OEM :: Volume #6

#549: Facing the world hero, threat!

Stupid! Are you so stupid? Doesn't hug kisses? Do not pretend to understand, does not have knowledge is not the mistake, but did not have the knowledge actually to install very much to have the knowledge is the unforgivable big mistake!” Xiong Kaishan expects too much scolds. “笨!你咋就这么蠢呢?不拥抱怎么亲嘴?别不懂装懂,没知识不是过错,可是没知识却偏偏装得自己很有知识就是不可原谅的大过错了!”熊开山恨铁不成钢地骂道。 Your people who is all brawn and no brains shut up to me!” gloomy the sound that as if must kill people passed on, two kings had a scare, turns the head to look that sees only the Snake Queen Qian Xun complexion to be pale, in the eyes ominous light glittering visits them, the Snake Queen sword in hand drags to loaf, seems a lethal poison poisonous snake, will select the person to bite. “你们俩夯货都给我闭嘴!”一声低沉的似乎要杀人的声音传了过来,两王吓了一跳,转头一看,只见蛇王芊寻脸色铁青,眼中凶光闪烁看着两人,手中的蛇王剑摇曳游荡,似乎是一条剧毒的毒蛇,正要择人而噬。 This split second, Tiger King and Bear King feelings, that is: So long as they dared to speak a few words again, Snake Queen decided however meets the drawing a sword life and death to wrestle! 一瞬间,虎王熊王都有一种感觉,那就是:只要自己两人胆敢再多说一句话,蛇王定然会拔剑生死相搏! Cannot help but being shocked of look at each other in blank dismay...... What's all this about? 不由得面面相觑的愣住了……这是咋回事? two kings is confused...... Did the temperament of Snake Queen this girl suddenly become such hot tempered? They more and more do not understand that as if since to Tianxiang, the Snake Queen temperament was even more big, develops the present directly is similar to the powder keg is ordinary, a point explodes...... could it be with Boss in the same place...... Is near Mohists black? But you do not have Boss that strength, let alone two, couldn't you cope? two kings showing the whites of the eyes unstated criticism gets up, unexpectedly scolded Bear King and Tiger King of wise and brilliant wisdom multi- stratagem is the person who is all brawn and no brains...... Really was really big balls...... Those who stem from three people to expect, an inside two point further movement has not done, is only two person peaceful sitting, Mei Xueyan in lowering the head to hold appreciatively her treasured sword, the Jun Moxie surface has contained the smile, calmly looks that they do not have what movement, looks like two static statues, whatever the wind of time calmly has slid from them...... The breeze blows, Mei Xueyan skirt front flutters, sends the silk to flutter. 两王都是一头雾水……蛇王这丫头的脾气怎地突然变得这么暴躁了呢?两人都是越来越不明白了,似乎自从到了天香之后,蛇王的脾气越发的大了,直接发展到现在如同火药桶一般,一点就爆……难道跟老大在一起……近墨者黑?可是你也没老大那实力啊,别说两个,一个你也对付不了吧?两王都翻着白眼腹诽起来,居然骂英明神武睿智多谋的熊王虎王是夯货……真真是大了胆了……出乎三人预料的是,里面的两人一点进一步的动作也没有做,只是两个人都安静的坐着,梅雪烟一直在低头把玩她的宝剑,君莫邪则一直面含微笑,静静地看着,两人都没有什么动作,就像是两尊静止的雕像,任由时间之风从两人之间静静滑过……微风吹起,梅雪烟裙裾飘动,发丝飘扬。 The breeze has blown, Jun Moxie clothes sleeve flutters, look permanent. 微风吹过,君莫邪衣袂飘荡,眼神恒古。 They such sit, actually looks like an only beautiful drawing, resembles as if to sit until the end of time...... Like this quiet, such Youran (leisurely), like this warm, this split second, including nerve big strip Xiong Kaishan and Snake Queen Qian Xun of Hu Liede also in anger, looked at dumbfounded, calmly looks at this picture, only thought that in the heart has filled warm and affected...... At this moment, rapid footsteps sound, some people walk in a hurry toward here, a servant hurried shoving open front gate, said: Young Master, the ceremony must start immediately, the father and Third Master asked you to hurry, this during you cannot absent.” 两人就这么坐着,却就像是一副唯美的图画,似仿佛能一直坐到地老天荒……这样的静谧,这样的悠然,这样的温馨,这一瞬间,连神经大条的熊开山胡裂地还有正在怒火中的蛇王芊寻,也看得呆住了,静静地看着这幅画面,只觉得心中充满了温馨和感动……就在这时,急促的脚步声响起,有人匆匆往这边走来,一名仆役急急忙忙的推开院门,道:“少爷,仪式马上要开始了,老太爷和三爷请您赶紧过去,这个当口你可是不能缺席的。” This servant voice has not fallen, sees three people of six vision to kill people to shoot wickedly generally to oneself, suddenly thought instantaneously the wool straightens vertically, cannot help but terrified to the extreme, nearly wanted the whole body worn out and aching to fall down. Three Great Beast King angers, can it be that can a he young servant resist? Even if has not released has not released killing intent fully, but was still not he can withstand. 这仆役话音未落,就见三人六道恶狠狠地目光要杀人一般向自己射过来,瞬间突然觉得毛发直竖,不由得惶恐到了极点,差点儿就要浑身酸软着倒在了地上。三大兽王的愤怒,岂是他一个小小的仆役所能招架的?纵然是没有释放全力也没有释放杀意,但仍然不是他能够承受的。 I knew, I immediately on the past.” The Jun Moxie clear and bright sound conveys, along with the Jun Moxie sound, this servant only thought that a whole body loosen, cannot bear gasps for breath in gulps, the sweat of whole body fear completely soaks the underwear in a twinkling! “我知道了,我马上就过去。”君莫邪清朗的声音传来,随着君莫邪的声音,这仆役只觉得浑身一松,忍不住大口大口喘气,浑身后怕的汗水霎时间就将内衣全部浸湿! Xueyan, you begin the matter that will arrange them to start off tomorrow, especially these will need the items to specially noted do not forget. Em, these things that buys, I will dispatch the person to send to Heaven Punishment Forest in addition, these time makes them enliven starting off. I greeted to front first, here gave you.” Jun Moxie looks at Mei Xueyan, said in a soft voice. 雪烟,你着手安排一下他们明天上路的事情,尤其那些需要特别注意事项千万不要忘记。恩,买的那些东西,我会另遣人送去天罚森林,这一次就让他俩轻身上路吧。我先到前面去招呼一下,这里就交给你了。”君莫邪看着梅雪烟,柔声道 Mei Xueyan has still not gained ground, is only the calm say|way: Felt relieved that is. Their two kings increased 50 years of skill first, increased three times of speeds, then the cultivation speed promotes three times again, at present furthermore a handle can promote a time of strength Divine Weapon...... If this they could not have gone back...... That henceforth does not need to go back!” 梅雪烟依然没有抬头,只是沉静的道:“放心就是。他们两王先增加了50年功力,又增加了三倍速度,然后练功速度再提升三倍,眼下更兼一柄足足能提升一倍实力的神兵利器……这俩人要是还回不去……那也就从此不必回去了!” Jun Moxie laughed, turns around to go. Leaves behind Mei Xueyan reproved two Great Beast King not to raise...... Also completely pays no attention to two Great Beast King to look that...... some people can make me pass in the hidden bitterness vision of own back?” Jun Moxie light vanguard, while asked the servant. 君莫邪哈哈一笑,转身而去。留下梅雪烟自顾自的训斥两大兽王不提……也全然不理两大兽王看在自己后背的幽怨目光……“是不是有人非要让我过去?”君莫邪一边轻飘飘的前行,一边问仆役。 Yes, Young Master expects unmistakably. One table of truly some people in inside sitting room want to speak with Young Master \; Emperor Your Majesty also raised to see you \; also Grand Preceptor Residence Li Youran Young Master Li, he said that if Young Master has the time, he wants to you to talk well.” Servant respectful tunnel. “是,少爷所料无误。里面内厅的一桌确实有人想要和少爷说说话\;皇帝陛下也曾经提过想要见见你\;还有太师府李悠然李公子,他说若是少爷有时间,他想跟你好好的谈一谈。”仆役恭敬地道。 Li Youran must ask me to discuss that? What does he raise must discuss?” Jun Moxie knitting the brows head, why does this fellow want to look for itself to discuss slightly now? What does he want to make? As for first two groups of people who the servant said that Jun Moxie has not paid attention. 李悠然要找我谈一谈?他有提过要谈什么吗?”君莫邪微微皱了皱眉头,这家伙为什么要现在来找自己谈?他想做什么?至于仆役所说的前两拨人,君莫邪根本没理会。 It is not his major suit, but is Jun Moxie clear awareness, oneself with that two groups of people, simply do not have any space that is worth discussing! The enemies are the enemies, absolutely does not have any possibility of melting, even if now temporarily is not, in the future also certainly! 并不是他大牌,而是君莫邪清楚的知道,自己与那两伙人之间,根本没有任何值得谈的空间!敌人就是敌人,根本就没有任何化解的可能,就算是现在暂时不是,将来也一定是的! Jun Moxie believes own intuition infinitely...... As for that Tianxiang Emperor...... Jun Moxie does not dare to see. 君莫邪无限相信自己的直觉……至于那位天香皇帝……君莫邪是不敢见。 Jun Moxie really very much fears to see him, he feared himself, when saw that this Old bastard will unable to control own temperament, a blade has sheared the head this Emperor Your Majesty, that matter may on the thorough lively big strip...... Goes to the hall, saw that has been filled with the person in all directions, Grandpa Jun and Jun Wuyi ranks the head high, a Guan Qinghan splendid attire, stands before them, Guan Dongliu smiles happily, stands in own daughter behind, He Kemen spontaneous platoon several rows, Shi Changxiao and other habitat in most front row \; Song Shang this master has also prepared appropriately, Sky Profound expert is the master, this specification is not very really small, indeed is everything is ready, only missed the Young Master Jun long in coming...... Sees Jun Moxie to arrive, Song Shang relaxed, takes out one volume of cloth from the bosom, seems reads out Imperial Decree to launch in the front generally, raises the air/Qi to discuss loudly: Now says Lucky Day saying that guest gets together, Jun Residence unsurpassed honor! Especially four Great Supreme and Tianxiang Country main arrivals, make my Jun Family you honor my humble home, is indebted Lord Jun to hold, below Song Shang, said that now strives for this reason the position of master, becomes fewer to know shallowly, if there is a place, is a Song Shang person of matter, the please fellow distinguished guests forgives. Do not blame my Jun Family.” 君莫邪实在很怕见到他,他怕自己在见到这个老东西的时候会控制不住自己的脾气,一刀将这位皇帝陛下割了脑袋,那事情可就彻底热闹大条了……来到大厅,才看到四处已经挤满了人,君老爷子君无意高居上首,管清寒一身盛装,站在两人面前,管东流高兴地笑着,站在自己女儿身后,贺客们自发的排成了几排,石长笑等人居于最前列\;宋伤这个司仪也已经准备妥当,天玄强者当司仪,这个规格实在是很不小啊,敢情已经是万事俱备,就只差君大少姗姗来迟了……见到君莫邪来到,宋伤松了一口气,从怀中取出一卷布帛,似乎是宣读圣旨一般在面前展开,提气大声念道:“今曰良辰吉曰,宾客齐聚,君府无上荣光!尤其是四大至尊天香国主的到来,更是令我君家蓬荜生辉,承蒙君老大人所托,在下宋伤,今曰勉力为此司仪之位,见少识浅,倘若有不到之处,全是宋伤一人之事,尚请各位贵宾谅解。不要怪责我君家。” These words fall, the people spoke the comfort, but most people's vision, actually looked to Tianxiang Emperor Your Majesty Yang Huaiyu! 这番话一落,众人纷纷出言安慰,但大多数人的目光,却是看向了天香皇帝陛下杨怀宇 This master spoke, was the Jun Moxie personally grass blade and polishing, besides four Great Supreme four characters was Song Shang added on a moment ago voluntarily, other have not changed. Especially ‚the Tianxiang Country main arrival a few words, did not call Your Majesty, calls the king monarch sovereign, as if faintly made clear to Jun Family since then from belonging to the meaning of Tianxiang Kingdom. 这个司仪讲话,乃是君莫邪亲自艹刀并润色,除了‘四大至尊’四个字乃是宋伤刚才自行加上的之外,其他一点没变。尤其是其中‘天香国主的到来’一句话,不称陛下,却是称国主,更是似乎隐隐昭示了君家从此将不从属于天香帝国的意思。 This point, how can't the people on the scene listen? Therefore the complexion of people is very strange in this split second. 这一点,在场众人如何听不出来?所以众人的脸色在这一瞬间都很怪异。 Emperor Your Majesty listens to these words complexion finally unavoidably slightly to change for the first time, immediately returns to normal, has a smile slightly, does not have the half minute to fluctuate including the look, expressed best wishes to the people with a smile, as if has not understood what is heard the meaning that this inside contained, unexpectedly was calm free. 皇帝陛下乍听这段话脸色终于不免微微一变,随即恢复正常,微微含笑,连眼神也没有半分波动,含笑向众人致意,似乎没有听明白这里面蕴含的意思,竟是从容自若。 Really worthily is talents of one generation of fierce and ambitious! So applied makeup to be without turning a hair unexpectedly, solely is this calm skill/effort, is makes one admire. 果然不愧是一代枭雄之才!被人如此打脸居然面不改色,单单是这份镇定功夫,已经是令人佩服。 The Jun Moxie look shrinks slightly, this fellow plans are really deep, seriously is by far others, such can calm down unexpectedly. It seems like that to draw out the truth from his mouth, difficult. 君莫邪眼神微微一缩,这家伙果然心机深沉,当真是远胜别人,竟然这么沉得住气。看来,若是想要从他口中套出真相,难上加难。 That side, Song Shang started to carry out responsibility. 那边,宋伤已经开始履行职责。 Lucky Day said that the celebration is in front of the goal! Jun Family Third Master Jun Wuyi, said that now receives Guan Family's daughter Guan Qinghan for the adopted daughter officially, from now on will treat, if one's own, the sentiment of father and daughter, but illustrious Heaven and Earth......” 良辰吉曰,正是喜事临门!君家三爷君无意,今曰正式收管家之女管清寒为义女,自此待若亲生,父女之情,可昭天地……” Here has not said ‚the woman of original Jun Family, directly but said Guan Family's daughter, from these words, can see, the Guan Qinghan beforehand status, in this moment thorough vanishing into thin air, became remembers! 这里并没有说‘原君家之妇’,而是直接说的‘管家之女’,从这一句话里,便可看出,管清寒以前的身份,在这一刻已经彻底的烟消云散,成为记忆! Voluminous big said that finally spoke of the subject, when the direction of Song Shang, Guan Qinghan forwards gracefully, takes possession to kneel down, three knock on nine to do obeisance, stands up, has had tears streaming down the face. 洋洋洒洒的一大篇说下来,终于说到了正题,在宋伤的指挥下,管清寒盈盈向前,附身跪下,三叩九拜,站起身来时,已经是泪流满面。 Jun Wuyi helps up with a smile, Wen word comforts. Takes out a sparkling legendary luminous pearl, as the adoptive father to adopted daughter's gift on first meeting, the people applauds to celebrate in abundance. 君无意含笑扶起,温言安慰。取出一颗闪闪发光的夜明珠,作为义父给义女的见面礼,众人纷纷鼓掌相贺。 Guan Qinghan from now on becomes the Jun Family daughter, combs the cicada to send again, assumes the slender posture skillfully, selects electing of virtue, whatever is independent \; Anybody can not interfere absurdly! If some people knew perfectly well therefore, but violates it, Jun Family regarding for the absolutely irreconcilable big enmity, will not hesitate the blade soldier arms, irreconcilable!” 管清寒自此成为君家女儿,重梳蝉发,巧呈窈窕之姿,选聘贤之选,任由自主\;任何人不得妄加干涉!若有人明知而故犯之,君家则视之为不共戴天之大仇,将不惜刀兵干戈,不死不休!” However, for the well-known reason, adopted daughter of Guan Qinghan Jun Family, the status had before awkwardly \; Every will say from now on that before all sorts, with the wind had all annihilated, anybody can not mention \; Jun Family issues the statement in this specially, if some people will dare to speak to affront in the future saying child, Jun Family must regard it for the life and death big enmity, the oath will use fully, irreconcilable!” “然,为众所周知的原因,君家之义女管清寒,之前身份有所尴尬\;凡从今曰起,以前种种,皆已随风湮灭,任何人不得提起\;君家特意在此发出声明,若是有人在今后的曰子里胆敢出言冒犯,君家必视之为生死大仇,誓将倾尽全力,不死不休!” Consecutively two irreconcilable, said killing intent to be imposing, the meaning of threat, reveals in speech and appearance! 连续两个不死不休,说得杀机凛然,威胁之意,溢于言表! Jun Moxie consistent powerful withering style! Facing various Capital City Great Aristocratic Families, facing Imperial Family, in each Profound Qi aristocratic family facing mainland, even faces four Great Supreme, facing such as clouds expert, Song Shang reads Jun Moxie this blood and iron manifesto outrageously! 正是君莫邪一贯强势的肃杀风格!面对京城大世家,面对皇室,面对大陆上各个玄气世家,甚至面对四大至尊,面对如云高手,宋伤悍然念出了君莫邪这铁血宣言! Facing the world hero, I want to threaten threaten! Jun Moxie calmly stands in the crowd, in the eyes cold brightness glittering, such as cold electricity across the sky! The eyeful whole bodies, all are stubborn! 面对天下英雄,我想威胁就威胁!君莫邪静静地站在人群中,眼中寒光闪烁,如冷电横空!满眼满身,皆是桀骜! Lifts the field completely is a silence! 举场尽是一片寂静! The Jun Family manifesto, simply is extremely arrogant! 君家的宣言,简直是狂妄之极! But, in everyone of doing, including four Great Supreme, had not thought that has any improper. Present Jun Family, completely had this strength to say these words! 但,在做的每一个人,包括四大至尊在内,都没有觉得有什么不妥。现在的君家,已经完全有这个实力说出这句话! But does not fear anybody! 而不惧任何人! In this fist greatly is in the truth big world, you big fist, some big truth! Sky Profound expert several, Earth Profound expert are innumerable, the Grandpa Jun fathers and sons all are the Divine Profound top levels, one generation of Supreme Solitary Eagle oversee, the also Jun Moxie that mysterious master deters all, had the relation with Heaven Punishment Forest . Moreover the various meanings of Great Aristocratic Families being on good terms, are also bright including the Wild Wind Sword God Feng Juanyun also manner, toward Jun Family...... Such abundant strength, in the mainland who dares to see it? 在这这个拳头大就是道理大的世界上,你多大的拳头,就有多大的道理!天玄强者好几位,地玄强者无数,君老爷子父子皆是神玄高层次,更有一代至尊鹰搏空坐镇,还有君莫邪那位神秘的师傅威慑一切,更与天罚森林有了联系,而且各大世家也不无交好之意,连狂风剑神风卷云也态度明朗,向着君家……这样雄厚的实力,大陆上谁敢正眼看之? Ritual finishes!” The Song Shang sinking sound drinks, two gather, receives the cloth, bows a ritual to the people. “礼毕!”宋伤沉声喝出,两手一合,将布帛收起,向众人躬身一礼。 In the hall bursts into thunderous applause suddenly! 大厅中骤然掌声雷动! The Guan Qinghan whole face is the tears, is choked up with emotions. 管清寒满脸是泪,心潮澎湃。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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