OEM :: Volume #6

#548: Does the brother-in-law want to do?

What truth? Talked nonsense radically! What brother-in-law wife's younger brother can that pull? Simply is absurd!” On the Mei Xueyan face is redder, wicked reprimanded sternly: Simply is unforgivable!” “什么实话?根本就是胡扯!那扯得上什么姐夫小舅子的?简直是荒唐!”梅雪烟脸上更红,恶狠狠的厉声斥责道:“简直就是不可饶恕!” How isn't the truth?” Jun Moxie said resolutely: Xueyan...... Actually our that anything, I looked also on the bad nuptial chamber...... Should look mutually looked, should touch mutually has traced, everybody one of us knows from the family work, but must say clearly......” “怎么不是实话?”君莫邪正色道:“雪烟……其实咱俩都那啥了,我看也就差洞房了……该看的都互相看了,该摸得都互相摸了,大家自家人知自家事,还要说得更明白吗……” Mei Xueyan suddenly for it gloomy, finger shivers: Jun Moxie, your you...... You were also very shameless!” 梅雪烟顿时为之气结,手指头都颤抖起来:“君莫邪,你你……你也忒无耻了一些!” Shameless always not having the wife is better than!” Jun Moxie say|way jumping with joy: Said again, not only they have, you and Qian Xun naturally have, you definitely are hard to be handy with their swords, I was specially for your forging!” “无耻总比无媳妇好吧!”君莫邪乐颠颠的道:“再说了,也不光他们俩有,你和芊寻自然也是有的,你拿他们的剑肯定是难以得心应手,我可是专门为你打造了一把!” One hear of this saying, Snake Queen Qian Xun eye one bright, bit the lip to look at the Mei Xueyan complexion, finally does not dare to speak. 一听这话,蛇王芊寻眼睛一亮,不由的咬着嘴唇看了看梅雪烟的脸色,终于没敢说话。 „Do we have?” Mei Xueyan breathed a sigh of relief, this fellow is willing to change the topic finally on own initiative, ominous tunnel: „Didn't that take quickly?” “我们也有?”梅雪烟舒了口气,这家伙总算肯主动岔开话题了,凶巴巴地道:“那还不快拿出来?” ~~~ command!” Jun Moxie sang one, a body revolution, the buttocks turn, the right hand stretches out averagely, shouted: Changes!” “得~~~令!”君莫邪唱了一句,身子一转,屁股一扭,右手平平伸出,喝道:“变!” Brushing, in the hand were also many two handle swords. Such sudden create something from nothing, presents these two handle swords in his hands, compared with a moment ago that two handle swords thin many, exquisite many, the ensiform is exquisite, looks is the women saber! “刷”的一声,手中又多了两柄剑。还是那样的突如其来无中生有,出现在他手中的这两柄剑,比刚才那两柄剑细了不少,小巧了不少,剑形优美,一看就是女式佩剑! This time, Mei Xueyan could be said as has assembled oneself all mental force, 100% Divine Consciousness, was feeling Jun Moxie all movements whole-heartedly, any tiny bit has not relaxed, but suddenly had not discovered that actually he is how took these two handle swords, that towering create something from nothing came out...... Mei Xueyan expressed admiration! Thing that god knows on this mysterious youth also many this not understood...... Jun Moxie preoccupies has given Snake Queen Qian Xun, Qian Xun draws a sword to look that cannot help but happy called one, was unable to put down, that liked the degree slightly not to be certainly worse than the bear and tiger two kings, even greatly surpassed! 这一次,梅雪烟可说是已经调集了自己所有的精神力,百分百神识,全力以赴地感受着君莫邪的所有动作,任何一丝一毫也不曾放松,但竟然还是没有发现他究竟是如何将这两柄剑拿出来的,就那么突兀的无中生有出来……梅雪烟啧啧称奇!天知道这个神秘的少年身上还有多少这等不被人理解的东西……君莫邪先取出其中一把递给了蛇王芊寻,芊寻拔剑一看,不由得欢叫一声,爱不释手,那欢喜程度一定也不比熊、虎两王稍差,甚至大大超过! Qian Xun obtained sword gold/metal glittering, resembles gold to hit all over the body, and craft is wonderful. Is a handle rare soft sword, the sword blade twists like the spirit snake unexpectedly generally, the smooth nature, shivers to drag, rays of light also gets up on unpredictable glittering. 芊寻所得之剑金芒闪烁,似是通体黄金打就,且工艺更是神妙。竟是一柄罕有的软剑,剑身有如灵蛇一般扭曲,流畅自然,颤抖摇曳,光芒也就捉摸不定的闪烁起来。 The sword sharp unexpectedly is the furcation, looks like the spitting letter of poisonous snake, is sending out the quiet cold cold brightness! This handle sword, may chop, may chop and may truncate, may the thorn, be possible to twist and may pull up and may wield...... Leaves special characteristic that several types of other treasured swords did not have, customizes to Snake Queen directly \; Also only has in this snake the king, can maximum limit play the strongest might of this handle soft sword! 剑尖竟然是分叉的,就像是毒蛇的吐信,散发着幽冷的寒光!这柄剑,可劈,可砍、可削、可刺、可绞、可撩、可挥……多出了好几种其他宝剑所没有的特姓,直接就是给蛇王量身定做\;也唯有这位蛇中之王,才能最大限度的发挥出这柄软剑的最强威力! The words said that in these four handle treasured swords, only has this handle is Jun Moxie most forging desirably! Customizes for Snake Queen, has consumed several thousand jin (0.5 kg) gold and strength of metal, refines such handle soft gold all over the body forging gold soft sword! 话说这四柄宝剑之中,唯有这柄乃是君莫邪最为刻意的打造!就是为蛇王量身定做的,前后足足耗费了数千斤的黄金金之力,才提炼出这样一柄软黄金通体打造黄金软剑! Snake Queen is filled with joy, both eyes affectionately looked at Jun Moxie one, without consulting anybody on impatient holds appreciatively, one will entangle in the wrist/skill, one will entangle on the slender waist, the soft sword was similar to has the spirit surname to be common, was transforming the different shapes in the hand of Snake Queen, from the sword point to the sword hilt, unexpectedly was all the fluctuation nature, looked like live and snake of having mystical powers surname was common. 蛇王满心欢喜,双目脉脉地看了君莫邪一眼,径自就迫不及待的把玩起来,一会缠在手腕上,一会缠在纤腰上,软剑如同有了灵姓一般,在蛇王的手上变换着不同的形状,从剑尖到剑柄,竟是无一不变幻自然,就像是一条活的而且有灵姓的蛇一般。 Snake Queen Qian Xun more looked that more likes, more holds appreciatively more does not abandon puts down, the big eye has narrowed the eyes happily, simply pastes the soft sword on own face, treasures seriously infinitely. 蛇王芊寻越看越是欢喜,越把玩越是不舍放下,大眼睛欢乐地眯了起来,干脆将软剑贴在自己脸上,当真是无限珍惜。 Jun Moxie laughed, has grasped the scabbard, conveniently one curved, the scabbard also bent, has become a circular, one straight is a bayonet socket, is connected with the long sword sword hilt, unexpectedly is a waistband! Originally Jun Moxie above this scabbard also under fully skill/effort, may say ingenuity alone accumulated, exquisite very! 君莫邪哈哈一笑,将剑鞘抓了起来,随手一弯,剑鞘也弯了过来,成了一个圆形,一端正是一个卡口,与长剑剑柄相连,竟是一条腰带!原来君莫邪在这剑鞘之上也下足了功夫,可说匠心独蕴,精妙非常! Jun Moxie said with a smile: This handle sword, I looked that simply names as ‚the Snake Queen sword, usually does not use, can entangle in the waist, easier being puzzled person eye, once the sword, quite facilitates besides oneself, can receive the unexpected merit. Actually is the best usage of this sword, Qian Xun yourself well considers, how to use the sword from the waist at the maximum speed, thought personally that this will be big Magical Artifact that you will overcome the enemy!” 君莫邪微笑道:“这柄剑,我看就干脆命名为‘蛇王剑’吧,平常不用的时候,可以缠在腰间,更容易惑人眼目,一旦出剑,除了自己颇为便利之外,更能收出其不意之功。却是此剑的最佳用法,芊寻你自己好好的思量一下,如何以最快速度从腰间出剑,个人觉得,这将是你克敌制胜的一大法宝!” Snake Queen Qian Xun is excited over the face to be red, nodded again and again, grasps the scabbard to study. 蛇王芊寻兴奋得满面通红,连连点头,抓过剑鞘就研究了起来。 In the Mei Xueyan heart sighed, owed the Jun Moxie favor shortly is bigger and bigger, first was dozens rare rarely heard of rare Spirit Medicine, now says and attains to increase four peerless Divine Edge. 梅雪烟心中一叹,眼看欠君莫邪的人情是越来越大了,先是数十颗罕见罕闻的稀世灵药,今曰又获增四口绝世神锋 Sees Tiger King Bear King and Snake Queen these three kings, holds the sword to laugh foolishly, serves Lord general cleaning, there is still one experiments unceasingly, the full of enthusiasm happy appearance, this favor wants not to owe, has not been possible to result. 看到虎王熊王蛇王这三王,一个抱着剑傻笑,一个伺候老爷一般的擦拭,还有一个不断试验,兴致勃勃欢喜的样子,这份人情就算想要不欠,也已经不可得了。 Divine Sword of such progression, believes that is Three Great Sacred Lands, is not necessarily able to put out! But Jun Moxie delivers is four handles! This nouveau riche general good generous, the bonus is Mei Xueyan is experienced, had been shocked by this little brat! 这样级数的神剑,相信就算是三大圣地,也未必能够拿出一把!但君莫邪一送就是四柄!这种暴发户一般的大手笔,饶是梅雪烟见多识广,也不禁被这小子震撼了一下! Moreover, in his hand still had the weapons of many this levels inevitably, did not say other, Heaven Punishment many Beast King, by the Jun Moxie manner, after were still impossible has delivered the bears, tigers and snake three kings, to neglect other all King, although received these four treasured swords is the huge favor, was...... Can be many throughout is the good deed! 而且,他手中必然尚有多件这个层次的兵器,不说别的,天罚尚有多位兽王,以君莫邪的为人,不可能送了熊、虎、蛇三王之后而忽略其余诸王,虽然拜领这四把宝剑就已经是天大的人情了,可是……能多得始终是好事! Read hence, the Mei Xueyan elegant face flood the bright red color, was oneself this what happened, could it be also occupies the person to have the addiction cheaply?! Seriously is the retribution! 一念至此,梅雪烟不禁俏脸泛起嫣红之色,自己这是怎么了,难道还占人便宜有瘾了?!当真是冤孽啊! One know Jun Moxie this little brat is the restless good intention, this fellow is never the character who is willing to suffer a loss! He who perhaps owes is many this fellow really to have said the debt person to recompense, with the insensitivity of Jun Moxie, Mei Xueyan believes absolutely he can do comes out this grade of matter. Not can only do, but also is righteous doing, the keeping a straight face heart does not jump! 自己何尝不知君莫邪小子乃是不安好心,这家伙从来就不是一个肯吃亏的人物!说不定欠的他多了这家伙就会真的提出来欠债人偿,以君莫邪的厚脸皮,梅雪烟绝对相信他能做的出来这等事。不仅能做,而且是理直气壮的做,脸不变色心不跳! By this fellow recently to oneself more and more dissolute, once if put forward the condition, perhaps the goal bore the brunt is one! What to do when the time comes can? If he requests himself to permit by the body, oneself can reject? Side this fellow is several outstandingly beautiful young people, could it be solemn one generation of Heaven Punishment Beast Emperor, can be the concubine to be inadequate to him unexpectedly? 以这家伙最近对自己越来越放肆来看,若是一旦提出条件,恐怕目标首当其冲就是自己!到时候可怎么办?万一他要求自己以身相许,自己能拒绝吗?这家伙身边已经是好几位绝色红颜,难道自己堂堂一代天罚兽皇,竟然要给他做小妾不成? At that time, to have complied with his words: The little thing, you with me, I rub your buttocks to play daily...... Thinks of here, the Mei Xueyan bright red face must have a fever simply, bitterly white Jun Moxie, what makes in her heart flurried is: She feels herself, does not have many repugnance to this matter unexpectedly...... I, my this is in the end what happened? This is really absurd! 那时,岂不是就应了他的话:小东西,你跟着我,我天天揉着你的屁股玩……一想到这里,梅雪烟嫣红的脸庞简直要发起烧来,恨恨地白了君莫邪一眼,但更让她心中慌乱的是:她感觉自己,对这事居然没有多少反感……我,我这到底怎么了?这真是荒唐之极! Her, actually looks at a Jun Moxie terrified surprise, turns round to look out in all directions hurriedly, high and low sizes up itself: I a moment ago on slightly mouth colored two, has not offended her, we were the one breath have sent out four Divine Weapon, has this great-aunt come how up instantaneously the temperament? could it be this did Young Master give a present to deliver mistakenly? Flattered to pat Matizi? 她这一眼,却看得君莫邪一阵惶恐诧异,急忙回身四望,上下打量自己:我刚才就稍微口花花了两句,可没得罪她呀,咱可是一口气送出了四口神兵啊,怎地这位姑奶奶瞬间又上来了脾气?难道少爷送礼送错了?拍马屁拍到了马蹄子? But...... Looks at this situation seemingly not like...... Where does Jun Moxie know thought caper surname such big of Mei Xueyan? On this met has thought of the wedding festivities night...... Calmed down, Mei Xueyan delicate hand raises, Jun Moxie only thought that breeze has fluttered, a handle sword that in the hand only remains lost the trace, when opens shortly, actually sees Mei Xueyan to sit on the stone stool gently, started careful enjoyment. 可……看这情形貌似也不像啊……君莫邪哪里知道梅雪烟的思维跳跃姓如此之大?就这一会已经是想到了洞房花烛夜了……定了定神,梅雪烟素手一扬,君莫邪只觉得一阵微风飘过,手中仅剩的一柄剑已经失去了踪影,张眼看时,却见梅雪烟文静地坐在石凳上,已经开始细细的赏玩。 Four sword only odd/surplus Qi one, think that this gives to me?” On the Mei Xueyan face blushes has not drawn back, actually thinks of the appearance that does not care about, with one type mediocre tone, indifferently said. “四剑只余其一,想必这把就是送给我的了?”梅雪烟脸上红晕未退,却强装着不在乎的样子,用一种‘不过如此’的口气,淡淡地道 But her tone was not normal actually to listen including the Bear King Tiger King like this super idiots, two kings you had a look at me, I had a look at you, mysterious winked a meeting, obvious continued to hold appreciatively own Divine Sword, but two pairs of ears actually intently set upright got up...... naturally, except for Xueyan you, who used for parts so Divine Sword?” Jun Moxie humble smiling, has delivered a resounding flatter attentively. 但她的口气不正常却是连熊王虎王这样的超级蠢货都听了出来,两王你看看我,我看看你,神秘的挤眉弄眼一会,心照不宣的继续把玩属于自己的神剑,但两双耳朵却是直愣愣的竖了起来……“当然,除了雪烟你,更有谁配用如此神剑?”君莫邪谦逊的笑了笑,殷勤地送上了一记响亮的马屁。 Snort! Loquacious!” Mei Xueyan coldly snorted one, resembling publicly reprimanded one very much \; But Tiger King and Bear King two suddenly wink relatively: Hehe, the Boss liked, listens to this meaning, how a little to look like flirting with one another in legend...... Gives the devil his due, Mei Xueyan this handle sword, is actually in four treasured swords style most attractive, the exquisite many atmosphere, exquisite contain swiftly and fiercely, the sword blade is tall and slender, the sword hilt happen to grasps, greatly is the smooth nature, and in the point is bringing the air/Qi of bright King, under the person who Mei Xueyan this had keen eyesight in Ding in sees, has to acknowledge that wise of Jun Moxie vision, the ingenuity has! “哼!贫嘴!”梅雪烟冷哼一声,似是很是严厉的斥责了一句\;但虎王熊王两个顿时相对挤挤眼:嘿嘿,老大欢喜了,听这意思,怎么有点像传说中的打情骂俏呢……平心而论,梅雪烟这柄剑,却是四把宝剑之中样式最好看的一把,小巧中不乏大气,细腻中蕴含凌厉,剑身细长,剑柄正好一握,大是流畅自然,且锋芒中更带着煌煌的王者之气,就连梅雪烟这等眼高于顶的人在一见之下,也不得不承认君莫邪眼光之高明,匠心之独具! This handle sword gives itself, complements each other! A white robe that especially if the pure white the white jade sword blade, most likes wearing with in ordinary day, has matched one set, seriously is the perfect match and unusual conditions, has the flawless meaning greatly! 这柄剑送给自己,正是相得益彰!尤其是纯白色若白玉的剑身,与自己平曰里最喜欢穿的一身白袍,更是配成了一套,当真是珠联璧合、浑然天成,大有天衣无缝之意! Pressed you to have a mind.” Mei Xueyan indifferently said, actually with extra mundane Expert to the praise tone that younger generation spoke. “难为你有心了。”梅雪烟淡淡地道,却用一种世外高人后辈说话的赞扬口气。 Where where, for Xueyan you, I do not hesitate on under the mountain of sword the wok with cooking oil, the hail of bullets, is unafraid of death, the loyalty blood shed in a righteous cause, said clear the moon/month \; Hundred dead Wuhui (No regrets), do not balk at ten thousand deaths, 100 million die is also worth dropping,” Jun Moxie wagging his head in a high-spirited manner, starts to express feelings. “哪里哪里,为了雪烟你,我不惜上刀山下油锅,枪林弹雨,视死如归,丹心碧血,昭昭曰月\;百死无悔,万死不辞,100000000死也是值得滴,”君莫邪摇头晃脑,开始抒情。 Vomits......” Bear King Tiger King Snake Queen is making the vomitive expression while ran, leaves this shameless person by far...... Em, is soaks own Boss to create the space and time for this fellow...... Mei Xueyan snort|hum, blushed obviously actually hardly pretends not to hear, but from attending to appreciates that sword on oneself hand. This fellow this, can open the dye house to the color, gives him to select the sunlight he to dare the shining earth, you might as well ignores, whatever his unseemly behavior considers as finished. “呕……”熊王虎王蛇王一边做着呕吐的表情一边跑了出去,远远离开这个无耻之人……恩,也算是为这家伙泡自己的老大创造空间和时间……梅雪烟哼了一声,明明红着脸却硬装作没听见,只是自顾地欣赏自己手上的那把剑。这家伙就这样,给点颜色就能开染坊,给他点阳光他就敢照耀大地,索姓置之不理,任由他作怪去算了。 Three Great Beast King manipulate treasured sword in the courtyard, is actually absent-minded, the eye always glances looks at that side two, Bear King and gossip of Tiger King face. 大兽王在院子里摆弄宝剑,却都是心不在焉,眼睛老是一瞟一瞟的看着那边的两人,熊王虎王一脸的八卦 Old Ninth, you guess that what is?” Xiong Kaishan winks full of enthusiasm. 老九,你猜猜,接下来是什么?”熊开山挤眉弄眼兴致勃勃。 I guess that then surely is...... Kisses.” An appearance of Hu Liede love philosopher, faces the wind to think deeply, has the say|way of philosophy very much. “我猜接下来必定是……亲嘴。”胡裂地一副恋爱哲人的样子,临风深思,很有哲理的道。 I look not necessarily,” Xiong Kaishan swings bear head greatly, thinks otherwise, likely is very experienced appearance: Experiences by me, I think should closely...... That of not gasping for breath the hug, holds.” “我看未必,”熊开山大摇熊头,不以为然,像是很有经验的样子:“以我经验,我觉得应该是紧紧地……拥抱,抱的喘不过气来的那种。” How possible? Haven't you seen the brother-in-law to stick out one's tongue lick the lip? This obviously is prelude of kissing! I looked that ten have 8-9 to come this project first!” Hu Liede rebutted with sarcasm, was saying also stretched out the tongue to lick has licked lips close to, ci slides one, swallowed the saliva. “怎么可能?你没见姐夫正在伸舌头舔嘴唇?这明明就是亲嘴的前奏!我看十有八九先来这项目!”胡裂地反唇相讥,说着也伸出舌头舔了舔嘴巴,跐溜一声,把口水吞了回去。 „Hasn't stupid tiger, you seen the brother-in-law both arms to be just about to open? This clearly is posture of hug \; You do not understand do not speak at a venture, has not resulted in makes the person laugh.” Xiong Kaishan eye one horizontal, belly, very this aspects the bearing of experts and professors. “笨虎,你没见姐夫双臂正要张开?这分明就是拥抱的姿势\;你不懂不要乱说话,没得让人笑话。”熊开山眼睛一横,肚皮一挺,很有些这方面的专家教授的气度。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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