OEM :: Volume #4

#312: Crazy tyrannical killer

But what most makes his frightened is, own Profound Qi is vanishing gradually, in Dantian a confusion, do not say the time of simply not having hit back, has, with own present skill, how the opposite party...... The speed of opposite party, is too fast! Let alone he now incomparable flurry. Profound Qi, originally is his only depending on, but this only depending on actually vanished now! Even linked circulate cultivation to protect the body also to forget, was only pure taking a beating! 而最让他恐惧的是,自身的玄气渐渐在消失,丹田之中一片混乱,不要说根本没有还手的时间,就算有,凭着自己现在功力,也奈何不了对方了……对方的速度,实在太快!更何况他现在无比的慌乱。玄气,本就是他唯一的倚仗,但现在这唯一的倚仗却已经消失!甚至连运功护体也忘记了,只是单纯的挨揍! pēng! red clothes person crotch was stroked, has not screamed, after the brain, actually suffered one to hit hard! Staggers to proceed to fall two steps, actually discovered that the enemy was already waiting before him, in a twinkling Violent Wind sudden downpour general carrying/sustaining innumerable fists and feet. 砰!红衣人胯下受到击打,还未叫出声来,脑后却又挨了一记重击!一个踉跄往前跌出两步,却发现敌人早已在他面前等着,霎时间狂风骤雨一般身上承载了无数的拳脚。 The speed of this person, is similar to the spirit is directly ordinary, the red clothes person only thought own whole body each place at the same time was beaten . Moreover, place that each sufficiently kills! 这个人的速度,直接如同幽灵一般,红衣人只觉得自己全身上下每一处地方都在同一时间遭到殴打,而且,每一处都是足以致人死命的地方! This person's understanding degree to the human body, arrived ripe the situation of but extremely flowing! As if hits conveniently randomly, but each in the most uncomfortable place, is the place that Martial Artist most abstains from! 这个人对人体的了解程度,已经到了熟极而流的地步!仿佛是随手乱打,但每一记都在最让人难受的地方,也是武者最忌讳的地方! The red clothes person intelligence blurred, in brain an only thought is: This person, is actually skilled in the technique of murder compared with my Blood Sword Hall person, who is this person?! 红衣人神智已经模糊,脑中唯一的一个念头就是:这个人,竟然比我血剑堂的人更精通杀人之术,这人是谁?! Another two Sky Profound assassin are startled to see the mutation, roars then to come to rescue, but they, as soon as raises Profound Qi, successively had actually discovered the pitiful reality, own skill in does not know when has dispersed half to be many, knowing for sure was inexplicable lethal poison, panic-stricken, could not attend to rescuing the companion again, raised remaining Profound Qi in within the body to operate diligently, hopes for that can compel lethal poison, restored the strength, but operated along with Profound Arts is more anxious, remaining Profound Qi disappeared more is quicker, under heart how not startled! 另外两名天玄杀手惊见异变,怒吼一声便要前来救援,可他们一提玄气,却都先后发现了可悲的现实,自己的功力在不知道什么时候已经散掉了一半还要多,情知是中了莫名的剧毒,心慌意乱之下,再也顾不得过去救援同伴,纷纷努力地提起体内的残余玄气运行起来,希冀可以将剧毒逼出,恢复战力,但随着玄功运行越急,残余的玄气散失得却越快,心下如何不惊! Then in is panic-stricken inexplicable, is hidden in all around many manpower, suddenly the ghosts and demons come generally, if the illness rushed to the thunder general to clash high-speed! 便在惊恐莫名之时,隐没在四周的许多人手,突然鬼魅一般现身,疾若奔雷一般高速冲了过来! The body of everyone, glittering bright golden rays of light! Has no scruples, unscrupulous charging into should formidable Earth Profound and Jade Profound, even be Sky Profound expert, in the hand the sword head-on chops, as if in their in the eyes, and indifferent expert, cattle that be only one crowd treats the slaughter! 每个人的身上,都闪烁着灿烂的金色光芒!毫无顾忌,肆无忌惮的冲向应远比自己强大的地玄玉玄、甚至是天玄强者,手中刀剑搂头就砍,仿佛在他们眼中,并无所谓的强者,只有一群待屠的牛羊! Actually this batch of newly-arrived enemy cultivation base highest is also Gold Profound peak, if before trading has not been poisoned, in this batch of red clothes assassin in the eyes, these people only feared that waits the cattle that butchers to be also inferior continually, at best is only some ants! Must know these assassin, lowest cultivation base is also Jade Profound! 其实这批新到的敌人修为最高的也不过就是金玄巅峰,若是换到没有中毒之前,在这批红衣杀手眼中,这些人只怕连待宰的牛羊也不如,充其量就只是一些蝼蚁而已!要知道这些杀手,最低的修为也是玉玄啊! But this moment Feng Shui in turn transfers, now is facing these black clothes guys, is ordinary only such as ants general existence, actually the direct transformation became the yama of urgently pressing! 可是此刻风水轮流转,现在面对着这些黑衣大汉,平常里只如蝼蚁一般的存在,却直接蜕变成为了催命的阎王! overbearing Consume Soul Fragrant, has made their cultivation base collapse the what front enemy similar situation, moreover during continuing falls rapidly, everyone to this fact was the fear to the extreme, did not have any will of fight again! 霸道销魂香,已经让他们的修为狂跌到了何面前的敌人差不多的地步,而且还在持续的急速下跌之中,每个人对这一事实都是恐惧到了极点,已再没有任何战斗的意志! Consume Soul Fragrant, this group had been known as that the cold blood the fighting spirit of assassin routs completely! 销魂香,已经将这帮号称冷血的杀手的斗志完全击溃! When expert lost him depending on the proud and livelihood formidable strength, his mentality even possibly might as well average person! 当一个强者失去了他赖以自豪、赖以生存的强大战力,他的心态甚至可能还不如普通人! Everybody are only thinking the escape, instant between makes the noisy crowd randomly. 人人都只想着逃命,瞬时之间乱作一窝蜂。 On the contrary, that helps the Gold Profound guy, is everybody is actually powerful, fierce does not fear! 相反,那帮金玄大汉,却是人人气势如虹,悍不畏死! Almost in 1-2 breath, these two groups of people was similar to the volcanic eruption generally hits in one! 几乎在一两个呼吸之间,这两帮人就如同火山爆发一般撞在了一起! This group of guy everybody facial features are callous, without the slightest show of feeling, once the unusual cold blood and murder such as assassin of hemp compared with front group, at this moment their expression on face is more like most brutal, most cold blood assassin! Facing enemy flurried without merit and chaotic attack, almost did not dodge not to evade, was toughing it out nonstop, has killed, with the shoulder, with the chest, anti- enemy's attack, in simultaneously has then fed in own weapon the body of enemy! 这帮大汉人人面容冷酷,毫无表情,跟面前这帮曾经异常冷血、杀人如麻的杀手比起来,这一刻他们脸上的表情才更像是最残酷、最冷血的杀手!面对敌人慌乱无状、杂乱无章的攻击,几乎就是不闪不避,硬挺着、直通通的杀了过去,用肩膀,用胸膛,抗住敌人的进攻,然后在同时将自己的兵器送进了敌人的身体之中! Almost fights tooth and nail by the life, trades the life by the wound! 几乎就是以命搏命、以伤换命! Cruelly to the tactical rules of extreme! 残忍到极点的战法! To oneself enough cruel, can be crueler to enemy! 对自己足够残忍,对敌人才能更残忍! The fight erupts quickly, but finished is more rapid, has almost an opposite to dash, the fight had finished half. Because, all was chopped by this group of guys assassin, so long as the body broke the skin, will become dark in the instantaneous whole body flesh, another instance, stopped the breath, to lose life! 战斗爆发得快,但结束得却更迅速,几乎只得一个对面冲撞,战斗就已经结束了一半。因为,所有被这帮大汉砍中的杀手们,只要身上破了皮,就会在瞬间全身肌肤发黑,再一个瞬间,停止了呼吸、丧失姓命 Above the weapon of this group of people, has smudged unexpectedly also overbearing incomparable lethal poison! Such see the blood of the throat and twinkling seize the life lethal poison, are unable to support a short time including Earth Profound expert unexpectedly much! 这帮人的兵器之上,居然还都涂抹了霸道无比的剧毒!这样见血封喉、瞬息夺命的剧毒,竟然是连地玄高手都无法多支撑一时半刻! The stock that Jun Moxie is Jun Wuyi compels poisonous time accumulates, actually at this moment truly applied! The swords of these people, have soaked in the venom before then for night! The present toxin, is dozens world to the poisonous mix, it can be said that sees the blood to confer nobility upon fully! 正是君莫邪君无意逼毒的时候攒下的库存,却在此刻真正派上了用场!这些人的刀剑,在此之前已经在毒液中浸泡了一夜!现在的毒,乃是数十种天下至毒的混合,足可说是见血封侯! More than 200 guys, almost divide up and assign the work, every 45 cope with one, drivehead acts as the meat shield, shoulders the attack of enemy by the physical body directly stiffly, then other 3-4 people close, in instantaneously condition not entire enemy dismembering broken life! 200多名大汉,几乎就是分片包干,每45个对付一个,打头的一个充当肉盾,直接以肉体硬生生扛住敌人的攻击,然后其余的三四人一拥而上,在瞬间就将状态不全的敌人分尸碎命! Even if that several Earth Profound expert can resist one reluctantly second half, also by the lethal poison rapid corrosion, in a twinkling poisonously was actually sent dead! 即便那几位地玄高手能勉强抵挡一下半下,却也被剧毒迅速侵蚀,霎时间毒发身亡! Those images and scenes, perform by that two are compelled poisonous Sky Profound expert to look fully in in the eye, vertical with the calm of Sky Profound expert , the facial features twitch, cold sweat directing current! 此情此景,尽被那两位正在全力逼毒的天玄高手看在眼内,纵以天玄强者的沉稳,也不禁眉眼抽搐,冷汗直流! This...... Is this person? This group of people, is taking itself...... Or takes life of companion not to be serious? Even if the battlefield fights tooth and nail, indisputable, but this does not have the skillful surname, too volume...... Barbaric?! 这……这还是人吗?这帮人,也太拿着自己……或者说是拿着同伴的姓命不当一回事了吧?就算战场搏命,无可厚非,但这样却也太没有技巧姓,也太额……野蛮了吧?! Only looks at that person, was chopped the shoulder by a Earth Profound assassin blade, almost linked the back not to have, this that almost can affirm was sufficiently the fatal injury, even if were again frequently with a strength, must sever completely, this fellow linked the brow not to wrinkle unexpectedly, unexpectedly maliciously has also turned the shoulder, will chop of body the blade closely card in own body, several other people who then and he flushed together, will bellow front living Earth Profound expert in in the wink of an eye to decompose have become everywhere hashed meat! 只看那一人,被一地玄杀手一刀砍进了肩膀,几乎连刀背也没了进去,几乎可以肯定的这是足以致命的伤害,哪怕是再稍多用一点力,就要一刀两断了,这家伙居然连眉头也不曾皱一下,居然还狠狠地扭了扭肩膀,将砍进自己身体的那把刀紧紧地卡在自己身体里面,然后与他一起冲上来的另外几人,大吼着将面前一个活生生的地玄强者在瞬息之间分解成了漫天碎肉! ...... Another, was pierced the lower abdomen by a handle long sword obviously, this is sufficiently the fatal injury, actually unexpectedly as before is unemotionally of face, even also uses two hands, stubbornly of a hand before own lower abdomen has locked in long sword sword edge, another hand actually grasped opposite that red clothes Earth Profound assassin wrist/skill, fiercely smiles, the side broadsword long sword also falls, is pile of hashed meat...... Another...... also...... This group of people! Also wants the bravo compared with the bravo! ……另一个,明明已经被一柄长剑刺穿了小腹,这可是足以致命的伤势,却居然依旧是一脸的面无表情,甚至还用两只手,一只手在自己小腹前死死地锁住了长剑剑锋,另一只手却抓住了对面的那个红衣地玄杀手的手腕,狰狞地笑着,身边大刀长剑同时落下,又是一堆碎肉……再一个……还有……这帮人!比亡命徒还要亡命徒! The bravos also wrestle by fate at best, to the true life and death important pass, will have dreaded and returned as before timidly, is these guys, actually truly achieved has disregarded the death, will then die to take to their match! 亡命徒充其量也不过只是以命相搏,到了真正生死关口,依旧会畏惧、回怯懦,可是这些个大汉,却是真正做到了无视死亡,进而将死亡带给他们的对手! 15 Earth Profound High Grade assassin, Blood-clothed assassin of 40 Jade Profound ranks, unexpectedly in short skill/effort that this blinks, completely was finished! What is crueler, these 55 people actually do not have any person to preserve the corpse! Each corpse, changes beyond all recognition, was more pitiful than formerly Zhou Jianming! 15位地玄高级杀手,40名玉玄级别的血衣杀手,竟然就在这眨眨眼的短暂功夫,就全部完蛋了!更为残忍的是,这55人竟然没有任何一人得保全尸!每一具尸体,都是面目全非,比先前的周剑鸣还要凄惨! This was indisputable to assassin, confirmed a best method of person truly death, its broken corpse, but understood is a matter, with own eyes testimony, first even/including witnessed such broken corpse to seize the life, it shocked can be imagined! 本来这对杀手而言是无可厚非的,确认一个人真正死亡的最好方法,就是将其碎尸,可是明白是一回事,亲眼见证,还是一连见证如此之多碎尸夺命,其震撼可想而知! Two Sky Profound assassin suddenly had a feeling: Was similar to oneself two brothers that year entered Heavenly Punishment Forest sought the medicine the time meets that group of wolves to be ordinary, but front group of people, were more fearful than the pack of wolves! This rushed huge killing intent, killing intent and killing intent, far more than is the assassin category? Even if in Heavenly Punishment Forest, bloodiest and cruel Profound Beast is also not necessarily able to achieve! 两名天玄杀手突然有了一种感觉:就如同自己兄弟二人那一年进天罚森林寻药的时候遇到了那一帮狼群一般,而面前的这帮人,比狼群还要可怕!这等澎湃庞大的杀意杀机杀气,又何止是杀手的范畴?就算天罚森林中,最血腥、残忍的玄兽也未必能做到! Finally...... With one desperate to the pitiful yell of extreme, pitifully to the extreme, was the grief and indignation to the extreme, actually stopped sad howl! They turn the head to look, sees only own leader, that had just killed Zhou Jianming Sky Profound assassin, two arms had been chopped, has not fallen to the ground with enough time, opens mouth, two eyes, a nose, had been pounded the terrifying blood hole. 最后……随着一声绝望到了极点的惨叫,凄惨到了极点,也是悲愤到了极点,却又嘎然而止悲嚎!两人转头望去,只见自己的首领,那位刚刚才击毙了周剑鸣天玄杀手,两条胳膊已经被砍了下来,还未来得及落地,一张嘴,两只眼睛,一个鼻子,都已经被捣成了恐怖的血窟窿。 Instance that turns head to look in two people, his body was actually kicked by bang one high to the midair, then is Violent Wind sudden downpour general crazy Ou to strike, all attacks stroke all in such as the throat, heart, crotch, head wait/etc. above fatal vital point, by two people eyesights, can clear finding by inspection, absolutely not have any one to strike surpassed these fatal scopes! The so intensive attack, actually can still maintain so accurate! Solely is this point, is worth any person trembling! 在两人回头看的瞬间,他的身躯却被“砰”地一声踢高到了半空,接着便是一通狂风骤雨一般的疯狂殴击,所有的攻击尽数击打在诸如咽喉、心脏、胯下、脑袋等等致命要害之上,以两人的目力,可以清楚的看明,绝对没有任何一击超出这几个致命的范围!如此密集的打击,竟然犹能够保持如此精准!单单是这一点,就值得任何一人为之颤栗! For its precise technique, must to have the cruel cold blood incessantly trembles, beforehand these vital point, so long as there are one -and-a-half to be raided, then sufficiently fatal, but Strokes such as is the attack, clarified to shock! 不止是为其精确的手法,亦要为起残忍冷血而颤栗,之前的那些要害,只要有一处半处被袭,便足以致命,而施招者偏偏如是打击,摆明了就是为了震撼! Finally, as made the person of tooth acid the sound, picture stay still. That a moment ago also powerful Sky Profound assassin, changed has made one throughly person stick, that demon God common the black clothes masked man of before him, right talent stretches out, the fist penetrated his chest easily, had overflowed his chest cavity, then revealed from the back, the fist that gripped tightly, partly was actually grasping together the fragmentary heart...... Such hung in the midair! 终于,随着一声令人牙酸的咔嚓的声音,画面静止不动了。那位刚才还威风凛凛的天玄杀手,已经变作了一根彻头彻尾的‘人棍’,在他面前那个魔神一般的黑衣蒙面人,右手笔直地伸出,拳头轻而易举地击穿了他的胸口,没过了他的胸腔,然后从背后露了出来,那紧握的拳头,却还半握着一块零碎的心脏……就这么挂在了半空! The fine hair of two Sky Profound assassin whole bodies have set upright! 两位天玄杀手浑身的汗毛都竖了起来! This or was unable to say is cruel and brutal, cold blood anything! 这或者已经不能说是残忍、残酷、冷血什么的了! This directly is abnormal! Full anomaly! Surmounts human to withstand the limit the anomaly! 这直接就是变态!十足的变态!超越人类承受极限的变态! This person, naturally is Jun Moxie. Delays the time unable to tow shortly, Young Master Jun naturally wants who strikes the first blow has the advantage! But after his make a move, had discovered a matter, making him also feel depressed, very depressed, very depressed. 这个人,自然就是君莫邪。眼看拖时间已经拖不下去,君大少自然要先下手为强!但他出手之后,才发现了一件事,令他也感到了郁闷,十分的郁闷,非常的郁闷。 Great Assassin Jun as one generation of King of Assassins, has not played, sm similarly oppressively and so on abnormal hobby, most is the art strikes assassin to decide, such as is the tyrannical killer match, really has the difficulties that was unable to speak unavoidablily and! 君大杀手身为一代杀手王者,从来就没有类似玩虐、sm之类的变态嗜好,最是讲究一击即中的杀手要决,如是虐杀对手,实在有不得已、还不能明言的苦衷! Even if there is Consume Soul Fragrant effect, the skill of enemy dropped an unthinkable situation, even if the enemy does not have fighting intent, even if in hit his one to be caught off guard from the beginning, has been eagerly anticipating the guidance of fight at the speed, but...... The Sky Profound expert body intensity was too high! Although Young Master Jun itself the progress is amazingly quick, reached the boundary of Jade Profound, compared with others is the phase difference was too still disparate, so the intensive attack, changed to others early unable to find including the bone sediment, but after front this fellow withstood, unexpectedly was only painful called out several! 纵然是有销魂香的效果,敌人的功力已经下降到了一个匪夷所思的地步,纵然敌人全无战意,纵然自己在一开始就打他一个措手不及,一直以速度引领着战斗的导向,但……天玄强者的身体强度太高了!君大少爷本身虽然进步神速,已臻玉玄之境,与人家相比仍是相差太悬殊了,如此的密集的打击,化作了别人早已经连骨头渣子都找不到了,但面前这个家伙承受了之后,居然只是痛苦的嚎叫几声! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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