OEM :: Volume #6

#547: Presents as a gift Monarch by Divine Sword!

Jun Moxie smiled: This obviousness, the issue definitely exists, I judge their goals nothing but am also three \; First should be the related Silver Blizzard City issue, next should be related Jun Family and relations and your whereabouts of Heaven Punishment lineage/vein, as for third, wants to come is Medicinal Pill and issue of pill concocting person. Although these issues are somewhat intense, but is not difficult to deal with, even if the above judgment has the misunderstanding, they still had other goal, I estimated that they also act as advance party, is not necessarily able to raise any big storm. Discusses by the current relative strength, Old Eagle wins in them sufficiently steadily any person!” 君莫邪笑了笑:“这个显而易见,问题是肯定存在,我判断他们的目的无非也就是三个\;第一个应该就是有关风雪银城的问题,其次应该是有关君家天罚一脉的联系和你们的下落,至于第三,想来是丹药炼丹人的问题。这些问题虽然有些尖锐,但都不难应付,就算以上判断有误会,他们尚有别的目的,我估计他们也只是打前站的,未必能掀起什么大的风浪。以目前的实力对比而论,鹰老足以稳胜他们中的任何一人!” Mei Xueyan shows a faint smile: Good, even if they want to raise the storm , must have this skill to be good!” 梅雪烟微微一笑:“不错,就算他们真的想要掀起风浪,也要有这份本事才行!” Jun Moxie loudly laughed, Xiong Kaishan and Hu Liede and the others have also smiled. 君莫邪哈哈大笑,熊开山胡裂地等人也笑了起来。 In this world, the fist is the truth is greatly big, this is the timeless truth! 在这个世界,拳头大就是道理大,这便是亘古不变的真理! Over and over considered, Jun Moxie has decided to increase the strength for Heaven Punishment these four people again, how did not know, always thought that in heart palpitation, must know from Heaven Punishment magnanimous Spirit Medicine, regardless to Heaven Punishment or were to Jun Moxie, exerted its utmost, cannot have the thing of losing. Jun Moxie thought throughout two kings this time goes back, the strength was extremely frail, some not sturdy...... But at present four King Jin take the Tianyuan, to pass the Yuan, to gather Yuan three pill, don't said Jun Moxie on not to have the appropriate medicine on hand temporarily, even if also, actually also feared that several people make up are made up, with the aid of the skill of medicine promotion might as well throughout by oneself diligently levigation skill/effort the strength that but results in comes, since own skill promotion has reached the limit temporarily, that depends on the foreign object boost I to deliver each of you a weapon of name hand, to do the self-defense to use, is to Bear King and Tiger King giving a farewell dinner party gift on point of departure.” Jun Moxie pondered some little time, said finally. 再三的斟酌了一下,君莫邪还是决定再替天罚这四人增加一下实力,不知怎么的,老是觉得心中怔忡不已,要知道来自天罚的海量灵药无论对天罚又或者是对君莫邪而言,都是势在必得,万万不能有失的东西。君莫邪始终还是觉得两王此番回去,实力太过于单薄了,有些不牢靠……而眼前四王尽都服食过了天元、通元、聚元三丹,莫说君莫邪手头上暂时没有合适的药物,就算还有,却也怕几人补不受补,借助药物提升的功力始终不如凭借自身努力水磨功夫而得的实力来得实在,既然自身功力提升暂时已经达到了极限,那就凭外物助力吧“我送你们每人一件称手的兵器,以做防身所用,也算是给熊王虎王的临别饯行礼物。”君莫邪沉思了好一会,终于说了出来。 Mei Xueyan and Qian Xun saw Jun Moxie to say so handle with care, in heart one cold. Must know that three big Divine Pill was existed, but the Jun Moxie eye that went against heaven's will has not winked to deliver, but spoke of this delivered the weapon the time, somewhat hesitated obviously. 梅雪烟芊寻君莫邪说得如此慎重其事,不由心中一凛。要知道那三大神丹就是逆天的存在了,但君莫邪眼睛都没有眨一下就送了出来,但说到这送兵器的时候,明显有些犹疑。 That in other words, this weapon, only feared that surpassed the so-called Divine Weapon category, has wanted to consider existence that type goes against heaven's will! Did not say other, with Jun Moxie own that Blood of Yan and Huang discussed that Mei Xueyan asked, if the both sides strength quite, the body of own Profound Beast seriously were not necessarily able when Divine Edge sheared! 那也就是说,这兵器,只怕已经超出了所谓神兵利器的范畴,想来当是那种更加逆天的存在!不说别的,就以君莫邪自己的那口“炎黄之血”而论,梅雪烟自讨,若是双方实力相当,自己的玄兽之躯当真就未必能当神锋一割! Only has Xiong Kaishan and Hu Liede two kings actually from big shaking the head: Our Profound Beast where need what weapon?, So-called Divine Weapon of general humanity, was also too light, does not begin, does not get a grip. Considers as finished.” 唯有熊开山胡裂地两王却自大大的摇头:“我们玄兽哪里需要什么兵器?再说了,一般的人类的所谓的神兵利器,根本太轻了,不上手,不得劲。还是算了。” These two weapons that I deliver, you or like also perhaps!” Jun Moxie confident smiles, since had decided that that then no longer hesitant, the right hand extends, suddenly create something from nothing, two handle long sword belt sheaths appear in the hand, calmly horizontally is lying down, since as if has existed general, all people have not seen clearly, how these two handle swords appear...... The Mei Xueyan of strength above people, unexpectedly slightly had not realized! “我送的这两件兵器,你们或者喜欢也说不定!”君莫邪胸有成竹的一笑,既然已经打定了主意,那便不再犹豫,右手一伸,突然无中生有,两柄长剑带鞘出现在手里,静静地横躺着,似乎一直以来就存在一般,所有人都没有看清楚,这两柄剑是怎么出现的……就连实力远在众人之上的梅雪烟,竟也是丝毫没有察觉! Two handle swords appear in the Jun Moxie hand towering, can press the Jun Moxie arm to sink unexpectedly slightly, obviously the component is quite heavy! 两柄剑突兀地出现在君莫邪手中,竟能压得君莫邪手臂微微一沉,显然分量颇为不轻! Clang! 锵! Jun Moxie according to the machine reed, a long sword light cry, leaves the sheath half foot lightly, brilliance glistens, flash person eye, suddenly cold cold air heads on! 君莫邪轻按机簧,长剑一声轻鸣,出鞘半尺,光华闪亮,耀人眼目,顿时一股凛凛寒气扑面而来! The Mei Xueyan four people also blurted out: Good sword! Greatly is Divine Weapon!” 梅雪烟四人同时脱口而出:“好剑!大是利器!” Jun Moxie shows a faint smile, draws out the sword chest the treasured sword slowly, sees only that sword clear like the water, brilliance pasts, presents one type resembles gold/metal Feijin, resembles the silver non- silver the good-looking color, this sword length three chi (0.33 m) three, are similar to the common treasured sword, but the width has more than four fingers fully, unexpectedly is the rare extravagant sword! 君莫邪微微一笑,将宝剑缓缓拔出剑匣,只见那剑清亮如水,光华流转,呈现出一种似金非金,似银非银的悦目颜色,此剑长三尺三,与寻常宝剑相仿,但宽度却足有四指余,竟是罕见的阔剑! A Jun Moxie wrist/skill revolution, the long sword transferred a circle slowly, has thrown gently, Jianfeng downward, falls slowly, fell toward the stone table on. 君莫邪手腕一转,长剑慢慢的转了一个圈,轻轻抛了起来,剑锋向下,缓缓落下,向着石桌上落了下来。 ...... Several near inaudible sound resounds a slightly, making person incredible one appear before four kings: This handle long sword, looked like the heat the iron sheet inserted the butter of cooling to be common, does not have the stop, in -line stone table that stops entered! Downward falls, until end handle! 嚓……一声轻微地几近不可闻的声音响起,令人不可置信的一幕出现在四王面前:这柄长剑,就像是烧红了的铁片插进了冷却的牛油一般,全无停顿,一停不停的直插石桌而入!一路往下滑落,直至末柄! Mei Xueyan has sucked in an cold air/Qi. 梅雪烟不禁倒抽了一口冷气。 She is knows Jun Moxie Blood of Yan and Huang is rare rarely heard of rare Divine Edge, but cannot think that he will have unexpectedly also another in this way Divine Weapon, moreover Jun Moxie put out two treasured swords a moment ago, wants to come the quality of material of these two treasured swords also should about the same...... Then...... also, Jun Moxie must say that a moment ago delivers oneself and other people of person of weapon, thinks that the quality of material of weapon should the same scale, the progress of could it be in world weapon INCONEL alloy material so is unexpectedly astonishing, that our generation depending on the body of proud Profound Beast, there is what using?! This for many years and other long has not left Heaven Punishment, has could it be become the shortsighted person? 她自是知道君莫邪的“炎黄之血”乃是罕见罕闻的稀世神锋,但怎么也想不到他竟还会有另一把如斯神兵,而且君莫邪刚才可是拿出两口宝剑,想来这两口宝剑的质地也应在伯仲之间……那么……还有,刚才君莫邪可是要说送自己等四人一人一件兵器,想必兵器的质地都应该同一档次,难道世间兵器锻造工艺的进度竟如此惊人,那我辈赖以自豪的玄兽之躯,又有何用?!这许多年来自己等久不出天罚,难道都成了井底之蛙了吗? But changes mind thinks that actually also instantaneously thinks through, if in world seriously completely is in this way Divine Edge, Heaven Punishment Forest only feared when the destruction were already many, the Mei Xueyan big feeling rejoiced that in this way the Divine Edge master is actually he, luckily is he! 但转念一想,却也瞬间想通,若世间当真尽是如斯神锋,天罚森林只怕早已覆灭多时矣,梅雪烟不禁大感庆幸,如斯神锋的主人却是他,幸好是他! The Mei Xueyan palm claps the tabletop gently, that gets sucked into the long sword in table whiz smoothly a rebound, winds around flew, Mei Xueyan meets in the hand, was actually startled! 梅雪烟手掌轻轻一拍桌面,那深陷桌中的长剑“嗖”的一声反弹而出,光滑缭绕的飞了起来,梅雪烟一把接在手里,却不禁又是吃了一惊! This handle sword seemed also only compares the common sword slightly to extend little, but had more than hundred jin (0.5 kg) components fully! Must know that the common long sword, only has the 6-7 jin (0.5 kg) at best \; Even if specially forging, or is in the battlefield the specially-made heavy sword, actually also rarely over 15 jin (0.5 kg)! 这柄剑看上去也就只比寻常的剑略宽了少许而已,但却足有百多斤的分量!要知道,寻常的长剑,充其量也就只有六七斤而已\;就算是特别打造,又或者是战场上特制的重剑,却也罕有超过15斤的! The weight of this handle sword has violated this general knowledge obviously completely! So component, even if were big stick and iron awl has also disliked! 这柄剑的重量显然已经完全违反了这个常识!如此分量,就算是大棍、铁锥也嫌过了! The sword is the light and lively weapon, if were heavy, instead will affect the flexibility and stability that the sword incurs, even is also disadvantageous to the movement technique step and own Profound Force consumption, therefore such heavy sword humanity only feared that few individuals can apply, seems like is the weapon that Heaven Punishment Beast King customize...... sword without doubt is the good sword! What a pity slightly disliked unwieldy, although I also used, was actually not necessarily able handily.” The Mei Xueyan slender jade referred to a ball sword blade, a suddenly Dragon recite Qing cry curls gently, lingered, had to circle Liang three to say the potential greatly! 剑乃轻灵之兵器,若是过于沉重了,反而会影响剑招的灵活和稳定,甚至对身法步法和自身玄力耗费也是不利的,所以这样重的剑人类只怕没有几个人可以应用,反倒像是为天罚兽王们量身定做的兵器……“剑无疑是好剑!可惜稍嫌笨重了些,我虽然也用得,却未必能得心应手。”梅雪烟纤纤玉指轻轻一弹剑身,顿时一声龙吟似地清鸣袅袅而出,经久不散,大有绕梁三曰之势! On the mouth was saying Mei Xueyan that is hard to be handy, has held appreciatively with dead keeness some little time, this has given Xiong Kaishan. 嘴上说着难以得心应手的梅雪烟,爱不释手的把玩了好一会,这才递给了熊开山 Witnessed in this way Divine Weapon Xiong Kaishan already is impatient, he did not use the weapon in most cases, but actually cannot represent not to use the weapon, was only the general human weapon in his hands, likely is the elephant brandishes the embroidery needle to be ordinary basically, was not powerful, this refused to use! 见证了如斯神兵熊开山早已是迫不及待,他在大多数的情况下不用兵器,但却不代表不懂不会用兵器,只是一般的人类兵器在他的手里,基本都像是大象舞弄绣花针一般,太不给力,这才拒绝使用! But this handle sword he saw that genuinely has liked \; Receives, a thinking over component, greatly is the ecstatic, such component, seriously is handy, this brother-in-law really did not have the words saying that was really the biological brother-in-law...... Xiong Kaishan loudly laughed, jumps, a long sword show, in the courtyard suddenly resounds a Dragon recited the tiger's roar ringing the sound in the sky, actually resembled the fireworks all over the sky to fall, such as the auspicious snow dyed the mountains and rivers, the bold light that the cold wind whiz whiz, has formed one group of glistening unexpectedly, could not see the person's shadow again! 但这柄剑他一见到,就已经从心眼里喜欢\;才一接过来,一掂量分量,大是心花怒放,如此的份量,当真是得心应手之极啊,这姐夫实在太没话说了,真是亲姐夫啊……熊开山哈哈大笑,纵身而出,长剑当空一展,院子里顿时响起一阵龙吟虎啸的朗朗声音,却似烟花满天落下,又如瑞雪染遍山河,寒风嗖嗖,竟然形成了一团闪亮的豪光,再也看不见人影! Hu Liede cannot bear work on another sword, the same happiness, such weapon, said that does not like that is deceives people, Heaven Punishment various Beast King since the incarnation human form, have been envies humanity completely to have weapon along greatly, but oneself actually can only spell by the flesh and blood hardly, but the human inherent weapon to them really while convenient, has not earnestly hoped regarding a satisfied weapon too many too many years, at this moment suddenly grasps Divine Weapon in the hand, how could to be joyful wants crazily? Even Divine Edge or not still in next, only the handiness of this treasured sword is a maximum value long and loud cry, Hu Liede jumps, ping ping pang pang and Xiong Kaishan war makes one group \; Once two handle swords fight, the sword wind howls, really faintly has the sound of wind and thunder! 胡裂地也忍不住抓起另一把剑,同样的喜形于色,这样的兵器,说不喜欢那自是骗人的,天罚兽王自化身人形以来,大是羡慕人类尽都有随身兵器,而自己等却只能以血肉之躯硬拼,而人类固有的兵器对他们而言又实在是不趁手,对于一件称心如意的兵器都已经渴盼了太多太多年了,此刻突然握神兵在手里,岂能不欣喜欲狂?甚至神锋与否都还在其次,就只这宝剑的得心应手已经是最大的价值一声长啸,胡裂地率先纵身而出,乒乒乓乓熊开山战做一团\;两柄剑一旦交手,剑风呼啸之间,竟然隐隐有风雷之声! sword light like the snow, Sword Qi soars to the heavens! 剑光如雪,剑气冲霄! Long time, two talented people received the sword full of enthusiasm, lighting up with pleasure walked, held that long sword treasure in the bosom, lest was snatched by others, looked like obtained the beloved treasure suddenly, looked that this situation was not willing to let loose. 良久,两人才兴致勃勃的收了剑,喜笑颜开的走了过来,将那长剑宝贝似地抱在怀里,惟恐被别人抢了去,就像是突然得到了心爱的宝贝,看这情形是再也不肯放开了。 This sword was too powerful! Hahaha, I announced that this was my.” Xiong Kaishan smiles sees the eyebrow not to see the eye, complacent announcement, side him, Hu Liede lowers the head, careful with the front piece cleaning sword blade, the movement cautiously, softly, that share careful type, it is estimated that will be his wife lives the small tiger he not to achieve so the situation...... not to apologize Young Master Jun to present as a gift the sword? The so priceless treasure, could it be you said that with then took? How the you two person who is all brawn and no brains such does not pass affair, can't you give me the long face?!” A Mei Xueyan willow eyebrows vertical stroke, angry sound shouted. Great Beauty Mei thought that since these two fellows come here, early lost own face cleanly...... Really the dog meat cannot get up seat! In the Mei Xueyan heart sighed greatly. “这剑可是太给力了!哈哈哈,我宣布这是我的了。”熊开山笑得见眉不见眼,得意洋洋的宣布,在他身边,胡裂地低着头,细细的用衣襟擦拭剑身,动作小心翼翼,轻手轻脚,那股子细心的样儿,估计就是他老婆生了小老虎他也不会做到如此地步……“还不谢过君公子赠剑?如此无价之宝,难道你说拿了便拿了吗?你们两个夯货怎么这么不通事理,你们俩就不能给我长点脸吗?!”梅雪烟柳眉一竖,怒声喝道梅大美人觉得,自从这两个家伙来到这里,早已经将自己的脸面丢得一干二净了……真是狗肉上不了正席啊!梅雪烟心中大大一叹。 Big Sister, you such, this also Xie Sha? The brother-in-law gives also isn't natural? We are his wife's younger brother, what with two handle swords is? Not, brother-in-law?!” Xiong Kaishan big mouth, laughing of letting success go to the head. 大姐,你咋这么样呢,这个还谢啥?姐夫给的还不是理所应当?我们可是他小舅子,拿两柄剑算个啥?是不,姐夫?!”熊开山咧着大嘴,得意忘形的大笑。 Also has owed really the insensitivity of this goods, several hundred -year-old fogy, splendid asked a 17-18 year youth to be the brother-in-law, moreover said the wife's younger brother, was not blushing air/Qi does not breathe heavily greatly...... Hu Liede in deeply has the big nod of same feeling at the same time, obviously this goods are also the general idea, is only he is quite more striking, understands something unable the direct talking drop! 也真亏了这货的厚脸皮,几百岁的老家伙了,堂而皇之的就叫一个十七八岁的少年做姐夫,而且还自称小舅子,大是脸不红气不喘……胡裂地在一边深有同感的大大点头,显然这货也是一般想法,只是他比较醒目一些,明白有些事还是不能直接动嘴滴! Mei Xueyan powder face one red, suddenly is angry: Shut up! Your this person who is all brawn and no brains spoke any impudent remark! Yesterday insufficient of duel, about has resulted in the treasured sword today newly, accompanies your duel again?!” in the eyes jumps projects two cold brightness, must begin shortly! 梅雪烟粉脸一红,顿时大怒:“闭嘴!你这夯货说得什么混账话!是不是昨天切磋的不够,左右今天新得了宝剑,再陪你们切磋一下?!”眼中迸射出两道寒光,眼看就要动手! Xiong Kaishan instantly the dispirited, suddenly does not dare to speak, returns the little darling compared with the bear baby, shrinks as for the Hu Liede direct neck that had not spoken, there returns Tiger King, small kitty not such clever. 熊开山即刻萎靡,顿时不敢吭声了,比熊宝宝还乖宝宝,至于本就没吭声的胡裂地直接脖子一缩,那里还虎王啊,小猫咪也没这么乖地。 In Jun Moxie heart one happy, including saying with a smile: As for this, is not two handle swords, there has anything at the worst \; Xueyan, I must say that your several, looks at your this, frightened any appearance them...... Also, they said is also the truth, the brother-in-law delivers small thing to give the wife's younger brother radically is the absolutely fair and just drop...... To be honest is could it be guilty?” 君莫邪心中一乐,含笑道:“至于这样嘛,不就是两柄剑嘛,那里有什么大不了的\;雪烟,我得说你几句了,瞧你这样子,把他们都吓成什么样子了……再说了,他俩说的也是实话,姐夫送点小玩意给小舅子根本就是天公地道滴……说实话难道有罪吗?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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