprecedented, has unbearable chill in a high position without the future...... You told that such abstruse you do not understand what is heard...... Drinks......” “另外一个原因……已经明摆着了:到了楚泣魂这等高深境界,已经是前无古人后无来者高处不胜寒啊……跟你们说这么深奥的你们也听不明白……喝酒喝酒……” The people smack the lips, satisfaction of face, originally the inside story is the dark reddish purple drop...... Some people raised the question: Chu Qihun friends from childhood...... How can that have over 100 years old again? Chicken skin Hefa old woman...... Also can be so charming?” 众人咂着嘴,一脸的满足,原来内幕是酱紫滴……有人提出了疑问:“楚泣魂的青梅竹马……再怎么着那也得有100多岁了吧?鸡皮鹤发的老太太了……还能这么迷人?” „, You are surprised due to ignorance, ignorant and inexperienced......” disdain: Does not know that what is middle aged but still attractive, abundant rhyme You is Cun, most moving? Knows? What is in the face has the technique? Knew? What is lives forever? Knows? What picks Yang Buyin? Understood? What is...... Un? Understood?” “切,你真是少见多怪,孤陋寡闻……”不屑地:“不知道什么叫徐娘半老,丰韵尤存,最是动人吗?晓得吗?什么叫驻颜有术?晓得?什么叫长生不老?知道?什么叫采阳补阴?明白?什么叫……嗯?了解了吧?” Nod such as chicken pecking meter/rice: Many thanks grants instruction...... Asked Monarch words, the victory reads ten years of book...... Today but the vision opens greatly...... In the heart the anger sweeps, but completely......” 点头如鸡啄米:“多谢赐教……问君一席话,胜读十年书哇……今天可是眼界大开……心中块垒一扫而尽……” This is an edition, but the edition is actually not only then this drop, in the mainland, most little is spreading several hundred different editions, each is the well attested, has by rational, has the nose to be perforated, lifelike...... Chu Qihun, truly became through the ages the first celebrity! 这是一个版本,但版本却绝不是只有这一个滴,大陆上,最少流传着几百个不同的版本,每一个都是有根有据,有理有由,有鼻子有眼,活灵活现……楚泣魂,真正地成为了古往今来第一名人! The entire world world, is known to everybody, is known to everybody...... That poem, is became the eternity pinnacle of poetic creation...... Naturally, these, Jun Moxie Young Master Jun does not know the founder who temporarily, the sources of this all matters, all Chu Qihun are unjustly discredited, is carrying the beautiful woman leisurely hurries along in the unvisited boundless forest snowfield, does not know completely, the outside Great Supreme Chu prestige, was in the situation of this grade of exaggeration...... If knows, believes Young Master Jun decides however will feel...... In my heart is much relieved! 寰宇天下,无人不知,无人不晓……那首诗,更是成为了千古绝唱……当然,这些,君莫邪君大少暂时是不知道的,这位一切事情的源头,所有楚泣魂黑锅的缔造者,正携着美人悠哉悠哉的在人迹罕至的林海雪原中赶路,完全不知道,外界楚大至尊的威名,已经到了这等夸张的地步……若是知道,相信君大少定然会感觉……朕心中甚慰! The volume, or will also eat the flying vinegar also perhaps, didn't the Number One Under the Heaven assassin reputation have on out of thin air? After all the brain thought of this goods cannot the common sense measure it...... From the Dongfang Aristocratic Family also 200 miles! Here, may say that is the Dongfang Aristocratic Family domain...... Left a piece of jungle, Jun Moxie has stood in the summit, the eye is looking at the front boundless mountain, cannot help but sighed: My Grandfather can find the wife from such covert place in the past, is really too not easy...... Elder Brother walked this is several day, except for seeing the bird saw beast these things whiz whiz to scurry about, unexpectedly linked a footprint of person not to see......” 额,或者也会吃飞醋也说不定,天下第一杀手的名头怎么就凭空没了?毕竟这货的脑筋思维不可以常理测之……距离东方世家还有200里!这里,可说已经是东方世家的地盘了……出了一片密林,君莫邪站在山顶,眼望着前方的茫茫大山,不由得叹了一口气:“我老爷子当年能从这么隐蔽的地方找到媳妇,实在是太不容易……哥走了这是第几天了,除了见鸟见兽这些东西嗖嗖乱窜,居然连一个人的脚印也没见过……” Your this saying what meaning?” Was the winning smile sweet had anchored the footsteps with his Mei Xueyan suddenly, calm face, vision bad visits him. “你这话啥意思?”本来是巧笑嫣然跟着他的梅雪烟顿时停住了脚步,沉着脸,眼光大为不善的看着他。 „? Eh...... shit! Jun Moxie then thinks, offended the beautiful woman imperceptibly...... This is one...... Eh...... Profound Beast...... His, on elder brother's mouth must install a gate...... volume...... I said actually, besides both of us, other person did not have......” Jun Moxie to wipe unexpectedly the perspiration, hurried to display the topic to shift the big law: Xueyan, I too adored you, therefore watched for these days has written a poem for you...... Do you want to listen? This is my true feelings vindicating.” “啊?额……靠!君莫邪这才想起来,无形中又得罪了美人……这可是一位……额……玄兽……丫的,哥的嘴上非得安装个把门的了……“额……我其实是说,除了我们两人之外,居然别的人一个也没有……”君莫邪抹了把汗,赶紧施展话题转移大法:“雪烟啊,我实在是太倾慕你了,所以这几天不眠不休地为你写了一首诗……你要不要听一听?这可是我的真情表白啊。” Read to listen.” Mei Xueyan suddenly came the interest, she may know this fellow, although the reputation study does not have the technique, actually frequently can make several to spread the eternity sufficiently that beautiful verse...... At this moment sees him to write poetry for oneself specially, naturally the curiosity is big. “念来听听。”梅雪烟顿时来了兴趣,她可知道这家伙虽名声是不学有术,却经常能作出几句足以流传千古的那种绝美诗句……此刻见他专门为自己作诗,当然好奇心大起。 „The name of this poem, was called ‚, if......” the Jun Moxie soundly clears throat, the corners of the mouth passed over gently and swiftly mysterious bad smiled. “这首诗的名字,叫‘如果’……”君莫邪清了清嗓子,嘴角掠过一丝神秘的坏笑。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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