OSTI :: Volume #7 过去未来

#726: The magical powers are difficult to pull the time

By Xu Liao delivers the fascinated star day traitor within, the present day, has is actually not good. 许了送入魔星天的“内奸”们,现在的日子,过的其实并不好。 The channel that Xu Liao sets up, because of his departure, broke the relation, do not say Zhou to be wicked, Xia Da, Schelling and Xiao Anan, as well as the color snow wants to revert Earth, was impossible, can only spend in distress in wood. 许了设立的通道,因为他的离去,就断了联系,不要说纣无道,就连夏达,谢林和萧安安,以及颜色雪想要归回地球,都已经不可能,只能在木界苦熬。 However these people no one can think that the entire world reverses the time unexpectedly, returned to the great antiquity, they reduced dull in the demon star day one are several hundred years. 但是这些人谁也想不到,整个世界居然逆转时光,重返洪荒了,他们沦落在魔星天一呆就是几百年。 In these several hundred years, these earthmen of past years, only then Zhou Qing, Xia Da and color snow break through Demon King, can prolong the life, other people only then the descendant stays behind...... 这几百年里,当年的那些地球人,只有周箐、夏达和颜色雪突破妖王,得以延长寿命,其余人都只有后代留下…… Good that also although these earthmen multiply, the population broke through more than ten thousand people, not only has the practice sorcery, but also mastered the simple Battle Beast technology, can make and repair preliminary Battle Beast. Develops method of void shuttle, this can in chasing down that in the tiger leopard B army does not calculate, stampede, saves the life. 虽然这些地球人繁衍的还不错,人口已经突破了万余人,不但都有修炼妖法,还掌握了简单的战斗兽技术,可以制造和修复低级的战斗兽。更开发出来虚空穿梭的法门,这才能够在虎豹乙大军不算的追杀中,狼狈逃窜,保住性命。 Zhou's wicked Rune core had been transformed by Xu Liao, the disposition, likes, the working style, stems from the setting of Xu Liao completely, therefore natural has an overbearing imposing manner. Zhou is different from the Xu Liao disposition wickedly completely, he is not Xu Liao his appearance, but is in the Xu Liao mind the most perfect appearance, although he cannot achieve. 纣无道的符文核心被许了改造过,性格,喜好,做事风格,全部都出自许了的设定,所以天然就有一股霸道的气势。纣无道跟许了的性格完全不同,他不是许了自己的样子,而是许了心目中最完美的样子,虽然他自己也做不到。 This male tyrant main pattern, after Xu Liao broke the relation, he thinks is not desperate and depressed, but is the adverse circumstance rises, breaks through all hindrance. 这种雄霸之主的格局,在许了断了联系之后,他想到的不是绝望和沮丧,而是逆境崛起,冲破一切阻碍。 Zhou wickedly in breaking through the Demon King boundary, after having stepped into the monster the progression, through all sorts of methods, the rebellious army that grasps thoroughly, subdues the day mirror and bright mirror brother and sister for the subordinate. 纣无道在突破妖王的境界,踏入了妖将级数之后,就通过种种手段,彻底掌握的反抗军,把天镜和明镜兄妹也收伏为手下。 Mou Hu and storehouse ape, although is also the monster the progression, but studies after is the ordinary sorcery, how to compare favorably with for 33 days to suppress the Heavenly Court big magical powers? Therefore Zhou wickedly after breaking through monster, they are also willing to submit, let the rebellious army from five big leaders, turned had a leader, that was Zhou is wicked. 牟虎和藏猿虽然也是妖将级数,但毕竟所学不过是普通妖法,如何比得上33天镇压天庭的大神通?所以纣无道在突破了妖将之后,他们也甘愿臣服,让反抗军从五大领袖,变成了只有一个领袖,那就是纣无道。 Zhou was grasping wickedly even the rebellious army soon , the law celestial phenomenon big magical powers, cultivates to another boundary, to this team grasps, is getting stronger and stronger, turned into the blood and iron to command. 纣无道甚至在掌握了反抗军不久之后,就把法天象地大神通,修炼至另外一层境界,对这支队伍的掌握,也越来越强硬,变成了铁血统领。 When the antique great antiquity constantly changes, Zhou is wicked they in the demon star day, actually too did not understand that outside change, they can only induce, the tiger Panther Yi army, is urgent to their pressing for payment from time to time, from time to time is sloppy, lets matters drift radically. 在太古洪荒不断变化的时候,纣无道他们在魔星天内部,其实是不太了解外面变化的,他们只能感应到,虎豹乙的军队,对他们的追索时而紧迫无比,时而散漫,根本就放任自流。 Tiger Panther Yi after slow the hand has come, this rebellious army again does not have the stable base, the day of roaming, how many years continues, dozens years are the living hell, let alone several hundred years? 只是虎豹乙在缓过手来之后,这支反抗军就再也没有过稳固的基地了,东逃西窜的日子,持续几年,几十年都是人间地狱,何况几百年? What Xu Liao this time sends out is the sidereal revolution offers a sacrifice to the god to fight to do several things at the same time! 许了此番派出的是周天祭神战斗分身! To attack the demon star day, naturally needs to fight innumerably, only then the sidereal revolution offers a sacrifice to the god to control hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans people of great strength, but can also transform ordinary Demon as the yellow turbans person of great strength, but can also repair the yellow turbans person of great strength, making it put into the fight. 想要攻打魔星天,自然需要无数战斗,只有周天祭神可以驾驭数十万黄巾力士,还能把普通妖怪转化为黄巾力士,还能修复黄巾力士,使之重新投入战斗。 The fight of Xu Liao did several things at the same time, led hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans people of great strength, appeared the demon star day later, immediately induces Zhou's wicked aura, which Void World he appeared, also or Heavenly Cave was disinclined to calculate that did several things at the same time to drop out hundreds of thousands of yellow turbans people of great strength, a twinkling transferred, appeared in the sky of rebellious army. 许了的战斗分身,带了数十万黄巾力士,出现在魔星天之后,立刻就感应到了纣无道的气息,他连自己出现在哪一座虚界,又或者洞天都懒得去推算,把数十万黄巾力士分身抛下,一个瞬息挪移,就出现在了反抗军的上空。 Zhou is wicked is arranging under to rest, now his subordinate, was getting more and more unorganized, although the main force was still Earth Human Race descendant, because other unceasing info clerk rebellious armies, as well as changed magically Demon, the ingredient complex he has not wanted to analyze. 纣无道正在安排手下休息,如今他的部下,已经越来越芜杂,虽然主力仍旧是地球人类的后裔,但因为不断收纳其他的反抗军,以及点化妖怪,成份已经复杂的他都不想去拆分了。 At last, the demon star day relaxed suddenly the suppression to the rebellious army, he is also temporarily relaxed, put in the energy own battle efficiency adjustment. 最近这一段时间,魔星天忽然又放松了对反抗军的镇压,他也算是暂时松了一口气,把精力都投入了自身的战斗力调整上。 The yellow turbans person of great strength cannot practice, can only modulate the new ability through modulation, because has lacked the Xu Liao rear service, he after the breakthrough monster, will again not have the means to continue to promote the strength, the Reserve component of yellow turbans person of great strength, because of many years of fight, lost completely, the components of many aging are unable to replace, seriously affected Zhou's wicked battle efficiency display. 黄巾力士不能修炼,只能通过调制点来调制新的能力,只是因为缺少了许了的后勤,他在突破妖将之后,就再也没有办法继续提升实力了,就连黄巾力士的备用构件,都因为多年的战斗,已经损耗殆尽,很多老化的构件无法更换,已经严重的影响了纣无道的战斗力发挥。 The Zhou wicked present can do, unceasingly refines own fight pattern, can be smallest in the attrition by oneself, strives in the smallest situation, displays the stable battle efficiency. 纣无道现在能做的,就是不断细化自身的战斗模式,让自己能够在磨损最小,出力最小的情况下,发挥稳定的战斗力。 The appearance of Xu Liao, making Zhou wicked heart Slightly shake, turns into golden light to soar to the heavens, lifts the hand to fly the mountain sea stick, destroyed the chest of Xu Liao. 许了的出现,让纣无道心头微微一震,化成了一道金光冲霄,抬手就把山海棒飞了起来,直捣许了的前胸。 Xu Liao Slightly is also surprised, he has not issued the instruction, Zhou on Enter the fight, the speed of this response, has surpassed all yellow turbans people of great strength wickedly, even has surpassed the monster the yellow turbans person of great strength of progression. 许了微微惊讶,他还未发出指令,纣无道就进入了战斗,这种反应的速度,已经超出了所有黄巾力士,甚至超出了妖将级数的黄巾力士。 Outside his body the golden light blooms together, the anchorage Zhou was wicked, conveniently started the overhaul. 他身外一道金光绽放,定住了纣无道,就顺手开始了检修。 Zhou was decided by Xu Liao wickedly in airborne, his subordinate immediately panic-stricken inexplicable, does not know that many people clash the sky, wants to attack Xu Liao, but by the Xu Liao 11 anchorage, he is not needed to fight with these rebellious armies. 纣无道被许了定在空中,他的部下顿时都惊骇莫名,不知多少人冲起天空,想要攻击许了,但都被许了11定住,他根本不需要跟这些反抗军战斗。 After Xu Liao slightly checks, discovered that Zhou wicked Rune core, had the extremely subtle change, he does slightly hesitant, has not adjusted, but throwing into Shenchi. 许了略作检查之后,才发现纣无道的符文核心,已经有了极为微妙的变化,他稍作犹豫,并没有调整,而是将之扔入了化神池。 The Crossed moment, Zhou comes to Shenchi in wickedly, whole body all components are changed beyond recognition, Spiritual Qi is also just likes the tide, surging forward, but suddenly will tread to break the monster the highest boundary, Enter monster graceful progression. 过了片刻,纣无道冲化神池中现身,全身所有构件都焕然一新,身上的灵气亦是犹如潮水,汹涌澎湃,只是瞬息间就踏破了妖将的最高境界,进入了妖帅的级数。 The modulation points of his these several hundred years of accumulations, enough he has been promoted. 他这数百年积累的调制点,已经足够他晋级了。 Zhou wicked both hands have held down mountain Haibang, in within the body law celestial phenomenon big magical powers, have the tremendous changes. 纣无道双手按住了山海棒,体内法天象地大神通,亦是生出翻天覆地的变化。 This law was known as that law celestial phenomenon place, is actually not that the common person thinks, but changes the Transform Body body, huge incomparable ordinary Spells, this law can construct the world principle by own supernatural power, melts on for below, on Zuo Shiyou, clashes, the hard and soft reversal, far and near contradicts...... 此法号称法天象地,却并非是寻常人所想的那种,只是变化身躯,巨大无比的普通法术,此法能以自身法力构筑天地法则,化上为下,应左实右,前后相冲,刚柔逆转,远近相悖…… Zhou wicked operation celestial phenomenon big magical powers, do not know that has fought with many enemies, but until at this moment, him has to construct the world principle the true ability, this principle quite had the things in common in Jingyuan ginseng. 纣无道使用法天象地大神通,不知道跟多少敌人战斗过,但直到此刻,他才有构筑天地法则的真正能耐,这一法则跟内景元参颇有相通之处。 In the Jingyuan ginseng constructed the heavenly palace, the law celestial phenomenon construction principle! 内景元参构筑天宫,法天象地建造法则! 22 mutual promotions of the five elements! 22相生! 33 days of big magical powers, have the involvement, Xu Liao, along with cultivating to promote, slowly has understood the interesting parts of Heavenly Court ten big magical powers. 33天的大神通,都有勾连,就连许了,也是随着修为增进,才慢慢了解了天庭十大神通的妙处。 Zhou bows to prostrate oneself in front of Xu Liao wickedly, cannot bear have tears streaming down the face, by his firm temper, even if were opened the fragment by the enemy, is insufficient so, is only these several hundred years, was too unendurable. He looks at the innumerable companions, has not lost to the enemy, but actually senility slowly, until the death, oneself even could not achieve, had any help. 纣无道在许了面前躬身拜倒,忍不住泪流满面,以他刚强的性子,就算被敌人拆成碎片,也不至于如此,只是这数百年,实在太难熬了。他看着无数的同伴,没有败给敌人,但却慢慢的衰老,直至死亡,自己甚至都做不到,有任何帮忙。 His present many subordinate, was over the ten generations great-great-grandson of past companion, this situation, non- personally experienced, the difficult word to be really grieved. 他现在的很多手下,都是当年同伴的十代以上的玄孙,这种情况,非是亲身经历,实在难言其中酸楚。 Always has the big magical powers of combat nature, is difficult to pull several hundred years of time! 总有战天斗地的大神通,难挽数百载光阴!
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