OEM :: Volume #6

#546: Jun Family face

I want to know very much how you do promote?” Feng Juanyun does wink is looking at him, regarding this martial arts madman, how to promote the strength, is really Number One Under the Heaven important matter! “不过我很想知道,你到底是怎么提升的?”风卷云一眨不眨的望着他,对于这位武学狂人来说,如何提升实力,实在是天下第一等的大事! father has eaten Immortal Pill!” Solitary Eagle snort/hum, belly sulks, we said that but truth, did you believe? “老子吃了仙丹!”鹰搏空哼了哼,一肚皮闷气,咱说得可是实话,你信吗? I believe!” Feng Juanyun said solemnly, helping of wrong non- Immortal Pill, what can promote so amazingly quick. “我信!”风卷云郑重地道,错非仙丹之助,何能提升得如此神速。 Solitary Eagle thorough speechless...... This wooden club! 鹰搏空彻底的无语……这个棒槌! Two Supreme enter the rear room hand in hand, in the hall has lived it up, the people looked that is different to Jun Zhantian fathers' and sons' look suddenly...... This big face? Supreme looks after the house, another Supreme congratulated...... In this time, the Song Shang shivering sound has been making a sound: Respectfully congratulated Monarch three General the female great happiness, Life and Death Supreme Shi Changxiao congratulated especially. Delivers jade pleasant one pair.” 两位至尊携手进入后厅,大厅中才又热闹了起来,人们看向君战天父子的眼神顿时又不一样了……这得多大面子?一个至尊看家,另一个至尊来恭贺……正在这时,宋伤的颤抖声音又响了起来:“恭祝君三将军得女大喜,生死至尊石长笑特来祝贺。送上玉如意一对。” Bang! 轰! Also is startling thunderclap! 又是一声惊雷! The people look like a thunderclap has knocked down the chickens, dull, does not know that said well any...... Immediately, a Life and Death Supreme Shi Changxiao face smiling face, affable walked, Jun Zhantian greets personally, welcomes in the sitting room. Although Grandfather the life is calm, but cannot help but somewhat is also proud at this time, is the old bosom consoles very much! 众人就像是一个霹雳打晕了的鸡,呆呆怔怔,都不知道说啥好了……随即,生死至尊石长笑一脸笑容,和蔼可亲的走了进来,君战天亲自迎接,迎进内厅之中。老爷子虽然一生沉稳,但此时也不由得有些自豪,很是老怀大慰! Fills toward civil and military, who has the so big face? Grandfather suddenly thought, today is really his entire life sightest one day! 满朝文武之中,谁有自己这般大的面子?老爷子突然觉得,今天实在是自己一生最风光的一天! But these, have owed oneself grandson! Some grandsons so, husband duplicate what request? Therefore Grandfather is much self-satisfied, after mouth is quick to the ear , the root went...... Suddenly General Jun receives the adopted daughter is a big celebration, Cold-Blooded Supreme Lei Wubei comes to wish...... Congratulation! He Yi, a treasured sword handle!” The lip of Song Shang stutters, eye was also straight...... Has not thought that this cold blood madman also came, but also has sent the congratulatory gift?...... full Tingluo the needle may hear! 而这些,都是亏了自己的孙子!有孙如此,夫复何求?所以老爷子得意得不得了,嘴巴都快咧到耳后根去了……蓦然“君将军收得义女乃是一大喜事,冷血至尊泪无悲前来祝……祝贺!贺仪,宝刀一柄!”宋伤的嘴唇结巴起来,眼睛也直了……没想到这位冷血狂人也来了,还送来了贺礼?……满庭落针可闻! All people turn an incredible feeling from heart: This world really such crazy? Difficult to be inadequate now saying that Eight Great Supreme can meet here? This one after another came? 所有人都是从心底翻起来一股荒诞的感觉:这个世界真的这么的疯狂吗?难不成今曰八大至尊要在这里开会?这怎么接二连三的来起来了? From all sides already four! 前前后后已经四个了! Takes a look at others Jun Family this face! fuck! that group of child pedantic scholars also want to attack others a while ago unexpectedly...... This does not know that what is? On their slightly strength...... Copes with others Old Jun Family? Insufficiently looks radically! Delivers the dish not to be continually, simply from looking for trouble...... Suddenly the people look that the look of Jun Family person somewhat awes, was also smaller including the speech voice. Lest which one loud in four big Slaughter God moves, that may be rotten to the core! These four Great Supreme, which regardless, must cope with an ordinary aristocratic family that is easy as pie! Shortly within can kill seven to enter seven! 瞧瞧人家君家这面子!草!前段时间那帮子腐儒居然还想打击人家……这不是根本不知道死活是什么?就他们那点些微力量……对付人家老君家?根本不够看啊!连送菜都算不上,根本就是自找不自在啊……一时间众人看着君家人的眼神都有些敬畏起来,连彼此之间的说话声音也小了很多。唯恐哪个一大声将里面的四大杀神招出一个,那可就糟糕透顶啊!这四大至尊,无论哪一个,要对付一个普通的世家那是易如反掌!顷刻之内就能杀个七进七出! In legal wife, sits the Emperor Your Majesty look in first place suddenly becomes unusual complex. This table, performs is various Capital City Imperial Court surname top big shot, with these Profound Qi aristocratic families, has not involved completely. But everybody are expression are serious, the look is complex, does not know that is thinking anything. 正房中,坐在首位的皇帝陛下眼神突然变得异乎寻常的复杂。这一桌,尽都是京城朝堂各姓顶级大佬,与那些玄气世家,完全没有牵扯。但人人都是神色严肃,眼神复杂,不知道在想什么。 Long time, Emperor Your Majesty sighed to sigh one slightly, said: Originally Jun Family such has face, hehe, pouring made me somewhat envy.” He said jokingly, the people were Haha accompany to smile, but in each individual heart clearly understands: Your Majesty these words, do not crack a joke! 良久,皇帝陛下微微地喟叹一声,道:“原来君家如此的有面子,呵呵,倒让朕都有些羡慕了。”他以开玩笑的口气说出来,众人都是哈哈随同一笑,但每一个人心中都清楚明白:陛下这句话,绝不是开玩笑! Four Great Supreme, originally is also hard including Emperor the character who invited, not possible, but the great person who these four have not invited possibly actually completely visited Jun Family, gatecrashed! This indicated anything, is very obvious matter! 大至尊,本就是连皇帝也难以请动的人物,一个都没可能,而这四个没可能请动的大人物却全部莅临君家,不请自到!这说明了什么,已经是很明显的事情! Guan Family (steward) Patriarch Guan Dongliu is always smiles, over the face red light, as if each hair in excited, such grand occasion, is he has a dream cannot think that cannot think. 管家家主管东流笑口常开,满面红光,似乎每一根头发都在兴奋,这样的盛况,是他做梦也想不到的,更加是不敢想的。 Guan Qinghan left that and other matters, entire Guan Family (steward) also thought that face does not have the light, even early had the public opinion to pass on, said that was the Guan Family (steward) family tradition is lax, including the Jun Family servant also thought that walked to chin up and chest out honorably, the back was also straighter...... Has the face! Three Great Supreme give us the Third Master congratulation! 管清寒出了那等事,整个管家也觉得脸面无光,甚至早有舆论传了过去,说道是管家家风不严,连君家的仆役也觉得光荣了起来,走起路来昂首挺胸,腰杆也直了很多……多有面子!三大至尊都来给我们三爷祝贺! In the guest crowd, Li Youran face whiten, looks own Master comes to enter the sitting room, in the heart piece of anguished! Suddenly felt that own now with the Jun Moxie disparity, early is Heaven above, Earth underneath, difference altogether Heaven and Earth! 贺客人群里,李悠然脸色苍白,看着自己师傅进来进入内厅,心中一片苦涩!突然感觉到自己现在跟君莫邪的差距,早已经是天上地下,差共天地 This disparity, only feared hope that has not overtaken again...... Oneself when train hard studies painstakingly, this fellow also walks with dog in the game cock \; Oneself when are resourceful in a dishonest way to map out strategic plans in an army tent, this fellow is still sexually harassing the woman...... All people while were praising oneself, will disparage this fellow to take the contrast surely...... But, when others Wei ice world, oneself are marking...... Why? 这种差距,只怕再也没有追上的希望……自己在苦练苦学的时候,这个家伙还在斗鸡遛狗\;自己在长袖善舞运筹帷幄的时候,这个家伙还在调戏妇女……所有人都在夸赞自己的同时,必定会贬低这个家伙拿出来对比……但,当人家威凌天下的时候,自己还是在原地踏步……为什么? How to have this situation? 怎么会出现这种情况? For my hope, for my dream, I have paid that many, withstood the average person the loneliness that is hard to withstand, even, including own love also thorough ruining, when think that approached succeeds, unexpectedly will have such attack! 为了我的希望,为了我的梦想,我付出了那么多,承受了一般人难以承受的寂寞,甚至,连自己的爱情也彻底的葬送,在自己以为已经接近成功的时候,居然会有这样的打击! Are could it be all my efforts in vain? Li Youran has had the question at heart: Is could it be my long-time effort, unexpectedly wrong? Success not by but diligently sexually harasses the woman by game cock walking with dog? Entire Tianxiang City all people be in the glare of the public eye look, who once saw the Jun Moxie true effort? 难道我的一切努力都是白费?李悠然心里产生了疑问:难道我长久的努力,竟然是错误的?成功不是靠努力而是靠斗鸡遛狗调戏妇女?整个天香城所有人都众目睽睽的看着,谁曾见君莫邪真真正正的努力过? Li Youran psychology extreme is not balanced! 李悠然的心理极度的不平衡! Li Youran sighed, waved to incur a Jun Family servant, asked: Your three Young Master can Jun Moxie in? Why lively can't the so situation instead see him?” 李悠然叹息一声,挥手招过一名君家仆役,问道:“你们三少爷君莫邪可在?为何这般热闹的场合反而见不到他?” Servant respectful said/tunnel: Returns to the words of honored guest, three Young Master accompany the guest in the backyard at this moment. Wants one to come.” 仆役恭敬地道:“回贵客的话,三少爷此刻在后院陪客人。或者要过一会才过来。” Accompanies the guest in the backyard? 在后院陪客人吗? What guest is accompanying? 到底是在陪什么客人? In Li Youran heart some vibrations, what guest? Is unexpectedly more important than four Great Supreme? 李悠然心中有些震动,什么客人?竟然比四大至尊还要重要? Can make Jun Moxie put the Tianxiang king unexpectedly to pay no attention, puts Imperial Court big shot not to see \; Several do Supreme by oneself arrive has not gone out to welcome? 竟能让君莫邪放着天香帝王不理,搁着朝堂大佬不见\;就连数个至尊亲身到来也未出迎? Can't this, be justified?! 这,怎么也说不过去吧?! This asked answers, performed has no intention to have no interest the language, Li Youran asks at will, has not had the meaning of misleading, the servant replied blurted out, but, was this does not have the dialogue of regard, made in the Li Youran heart consider to be profounder...... Looks at a Jun Family piece of jubilant prosperous meteorology, in the Li Youran heart unexpectedly is vacant. Oneself likely are Foreign Elder deity general Foreign Elder oneself Master Cold-Blooded Supreme Lei Wubei, thinks, so long as has this Supreme Master expert is the backstage, all sorts between this world are all a cinch, but there thinks, under the aware flawless all sort of plans, performs to end up to turn out suffers heavy casualties...... Died successively dreary ending of eight Martial Brother, even the murderer is who is still not clear! 这一问一答,尽都是无意无心之语,李悠然问得随意,并未有蛊惑之意,仆役回答得更是脱口而出,但,就是这全无心意的对话,却让李悠然心中考量得更加深远起来……看着君家的一片欢腾的鼎盛气象,李悠然心中竟是一片茫然。自己像是供奉神仙一般供奉着自己的师傅冷血至尊泪无悲,以为只要有这个至尊强者师傅为后台,凡尘间的一切种种皆都不在话下,但那里想到,在自己自觉天衣无缝的诸般筹谋之下,尽落得损兵折将……先后死了八位师兄弟的惨淡收场,甚至连凶手是谁至今都不清楚! Usually cherished and looked to oneself high a Master is also unsatisfactory now...... Looks at Jun Family again, there has any fawning on desirably, but small receives an adopted daughter, unexpectedly three Great Supreme simultaneously to celebrating! 对自己素来爱护、高看一眼师傅如今也是大为不满……再看君家,那里有过什么刻意的逢迎,但小小的收一个义女,居然三大至尊同时到贺! This is the disparity. 这就是差距啊。 The people and person are really have no way to compare? Seriously is this, not long, oneself show disdain for the associates, thinks nobody exists but oneself, but, what at present needs to look up is other people, but is not forget it! 人与人果然是没法比较的吗?或者当真是这样,曾几何时,自己何尝不是傲视同侪,目无余子,只不过,眼下需要仰视的乃是其他人,而并不是自己罢了 In the Li Youran heart sighed, has called a servant, hit to enjoy a paper money conveniently, said: Please pass on to your three Young Master, if there is a time, I want to ask him to speak.” 李悠然心中叹息一声,又叫过一名仆役,随手打赏了一张银票,道:“请转告你们三少爷,若是有时间的话,我想找他说说话。” That servant respectful and prudent say/way of: Asked Young Master Li to put to feel relieved, this saying villain was Young Master brings certainly, but granted actually cannot receive.” Was exceptionally has drawn back that number not poor paper money unexpectedly firmly. 那名仆役恭谨的道:“请李公子放宽心,这话小人一定为公子带到,不过赏赐却万万不能收的。”竟是异常坚决地将那数目不菲的银票退了回来。 Li Youran is startled, cannot think that a Jun Family young servant actually can also resist so the enticement of large quantity money charm, the must know, Li Youran, although hits to enjoy conveniently, is actually 520 paper money! But this servant, just can take several taels of silver all year round, but he rejected unexpectedly without hesitation...... could it be, this is the disparity is also at!? 李悠然一怔,怎么也想不到君家的一名小小仆役却也能抵抗如此大额金钱魔力之诱惑,须知,李悠然虽是随手打赏,却是520的银票!而这位仆役,一年到头也就只不过能拿十几两银子,但他竟然毫不犹豫的拒绝了……难道,这也是差距之所在吗!? The Jun Residence servant truly does not have didn't intend to boast, Young Master Jun to accompany the guest in the backyard at this moment, one group of honored guests! 君府的仆役确实没有说大话,君大少爷此刻正在后院陪着客人,一群贵客! The backyard, Jun Moxie is sitting in a circle with Heavenly Punishment numerous Beast King drinks tea, Bear King and Tiger King clear(ly) said that must leave to return to Heavenly Punishment Forest, many items, Jun Moxie must confess personally, otherwise, this their nerve one by one big strip, once has forgotten anything, not only Mei Xueyan crazy enraged, Jun Moxie also will inevitably meet the wanting to cry but have no tears drop...... Also, the outside these honored guest also really had no need for him, came out is also false smile, false greeting, then first comes one double dealings and hide a dagger in a smile anything, simply suffered hardship exactly. 后院,君莫邪正在与天罚兽王围坐喝茶,熊王虎王明曰就要动身返回天罚森林,有许多事项,君莫邪必须亲自交代好,否则,这俩人神经一个比一个大条,一旦忘了什么,不仅梅雪烟会疯狂暴走,君莫邪也势必会欲哭无泪滴……再说,外边的那些“贵客”也实在用不着他,出来也就是皮笑肉不笑,虚伪的打招呼而已,再先过来一会两面三刀、笑里藏刀什么的,根本就是活受罪。 Jun Moxie to this kind of matter always big, therefore did not plan to exit directly, other did not say, facing the Tianxiang Kingdom Lord, what courtesies you made Young Master Jun give him line of? Considers these, Grandfather and Third Master also thought that simply did not make Jun Moxie attend a meeting as a non-voting delegate, in any case he was a junior, did not mix also reluctantly can convince, was he is happy, I was also happy, as for everybody was whether happy, that could not give a thought to that many...... However hears three Great Supreme to arrive, even if were Jun Moxie also or small accident/surprise. Feng Juanyun comes, although is quite towering, but this person always mysteriously appears and disappears, is also good to the Jun Family impression, before also had sentiment of the incense and candle with Third Uncle, suddenly the arrival, pours is also indisputable. 君莫邪对这类事情一向头大,所以直接就不打算出去了,别的不说,就是面对天香国主,你让君大少爷给他行什么礼节?考虑到这些,老爷子三爷也觉得干脆就不让君莫邪列席了,反正他是个小辈,不掺合也勉强说得通,算是他开心,我也开心,至于是否大家都开心,那就顾不得那么多了……不过听到三大至尊到来,即便是君莫邪也还是小小的意外了一下。风卷云来得虽然比较突兀,但此人一向神出鬼没,对君家印象又不错,之前还和三叔有过一点香火之情,突然驾临,倒也是无可厚非。 But, Shi Changxiao and Lei Wubei these two arrivals, were quite thought-provoking, seeming like Jun Family may not have any friendship with them. Not only does not have the friendship, the Lei Wubei ten big disciples have almost fallen from the sky in oneself eight, only one does not close oneself matter, by Solitary Eagle abandoning...... Do this they arrive suddenly must do? 但,石长笑泪无悲这两位的到来,就比较耐人寻味了,貌似君家可和他们没什么交情。不仅没交情,泪无悲的十大弟子几乎就是在自己手里陨灭了八个,其中唯一一个不关自己事的,也是被鹰搏空给废了……这俩人突然到来到底是要干什么呢? Jun Moxie twists the brow, is really puzzling. With their human relations seemingly is also only when the war of Heavenly Punishment has met, they are not Feng Juanyun, to Jun Family simply cannot say that any friendship, let alone Jun Wuyi receives the adopted daughter also is really not the important matter, is not worth two Great Supreme coming to congratulate personally! 君莫邪一拧眉头,实在是百思不得其解。跟他们的交际貌似也就只是在天罚之战的时候见过一面而已,他们又不是风卷云,跟君家根本就说不上又什么交情,更何况君无意收义女也实在不是什么大事,怎么也不值得两大至尊亲自前来道贺! Then this two people arrivals, must have the goal! 那么此两人的到来,必有目的! As for specific objective...... The Jun Moxie calm face is pondering, Mei Xueyan visits him to ask: What matter? Suspected that the arrival of Shi Changxiao and Lei Wubei does have the issue?” 至于具体目的……君莫邪沉着脸思考着,梅雪烟看着他问道:“什么事?是不是怀疑石长笑泪无悲的到来有问题?” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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