OEM :: Volume #4

#314: The sword refers to South Heaven!

Long time after long time,...... vomits...... Vomits......” 良久良久之后……“呕……呕……” Vomits...... Vomits......” “呕……呕呕……” In that direction that Jun Moxie looks at finally, two people first destroy the heart to destroy the vomit of lung, as if can link the intestines also to spit, then a vomitive sound rallies together, seems like the person of vomit are really many...... Old Pang, what to do, to vomit......” 君莫邪最后看的那个方向,有两个人首先摧心摧肺的呕吐着,似乎能够连肠子也能够吐出来,然后一片呕吐声群起,貌似呕吐的人还真不少……“庞老,怎么办,呕……” What to do can also? Vomiting...... Also has solved uselessly to our matter, goes back...... Vomits......” “还能怎么办?呕……又没用到咱们事情就解决了,回去呗……呕……” „The true strength of Young Master hideaway is no doubt astonishing, is his method, really...... Really too...... Vomiting...... Cruel...... My heavens...... Vomits......” 少爷隐藏的真正实力固然惊人之极,可是他的那个手段,实在……真是太……呕……残忍了……我的个天啊……呕……” You shut up to me! Do not say again! Vomits......” “你给我闭嘴!别再说了!呕……” A gloomy song of the birds, dozens people from the place of respective hideaway come, almost everybody completely is a face color is pale, the corners of the mouth remaining wine is unceasing. Can look, casual spits heavily. 一声低沉的鸟鸣,数十人从各自隐藏的地方现身出来,几乎人人尽都是一脸面色青白,嘴角余沥不断。看得出来,随便一个都吐得不轻。 As if had any person to issue a sound command, these people also quiet left, from beginning to end, has not come , seemed simply has not come...... The deep curtain of night covers rapidly, has covered all evils, has scattered all bloody...... Piece of calm. 似乎有什么人率先发布了一声号令,这些人也静悄悄的离开了,从头至尾,就没有现身过,又似乎是根本就没有来过……深沉的夜幕迅速罩下,掩盖了所有的罪恶,驱散了所有的血腥……一片沉静 In Jun Residence. 君府中。 At this moment is after midnight, in the Grandpa Jun study room is still brilliantly illuminated. 此刻已经是下半夜了,君老爷子的书房里依然是一片灯火通明。 The Jun Moxie being quietly region the person is going home, sees the light the time, suddenly is in a poetic mood, low was singing at heart: The static night, the star is sparkling, before Grandpa window, light still in bright, works wholeheartedly he to write the teaching material, the big form reflects in my atrium...... The returning room that Young Master Jun is content with one's lot, sleeps. 君莫邪悄无声息地带着人回家,看见灯光的时候,突然诗兴大发,低低的在心里唱道:静静的深夜,星星在闪耀,爷爷的窗前,灯光仍在亮,呕心沥血他在写教材,高大的身影映在我心房……君大少自得其乐的回房,睡觉。 Two teams of subordinate go to the recuperation respectively, the reorganization, healing. Robs obtained besides 350 hand crossbows and 7000 arrow arrows, unexpectedly also 20,000-30,000 two white and shiny Silvers, regarding these, Jun Moxie confessed very much naturally, more than 200 people divide equally these Silvers, the wounded may also be many 52. Immediately is happy. Under Jun Moxie Medicinal Pill, the trivial injury of wounded quickly is also restoring, simply is not all affected much. 两队人马各自去休整,整顿,疗伤。抢劫所得除了350具手弩和7000支箭矢之外,居然还有两三万两白花花的银子,对于这些,君莫邪很大方地交代,200多人平分这些银子,伤者还可多得52。登时皆大欢喜。在君莫邪丹药之下,伤者的区区伤势也在迅速的恢复着,根本就全无大碍。 Naturally, can have this and other good generous on Young Master Jun, this sending out manpower, injured party actually really numerous, had received quite serious in flesh wound, some injuries were sufficiently fatal, but, had Young Master Jun all sort of Spirit Pill marvelous medicines, how even if were serious injuring, can recover in a short time. 当然,也就君大少爷才能有这等的大手笔,这次出动的人手,受伤者其实甚众,其中更有许多受了相当严重的内外伤,有的伤势更是足以致命的,但是,有君大少爷的诸般灵丹妙药,纵然是再严重的伤损又如何,都能在短期之内复原。 Emperor does not miss the hungry soldier, not only there is silver coins to hit the business, including that batch of hand crossbows, Jun Moxie also told, every, to do to attack another method that the enemy defended self. Must embark in any case immediately South Heaven, so long as South Heaven has used again, does not fear the person to discover. 皇帝不差饿兵,不但有银两打商,连那批手弩,君莫邪也吩咐下来,人手一具,以做攻敌防身的另一手段。反正马上就要出发去天南,只要到了天南再用,也不惧人发现。 Young Master Jun just settled, subordinate that Old Pang leads also quietly returned to the mansion. Everybody surface azure lip is white, footsteps are impractical. 君大少爷这边才刚刚安顿下来,老庞率领的人马也已经悄悄地回了府。人人面青唇白,脚步虚浮。 In study room. 书房中。 Lord...... But was came back, the subordinate almost spat lethal......” Old Pang difficult panting crazily. 老爷……可算是回来了,属下几乎狂吐致死……”老庞艰难的喘着气 what happened?” Grandfather wonders very much. 怎么了?”老爷子很纳闷。 Is small Young Master...... His that method was too cruel...... Vomited......” Old Pang to say was saying was nausea. “是小少爷……他的那个手段可是太残忍了……呕……”老庞说着说着又是一阵反胃 Cruel? What's the matter? You said carefully.” Grandfather wondered. But Old Pang the Battle Formation family background, followed in own side already dozens years, in the case of getting up the battlefield year, must come longer than Jun Wuyi, then said that was not overrated after hundred wars certainly, what cruel matter hasn't seen? But he at least has killed several hundred people, this is the most conservative counting, what matter can make this appearance? “残忍?怎么回事?你仔细说说。”老爷子更纳闷了。老庞可是战阵出身,跟随在自己身边已经数十年了,论到上战场的年头,比君无意还要来得长,便说身经百战也绝不为过,什么样的残忍事没见过?但他自己都至少杀过数百人,这还是最保守的计数,到底什么事情能令他这个样子? Vomited......” Old Pang to say while retches, finally said: Lord, I of murder have looked, even I have also killed many people, but, resembles so kills the person while still alive, then own fist must extend to grip cardiac activity from others......, Has not seen really, as for other that them, let alone the human form, simply directly can make dumplings...... The working procedure of chopping remaining, you specifically did not describe with me......” “呕……”老庞一边说一边干呕,最后道:“老爷,杀人的我看过,甚至我自己也杀过不少人,可是,似这般把人活活打死,然后自己的拳头还要从人家背后伸出来攥着心脏活动活动……真的,真的没见过,至于其余那俩人,别说人形了,干脆直接可以包饺子了……连剁剁的工序都不剩下了,您还用我详细说明吗……” Vomits...... Let alone... You hurry to give me to shut up... fuck! Rolled out to vomit......” he not saying that before Grandpa Jun was conceivable that scene, could not bear also retch, immediately erupted. “呕……别说了…你赶紧给我闭嘴…我艹!滚出去呕……”他还没说完,君老爷子这边已经可以想象出之前的那个场面,忍不住也干呕起来,登时爆发。 Old Pang annihilates the idea to prevail, chuckled was walking speedily, spits alone, was inferior that the numerous spit, everybody treatment/salary is the same, this is just! 老庞歼计得逞,嘿嘿笑着一溜烟的走了,独吐吐,不如众吐吐,大家待遇一样,这才公平合理! Grandpa Jun is Expert is first-grade, only retches a meeting, then restored the nature, cannot bear smile, muttered: This little animal, but also really makes my surprise many. That type of silent toxicant...... Pouring is really...... Does not know in this little animal, also how many cards in a hand?” 君老爷子到底是高人一等,只干呕一会,便恢复了自然,更忍不住微笑起来,喃喃自语道:“这个小家伙,还真是让我惊喜多多呀。那种无声无息的毒药……倒真是……不知道这小家伙手里,还有多少底牌?” However in Jun Family, actually also another very depressed Expert. 不过在君家,却也另有一位非常郁闷的高人 This Expert was is just sealed is South Heaven General Jun Wuyi! He personally leads the person to go to Rainbow Garment Pavilion, wants to apprehend that Yue'er everybody, simply directly extinguishes kills! After all the hand crossbow came, the motion started, this Yue'er everybody again did not have the significance of existence! 这位高人就是刚刚才受封为天南将军君无意!他亲自率人去霓裳阁,想要捉拿那位月儿大家,干脆直接灭杀!毕竟手弩已经来了,行动已经开始,这位月儿大家也就再没有了存在的意义了! This originally is the established plan of Jun Moxie! 本就君莫邪的既定计划! But to there one looked, actually threw spatial. Under the inquiry, originally this morning Miss Yue'er and hand/surbordinate several people were missing. Is ordinary just like into thin air, again not tip trace! 但到了那里一看,却扑了一个空。询问之下,原来今天一大早月儿姑娘手下的几个人就失踪了。宛若人间蒸发一般,再无点滴影踪! Jun Wuyi disappointed! 君无意大为失望! Oneself almost take Mount Tai to pound the egg, standard strikes the egg by the stone, but has not pounded finally unexpectedly...... Depressed depressed! Actually where to disclose the news? Jun Wuyi is puzzling! 自己几乎就是拿着泰山砸鸡蛋,标准的以石击卵,可是最终居然没砸到……郁闷呀郁闷!究竟是哪里走漏了消息呢?君无意百思不得其解! Next morning, Jun Moxie and others called concerned person immediately completely. 第二天一大早,君莫邪立即将有关人等全部召集了过来。 In the afternoon, must embark along with the army, Jun Moxie now is in the true sense was racing against time. 下午,就要随着大军出发了,君莫邪现在是真正意义上的在争分夺秒了。 Fatty, after I walked, you must nurse Nobility Hall well, shoulders the responsibility to me . Moreover, I give your pills, must carry on an auction once in a while, few many raid auctions, pay attention to the security of own information. As for the auction obtained silver money, these High Grade medicinal herbs that does not hesitate this also to purchase me heavily to arrange in order, as for these general medicinal herbs, does not need to collect desirably, and not before again such as, general collecting medicinal herbs, extremely hiring words to ridicule about!” 胖子,我走了之后,你要好好地看护贵族堂,给我负起责任来,另外,我给你的那些个药丸,要每隔一段时间就进行一次的拍卖,少量多批次的拍卖,注意自身情报的保密。至于拍卖所得的银钱,不惜重本也要收购到我列出来的那些高级药材,至于那些一般的药材,就不必刻意搜罗了,且莫再如之前一般的搜罗药材,太过招人话柄!” Jun Moxie has given Fatty one bottle of Hundred Solving pill, one bottle of Profound Yang Pill, one bottle of Lesser Yin Pill. Let him use to seek exorbitant profits. As for can grow the skill Ten Years Pill, naturally will not sell. But on these three Medicinal Pill, enough has caused the stir! 君莫邪交给了胖子一瓶百解丹,一瓶玄阳丹,一瓶少阴丹。让他用以牟取暴利。至于能够增长功力的十年丹,自然是不会出售的。但就这三种丹药,已经是足够引起轰动的了! Small Yang Mo, the Nobility Hall common business process, you do not need to meddle! But, if there is Imperial Family to arrive at Nobility Hall to propose that anything requests, excessive is not excessive, reasonable is unreasonable, all are processed by you. After all, does not facilitate to process these by the Tang Yuan status, knows?” “小杨默,贵族堂一般的买卖过程,你不必插手!但,若是有皇室来到贵族堂提出什么要求的话,无论是过分的不过分的,合理的不合理的,一切都由你来处理。毕竟,以唐源的身份不方便处理这些,知道吗?” But...... But......” little Zhengtai somewhat hesitates. “可……可是……”小正太有些犹疑。 Not anything, but, such decided!” Jun Moxie is categorical, draws the conclusion directly: You, if could not process on own initiative, went back to consult your father equal prince. En, such has decided that this matter is not no need to say again!” “没什么可是,就这么定了!”君莫邪斩钉截铁,直接下定论:“你若是自觉处理不了的,就回去请教你父亲平等王爷。恩,就这么定了,此事不必再说了!” Neat making a final decision, small Yang Mo concern heavily exited, Jun Moxie changes Tang Yuan: „The business of related Imperial Family, all gives Yang Mo, suffers a loss importantly, does not need to care about the loss. Understood?” 干净利落的敲定,小杨默心事重重地出去了,君莫邪转向唐源:“有关皇室的买卖,一律交给杨默,吃亏不要紧,更不必在乎损失。明白吗?” „It is not clear, why is this? If there is a Imperial Family people to come our to pick a quarrel, the little rascal could not deal with, recognized bad luck?” A lawsuit of Fatty Tang face, did not understand to the decision of Jun Moxie very much. “不明白,这是为啥呢?要是有皇室中人来咱这找碴,那小鬼应付不了,就那么认倒霉?”唐胖子一脸的官司,对君莫邪的决定很不理解。 I do not need you to understand, only needs you to carry out!” The Jun Moxie anger stares his one eyes. Previous Tianxiang Golden Autumn Gifted Scholar Feast, equal prince has not arrived. But, had not actually opposed to instigation of Jun Moxie intentionally or otherwise. As if all in static. “我不需要你明白,只需要你去执行!”君莫邪怒瞪他一眼。上次天香金秋才子宴,平等王爷一家并未到场。但,对君莫邪有意无意的挑拨却也没有反对。似乎一切在静止中。 Has saying that the equal prince truly can calm down. But this move, in front of Jun Moxie actually invalid. Can you calm down? Good, I again poked. 不得不说,平等王爷确实能够沉得住气。但这一招,在君莫邪面前却行不通。你沉得住气?好啊,那我再添把火呗。 Is only thinking how many taels of silver puts out to occupy the free shares, making the young master make money for you, where has such cheap matter? Not ties up you and my Jun Family on the same chariot, young master in vain, for you do pull out Silvers outward? 光想着拿出几两银子占干股,让小爷为你赚钱,哪有这么便宜的事情?不将你们与我君家绑在同一辆战车上,小爷怎么会白白的为了你往外掏银子 By doing so, although there is not a Omiya, the use attacked child as if also too despicable, but if the good behavior, this Young Master can actually create one generation of kings to you! 这样做,虽然有所不大光明,利用打击一个小孩子似乎也太卑鄙了一些,但若是表现良好的话,本少爷却可以给你造就一代帝王! Is also what dissatisfied? 还有什么不满足的? Although Fatty does not understand that he is any meaning, but sees Jun Moxie to get angry, actually immediately keeps silent, should be again and again. He did not think: Own this childhood good friend, did a debauchee people, when have this not to get angry from aggressive of prestige? 胖子虽然仍是不明白他是什么意思,但见到君莫邪发怒,却登时噤若寒蝉,连连应是。连他自己也不觉得:自己这位童年好友,纨绔中人,何时有了这等不怒自威的强霸气度? Jun Moxie changes Song Shang: Song Shang, you brew alcohol these days, for us home then, does not need to be too many, yes? Moreover, in the evening is under the charge of the Nobility Hall security to you, must guarantee that do not have an accident!” 君莫邪转向宋伤:“宋伤,这段时间你酿酒,供我们家用即可,不必太多,明白吗?另外,晚上由你负责贵族堂的安全,务必确保不要出事!” Understood, Master.” “明白了,师傅。” Hai Chenfeng, in me not in these days, you must become the monolithic bloc Capital City underworld gang forging! I want, is not you can have many strength, but lies in the collection degree in information! Understands my meaning? For example city gate beggar, the worthless person in intersection, the wineshop attendant in restaurant, the turtle of institute Duke, the arrangement of each aristocratic family entrance...... These people who waits, must make full use of their latent strength, unearths all valuable information. The information, is being first \; After adopting information route, you consider the strength again the issue. Understood?” 海沉风,在我不在的这段时间,你务必要将京城黑道打造成铁板一块!我要的,并不是你们能有多少的战力,而是在于情报方面的收集程度!明白我的意思吗?比如城门的乞丐,街口的散人,酒楼的酒保,记院的龟公,每个世家门口的安排……等等等等的这些人,要充分利用他们的潜在力量,挖掘出所有有价值的情报。记着,情报,是第一位的\;在确定了情报的路线之后,你再考虑战力的问题。懂了吗?” In Jun Moxie cold light glittering, these words, are almost saying of character character. In this, contained him to govern the criminal syndicate biggest goal to be at similarly! Therefore, must result in makes Hai Chenfeng completely clear! 君莫邪目中寒光闪烁,这段话,几乎是一字一字的说出。这里面,也同样包含了他治理黑帮最大的目的之所在!所以,必须得让海沉风完全明白! Understood, Young Master felt relieved, my Hai Chenfeng decides however becomes an information network of seizing every opportunity Tianxiang City criminal syndicate forging!” Hai Chenfeng understood completely meaning of Jun Moxie, serious replied. “明白了,公子放心,我海沉风定然会将天香城的黑帮打造成一支无孔不入的情报网络!”海沉风完全明白了君莫邪的意思,郑重的回答道。 En, is very good. Last matter, is the most important matter, I most cannot put down, is the Jun Family security. This point, mainly has Hai Chenfeng and Song Shang they are responsible, I only spoke a few words: Anything! Any accident/surprise! I do not permit! I said that is any condition! Understood?” “恩,很好。最后一件事,也是最重要的一件事,我最放不下的,就是君家的安全。这一点,主要有海沉风宋伤两人负责,我只说一句话:任何事情!任何意外!我都不允许!我说的,是任何状况!懂了吗?” Young Master felt relieved! If some people want to cope with Jun Family, only if stepped the past from our corpses!” Hai Chenfeng and Song Shang also comply. 公子放心!若是有人想要对付君家,除非从我们两人的尸体上跨过去!”海沉风宋伤同时答应。 En, so, I also felt relieved.” Jun Moxie nods slightly, was saying takes out a porcelain bottle: Inside Medicinal Pill, everyone three grains, take, can grow ten years of pure Profound Qi cultivation base together! Tang Yuan, you can make Hai Chenfeng assist you! In addition, this matter lists as the first secret, anybody can not reveal!” “恩,如此,我也就放心了。”君莫邪微微颔首,说着取出一个瓷瓶:“里面的丹药,每人三粒,一起服下,可以增长十年的精纯玄气修为唐源,你可以让海沉风协助你!另,这事列为第一机密,任何人不得泄露!” Three people also comply, in the item reveals frantic expression. Can grow ten years of Profound Qi skills all of a sudden, this is the exceptionally mysterious matter, person who is all brawn and no brains who Fatty Tang this very does not pay great attention to the military force, excited, do not say that was Hai Chenfeng and Song Shang these two big Sky Profound expert. 三人同时答应,目中露出狂热的神色。能够一下子增长十年的玄气功力,这可是异常神奇的事情,就连唐胖子这个不是十分注重武力的夯货,都兴奋了起来,更不要说是海沉风宋伤这两大天玄强者了。 Temporarily dispersed, you were busy respectively various. In the afternoon goes to battle, you did not need to see off.” Jun Moxie waved, in the item reveals strange expression, say/way slowly: If this line all smooth...... When we come back, is...... Hehe......” his meaningful smiles, in the eyes has actually revealed the knife point common cold light! “暂时都散了吧,你们各忙各的。下午出征,你们就不用来送行了。”君莫邪挥了挥手,目中露出奇怪的神色,慢慢的道:“若是此行一切顺利……等我们回来,便是……呵呵……”他意味深长的一笑,眼中却露出了刀锋一般的寒光! The people present saw, in the heart cannot bear trembles. This is Young Master, what idea in the heart having? Does this grade of look, how so dreadfully pinch? 在座众人看到,心中均是忍不住一颤。这位公子爷,心中又在打着什么主意?这等眼神,怎地如此的令人害怕捏? ............ Sun sets in the west slightly, in big school ground gathering will rouse bang shakes the place shocking has made a sound! …………太阳稍稍西斜,大校场中的聚将鼓轰轰隆隆震天撼地的响了起来! The military commanders go to battle, mostly chooses in the morning or says, to take Xu saying that the initial rise, such as said the auspicious meaning in side, but this time went to battle, actually elected to take a mass pledge in afternoon, somewhat was actually unusual, at least intent not that good, quickly said that fell Western Mountain, but can also be good to result in?...... However this is actually the decision of Tianxiang Emperor Your Majesty, pours also nobody may I ask anything. 兵家出征,大多都选择在上午或者曰出时分,以取旭曰初升、如曰方中的吉利之意,但此次出征,却是选在了下午誓师,倒是有些不同寻常,起码意头就不是那么的好,都快曰落西山了,还能好得了?……不过这却是天香皇帝陛下的决定,倒也没人敢问什么。 Autumn wind bone-chilling cold, curls the withered leaf to discount to whistle whirlwind in the low altitude to cross, in grass field several hundred flags dark red like blood, just like Blood Sea raises waves, flap flap flies upwards, a Jun Wuyi military garb, sits the wheelchair, mounts the stage slowly! Although sits above the wheelchair, but that sharp look, the blade truncates the face, actually still gives all person feelings of Wei ice world! 秋风凛冽,卷着枯叶在低空打折呼哨飚过,艹场中数百面大旗殷红如血,犹如血海扬波,猎猎飞扬,君无意一身戎装,坐着轮椅,缓缓上台!虽然是坐在轮椅之上,但那锋锐的眼神,刀削般的脸庞,却是依然给所有人一种威凌天下的感觉! Quiet ten years of Blood-clothed General! Finally today, again being near armed forces! 沉寂了十年的血衣大将!终于在今天,再临军阵! Ten years of poverty-stricken, ten years of disability suffers, has not worn down this Blood-clothed General one clank the lofty character! In he appears in leading this moment on stage, all had worked together as colleagues before General discovered excitedly: Present Jun Wuyi, is still ten years ago that Blood-clothed General! 十年的困苦,十年的残疾折磨,并没有消磨掉这位血衣大将的一身铮铮傲骨!就在他出现在帅台上的这一刻,所有以前曾经共事过的将军们激动地发现:眼前的君无意,依然是十年前那位血衣大将 Still is similar to cuts the day treasured sword to be ordinary, the point four shoot! Still is like that arrogant to wind and cloud, shook world! In this looks like in incomplete body, still has the earthshaking bone-chilling cold heroic spirit, fearless fighting intent generously! 依然是如同斩天宝剑一般,锋芒四射!依然是那般的傲对风云,叱咤天下!在这个看起来残缺的身体里面,依然存在着惊天动地的凛冽豪气,无所畏惧的慨然战意 Again palm mighty force! 再一次手掌千军万马! Again galloping battlefield, will show the blood and iron heroic feelings of Jun Family son! 再一次将驰骋疆场,展现君家男儿的铁血豪情! Suddenly, graceful stage next piece silent, a person directs the throat to shout loudly: Blood-clothed ~~~~ 突然,帅台下一片寂静中,一人引吭高呼:“血衣~~~~” All people also bellow: Military God!” 所有人同时大吼:“军神!” Blood-clothed!” 血衣!” Military God!” 军神!” mountain cry out, sea howl general cheered has continued for a long time, the Jun Wuyi back supported especially straightly, item wooden looked has led under the stage the entire simultaneously army! Which his eye sees, where then erupts warmer cheering, inspects for one week later, Jun Wuyi raises both hands slowly, then, falls! 山呼海啸一般的欢呼持续了许久,君无意背脊挺得格外笔直,目无表情的看过帅台下整整齐齐的部队!他的眼睛看到哪一处,哪里便爆发出更加热烈的欢呼,巡视一周之后,君无意缓缓举起双手,然后,落下! All around cheers, are similar to blade cut suddenly stop suddenly generally! On rough faces, an earnest look looks at the idol in this heart in pairs, the locations of thousands of person, except for neighing and Violent Wind of rolling up and pushing along flag warhorse flap flap the wind sound, does not have other sound again! 四周的欢呼声,突然如同刀斩一般戛然而止!一张张粗犷的脸上,一双双热切的眼神看着这位心中的偶像,千万人的场地,除了战马的嘶鸣和狂风卷动大旗的猎猎风响,再也没有别的声音! Brothers! Robe Ze!” Jun Wuyi opens the mouth slowly, clear and bright sound sends out with vigorous Profound Qi, in the big school ground each is clearly may hear! After ten years, my Jun Wuyi, stood finally here!” “诸位兄弟!诸位袍泽!”君无意缓缓开口,清朗的声音用浑厚的玄气发出,大校场之中每一处都是清晰可闻!“时隔十年,我君无意,终于又站到了这里!” The Jun Wuyi vision takes a fast look around slowly, sinks dignifiedly austere: Again will fight side-by-side with numerous brothers! Also with the brothers together, the blood will dye drafts the robe! Even if, this time we face, is more savage than the enemy, more fearful Profound Beast!” 君无意的目光缓缓扫视,凝重而沉肃:“又将再一次与众位兄弟们并肩作战!又将与兄弟们一起,血染征袍!纵然,这一次我们面对的,却是远比敌军更凶残、更可怕的玄兽!” But, thousands of times battles, we were living! Facing hundred times of enemies, we also defeated, now, facing Profound Beast, will not play any schemes and tricks facing these Profound Beast, my Monarch three asked you: Can be afraid?” “但,千万次的厮杀,我们都活着回来了!面对百倍的敌人,我们也战胜回来了,如今,面对玄兽,面对这些根本不会耍什么阴谋诡计的玄兽,我君三问你们:可害怕了吗?” Last, agglomerated the Jun Wuyi whole body skill, is similar to the bolt from the blue, loudly explosive! 最后一句,积聚了君无意的全身功力,如同晴天霹雳,轰然爆响! Field next heroic laughing: Joke! We did not fear the enemies, could it be also does fear the wild animal?” 场下一阵豪迈的大笑:“笑话!我们连敌人都不怕,难道还怕野兽?” Jun Wuyi cold eye sweeps: Said again, are some people afraid?” 君无意冷目一扫:“再说一遍,有人害怕吗?” Did not fear! ~~ thousands of people also shouted loudly, all shouted oneself hoarse, intense howled to raise the air wave that shook shocking! “不怕!~~”千万人同时高呼,个个声嘶力竭,强烈的吼叫掀起的气浪,震天撼地! Good! Facing the sly enemy, is the savage wild animal! No matter facing Heaven and Earth or vault of heaven! My Jun Wuyi delivers everybody a few words!” Jun Wuyi cold and stern cold vision Divine Light suddenly/violently to launch, bellows suddenly: War! Fearless!” “好!无论是面对狡猾的敌军,还是凶残的野兽!不管是面对天地还是苍穹!我君无意送大家一句话!”君无意冷凛凛的目光神光暴射,突然大吼一声:“战!无所畏惧!” War! Fearless!” Several thousand people also shout wildly, scene already boiling to the extreme! Jun Wuyi words, stimulated the extreme warm-blooded of all officers! “战!无所畏惧!”数万人同时狂呼,场面已经沸腾到了极点!君无意的话,也已经将所有将士的热血激发到了极点! The one side is standing other Dugu Wudi and kingdom great general, in the item revealed nearly in envying frantic expression of envy! The scene that this type stimulated the extreme, can make, from the Tianxiang Empire founding of the nation until now, always only then the Jun Family person can achieve! 一旁站着的独孤无敌和另外的王国大将,目中都露出了近乎于羡慕加嫉妒的狂热神色!这种刺激到了极点的场面,能够制造出来的,从天香帝国建国到如今,从来只有君家人可以做到! Even if Jun Family already quiet ten years of! 纵然君家已经沉寂了十年之久! But, such circumstance, actually still reappears, moreover compared with past years, still have it! 可,这样的情势,却依然重现,而且比当年,犹有过之! In armed forces that the Jun Family son, deserves war-god! Iron bloody battle soul! 君家男儿,当之无愧的军中战神!铁血战魂! Suddenly, in the numerous position General letter in big school ground, leisurely (Youran) surged such one feeling: To can achieve such achievement, this life what Han? 一时间,大校场中的众位将军信中,都悠然地涌起了这样的一种感觉:为将者能够取得这样的成就,今生何憾? Let the mighty force along with my together boiling! Ju Wangyi, the life and death does not count! 让千军万马随我一起沸腾!俱往矣,生死不计! In the mountain cry out, sea howl common cheers, Jun Wuyi grass moves the wheelchair, turns around suddenly, heavily holds the fist in the other hand: Your Majesty! The feudal officials, Jun Wuyi, turn in resignation!” 山呼海啸一般的欢呼声之中,君无意艹动轮椅,霍然转身,重重抱拳:“陛下!臣,君无意,请辞!” „!” The Emperor Your Majesty complexion blushes, great sound plays certainly! “准!”皇帝陛下脸色发红,宏声准奏! Plays music! Delivers the Empire hero to go to battle!” Dugu Zhongheng Grandfather one step treads, the majestic sound bellows! “奏乐!送帝国英雄出征!”独孤纵横老爷子一步踏出,雄壮的声音大吼一声! The raging tide goes to battle with the drum by the biggest zeal, resounds loudly! 狂潮般的出征鼓以最大的热忱,轰然响起! On eight steeds, eight are neatly-dressed, a armor bright knight every flag, when drives out of first! 八匹骏马上,八名衣冠整齐,盔甲鲜明的骑士人手一面大旗,当先驶出! The bone-chilling cold autumn wind, the gigantic flag will blow in the sky flies upwards, blood common flag color, middle large golden yellow large character: You! 凛冽的秋风,将硕大的旗帜吹得当空飞扬,鲜血一般的大旗颜色,中间一个斗大的金黄色的大字:“君”! Tianxiang soldier of all veterans, some are moved to tears unexpectedly! 所有老资格的天香军人,有的竟然热泪盈眶! Jun Family war flag! 君家战旗! This symbolizes is often winning the invincible flag, this blood and iron heroic symbol, finally long-separated ten years later! Again appears! Still so shakes person heart and soul! Still is such rolling up and pushing along wind and cloud! 这象征着常胜无敌的旗帜,这铁血豪迈的象征,终于在阔别十年之后!再一次出现!依然是如此的震人心魄!依然是这样的卷动风云! The neat hoofbeat resounds methodically, the teams of armor bright knights, line up in formation one after another, gradually has formed a steel mighty current, billowing enormous and powerful, against the wind to run quickly! 整齐的蹄声有条不紊地响起,一队队盔甲鲜明的骑士,鱼贯地列队而出,逐渐形成了一支钢铁般的洪流,滚滚浩荡,迎风奔驰 The broadsword to the dark green space, the long sword refers to South Heaven \; Heroic hundred wars goes, the brave soldier blood is not cold! 大刀冲苍宇,长剑指天南\;英雄百战去,壮士血未寒! South Heaven! I came! 天南!我来了! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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