OM :: Volume #5 皇族

#280: The youngster, I must lead you to look for the pleasure tomorrow

About existence of elf seed, Ye Chui told Dakkins, but had not said to Booth, but by him knocks the inquiry of pity Booth about the matter that elf origins, Booth is also one travels after all rich magician, regarding elf race understanding far ultra others, but he, is unable to say the origin of elf race even in detail. 关于精灵种子的存在,叶垂告诉了达金丝,但并没有跟布思多说,不过他旁敲恻隐的询问过布思多关于精灵起源的事情,布思多毕竟也是一个游历丰富的魔法师,对于精灵族的了解远超旁人,可即便是他,也无法详细的说出精灵族的起源。 He only knows that records in elf race some poetry literature, elf race is on Aigen-Dazs Continent grew the first forest was born the race in the world, they are „the child of forest, along with the immortal race that the forest presents, even their present quantities are getting more and more small, may even some day the world destroys, so long as the green remains, their trails will not cut off...... 他只知道在精灵族的一些诗歌文献中记载,精灵族是在艾根达斯大陆上长出了第一片森林的时候就已经诞生在世界上的种族,他们是“森林之子”,是伴随着森林而出现的长生种族,即便他们现在的数量越来越少,可即便有一天世界毁灭,那只要绿色尚存,他们的踪迹就将不会断绝…… Ye Chui is looking in the hand the glittering and translucent carving green seed, in the seed that just like the embryo thing, the feeling of being full of the life energy, but the entire seed has no magic aura, since these days the change that it also has no, after pondering the moment, Ye Chui then bent the waist in the flower-bed in this garden dug up a hole, buried the seed, brandished magic wand to summon a rainwater to water. 叶垂看着手中晶莹剔透的绿色种子,种子内那个犹如胎儿般的东西,给人一种充满了生命活力的感觉,但整颗种子却毫无任何魔法气息,这些日子以来它也没有任何的异动,沉思了片刻后,叶垂便弯腰在这花园的一处花坛中挖开了一个洞,将种子埋了进去,挥舞魔杖召唤来一片雨水浇灌进去。 Here soil is the purest qualitative soil, has almost nothing the organic matter that can maintain the plant growth exists, I make a manure to come again...... , should not need?” “这里的土壤是最纯质的土壤,几乎没有任何可以维持植物生长的有机物存在,我是不是再弄点肥料过来……唔,应该不需要吧?” Regarding the elf seed whether can grow, Ye Chui was maintaining an attitude of suspicion, at this moment also as the experiment, he eliminated quickly made the idea that a manure came, in the heart mused: I in Stan City, because resists the beast tide, the teacher applied for the entry proof of Empire library for me, has the words of time to examine to there the detailed information about elf seed.” 对于精灵种子是否可以成长,叶垂原本就是保持着一种怀疑的态度,此刻也只是做为实验而已,他很快就打消了弄点肥料来的主意,心中暗想:“我在斯坦城的时候因为抵抗兽潮,老师为我申请了帝国图书馆的进入证明,有时间的话还是到那里去查看一下关于精灵种子的详细信息吧。” Regarding planting the elf seed, Ye Chui has not cared quickly. 对于栽种下来的精灵种子,叶垂很快就没有放在心上了。 After Ye Chui one line the castle inside and outside transferred, goes to the living room in castle, Bhakaz is sitting by the lithical table here to eat the barbecue to drink the beer. Standing that a Gretton face rustlings serves in the one side, Ye Chui put out 20,000 gold coins to give Bhakaz very much happily- the price that although reached an agreement was 15,000 gold coins, but at that time Ye Chui actually really do not profit. What he is more is to look at this Empire strongest expert to own enduring patiently many, if later makes mistakes for example killed Petyr or church trampling. Does not know whether this Bhakaz will stand in own this side. 叶垂一行将城堡里里外外转了一遍后,就来到城堡的客厅,巴卡哈兹正坐在这里的石质餐桌旁吃着烤肉喝着啤酒。格雷顿一脸瑟瑟的站在一旁伺候,叶垂很痛快的拿出了两万金币来交给巴卡哈兹-虽然谈好的价格是一万五金币,但当时叶垂其实也并非是真的要占便宜。他更多的是想要看一看这位帝国最强高手对自己的忍耐到底有多少,以后如果犯了错比如把培提尔杀了或者把教会给踹了。不知道这位巴卡哈兹是否会站在自己这一边。 Finally obviously makes Ye Chui very satisfied, as if oneself certain conducts to this Bhakaz appetite, handled the excessive matter very much even, so long as does not touch his bottom line, should not provoke him thoroughly. 结果显然让叶垂很满意,似乎自己的某些品行很对这位巴卡哈兹的胃口,就算做了再过分的事情,只要不触及他的底线,就应该不会彻底惹恼他。 At this moment pays a bill, Ye Chui really only will not naturally give him 15,000 gold coins, in any case his expectation price is 20,000 gold coins. 此刻付账,叶垂自然也不会真的只给他一万五金币,反正原本他的期望价格就是两万金币。 But what makes Ye Chui not think, Bhakaz actually threw 5000 gold coins to Ye Chui directly: I mean what he says. Reaching an agreement 15,000 are 15,000.” 但让叶垂没想到的是,巴卡哈兹却直接将五千金币扔给了叶垂:“我说话算话。说好的一万五就是一万五。” „Was your work so good 5000 gold coins is my tip good?” Some Ye Chui embarrassed say/way. “你活儿这么好五千金币算是我的小费了好不好?”叶垂有些不好意思道。 Gets up collect the money!” Bhakaz incomparably natural entrained nearby Gretton sleeves to wipe the mouth, cold snort/hum, received you to select money much, did I also feel all right to extort Petyr? Your boy do not want to harm my in the heart not to endure.” “把钱收起来吧!”巴卡哈兹无比自然的拽过旁边格雷顿的衣袖擦了擦嘴,冷哼了一声,“不少收你点钱,我怎么还好意思去勒索培提尔啊?你小子别想害得我于心不忍。” Ye Chui: „......” 叶垂:“……” Good, to let your relieved actually extorts Petyr he to receive these 5000 gold coins. 好吧,为了让你安心的却勒索培提尔他就把这五千金币收起来吧。 After finishing eating the lunch, Ye Chui delivered somewhat exhausted Bhakaz to leave. 吃完了午餐后,叶垂送有些疲惫的巴卡哈兹离开。 Waited till outside time, Bhakaz sudden face stealthy about looked, then to never revere is holding the arm of Ye Chui, said with Ye Chui in a low voice: Tomorrow morning 8 o'clock to the King Avenue East Street mouth that side I- youngster, I must lead you to look for the pleasure.” 等到了外面的时候,巴卡哈兹突然一脸鬼祟的左右看了看,然后就为老不尊的抱着叶垂的胳膊,低声跟叶垂说道:“明天早上八点钟到国王大道东街口那边等我-少年,我要带你去找乐子。” WTF...... 卧槽…… Ye Chui eye intently looks at Bhakaz. In the mind appears these honorable deeds that about Bhakaz immediately Gretton previously told, should this old man not be the preparation will lead to stroll Red-light District? 叶垂眼睛直愣愣的看着巴卡哈兹。脑海中顿时就浮现出了格雷顿先前所讲述的关于巴卡哈兹的那些光荣事迹,这老头该不会是准备带着自己去逛*巷吧? I force to go, do you cruelly harm the pillar of the state flowers of Empire well really? 我勒个去,您这么残害帝国的栋梁花朵真的好么? As a justice promising youth. Ye Chui must reject, his face awe-inspiring said with Bhakaz: 8 : 00 am is inappropriate, heard that the person are the evening open the door......” 做为一个正义有为的青年。叶垂必须拒绝,他一脸正气凛然的就跟巴卡哈兹说道:“早上 8 点不合适吧,听说人都是晚上开门……” Who said that when I arrive at them to when open the door!” Bhakaz whole face self-satisfied looks at Ye Chui, 8 : 00 am, do not let me and other!” “谁说的,我什么时候到他们就得什么时候开门!”巴卡哈兹满脸得意的看着叶垂,“明早八点,别让我等你哈!” Ye Chui that is a face is not glad: „...... Good.” 叶垂那是一脸不乐意:“……好吧。” In the Bhakaz mouth snort/hum, turned around to prepare to walk he thought of anything suddenly, turns the head to look at Ye Chui, on face reveals wipes unable to say the numerous. The trivial expression comes. Hit the arm of Ye Chui with the elbow, lowered the sound saying: „The room in castle main turret is you also has these little misses to prepare?” 巴卡哈兹口中哼了一声,转身准备走的时候他突然又想到了什么,就转头看着叶垂,老脸上露出一抹说不出猥.琐的表情来。用胳膊肘撞了撞叶垂的胳膊,压低声音说:“城堡主塔楼的房间是你还有那些小姑娘准备的吧?” Nod of Ye Chui doubts: What's wrong?” 叶垂疑惑的点了点头:“怎么了?” Hehehe. Evening's time you pay attention to one side of the room relief.” Bhakaz pushed the crowded eye to Ye Chui, reveals you understand expression. Also said that does not need to thank me.” Left easely. 嘿嘿嘿。晚上的时候你注意一下房间一侧的浮雕。”巴卡哈兹叶垂挤了挤眼睛,露出一幅“你懂得”的表情。又说了一声,“不用感谢我。”就悠悠然的离开了。 Ye Chui looks that Bhakaz is somewhat skinny, but that share hooligan aura incomparably obvious form, puzzled of whole face, his what is this? 叶垂看着巴卡哈兹有些干瘦但那一股子流氓气息无比明显的身影,满脸的不解,他这是什么意思? After going back the feudal lord world, Debbie has continued the bustling starts the exercise, but Ye Chui and Vivian, Alfea and Dakkins discussed after one next, prepares to conduct big purchase- although castle covered, but this castle now is only a bare shell, but also had no repair completely, various types of ornament, windows and doors, window curtains and bed furniture wait/etc, needed them to make. 回去领主世界后,黛比这边已经继续热火朝天的开始了锻炼,而叶垂薇薇安艾菲娅达金丝商量了一下后,就准备进行大采购-城堡虽然盖起来了,但这城堡现在只算是毛坯房,还完全没有任何装修,各种装饰品、门窗、窗帘、床铺家具等等,都还需要他们自己去弄。 Just Ye Chui saved 5000 gold coins, therefore this sum of money becomes the Ye Chui purchase fund, crazy shopping, Princess Shian two people also joined with Gretton, can see the little princess very much to like about here, made Ye Chui give her as well as Gretton in the second turret in castle specially kept the room. 刚好叶垂省下了五千金币,于是这笔钱就成为了叶垂的采购基金,疯狂shopping,诗安公主格雷顿两人也都加入了进来,看得出来小公主对这里很喜欢,特意还让叶垂在城堡的第二塔楼上给她以及格雷顿留了房间。 In this afternoon time, Ye Chui one group on savage visited Imperial Capital all stores, conducted some repairs to the castle, Bhakaz with the castle that the magic made, naturally did not have the windows and doors, but the windows and doors model of castle was the stipulation model of this world, only needed to find sells the store of windows and doors specially, with the help of magic, several temporary useful rooms and windows can be quickly good on the installment. Remaining later takes your time. 这一下午的时间里,叶垂一行人就凶残的逛遍了皇都的所有商店,对城堡进行了一些装修,巴卡哈兹用魔法制造出来的城堡,自然是没有门窗的,但城堡的门窗型号都是这个世界的规定型号,只需要找到专门出售门窗的商店,在魔法的帮助下,几个暂时用得上的房间和窗户都可以很快就安装好。剩下的以后再慢慢来。 Other furniture anything, with the help of space ring, can visit to arrive quickly. Even the fireplace of room, quick on flaming burnt. Make in the ice-cold castle is as warm as in spring. 其他的家具什么的,在空间戒指的帮助下,也可以很快拜访到位。甚至房间的壁炉,也很快就熊熊燃烧了起来。让冰冷的城堡内变得温暖如春。 That side Booth also very satisfied Ye Chui specially for the courtyard that he designs, oneself that lonesome and quiet classically elegant yard will move, his senior steward Alfred gives Ye Chui, after letting him, serves for the Ye Chui castle- a big castle, the words of no steward too do not make sense. 布思多那边也很满意叶垂专为他设计的院落,将自己那座幽静古雅的小院都搬了过去,他的老管家阿尔弗则交给叶垂,让他以后为叶垂的城堡服务-偌大的一个城堡,没有一个管家的话也太不像话了。 But is very obvious, Alfred can serve such grand castle regarding later is also very happy. 而很显然,阿尔弗对于以后可以服务这么宏伟的城堡也是十分高兴的。 Dakkins has own dwelling in Imperial Capital, but she is glad to move here housing very much, therefore does not calculate that many things transported. 达金丝皇都有自己的住处,不过她很乐意搬来这边居住,于是就将自己并不算多的东西都搬运了过来。 The castle also needs some maids to handle. This aspect Princess Shian vouches to give itself, she will help Ye Chui look for several qualified maids and female cook personally. 城堡还需要一些女仆进行打理。这方面诗安公主打包票交给自己,她会亲自帮叶垂找几位合格的女仆以及厨娘。 Waited by the evening when the time comes, in the castle is changed beyond recognition, filled a Royal Family castle to have the style that truly, on all around wall hung all over the bright magic lamp, on the floor spread out the soft rug, the melodious magic conch is releasing the elegant music, Ye Chui was holding the grand moving party, but attended the banquet only then Ye Chui this group of......, 18 magic beast and Phantom Cat also had Dragon Baby are also the people in attendance. 等到了晚上到时候,城堡内已经焕然一新,真正的充满了一个皇族城堡该有的风格,四周的墙壁上挂满了明亮的魔法灯,地板上铺上了柔软的地毯,还有悠扬的魔法海螺在释放着典雅的音乐,叶垂举办了盛大的搬迁晚会,不过参加宴会的就只有叶垂这一行人了……嗯,十八只魔兽幻影猫还有龙宝宝也都是与会者。 To evening's 11 o'clock. Going back room that everyone has not given full expression. 一直到了晚上十一点钟。大家才意犹未尽的回去房间。 Ye Chui drank some liquor in the evening, somewhat dizzy returns to own big room, lies down before on bed he thinks suddenly Bhakaz leaves today reminded own these words: Evening's time pays attention to one side of the room relief...... not to need to thank me.” 叶垂晚上喝了一些酒,头有些晕的回到自己的大房间,躺在床上的时候他就突然想到了巴卡哈兹今天离开前提醒自己的那些话:“晚上的时候注意一下房间一侧的浮雕……不用感谢我。” His what is this?” Thinks of here. Ye Chui stands up from failure from the bed, sway arrived at one side of the room, there has the big relief statue, situated in the fireplace one side, is Bhakaz congeals with the magic directly, the content is martial-looking swordsman that a very sword sets up. “他这是什么意思?”想到这里。叶垂从床上翻起身来来,摇摇晃晃的走到了房间一侧,那里有偌大的浮雕雕像,位于壁炉一侧,是巴卡哈兹直接用魔法凝结而成的,内容是一个挺剑而立的英武剑士 „Does here have what mystery?” Ye Chui strange puts out a hand to stroke gently this relief statue. “这里难道有什么玄机吗?”叶垂奇怪的伸手摩挲这个浮雕雕像。 Then, when his hand does not touch in the statue carefully swordsman breastplate, creak, breastplate fell into. Then, ka ka ka in the sound the wall shifted to one side. Revealed a road. 然后,当他的手不小心碰触到了雕像中剑士胸甲时,咯吱一声,胸甲陷入了进去。接着,“咔咔咔”的声响中墙壁就转向了一侧。露出了一条甬道。 WTF, how will here have such mechanism/organization?” 卧槽,这里怎么会有这样的机关?” Ye Chui that is startled. He pokes head to go, discovered that this secret road only has one meter width two meters high, dark, therefore Ye Chui released Intermediate Auxiliary Spell Light Drop, The shining illuminate the entire road, Ye Chui brings face curious worming one's way into, vigilant slowly proceeds to walk. 叶垂那是大吃一惊。他探头进去,发现这条秘密甬道只有一米宽两米高,黑乎乎的,于是叶垂释放了一个中级辅助魔咒光明降临】,光亮照明了整条甬道,叶垂带着一脸好奇的钻了进去,警惕的慢慢的往前走去。 After a staircase, Ye Chui realized oneself arrived above 1-layer of castle, in one side of road, is two round holes of eye sizes. 在经过了一个楼梯后,叶垂意识到自己来到了城堡的上面一层,在甬道的一侧,是两个眼睛大小的圆洞。 „......” “……” After silent half sound, Ye Chui realized finally this was anything- in building Debbie room, daytime time he had been to that room, if memory serves, the position of this round hole, was on the room one side relief the eye of that Great Swordsman statue...... 沉默半响后,叶垂终于意识到这是什么了-楼上正是黛比的房间,白天的时候他到过那个房间,如果没有记错的话,这圆洞的位置,正是房间一侧浮雕上那个巨剑士雕像的眼睛…… This old man was too simply shameless!” “这老头简直太无耻了!” Ye Chui cussed out one wickedly, then collects to look around toward inside through the round hole. 叶垂恶狠狠的臭骂了一声,然后就凑过去通过圆洞往里面张望。 Un...... the room is a little black, it seems like Debbie has gone off, she a day is tired today, is holding own great sword to lie down on the bed. 嗯……房间有点黑,看来黛比已经睡去了,她今天一天都蛮累的,正抱着自己的巨剑躺在床铺上。 Ye Chui is a little disappointed, why will Eh... be disappointed? He shakes the head, looks to the front of road, without guessing wrong...... 叶垂有点失望,额……为什么会失望?他摇了摇头,又看向甬道的前方,如果没有猜错的话…… This moment Ye Chui pledged at heart, if in ordinary, he meets a face absolutely justly leaves here, and will forget not to mention the matter of road thoroughly, but he is not drinks now, after drinking the person always to make with matter that the original intention will completely violate-, therefore after thinking of this impregnable reason, his one face confident walked toward inside of road...... 此刻叶垂心里发誓,如果是在平常,他绝对会一脸正义的离开这里,并且将甬道的事情彻底忘记再也不会提起,但现在他不是喝了点酒么,喝酒后的人总是会做出一些跟本意完全违背的事情-所以在想到了这个无懈可击的理由后,他就一脸坦然的向着甬道的里面走了下去…… After the moment, Ye Chui arrived at one side of Room Vivian. 片刻后,叶垂来到了薇薇安的一侧。 Looks toward inside by the round hole, puts on the little miss of pajamas to sit cross-legged to sit on the rush cushion of ground, on the both legs is spreading out the Shénmǎ Church nerve, she was praying evidently. 透过圆洞往里面望去,穿着睡衣的小姑娘正盘腿坐在地上的蒲团上面,双腿上摊开着神马教的神经,看样子她正在祈祷。 But in the Alfea room, is actually just like Daytime Alfea brightly is putting on Knight armor suit to practice to use the strength of Oath diligently. 而在艾菲娅的房间,却是明亮犹如白昼-艾菲娅正勤奋的穿着骑士盔甲练习使用誓言之力。 Finally, with the unceasing exploration mood, Ye Chui arrived at outside the Dakkins room diligently, looks around to inside through the hole, Ye Chui forced a grass on me directly: This miss is practicing the magic, lightning and Fire regarding around her body, revolved unceasingly, making her be full of the mysterious and powerful feeling. 最后,怀着孜孜不绝的探索心情,叶垂来到了达金丝的房间外面,通过孔洞向里面张望,叶垂直接就我勒个草了:这姑娘正在修炼魔法,雷电火焰围绕在她的身体四周,不断旋转,让她充满了神秘和强大的感觉。 Naturally, this is not the key point. 当然,这都不是重点。 The key point does not know to cultivation convenience anything, she also wanted cool innumerable times the ordinary day at this time simply- the meaning of saying did not have the means to be cooler than...... 重点是不知道是为了修炼起来方便还是什么,她这个时候简直比平日里还要清凉无数倍-这么说的意思就是没办法再清凉了…… Really is not careful, what to do if caught cold?” Ye Chui that is a face worry, to avoid the Dakkins cold, but no one discovered, he decided kept of good intention she to cultivate the magic conclusion......, I was such intimate man, did not need to thank me. “真是太不小心了,万一感冒了怎么办?”叶垂那是一脸的“担心”,为了避免达金丝感冒而没有人发现,他决定留下来好心的等她修炼魔法结束……嗯,我就是这么贴心的男人,不用感谢我。 But in the meantime, during the daytime Ye Chui laid down that place of elf seed in the castle garden, under shining of star light, a green seedling grew slowly, and gets bigger and bigger, gets bigger and bigger......( to be continued.) 而就在此时,白天时叶垂在城堡花园中埋下了精灵种子的那个地方,在星光的照耀下,一颗绿色的树苗慢慢的生长了出来,并且越长越大,越长越大……(未完待续。)
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