OEM :: Volume #4

#313: Aggrieved Sky Profound assassin

If plays view of game with previous life is, the Young Master Jun striking power is too the trash, the match is the unwrapped condition, but also adds the enormous negative condition, but Young Master Jun cannot broken guard, even if the frequent crowded offensive does not have a bigger significance again! 如果用前世玩游戏的说法就是,君大少爷的攻击力就是实在太垃圾,对手已经是裸装状态,还加极大的负面状态,可是君大少爷这边就是不能破防,即使再频繁密集的攻势也没有更大的意义! This is in others are unable to raise gather in the Profound Qi situation! This matter has no way to state clearly , was really too disgraced! 这还是在人家无法提聚玄气的情况下!这事真的没法明说,实在是太丢人了! Therefore Young Master Jun tiny bit does not dare to relax, although the attack is crowded, but in his heart clear, if cannot the present person kill at one fell swoop, so long as gives him slightly the little response the opportunity, oneself will face suffers a loss even by the aspect of counter- plate! After all, oneself considering everything also only has Jade Profound, but the opposite party, is actually Sky Profound, the Sky Profound boundary of really! 所以君大少可是一丝一毫也不敢放松的,进攻虽然密集,但他心中清楚,若是不能一举将眼前之人打死,只要稍稍给他一点点反应的机会,自己就会面临吃亏甚至被反盘的局面!毕竟,自己满打满算也只有玉玄而已,而对方,却是天玄,实打实的天玄之境! Even if the opposite party only remaining 1/10 skills, oneself must suffer loss greatly! 纵然对方只剩下1的功力,自己也要大吃苦头! Therefore Jun Moxie peng peng peng is continuous, own fist knee elbow instep including foot heel already instead shaken ached, is actually not willing to relax, does not dare to relax, therefore looked like the attack is getting more and more crowded! 所以君莫邪砰砰砰连绵不绝,自己的拳头膝盖手肘脚面连脚后跟都已经被反震的酸疼了,却还是一点也不肯放松,更不敢放松,所以看起来攻击越来越密集了! Fight of such one-sided in bystander opinion, but all changed the flavor. In bystander opinion, he can strike obviously kills the enemy, actually must so cruel method maltreatment opposite party, simply be guilty of the most heinous crime, took maltreating others as is happy! 这样一面倒的战斗在外人看来,可就全变了味道。在外人看来,他明明可以一击就将敌人杀死,却非要如此残忍的手段虐待对方,简直是罪大恶极,以虐待别人为乐了! Radically is tyrannical killer in legend! 根本就是传说中的虐杀啊! Comes again, Jun Moxie to deter the audience, further cancels the opposite party imposing manner, Profound Qi that displays, is the azure-colored Sky Profound peak rank Profound Qi color! 再来,君莫邪为了震慑全场,进一步打消对方气势,表现出来的玄气,可是天蓝色天玄巅峰级别玄气色彩! As Sky Profound peak expert, punches a rank also to lower several Sky Profound primary rank crazily, moreover opposite party appointed the dozen does not hit back, could it be also crazy beating that has a need for such being unforgiving? A fist solution resulted in...... Young Master Jun has tears streaming down the face, the wizard does not want to strike to go well, how I think that is not the strength has to fall short...... Fortunately, here after all is not the game world of pure data, even if Sky Profound expert also has its limit, Young Master Jun connects make a move, over 300 fist above attacks, stroke completely in the same position of chest, this finally has defeated his guard Profound Qi, has beaten his tyrannical sufficiently the proud body and spirit, finally in the puncture heart, had cut off his all vitalities last! 作为一个天玄巅峰高手,狂揍一个比自己级别还要低数层的天玄初级,而且对方还是任打不还手,难道还用得着这么不依不饶的疯狂殴打?一拳解决就得了呗……君大少爷泪流满面,鬼才不想一击得手呢,我怎么想,可不是力有不逮吗……所幸,这里毕竟不是纯数据的游戏世界,即使天玄强者也有其极限,君大少爷接连出手,超过300拳以上的攻击,全部击打在胸口的同一位置,这才终于击破了他的护身玄气,打烂了他的强横得足以自傲的体魄,终于在最后一击穿心而过,断绝了他的所有生机! But he actually does not know that he fights with the fists finally, the weary image of exhausted under static rest, looks in others' eyes, was actually installs to compel to install the extreme, was cruel, anomaly to the extreme! 但他却不知道,他最后一拳打出,疲累之下静止休息的委顿形象,看在别人的眼里,却是装逼装到了极点,也是残忍、变态到了极点! Since you have killed others, but also such supports others corpse to do? Exposes to the sun salt fish, is scary the Boss, this is the big evening...... About 200 people will awe extremely look at Great Assassin Jun in field, suddenly complete silence. 你既然已经把人家打死了,还这么挺着人家的尸体干什么?晒咸鱼似的,要不要吓死人啊老大,这可是大晚上的……将近200人敬畏万分地看着场中的君大杀手,一时间鸦雀无声。 Shocked! 太震撼了! Too shocking! 太震惊了! Long time, recovers, another two Sky Profound expert grief and indignation looks at Jun Moxie, clenches teeth to ask: Who are you? Has to plant, in report! Generous gifts that the lasting forever, your excellency says now, my Blood Sword Hall does not have the tooth to be unforgettable, when overnight reported also!” 良久,才回过神来,另外两名天玄高手悲愤的看着君莫邪,咬着牙问道:“你是谁?有种的,报上名来!山高水长,阁下今曰的厚赐,我血剑堂没齿难忘,旦夕之间当得报还!” Eh? report also? Don't you want to walk?” The Jun Moxie surprise blinks: „Was fuck your imagination too also rich? When father said that can put you to leave? You determined that you aren't are cherishing fond hopes? Talks in a dream?” 呃?报还?你们不是还想走吧?”君莫些诧异地眨眨眼:“我靠你丫的想象力也太丰富了吧?老子啥时候说要放你们走人了?你确定,你不是在做美梦?说梦话吗?” Hahaha, in us your toxicant, skill disappearing most this is the fact, now said that truly is I and other side disastrous defeat! But you think that depends on you and front the group of trash smelly bird's eggs, can surround us? Good, your excellency is Sky Profound peak expert, the skill surpasses in us, but if we wholeheartedly only want to walk, even if by your excellency energy , can only block our one at best! To leave behind us completely, that has a dream! Therefore, cherishes fond hopes can only be your excellency you who and talks in a dream truly!” 哈哈哈,我们中了你的毒药,功力散失大半这是不争的事实,今曰确实是我等一方惨败!但你以为,就凭你和面前的这帮垃圾臭鸟蛋,就能困得住我们吗?不错,阁下乃是天玄巅峰强者,功力远超于我们,但若是我们一心只想走的话,纵然以阁下之能,充其量也只能拦住我们其中一个吧!想要全部留下我们,那是做梦!所以,真正做美梦、说梦话的只会是阁下你!” Two Blood Cloth Sky Profound sad and shrill is laughing, the ice-cold dense words resound: Did not fear that told you honestly, who no matter you were, back whether also others, in brief, you and your influence, died! The fond dream surely did not have, but the nightmare certainly unceasingly has!” 两个血衣天玄凄厉的大笑着,冰冷森然的话语响起:“不怕老实告诉你,不管你是谁,背后是否还有别人,总之,你和你的势力,死定了!美梦肯定是没有了,不过噩梦却是一定不断有来!” Only can leave behind your one? Any impudent remark who you spoke! If the father cannot leave behind you, tonight does not come! Has a dream? And looked that who is having a dream!” Jun Moxie sneers, the hand wields: Kills!” “只能留下你们一个?你们说的什么混账话!老子要是留不下你们,今夜也就不来了!做梦?且看谁在做梦!”君莫邪冷笑一声,手一挥:“杀!” 200 people simultaneously bellow, is injured heavily does not give a thought to the injury, very has the sword once again, threw tidal. 200人同时大吼一声,连受伤不轻的也不顾伤势,再度挺起刀剑,潮水般扑了上来。 Haha......” two Sky Profound assassin laugh, suddenly jumps, one toward south one toward north. “哈哈……”两位天玄杀手大笑一声,突然纵身而起,一往南一往北。 Speedily the long body grazes! 疾速长身飞掠! Even if the abnormal leader has Sky Profound summit cultivation base at present, has one person throughout, how to take two trend clearly opposite same step expert! 纵然眼前变态首领有天玄颠峰修为,却始终只得一人,如何拿下两个走向截然相反的同阶强者 Jun Moxie hmph hmph laughs, the meaning that the basic even/including moves slightly does not have, only cold sound shouted: Gets down!” As this shouted , the sky also as if with this greatly drank, but towering dark! The guys in ground are also neat orderly well-trained scatters in all directions to leave, beyond rapid lightening circle. 君莫邪哼哼大笑,根本连稍动一动的意思都没有,只冷声一喝道:“下来!”随着他这一声断喝,天空也仿佛随着这声大喝而突兀地暗了下来!地面的大汉们亦整齐有序训练有素的四散离开,迅速之极的闪出圈子之外。 Two Blood Cloth assassin raise eyes to look, at the same time courage entirely to crack! 两名血衣杀手举目看去,不由的同时肝胆俱裂! Midair in all directions, dozens are bringing the shining barb shades a day of great net, has covered all spaces in this place dozens zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area, did not have the oversight to cover densely and numerously and certainly! Looks in all directions that completely does not have blind spot unexpectedly! Moreover mostly is the overlapped whereabouts gets down, above a standing net, also another, even if you can reluctantly breakthrough First Layer, back also Second Layer, even is Third Layer...... In these two Sky Profound assassin pitiful desperate cries, 40-50 big net loudly falls, covered them in inside. 四面八方的半空中,数十张带着明晃晃倒钩的蔽天巨网,足足笼罩了此地数十丈方圆之内的所有空间,密密麻麻、绝无疏漏地罩了下来!四面八方看去,竟全然没有死角!而且大都是重叠着落下来,一张网之上,还有另一张,就算你能勉强突破一重,后边还有二重,甚至是第三重……就在这两位天玄杀手凄惨绝望的叫声中,四五十张大网轰然落下,将他们罩在了里面。 If their skills have not disappeared, or can transport the whole body skill to shock even breaks these big net, but is the suddenly matter. However this moment skill damages greatly, even if can still strive to make broken, actually also requires the suitable time to transport the collection skill. 若是他们的功力尚未散失,或者还可以运起全身功力震破甚至震碎这些大网,只不过是眨眼间的事。但是此刻功力大损,就算仍能勉力挣破,却也需要相当时间来运集功力。 But, they now most defective is the time! 可是,他们现在最欠缺的就是时间! Will Jun Moxie give their abundant counter-attack time? 君莫邪怎么会给他们充裕的反扑时间? Issues an order, more than 200 guys drop out the sword, put out conveniently already prepared the good thick wooden club, according to by dozens big net were covering two bad luck eggs, senseless has pounded maliciously! 一声令下,200多名大汉纷纷抛下刀剑,随手拿出早已准备好的粗大木棍,照着被数十层大网笼罩着的两个倒霉蛋,没头没脑的狠狠砸了下去! This devastates the Sky Profound expert golden opportunity by Gold Profound cultivation base, is for a lifetime not necessarily able one time, how to let off? The people also had to watch Young Master Jun to devastate the crisp vigor of match before, agree does not make Young Master Jun alone enjoy renown in front! 这等以金玄修为蹂躏天玄高手的大好机会,一辈子也未必能有一次,怎么会放过?众人之前又有观看君大少爷蹂躏对手的爽劲,却是不肯让君大少爷专美于前的! Sky Profound expert how, in the same old way devastation dies you, no, is you! 天玄强者又如何,照样蹂躏死你,不,是你们! azure-colored Profound Qi rays of light can still vaguely see by the heavily great net, obviously, these two Sky Profound expert stills are struggling desperately, try hard to strive to turn the tide, the heartless fact told them, all have not helped matters! Close thigh thick or thin wooden clubs, the strength situation sinks, falling of puchi puchi on two meat eggs...... Their nightmares arrived truly! 天蓝色玄气光芒透过重重巨网仍旧能依稀看到,显然,这两个天玄强者犹自在拼死挣扎,力图可以力挽狂澜,却无情的事实告诉他们,一切都已经无济于事!一根根接近大腿粗细的木棍,力大势沉,噗嗤噗嗤的落在两个肉蛋上……他们的噩梦真正降临了! The pitiful yell sound resounds unceasingly, at first also in two Sky Profound expert that the strong sufficient face is not willing to shriek with pain, ratio anything that at this moment called happy, the sad and shrill cry streaked across the nighttime sky, the sound passed on several li (0.5 km), just liked the night owlet. 惨叫声不绝响起,起初还在强充面子不肯喊痛的两位天玄高手,此刻叫的比什么都欢,凄厉的叫声划破了夜空,声传数里,犹如夜枭。 Their another Sky Profound companions die, although is also pitiful extremely, actually dies in Great Expert Jun this „the Sky Profound summit under great expert sneak attack, may say, although dies still the glory, is they? Actually must die by one crowd of ants Gold Profound devastations, is the life hence, how pitiful?! 他们的另一个天玄同伴死得虽然亦是凄惨万分,却总是死在君大高人这等“天玄颠峰”的大高手偷袭之下,可说虽死犹荣,可是他们俩呢?却要被一群蝼蚁金玄蹂躏死,人生至此,何其悲惨?! Mentioned, these two people also really bad luck urged, all pitiful bitter experiences were look, did not have with the person especially. 说来,这两个人也实在是倒霉催的,一切悲惨遭遇都是自个找来的,与人无尤。 Jun Moxie had scruples their, although this they Consume Soul Fragrant, but after all is Sky Profound expert really \; How the strength regresses again, can have Earth Profound Primary Rank, to be even higher cultivation base, was impossible to degenerate to Profound Qi not have directly. If their fights vigorously really at risk of life, only feared that will cause the giant casualties to 200 bodyguards! 君莫邪原本还是非常顾忌他们两个人的,这俩人虽然中了销魂香,但毕竟是实打实的天玄高手\;实力再怎么退步,也能有地玄初阶、甚至更高一些的修为,绝不可能直接将玄气退化得没有了。若是他们真个拼死力战,只怕会给200卫士造成巨大的伤亡! Therefore beforehand Jun Moxie will transform the Sky Profound peak unique color own Profound Qi, with deter them! 所以之前君莫邪才会将自身的玄气幻化出天玄巅峰的独特色彩,用以震慑他们! Really, after they see, the only choice only remaining immediately escaped, moreover escaping separately. Actually this also no wonder: Their itself strengths had the Sky Profound primary rank level, even if the most flourishing condition meets Sky Profound peak also to want Lima escape, let alone now Profound Qi was made dissipated certainly more than half? 果然,两人见到之后,唯一的选择只剩下了马上逃跑,而且还的分头逃跑。其实这也难怪:两人的本身实力本就不过只得天玄初级的层次,就算是全盛状态遇到天玄巅峰也要利马逃命,更何况现在玄气被弄得消散了绝大多半? But their this runs away, actually just right Jun Moxie strategy! 但两人这一逃,却正好中了君莫邪的计策! He early has arranged 54 people to hide on the tree, everyone every two big net, and other this moment appearances! Hasn't seen only has 200 people that enters the stage? Must know that the total of these people are 254! 他早已经安排好了54人躲在树上,每人人手两张大网,就等这一刻的出现!没见出场的只有200人吗?要知道这些人的总数可是254啊! Was equal to that 54 technique adept fishermen, at the same time scattered the huge quantity and crowded big net. These two under panic-stricken, when just when being in midair nowhere with strength, arrives at their not move? 就等于有54个技艺娴熟的渔夫,在同一时间撒出了数量庞大、密集的大网。这两人在心慌意乱之下,又正值身在半空无处借力之时,怎到他们不中招? Should create two expert that the giant casualties also not necessarily certainly can seize to grasp to a Jun Moxie side, such aggrievedly has become in the net the fish! Not is only in the net the fish, at this moment the meat of block, allows to be oppressed, how wants to shear how to shear! 本应该给君莫邪一方造成巨大伤亡还未必就一定能够捉拿得住的两位高手,就这么憋屈的成了网中之鱼!不但是网中之鱼,此刻还是砧板之肉,任人宰割,想怎么割就怎么割! 200 guys do not resemble to result in awfully are brandishing the big stick, seemed the Golden Autumn season harvests the soybean to need to extract seeds general, beat that to call a delight! With the pitiful yell sound getting smaller, to finally did not have the sound, Jun Moxie, lest cheats, commanded that continued to hammer the half-stick of incense time, the reason did not have him, this was only the discretion of assassin. 200名大汉不要命似得挥舞着大棍子,就仿佛是金秋时节收割完了黄豆需要脱粒一般,捶得那叫一个不亦乐乎啊!随着惨叫声越来越小,到最后已经全无动静,君莫些惟恐有诈,还是喝令继续锤了半柱香的时间,原因无他,这只是杀手的谨慎。 If after is beats, Young Master Jun goes forward to look, em, the effect very good saying that directly beat including big net rottenly. As for inside...... Seemingly could not be the person, volume, even is not considered as that the meat, directly has become the hash, 100% hash...... Even if cooked for day unable to cook with the pressure cooker to be so rotten. 如是捶完之后,君大少爷上前一看,恩,效果很好的说,连大网都直接捶烂了。至于里面……貌似已经不能算是人了,额,甚至不算是肉了,直接成了肉糜了,百分百的肉糜……就算用高压锅炖一天也炖不了这么烂啊。 Jun Moxie narrowed the eye to go forward to look at one, waved, said: Immediately battlefield cleanup, whatever belong to enemy, makes up a blade that has not breathed again \; The people on one's own side look after carefully, carrying off of wound \; Tidies up all hand crossbows and crossbow arrows carefully, must confirm that does not have any trace. Immediately starts to take action!” 君莫邪眯着眼睛上前看了一眼,一挥手,道:“立即打扫战场,凡属敌人,没咽气的再多补一刀\;自己人小心照料,伤的抬走\;仔细收拾所有的手弩、弩箭,一定要确认全无任何痕迹。马上开始行动!” The people comply boisterously. 众人哄然答应。 Jun Moxie gains ground, the eye looks to some direction between wooded mountains, the look as if has a smile, is meaningful. 君莫邪抬起头,眼睛望向山林间的某个方向,眼神似乎含笑,意味深长。 Among the moment, the battlefield tidies up works unceasingly calmly, Jun Moxie issues an order, gets up with the howling sound, all people simultaneously stand up from failure to start, along with hoofbeat rapid resounding, shortly some people will vanish without a trace. 须臾间,战场收拾得干干静静,君莫邪一声令下,随着呼啸声起,所有人同时翻身上马,随着蹄声急骤的响起,顷刻之间一干人消失得无影无踪。 Only leaves behind everywhere the flesh and blood, a piece in confusion, has witnessed this exceptionally bloody campaign! 只留下遍地血肉,一片狼藉,见证了这场异常血腥的战役! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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