OEM :: Volume #7

#610: Biggest being unjustly discredited!

killing intent in Mei Xueyan went to the crazy situation! Such being the case, you are unkind do not take it ill my non- righteousness! That makes esteemed me kill your earth-shaking! Will not have every little bit hand/surbordinate to be forgiving again, thinks really Heaven Punishment Beast Emperor won't kill people? 梅雪烟目中的杀机已经达到了疯狂的地步!既然如此,你不仁休怪我不义!那就让本尊者杀你们一个天翻地覆!绝不会再有一点一滴的手下留情,真以为天罚兽皇不会杀人吗? The Zi Jinghong complexion is slightly motionless, to the surrounding sound regards , if not see, turns a deaf ear, under palm heavily chops, bellows fierce: Blood Sea with turning over, to be duty-bound not to turn back, unprecedented, kills again!” 紫惊虹脸色丝毫不动,对周围的动静视如不见,听而不闻,手掌重重下劈,厉声大吼:“血海同归,义无返顾,一往无前,再杀!” Also is three person's shadows, jumping out not awfully, divides to make three direction interception to Mei Xueyan \; Meanwhile, the distant place is a person's shadow bellows to emptying on, in a 7-8 zhang (3.33 m) upper air, long sword tornado one round, then once more changed to the most dazzling lightning! 又是三条人影,不要命的窜出,分作三个方向拦截向梅雪烟\;同时,远方又是一条人影大吼着冲空而上,在七八丈的高空,长剑旋风般一轮,便再次化作了一道最璀璨夺目的闪电! If experiences two explosions seriously continuously, if Mei Xueyan has the energy of exceedingly high penetrating place, must be seriously injured may not! At the appointed time, the remaining manpower close in...... Zi Jinghong and retaliation rays of light of Xiao Weicheng 520 novel intent: Although the price is somewhat big, but...... Finally can kill advocation of this Heaven Punishment! 若是当真连续经历两场爆炸的话,任是梅雪烟有通天彻地之能,也非得受重伤不可!届时,剩下的人手一拥而上……紫惊虹肖未成520小说意的报复光芒:虽然代价有些大,但……终于能够杀死这个天罚之主了! At this moment, the mutation lives steep! 就在这时,异变陡生! Unthinkable, unreadable inexplicable change suddenly presently! 一个匪夷所思,难以理解的莫名变化骤现! In midair suddenly is together unequalled rays of light suddenly appears, towering glittering! Dodges passes! It looks like together as short as the extreme lightning...... Then is silent! 半空中的突然又是一道无与伦比的光芒突然出现,突兀地闪烁了一下!一闪即逝!就像是一道短促到极点的闪电……然后便是静默! All people have not responded what's all this about time...... In the midair that is gathering potential Supreme expert, suddenly bellows, the steelyard weight fell generally \; Happen to falls in the position that he stood, in the crowd...... On his neck throat, a dazzling blood hole...... Unexpectedly some people in one that this he will soon erupt, executes to kill his sword! 所有人还都未反应过来这是怎么回事的时候……半空中那位正在蓄势的至尊高手,突然大吼一声,秤砣一般掉了下来\;正好掉落在他原本站立的位置,人群之中……在他的脖子咽喉上,一个刺目的血窟窿……竟然是有人在这他即将爆发的一幕,将他一剑毙杀! Kills his person, seized the opportunity simply precisely to the unthinkable situation...... Because that Supreme expert skill at this moment actually saved extreme, is in the edge that will soon erupt, actually when such suddenly fell, falls to the ground, comprehensive out-of-control, suddenly bang explodes! 杀他的这个人,简直将时机把握精确到了匪夷所思的地步……因为那至尊高手此刻的功力却已经积蓄到了极处,正处于一个即将爆发的边缘,却这么猝然掉了下来,落地之余,全面失控,顿时“轰”的一声爆炸开来! Front has mentioned, Supreme rank expert from exploding, can it be that slightly can? Even if by Mei Xueyan astonishing cultivation base, injured, let alone are these well below the Mei Xueyan person? In addition the matter leaves accidental/surprised, the people are underprepared, how many nearly hasn't prepared whom to think of perishing together of own expert unexpectedly in own nest from exploding? 前面提到过,至尊级别高手的自爆,岂是小可?即便以梅雪烟的惊人修为,也要受伤,更何况这些远远不如梅雪烟的人?加上事出意外,众人都是准备不足,几近不曾准备谁会想到自家的高手的同归于尽居然是在自己窝里自爆? Therefore, tragedy! Thorough tragedy! 于是,悲剧了!彻底的悲剧了! This looks like fires the missile, the missile smooth liftoff, but the guiding system malfunctions, was vertical to fall...... Bang! 这就像是发射导弹,导弹顺利升空,可是导航系统失灵,然后就垂直掉落了下来……轰! A series of pitiful yells! 一连串的惨叫! This split second aspect, is a chaotic character can describe? Xiao Weicheng brings his Supreme Gold City hand/surbordinate to leave far, was attacked, but has the Zi Jinghong quarter of responsibility of escort the position actually almost to bear the brunt, was raised to fly by the air wave at the scene, has simultaneously been the flying trapeze with him, other also 7-8 Dream Blood Sea expert...... Transported fully the Profound Qi guard in the midair finally, has not withstood the severe wound, but these people in the internal organs had been shaken! Argument overflow blood. Three great expert that this explosion, might as well Mei Xueyan withstand after all a moment ago simultaneously explode is much lighter...... Even besieges Mei Xueyan that three expert continually, bans in this moment stares dumbfounded incessantly...... My shit! this what's the matter? Blood Sea with turning over, doesn't have this to change?! 一瞬间的局面,又怎是一个乱字可以形容地?肖未成带着他的至尊金城手下们离得较远,就只是被冲击了一下,但身有护航之责的紫惊虹刻下所处的位置却几乎是首当其冲,当场就被气浪掀飞了出去,与他同时做了空中飞人的,还有另外七八梦幻血海高手……总算是在半空中运足了玄气护身,才没有承受重伤,但这些人一个个已经内腑受震!口角溢出鲜血。这一次爆炸,毕竟不如刚才梅雪烟承受的三大高手同时爆炸要轻得多……甚至连围攻梅雪烟的那三位高手,在这一刻也禁不止瞠目结舌……我靠!这咋回事?血海同归,也没这变化啊?! Did a Mei Xueyan body spin, who transgress them like lightning by the encirclement ring that the life framed...... is? Who in the end is, damn get lost to father!” Zi Jinghong crawls to set out, the first matter does not have vivid shouting abuse! Damn, is which wicked thing? Hides this was meanly cloudy in the back is being any skill!” 梅雪烟身子一旋,闪电般逸出了他们三人以生命罗织的包围圈……“是谁?到底是谁,他妈的给老子滚出来!”紫惊虹爬起身来,第一件事就是毫无形象的破口大骂!“他妈的,是哪一个缺德的东西?躲在背后出这等下作阴着算什么本事!” In the midair smiling of Misty gloomy sound Hehe, as if gently said one: Can at one fell swoop cloudy to these many Supreme and Supreme above expert, is really crisp!” Then together fuzzy, if hidden the white shade that if sees whiz has delimited the expansive sky, shoots toward the right, dodges does not see! 半空中一个飘渺阴沉的声音嘿嘿的笑了笑,似乎是轻轻说了一句:“能一举阴到这么多的至尊至尊以上的强者,真爽啊!”然后一道模糊的若隐若见的白影嗖的一声划过长空,向着右面射去,一闪不见! As if was hidden behind a big stone...... Meanwhile, in the Mei Xueyan ear has broadcast the Jun Moxie sound: Come!” 似乎是隐没到了一块大石头后面……同时,梅雪烟耳中传来了君莫邪的声音:“来!” Mei Xueyan understands, quickly launches peerless Lightweight Art, the white shade dodges rapidly, while while in a state of confusion, brushes also turns toward right that gigantic big stone to plunder...... But at this moment, Mei Xueyan just initiated the avalanche to come down from all around summit by chance finally...... To the chaotic aspect, add the innumerable variables again! 梅雪烟心领神会,迅速展开绝世轻功,白影急速一闪,趁着混乱之际,刷的也向着右面那块硕大的大石头掠去……而恰巧就在这时,梅雪烟刚刚引发地雪崩终于呼啦啦的从四周山顶崩落……为本就混乱的局面,再添无数变数! Pursues!” Zi Jinghong and Xiao Weicheng almost exploded with rage lung, they plunder ten zhang (3.33 m), when pursues first, the whole face is one type must eat the facial expression of person while still alive! “追!”紫惊虹肖未成几乎气炸了肺,两人都是一掠十丈,当先追来,满脸都是一种要活活吃人的神情! Exploded a moment ago, although caused buckle to be many, but the casualty was not too serious, but Venerable Mei was injured actually is also the fact, if cannot understand this strong Liang while this opportunity, once waited till its restoration, that thoroughly ended! 刚才一爆虽然令到己方折损不少,但死伤还不算太严重,而梅尊者受伤却也是不争的事实,若不能趁此机会了解此强粱,一旦等到其恢复,那就彻底完了! Resembles Blood Sea with turning over to this grade of trick , can only be used to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, if the opposite party had the alert, that was only a disciple damages oneself strength the tactic, after all started each time, at least must lose over Supreme level expert, even if the Dream Blood Sea family property were abundant, cannot lose! 似“血海同归”这等伎俩,也就只能用于有心算无心,若是对方有了戒备,那就只是一项徒损自家实力的战术了,毕竟每次发动,至少也要损失一名以上的至尊层次高手,就算梦幻血海家底雄厚,也是损失不起的! My shit! not?! 靠!不是吧?! Behind big stone some Assassin Supreme big intuition the fine hair of whole body has set upright...... Sends all over the body coolly! fuck...... How to rush to me to come suddenly? 大石头后面的某杀手至尊大大直觉得自己浑身的汗毛都竖了起来……通体一阵发凉!我靠啊……怎地突然之间就都奔我这边来了? Not such skillful? 没有这么的巧吧? I scratched really...... You are not hit well? The father was looking jubilantly, how directly on disaster is imminent...... Damn gives a preparation to be also good...... Sees with own eyes opposite party large quantities of expert while Yun Jiawu enormous and powerful coming, the King of Assassins Chu Qihun Great Supreme Chu ghost all braves generally, place that here completely has not hidden, so long as comes up to see me...... My also life? fuck, although said that died several, but remaining these, suffices to kill my such ten eight...... At this moment, sudden sound cloudy sad say|way: Depends on your fragmentarily, but also does the delusion grasp my Chu Qihun? You have that skill! I!” This sound almost resounds side Chu Qihun, hears including Chu Qihun, is almost thinks one said that cannot help but the ghost all braves, absolutely terrified...... Sir, you played me to result in...... In the Chu Qihun heart groaned, almost fainted...... This sound looks like guides clearly, all two Great Sacred Land expert bang even-handed troop crow all of a sudden flies a toward this direction slightly...... I drop a biological mother!...... Great Supreme Chu jumping without hesitation, who even without enough time sees clearly in the end is framing itself, changes to together the fuzzy white shade, opened fully the horsepower, running away of concentrating on, after all at this moment escaped is importantly! 我真是擦了……你们不是打得好好的嘛?老子正看得兴高采烈,怎么直接就大祸临头了……他妈的给个准备也行啊……眼见对方一大批高手乘云驾雾一般浩浩荡荡的前来,杀手之王楚泣魂楚大至尊亡魂皆冒,这里可是完全没有躲的地方,只要上来就能看见我……那我还有活命?我靠,虽然说是死了几个,可就剩下的这些,也够干掉我这样的十个八个的了……就在这时,突然一个声音阴恻恻的道:“就凭你们这些零碎,还妄想抓我楚泣魂?你们有那本事吗!我呸!”这声音几乎就在楚泣魂身边响起,连楚泣魂自己听见,都几乎是以为自己说的,不由得亡魂皆冒,毛骨悚然……大爷啊,您玩死我得了……楚泣魂心中呻吟一声,几乎晕倒……这声音就像是一个最清晰地导引,所有两大圣地高手“轰”的一下子朝这个方向丝毫不偏不倚的一大群乌鸦般的飞来……我滴个亲娘啊!……楚大至尊不假思索的腾身而起,甚至都来不及看清楚到底是谁在陷害自己,就化作一道模糊的白影,开足了马力,全神贯注的逃走,毕竟此刻逃命才是最最重要地! Chu Qihun currently in the heart only has an idea: Right now really had been finished, the father took the rap...... These time is more flamboyant! A back is two Great Sacred Land...... This said the child...... Has had no way directly...... Heavens!, earth, my life how such painstakingly?! 楚泣魂现在心中唯有一个想法:这下子是真的完蛋了,老子又背了黑锅了……这一次更牛逼!一背就是两大圣地的……这曰子……直接没法过了……苍天啊,大地啊,我的命怎么这么地苦呢?! Fearful such as stray cur, hasty fish slip through...... The rapidness of Chu Qihun fleeing speed, made one praise to the heavens seriously! 惶惶如丧家之犬,忙忙似漏网之鱼……楚泣魂遁走速度之快,当真令人叹为观止! His present speed, even if Jun Moxie stealth looks, cannot help but secretly thought: Really quick! 他现在的速度,就算是君莫邪隐身看着,也不由得暗道一声:真快啊! fuck your mother! Chu Qihun! Really is your this thing! The bastard of your this drop dead! The day hits black heart thing that is struck by lightning! My Supreme Gold City / in Dream Blood Sea and your mao!” The tone that Zi Jinghong and Xiao Weicheng simultaneously such as want to spit blood with one type shouted curses, they performed the grief and indignation not to be good...... Why two families is flawless plan, actually went bad in this damn killing embryo? This damn could it be is inborn to oppose with our Three Great Sacred Lands? 我艹你妈的!楚泣魂!果然是你这混帐东西!你这杀千刀的王八蛋!天打雷劈的黑心玩意!我至尊金城/梦幻血海和你卯上了!”紫惊虹肖未成同时用一种如欲吐血的口气叫骂起来,两人尽都悲愤地不行了……为什么两家都是天衣无缝的计划,却偏偏都坏在了这个该死的杀胚手里?这他妈的难道是天生下来就与我们三大圣地作对的吗? Looked again, Mei Xueyan that Lightweight Art is unparalleled in the world early without a trace, does not know where ran up to goes...... At the Mei Xueyan speed, so long as made her run, could it be can also pursue on? Even if has been injured, does not pursue on the surface, said again, here did not go to the Dongfang Aristocratic Family road which must be taken...... The wizards know that which direction she from walked...... Pursues separately? That does not chase down, but brought death! 再一看,轻功独步天下的梅雪烟早已经无影无踪了,根本就不知道跑到哪里去了……以梅雪烟的速度,只要让她跑了,难道还能追的上?就算是受伤了,也是追不上地,再说了,这里也不是去东方世家的必经之路了啊……鬼才知道她从哪个方向走了……分头追赶?那就不是追杀,而是送死去了! The Zi Jinghong eye was all of a sudden red, air/Qi! 紫惊虹眼睛一下子红了,气的! Calls out like the thunder greatly: Chu Qihun, this Eminence said that now to the heaven thick earth was swearing must kill you! If not kill you! The oath is not a person!” 大是暴吼如雷:“楚泣魂,本座今曰对着皇天厚土立誓必杀你!若不杀你!誓不为人!” Xiao Weicheng was the air/Qi results in the hair to set upright, they simply had not discussed that brought hand/surbordinate expert, the dark cloud to pass over gently and swiftly generally, was hates the heart drop blood, bristling with anger pursued! 肖未成更是气得头发都竖了起来,两人根本没有商量,呼呼啦啦的带着手下高手,乌云一般掠过,一个个都是恨得心头滴血,怒发冲冠的追了下去! Chu Qihun! Must kill your Aaaaaahh...... At this time, the avalanche bang fell, basin pile originally full, the snow wave evacuation, flew several hundreds of zhang (333 m), curled up thousand drifting snow, for a while many heroes, picturesque landscape...... Long time long time, trembling of earth stops finally slowly, by that big stone that in Chu Qihun hid less than behind a five zhang (3.33 m) large stone, two people have a lingering fear to crop up, is Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan...... really dangerous.” Jun Moxie extends sticks out one's tongue, fear of face. His hand, pastes in the Mei Xueyan jade carries on the back, at this time took, massive pure Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, has cured the wound that Mei Xueyan received a moment ago presses temporarily has gotten down...... how you to know that person is Chu Qihun?” Mei Xueyan astonishment visits him, is very curious. 楚泣魂!一定要杀了你啊啊啊啊……这时,雪崩轰隆隆落下来,将原本的盆地堆的满满的,雪浪排空,飞起几百丈,卷起千堆雪,一时多少豪杰,江山如画……良久良久,大地的震颤终于慢慢止息,就在楚泣魂原本藏身的那块大石头旁边不到五丈的一大块石头后面,两个人心有余悸的冒出头来,正是君莫邪梅雪烟……“真悬啊。”君莫邪伸伸舌头,一脸的后怕。他的手,贴在梅雪烟玉背上,此时才拿了下来,大量精纯的天地灵气,已经将梅雪烟刚才受的伤疗暂时压了下去……“你怎么知道那个人就是楚泣魂的?”梅雪烟惊讶的看着他,很好奇。 I came a moment ago time, you still in the practicing sword of persevering, I cross coming to see . The sword of this fellow is distinctive, Autumn Water Shadowless Sword, is very good to recognize \; And......” “我刚才过来的时候,你还在持之以恒的练剑呢,我就过来看了看。这家伙的剑别具一格,秋水无影剑,很好认\;而且……” Jun Moxie immodest smiling, said proudly: Present age, can have skill/effort that this and other diving traces go into seclusion, except for me, was he! Does not have the third person again! Believes that you are not good!” 君莫邪毫不谦虚的笑了笑,傲然道:“当世之间,能有这等潜踪匿迹的功夫的,除了我,也就是他了!再也没有第三个人!相信连你都不行!” Said is also \; Hideaway skill/effort of this person truly is astonishing. conceal is so near, lets Zi Jinghong and Xiao Weicheng unexpectedly had not detected that such stealth goes into seclusion skill/effort, passes on, has shocked everybody sufficiently! I must feel ashamed of one's inferiority!” Say|Way of Mei Xueyan approval. “说的也是\;此人的隐藏功夫确实是惊人之极。藏的这么近,竟然让紫惊虹肖未成都没有发觉,这样的隐形匿迹功夫,传出去,已经是足以惊世骇俗了!我也要自愧不如!”梅雪烟赞同的道。 Therefore this person, if also isn't Assassin Supreme Chu Qihun actually also?” Jun Moxie smiled. “所以此人若还不是杀手至尊楚泣魂还有何人?”君莫邪笑了笑。 But, you use him like this, rather some...... wicked, this person of Lightweight Art, although outstanding, not under your me, but the itself strength also has the boundary of Supreme, with you about the same.” Mei Xueyan has smiled, just likes spring the flower blooms. “可是,你这样利用他,未免有些……缺德吧,此人轻功虽然超卓,不在你我之下,但本身实力也就只得至尊之境,也就与你在伯仲之间。”梅雪烟笑了起来,犹如春花绽放。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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