OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#725 Part 8: Too fluid Dragon King

Too the heaven breaks out of their cocoons from the monster body of Lushan mister, sprays the tribulation light from too the heaven unceasingly, does not know that this day, swallowed to accept so many sun inexorable fates, too the heaven has not escaped half, Lushan mister changed into the flying ash, did not save in Shi. 太皇天从庐山先生的妖躯中破茧而出,从太皇天不断喷射劫光,也不知道这座界天,怎么吞纳了如此多的天道劫数,太皇天还未遁出一半,庐山先生已经化为飞灰,再也不存于世。 Xu Liao sees this change, only wanted to say one: This move?” 许了见到这种变化,只想要说一句:“还有这种招数?” His eastern heaven also swallowed to attract the innumerable sun inexorable fates, eight cisterna magnas temporarily stopped did not know many day of tribulations, but he has not thought that too the heaven was also so, moreover swallows day tribulation that accepted at final moment release, passed the flying ash annihilation that Lushan mister of sun inexorable fate rumbled. 他的东皇天也吞吸了无数天道劫数,八座大池更是截留了不知道多少天劫,但是他从没有想到,太皇天也是如此,而且吞纳的天劫在最后关头释放,把已经度过天道劫数的庐山先生轰的飞灰湮灭。 In the next twinkling, Xu Liao sees too in the heaven to depart Old Dragon! 在下一个瞬息,许了就看到太皇天中飞出一条老龙! Xu Liao look suddenly one tight, because he knows this Old Dragon, he is not in four coastal territory charts that but is in Longhuahui, has taught him and Bai Qiulian black dragon Blood Pulse and magical powers that Old Dragon. 许了眼神骤然一紧,因为他识得这头老龙,他可不是四海疆图中那条,而是龙华会中,传授了他和白秋练青龙血脉和神通的那条老龙。 Longhuahui that this Old Dragon since leaves, does not know the trace, has not thought that unexpectedly also in too heaven! 这头老龙自从离开的龙华会,就不知所踪,没想到,居然也在太皇天! This Old Dragon aura, is dismal and bitterly cold, Demonic Force selects for promotion successively, until breaking through Heavenly Demon, some innumerable inexorable fates has then splashed down, the sun estimates cannot expect, just died an inexpensive type, comes inexpensive goods, must provoke its dignity. 这头老龙身上的气息,悲凉又凄怆,妖力节节拔升,直至突破了天妖,然后又有无数劫数溅落,天道估计也料不到,刚死了一个贱种,又来一个贱货,非要挑衅它的尊严。 This time, the inexorable fate of sun landing, compared with the bang extinguishes Lushan mister the time, the scene may want slightly were many, because...... Six days are going all out to swallow to attract the strength of sun, the attenuated day tribulation. 只是这一次,天道降落的劫数,比轰灭庐山先生的时候,场面可就要小的多了,因为……六座界天都在拼命吞吸天道之力,弱化天劫。 The bonus is so, how long this Old Dragon still could not resist, dozens rounds Thunder Huodao soldier who supports, the flesh and blood under all generations red water extinguishes, comes down day of blood rain. 饶是如此,这头老龙仍旧抵挡不得多久,不过撑的数十轮雷火刀兵,就在万劫红水之下骨肉消弭,崩落一天的血雨。 Regardless of Xu Liao is not how clear, why has this change unexpectedly, this Old Dragon clarified is comes out to bring death, he cultivated to be not enough to break through Heavenly Demon, but why did not know, unexpectedly selected for promotion forcefully has cultivated is, therefore under day tribulation, compared with Lushan mister might as well. 许了无论如何也不明白,为何居然有这种变化,这头老龙摆明了就是出来送死,他本身修为不足以突破天妖,但不知为什么,居然被人强行拔升了修为,所以在天劫之下,比庐山先生还不如。 Xu Liao was pondering over, duplicate resonant Dragon Yin, a green long line, Ba empty/sky, Dragon Qu blocks the sky, searches the claw to look at the day to grasp maliciously, unexpectedly pulls together not by the thing of describing. 许了正在思忖,又复一声嘹亮龙吟,一头青色长龙,拔空而起,龙躯遮天蔽日,探爪狠狠望天一抓,居然扯出来一道莫以名状的东西。 This was not pulled by thing of describing, the sun has given birth to weeping with grief suddenly, drops the boundless red rain! 这道莫以名状的东西被生生扯出,天道忽然生出了悲泣,落下无边红雨! This in four coastal territory chart exhausted many year of Old Dragon, rallies the invincible might, exposes before Lushan mister and that Old Dragon entirely different breadth of spirit appearance, his Dragon Claw one tight, swallowed this group first differently not by the thing of describing, the imposing manner immediately with. 这头在四海疆图困顿多年的老龙,重振神威,展露与庐山先生和之前那头老龙截然不同的气魄面貌,他龙爪一紧,吞了这团莫以名状的东西,气势顿时与前不同。 Enters Heavenly Demon at one fell swoop! 一举而入天妖 The sun starts two inexorable fates continuously, at this time did not have the ample force again, although continues to lower the strength, but was intercepted by six big days, almost cannot fall on this Old Dragon. 天道连续发动两次劫数,此时已经再无余力,虽然继续降下力量,但都被六大界天截取,几乎落不到这头老龙身上。 A great sound, resounds through the world! 一个宏大的声音,响彻天地! I for too fluid Dragon King, rally dragon clan Blood Pulse, as long as in the world the clan of scale corner/horn, all may present me to revere!” “我为太液龙王,重整龙族血脉,但凡天地间鳞角之族,皆可奉我为尊!” An old Dragon King once more meteorological sounding claw, one group was not grasped by the thing of describing. 老龙王再次探空一爪,又有一团莫以名状之物被抓了出来。 The sun is sad, gives birth to greatly Beng to extinguish, infinite inexorable fate mix one, condensed one group of chaos Thunder Light, has withstood this Old Dragon unparalleled magical powers, keeping him again from taking measures. 天道悲戚莫名,生出大崩灭,无穷劫数混合化一,凝聚成了一团混沌雷光,顶住了这头老龙的盖世神通,让他再无法措手。 Too fluid Dragon King face upwards the long and loud cry, falls into the ground, changes into abundant god handsome young people, searches the hand to grasp, a moment ago by the black dragon wreckage that the sun extinguished, leapt forward air-to-air, changed into a long sword, fell into too the fluid Dragon King waist. 太液龙王仰天长啸,落入地面,化为一个丰神俊朗的年轻人,探手一抓,刚才被天道所灭的青龙残骸,就跃入空空,化为一口长剑,落入了太液龙王腰间。 This abundant god handsome old Dragon King, stole the sun that group inexplicable thing to pat into the waist long sword conveniently a moment ago, duplicate proud Howl, one step strided in too the heaven. 这头丰神俊朗的老龙王,顺手把刚才窃取天道的那团莫名之物拍入腰间长剑,又复傲啸一声,一步就跨入了太皇天。 Plate likely sneering several , a sleeve gestures robe, returned to too the heaven, seems somewhat discontented, but actually also somewhat strange, does not know that actually Heart does how thinks. 盘象冷笑数声,也一抖袖袍,回归了太皇天,似乎有些不满,但却也有些奇异,不知道心底究竟做如何想。 The bulk lots honorable person bows a ritual, sang one: Sees off the teacher!” 大盘真人躬身一礼,唱了一声:“恭送师尊!” The plate responded to cold snort|hum likely, obviously to this disciple, still the anger did not extinguish! 盘象却只是回应了一记冷哼,显然对这个徒儿,仍旧怒火不熄! Yue Peng laughs, cries loud and long, has flown into the big monster day. 岳鹏哈哈一笑,长啸一声,飞入了大妖天。 On the jade cauldron old ancestor face does not have expression, does not have mood, but turned over to transfer jade Dingtian silently. 玉鼎老祖脸上没甚表情,也没甚情绪,只是默默归转了玉鼎天。 Tai Qing day two old ancestors, the old clan and bulk lots honorable person also escaped the Tai Qing day, before was only the bulk lots honorable person just before leaving, beckoned to eastern heaven Slightly, passes on a thought to give Xu Liao, making Xu Liao immediately surprised extremely. 太清天的两位老祖,萨老族和大盘真人也遁回了太清天,只是大盘真人临走之前,冲着东皇天微微招手,传了一道意念给许了,让许了顿时惊讶万分。 Too the heaven was damaged in the day tribulation, but actually gradually restores at this time, had the plate likely old ancestor's in Jingyuan ginseng, no matter the heavenly palace destruction to the what kind region, can suddenly restore such as beginning. 太皇天在天劫之中被损毁,但此时却渐渐恢复,有盘象老祖的内景元参,不管天宫毁灭至何等境地,都能瞬息间恢复如初。 Only then demon star day...... 只有魔星天…… The demon star day may call on loses seriously, not only Lushan mister perishes to perish, Panther Toushen and young emperor god, as well as another two monster gods extinguished in the eastern heaven. 魔星天可称的上损失惨重,不但庐山先生殒亡,就连豹头神和小帝神,以及另外两头妖神都灭在了东皇天。 Fights to damage five big monster gods, this time demon star day may be called weakest, compared with the Xu Liao eastern heaven might as well. 一战而损五大妖神,此时的魔星天堪称最弱,比许了的东皇天还不如。 Thinks that Yang Shuhua builds up 65 real [lineage/vein] big monster gods now, but must collaborate from outside with the inside with oneself, schemed the demon star day, Xu Liao has flooded the sympathy to tiger Panther Yi. 一想起来,杨书华如今已经是炼开了65条真脉的大妖神,还要跟自己里应外合,图谋魔星天,许了就对虎豹乙充斥了同情。 Although sympathy, but Xu Liao will not let off the demon star day absolutely, the demon star day wants to attack his eastern heaven unexpectedly, in the past tiger Panther Yi also wants to build up to make the treasure him, Xu Liao also knows certainly, if the demon star day had has constructed the day wooden and big date Chinese hibiscus greatly, is inevitably entirely different from the present, but can he abandon oneself from the person? These enmity 11 in Heart. 尽管同情,但许了也绝对不会放过魔星天,魔星天居然想要攻打他的东皇天,当年虎豹乙还想把他炼做宝物,许了当然也知道,魔星天若是有了大建天木和大日扶桑,必然跟现在截然不同,但他怎会舍己从人?这些仇怨都11记在心底 The demon star day changes a master, making Yang Shuhua be in charge, at least to Xu Liao, is not the bad matter. 魔星天换一个主人,让杨书华入主,至少对许了来说,并非是坏事儿。 The gate of Xu Liao vibration day, last batch Demon from demon star day swallowing, but the bridge of day collapsed immediately, obviously the demon star day has not thought that is continue fight. Demon star day buckle five big monster gods, but also has included Lushan mister this grade of peak complete big monster god, did not have the ample force to invade the eastern heaven again, now the strength of eastern heaven, has surpassed the Crossed demon star day, this fight continues again, has brought contempt upon oneself, courts destruction. 许了震动界天之门,把最后一批来自魔星天的妖怪给吞了,但随即界天之桥就崩溃了,显然魔星天已经不想在继续战斗。魔星天折损了五大妖神,还包括了庐山先生这等巅峰圆满的大妖神,已经再无余力入侵东皇天,如今东皇天的实力,已经超过了魔星天,这场战斗再持续下去,已经是自取其辱,自取灭亡了。 However...... 但是…… Xu Liao slightly rotates the eastern heaven filling the heavens big, the discovery in the demon star day deep place, had the induction, this is actually that some filling the heavens big that past Yang Shuhua carried off. 许了只是稍稍转动东皇天的弥天大阵,就发现在魔星天深处,有了感应,这却是当年杨书华带走的那部分弥天大阵。 Initially Yang Shuhua had carried off part of filling the heavens big, but also has taken away several famous teacher brothers, Xu Liao does not know that actually this master nephew wanted to make anything, but he may be now knows! 当初杨书华带走了一部分弥天大阵,还带走了几名师兄弟,许了一直都不知道,这位师侄儿究竟想要做什么,但现在他可算是知道了! Between two filling the heavens big, has the complicated involvement, so long as he wants, momentarily can deliver the fascinated star day the subordinate, Yang Shuhua calculated the profoundness in the past, even if Xu Liao must say that admires, even if his nine Yuan calculate after the approaching body, must praise opposite party one, this master nephew is extraordinary. 两座弥天大阵之间,有着千丝万缕的勾连,只要他愿意,随时都能把部下送入魔星天,杨书华当年计算之深远,就算许了也要说一声佩服,就算他有九元算经傍身,也要夸赞对方一声,这个师侄儿了不得。 This plans can surmount unexpectedly for hundreds of thousands of years, after returning to the great antiquity, Yang Shuhua's pattern, style, even has not lost to the jade cauldron old ancestor, ultra Crossed his teacher scarlet fine honorable person. 这场谋算居然能够跨越数十万年,重返洪荒以后,杨书华的格局,气派,甚至已经不输给玉鼎老祖,超过了他自己的师尊赤精真人了。 Xu Liao does to ponder over slightly that decision immediately attacks the demon star day! 许了稍作思忖,就决定立刻攻打魔星天! This soft persimmon, does not sort at this time, when treats? 这种软柿子,此时不拣,更待何时?
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