OEM :: Volume #6

#550: Li Youran concern

From now on, oneself are not beforehand Guan Qinghan, but is a brand-new person. Not is only Guan Family's daughter, is the female of Jun Family, but also is the only daughter! 从今之后,自己再也不是以前的管清寒,而是一个全新的人。不仅是管家之女,也是君家之女,而且是唯一的女儿! Combs the cicada to send again, assumes the slender posture skillfully, selects electing of virtue, whatever is independent! 重梳蝉发,巧呈窈窕之姿,选聘贤之选,任由自主! Brand-new life, at present! 全新的生活,就在眼前! In like this excited time, the eye of Guan Qinghan is actually cannot help but is looking for a person in the crowd...... Finally, she saw! 在这样的激动时刻,管清寒的眼睛却是不由自主的在人群中寻找着一个人……终于,她看到了! That handsome face, gentle is smiling toward oneself, the look is gentle, in the meantime, in ear long transmits one wisp thin such as the mosquito but actually familiar sound: Qinghan......” 那张英俊的脸庞,正温柔的向着自己微笑着,眼神柔和,同时,耳中悠悠的的传来一缕细如蚊蚋但却熟悉的声音:“清寒……” Guan Qinghan brought the tears to smile, un'ed, reddened all over the face gently suddenly, in the heart was also bitter in a twinkling, suddenly bittersweet feeling, actually does not know that should cry to smile, clear(ly) engaged in introspection the happy happiness, the tears actually quietly flows...... Parted forever, that nightmare said the child generally! 管清寒带着泪笑了,轻轻地嗯了一声,突然满脸通红,心中却又霎时间酸涩起来,一时间百味杂陈,竟然不知道该哭还是该笑,明明心中欢喜幸福,眼泪却又悄悄地流了出来……永别了,那噩梦一般的曰子! Under the direction of Song Shang, all distinguished guests methodically entered the respective seat, prepares the drinking to excess revelry. Jun Family this liquor of putting out, is that sky-high price auction high grade good wine, each table has prepared several altars/jars, enough drank to heart's content to have...... Has not held the feast, the wine of thick alcohol has made the person index finger move greatly...... Jun Moxie is just about to forward, actually sees in the slanting thorn a person to smile, said in a low voice: „Can Third Young Master Jun, have time now? How this humble one and did Third Young Master chat several?” Comes the person height to be handsome, the appearance is handsome, the expression is mild-mannered and cultivated, the vision is temperate, raises hand to step in reveals the free and easy leisurely (Youran) ideal condition, is Capital City first gifted scholar, Grand Preceptor Residence first Young Master, is Li Family now already the definite successor, Li Youran! 宋伤的指挥下,所有贵宾均有条不紊的进入了各自的席位,准备纵酒狂欢。君家这一次拿出的酒,正是那次天价拍卖的极品美酒,每一桌都准备了十几坛,足够畅饮而有余了……还未开宴,浓醇的酒香已经让人食指大动……君莫邪正要向前,却见斜刺里一人微笑走来,低声道:“君三少,现下可有时间吗?在下三少聊上几句如何?”来人身长玉立,面貌英俊,表情温文尔雅,眼光温和亲切,一举手一投足都露出洒脱悠然的意境,正是京城第一才子,太师府第一公子,也是李家现在就已经确定的接班人,李悠然 Oh? Chats? With you?” Jun Moxie faint smile looks at Li Youran, crooked tilting the head, said with a smile: You thought that among us has the space of chatting? Necessity that also or also chats?” ?聊聊?跟你吗?”君莫邪似笑非笑的看着李悠然,歪了歪头,笑道:“你觉得,我们之间有聊聊的空间吗?又或者说,还有聊聊的必要吗?” Li Youran smiles, the look is dedicated, said solemnly: Has! The space that not only chatted, had the chat necessity . Moreover, believes topic that we chatted, Third Young Master Jun will also be interested.” 李悠然轻轻一笑,眼神专注,沉声道:“有!非但聊天的空间,更有聊天的必要,而且,相信我们聊天的话题,君三少也会非常感兴趣的。” Jun Moxie turns the head to look in all directions, has a look at all around, hesitates, said: Such confident?! Chats well also \; Satisfies your this wish, instead in today's this situation, with you are chatting, although not necessarily multi- intentionally righteousness, always compares in this accompanies many bored people to do the bored matter to have to chat!” 君莫邪转头四顾,看看四周,沉吟一下,道:“这么有信心吗?!聊聊也好\;就满足你这一个心愿吧,反正在今天这个场合,和你聊天虽然未必多有意义,总比在这陪许多无聊人做无聊事要有聊一些!” The Li Youran forced smile, this fellow also looked, oneself today and he chats, is an own wish. Luckily this wish also compares to chat! 李悠然苦笑,原来这家伙也看了出来,自己今天和他聊聊,乃是自己的一个心愿。幸亏自己这个心愿还比较有聊! Here was too chaotic, comes with me.” Jun Moxie chuckled: Thinks, you do not hope you make others listen to the words that I did speak? A relatively peaceful space is quite comfortable!” “这里实在太乱了,跟我来吧。”君莫邪嘿嘿一笑:“想必,你也不希望你跟我说的话让别人听了去吧?一个相对安静的空间还是比较舒服的!” The Li Youran smile, said: Is so, thank your for your hospitality Third Young Master.” 李悠然微笑,道:“正是如此,叨扰三少了。” Jun Moxie laughed, turns the head line, Li Youran tags along after that closely follows. In bystander in the eyes, actually likely is a pair of good friend the arm the line, intimate conversation. 君莫邪哈哈一笑,率先转头而行,李悠然尾随其后,紧紧跟上。在外人眼中,却像是一对挚友正把臂而行,亲热交谈。 In that moment that Jun Moxie turns the head, he clearly felt that sat Emperor Your Majesty on seat high looked at one to oneself from afar. Although is only the startled rainbow glance, but in that profound eye pupil, unexpectedly full is subtle meaning that could not say. 君莫邪转头的那一刻,他分明感到高高坐在席上的皇帝陛下远远地向自己望了一眼。虽只是惊虹一瞥,但那深邃的眼眸中,竟满是说不出的微妙意味。 Jun Moxie is stripping Li Youran, two people pass through the corridor, circled several to circle, arrives in the garden pavilion, in this grade of early winter season, arrived at the garden pavilion to gather to have a lengthy conversation...... Thinks that this in Tianxiang Kingdom or the entire world was also a first strange event! 君莫邪一路带着李悠然,两人穿越走廊,绕了几绕,来到花园凉亭之中,在这等初冬时节,来到花园凉亭相聚长谈……想必这在天香国又或者整个天下也是头一桩的怪事了! Space Tong cloud is densely covered, airborne cold wind bone-chilling cold, in the pavilion is the four directions comes the wind, eight brightness, are really the good place absolutely is the source areas that the cold has a fever! 天上彤云密布,空中寒风凛冽,凉亭中更是四方来风,八面敞亮,真是好地方绝对是感冒发烧的起源地啊! This also non- is Jun Moxie relies on, neglects the guest, does not have a more appropriate place to be possible seriously toward. Now in says the guest who in the mansion celebrates originally many, already occupied the entire lobby main hall and sitting room, the Guan Qinghan yard currently has Mei Xueyan and the others, naturally did not facilitate to bring Li Youran in the past \; Own yard is hiding Ye Guhan, the also two disabled young children, is not very convenient \; But the Jun Wuyi yard except for going into hiding Silver Blizzard City Han Yanmeng and Mu Xuetong, the also massive Soul Eater hidden health/guard protection, naturally is being not convenient...... Last destination Grandpa Jun study room, did that favor his Li Youran? 这却也非是君莫邪自恃,怠慢客人,却当真是没有更合适的地方可往。今曰里府中来贺的客人本来就多,早已占据了整个前厅正厅和内厅,管清寒的小院现在有梅雪烟等人在,自然不方便带李悠然过去\;自己的小院藏着一个夜孤寒,还有两个残废小童,也不是很方便的\;而君无意的小院除了隐匿着风雪银城寒烟梦慕雪瞳,还有大量噬魂隐卫守护,自然是更加不方便……最后一个去处君老爷子的书房,那是不是就太抬举他李悠然了呢? Thinks it over, Jun Moxie simply brings Li Youran to go to the garden, two people respective is in any case talented, already winter and summer did not invade...... Li Youran looks over a wide area to look in all directions, tch tch expressed admiration \; Said: Third Young Master here really outstanding people and magical soil, looks over entire Tianxiang Imperial Capital, in the winter already, fallen leaf remnant, a depression, but Jun Family this garden unexpectedly is such light green, Chunhua endless, is really completely relaxed, this actually non- intentionally thinks highly, but is the language of leisurely (Youran) heart.” 思来想去,君莫邪干脆带李悠然来到花园,反正两人各自实力不俗,早就寒暑不侵了……李悠然游目四顾,啧啧称奇\;道:“三少这里果然是人杰地灵,纵观整个天香燕京,严冬已至,落叶残枝,一片萧条,但君家这花园竟然是如此的葱葱绿绿,春华无尽,真是令人心旷神怡呀,这却非是存心恭维,而是悠然心底之语。” Jun Moxie laughed, when sits down first, lifts the hand to offer one's seat to somebody, has not replied immediately. 君莫邪哈哈一笑,当先坐下,抬手让座,却并未即时应答。 Li Youran immediately has not actually taken a seat, shoulders both hands, the back to Jun Moxie, looks at all around greens lost, seems the say/way that thought aloud: Jun Moxie, during I remember, this should be our two first so formal talks!” 李悠然却未即时落座,背负双手,背对君莫邪,出神地看着四周一片绿色,似乎是自言自语的道:“君莫邪,在我记忆之中,这应该是我们两个第一次如此的正式谈话吧!” Un, originally today unexpectedly is your first time......” Jun Moxie nodded, some sigh sighed: Was a pity that I am unable to be responsible, is unable to be responsible for truly......” “嗯,原来今天竟是你的第一次……”君莫邪点点头,有些嗟叹:“可惜我无法负责,真正无法负责……” I compared with your greatly eight -year-old, you 18 \; But I, this year already 25.” Li Youran disregards the Young Master Jun cold joke, lost looks at outside, the brow tip corner of the eye, performing is desolate: Third Young Master, you may know how my these years do come?” “我比你大八岁,你才18\;而我,今年已经25了。”李悠然无视君大少爷的冷笑话,出神的看着外面,眉梢眼角,尽是落寞:“三少,你可知道,我这些年是怎么过来的?” „, Or is something, constrains is really long, has the idea that has wanted to pour out. Especially before you, although we did not have such friendship, but, has this desire seriously, Third Young Master you , if all right, might as well listens, to use temporarily as listens to a story, although is not necessarily splendid, actually also many meanings.” “不知怎地,或者是有些事,压抑得实在太久,就有了想倾诉的想法。尤其是在你面前,虽然我们还没有这样的交情,但,却当真有这种欲望,三少你若是没事,不妨听一听,权当听一个小故事了,虽然未必精彩,却也还多少有些意思的。” Smiling of he self-ridicules, does not wait for the Jun Moxie reply access road: These matters, press in too are at heart long, never has any appropriate situation and object to divulge, now says a meeting, is choked up with emotions, really has to speak out, possibly my finally this life, only said this time.” 他自嘲的笑了笑,不等君莫邪回答便道:“这些事,压在心里实在太久,偏偏从来就没有任何合适的场合、对象可以宣泄的,今曰一会,心潮澎湃,委实不吐不快,可能我终此一生,也只说这一次了。” You said, I listen, your I am not necessarily able become a friend, but at this moment, I can actually be good audience.” The Jun Moxie complexion unexpectedly is rare is proper. At this moment, he felt desolate in Li Youran heart, cannot help but also is some meanings of having same problem. “你说,我听,你我未必能成为朋友,但这一刻,我却会是个好的听众。”君莫邪脸色竟是罕有的正经起来。这一刻,他感到了李悠然心中的落寞,不由得也是有些同病相怜的意思。 Li Youran calmly is standing, long time, resembled has adjusted the train of thought that organizes language that must narrate, this say/way slowly: I remember very clearly, my memory, is always very good. Until now the still remembers, from I three -year-old that year, Grandpa picked up from mother knee me, said that was loving mother defeat since old times, with mother too long child, absolutely did not have what big prospect...... I still remember that my mother loved dearly at that time cries, the whole face completely is the tear stains, kneels implores urgently in front of Grandpa, only strove for being have my one month, but my Grandpa hardened one's heart has not complied, but permitted, every other one month, she can come to see my one time.” 李悠然静静地站着,良久,似是调整了一下思绪,组织了要叙说的语言,这才慢慢的道:“我记得很清楚,我的记忆,一向都很好。至今犹自记得,从我三岁的那一年,爷爷就将我从母亲膝下抱走,说道是自古慈母多败儿,跟着母亲太久的孩子,绝对没有什么大出息……我还记得我母亲当时心疼得直哭,满脸尽是泪痕,跪在爷爷面前苦苦哀求,只求能多带我一个月,可我爷爷硬着心肠没有答应,只是允许,每隔一个月,她能来看我一次。” That is I since birth the first time most profound memory, is my mother's tears.” Li Youran has shut the eye, heavy put out long white clouds, on the face passed over gently and swiftly rare flushed, as if mood fluctuating was very fierce. “那是我有生以来第一次最最深刻的记忆,是我母亲的泪。”李悠然闭了闭眼睛,沉沉地吐出了一口长长的白气,脸上掠过一丝罕见的潮红,似乎心情起伏的很是厉害。 After a while, he continued downward, the sound also became steady: Still was third that year, my Grandpa large sum of money has engaged Sky Profound expert, carried on one-month meridians to comb for me, builds the solid Profound Qi foundation \; Also starting from that time, I every day was being passes of such repeat in cycles, three double-hour cultivation, three double-hour polite arts etiquette, two double-hour practiced the sword \; The remaining three double-hour, are the time that eats meal to sleep.” 过了一会,他才继续往下说,声音也变得平稳起来:“仍是三岁那年,我爷爷重金礼聘了一位天玄高手,为我进行了为期一个月的经脉梳理,打下坚实的玄气基础\;也正从那个时候开始,我每一天都是如此的循环往复的度过,三个时辰练功,三个时辰琴棋书画礼仪,两个时辰练剑\;剩下的三个时辰,才是吃饭睡觉的时间。” Jun Moxie sigh gently, does not know unexpectedly completely oneself should say that anything is good. These live in the wealthy and prominent family major faction child, childhood difficult with the temperance of youngster, is the ordinary child wants unable to think that but is direct descendant, more receives the elder to attach great importance to is so \; Therefore, these children, once after growing up, some talented people become so debauchee, so hot tempered, even is abnormal! 君莫邪轻轻的叹息一声,竟是完全不知道自己该说什么才好。这些生在高门大阀的孩子,童年的艰苦和少年的锤炼,是平常孩子连想也不敢想的,而越是嫡系所出,越受长辈重视的愈是如此\;所以,这些孩子一旦长大之后,有些人才会变得如此纨绔,如此的暴躁,甚至是变态! Because, their disposition, were twisted since childhood extremely! The long-time backlog, permanent pressure, they need to release...... Therefore, once the power in the hand, will often make the tyrannical matter, from some perspective, all previous tyrant, like this forms, King Zhou of Shang and Emperor Yang of Sui, ended Wang Mang of thing two man (Han) there is nothing like are, before taking a seat to be in power completely have the Daxian name not, when were in power, unexpectedly were the cruel being hard imagination...... other child in playing, I also want to play \; But they can, I actually unable. Once I idle, Grandpa will make one hit me, reproved me , he to my severity, was to other brothers, 100 times! Even are more!” 因为,他们的姓格,从小就已经被极度的扭曲了!长久的积压,恒久的压力,他们需要释放……所以,一旦大权在手,往往会做出很多暴虐的事情,从某一方面来说,历代的暴君,也都是这样形成的,商纣王、隋炀帝、终结了东西两汉的王莽莫不如是,在即位得势之前尽有莫大贤名,得势之余,竟是暴戾的难以想象……“别的孩子在玩耍的时候,我也是想玩的\;但他们能,我却不能。我一旦懈怠,爷爷就会令人打我,训斥我,他老人家,对我的严厉,是对其他兄弟的,100倍!甚至更多!” The Li Youran gently sound is similar to twittering: „, He told me since childhood, you with others were different, you have grown up, must achieve the great accomplishment! But I, has borne in mind.” 李悠然轻轻地声音如同呢喃:“从小,他就告诉我,你跟别人是不同的,你长大了,是要做大事的!而我自己,也一直记在心里。” During innumerable beating savagely and reproved, I also finally thoroughly accepted my status. A status of keeping aloof.” The Li Youran facial expression is tranquil, seemed saying others' matter: I, can never speak loudly, is forever mild-mannered and cultivated, even if in the heart the air/Qi, on the face must smile, very confident sincere smiling, but also is tranquil, even if the pain, on the face is also obviously indifferent and tranquil, even is happy. Because, Grandpa told me, endured, was becomes the important matter most basic quality.” “在无数次的暴打和训斥之中,我也终于彻底地接受了我自己的身份。一个高高在上的身份。”李悠然神情平静,似乎在说着别人的事情:“我,永远不能大声说话,永远要温文尔雅,就算心中气得要死,脸上也还是要笑,非常坦然真诚的笑,还要平静,就算身上明明痛得要死,脸上也要淡然、平静,甚至是开心。因为,爷爷告诉我,坚忍,是成大事者最基本的素质。” At that time, every month, my mother came to see my day, it may be said that was I merriest one day \; Because schoolwork of that day, although cannot have slight falling as before, but all inspector general my warriors and masters, will leave \; Is accompanied me by my mother, cultivation, practices the sword, the polite arts \; Prepares food to me, then she calmly stands on one side, looks at my cultivation, I was also hoping that day every month, ordinary do not dare to relax, because I discovered that when my progress was big, on my mother's face will appear surprise, she will be very happy...... She one happy, I am very merry. I want to make her every month happy......” “那时候,每个月,我母亲来看我的那一天,可谓是我最快活的一天\;因为那一天功课虽然依旧不能有丝毫的落下,但所有监督我的武士和师傅们,都会离开\;由我妈陪我,练功,练剑,琴棋书画\;给我做饭,然后她就静静地站在一边,看着我练功,我也每一个月都盼望着那一天,平常自己也不敢放松,因为我发现,当我的进步大了,我妈妈的脸上会现出惊喜,她会很高兴……她一高兴,我就很快活。我想让她每个月都高兴……” The Li Youran eye has closely shut, the corner of the eye is somewhat moist, on the face appears gentle attachment expression, but he carries to Jun Moxie, Jun Moxie actually cannot see. 李悠然眼睛紧紧闭了起来,眼角有些湿润,脸上现出温柔眷恋的神色,但他背对着君莫邪,君莫邪却是看不到。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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