OM :: Volume #5 皇族

#281: His so-called looking pleasure, is actually leads him to come in church to act perversely

Last night although drinks, because certain very special reasons went to sleep very much late, but Ye Chui will be very early next morning wakes, Dragon Baby accidental/surprised returned to his bed smooth, lying that the four limbs spread out rested on his chest was just fragrant. 昨晚虽然喝了酒,又因为某些很特殊的原因很晚才睡下,但第二天早上叶垂还是很早就醒了过来,龙宝宝不出意外的又溜回到了他的床上,正四肢摊开的趴在他的胸口上睡的正香。 Ye Chui thought that a little chest was stuffy, is gaining ground to size up Dragon Baby several, suddenly well, in the heart mused: This did moe the goods is unknowingly was bigger than before? Head small corner/horn quick was long...... to come is also so, it also had passed for 34 months to the present from the birth, but does not know after it, Guild Master to was big, when the time comes frisked and scampered no means to the Vivian bosom do not know to be able very sad......” 叶垂觉得都有点胸闷了,抬着头打量了龙宝宝几眼,突然咦的一声,心中暗想:“这个萌货是不是不知不觉中比之前大了一圈?头上的小角都快长出来了……想来也是如此,它从诞生到现在也已经过去了三四个月,只是不知道它以后会长到多么大,到时候没办法到薇薇安的怀里撒欢不知道会不会很伤心……” Cautious one side Dragon Baby that will sleep soundly puts, Ye Chui is having the yawn crawled from the bed, looked at one broadly, and filled the classical aura castle room, at heart as if instantaneously became incomparably comfortable. 小心翼翼的将酣睡的龙宝宝放到一侧,叶垂打着哈欠的从床上爬了起来,看了一眼宽阔并且充满了古典气息的城堡房间,心里仿佛都瞬间变得无比舒坦了起来。 Before he arrives at the window, opened the window, is breathing outside fresh air, feels morning breeze that the front surface is blowing, striking the eye the institute and is the vast clear sky, as if filled the green of this world, really could not say satisfied...... 他走到窗前,推开了窗户,呼吸着外面的新鲜空气,感受着迎面吹来的晨风,触目所及是一望无际的晴空,还有仿佛弥漫了这个世界的绿色,真是说不出的惬意…… Wait, green? 等等,绿色? Early morning awake song vanishes without the trace immediately, rubbing the eyes of Ye Chui makes an effort, looks to the front, the feudal lord world interconnects a weed not to grow, green that there comes? But he has not misread, all around of castle was covered with the green thick patch of grass, wrist/skill thick trees, spread out all over in the field of vision, as if exaggerated on verdant of 1-layer seeping person to the whole world. 清晨的惺忪顿时就消失无踪,叶垂用力的揉了揉眼睛,看向前方,领主世界内连一个杂草都没有生长,那里来的绿色?但他没有看错,城堡的四周长满了绿色的草丛,还有一颗颗手腕粗的树木,在视野中铺展开来,给整个世界仿佛都渲染上了一层沁人的青翠。 Ye Chui looked at half sound dull, quickly turned around to harness the clothes toward the body, jumped down from the window directly, jumps behind in the castle courtyard, the thick patch of grass of under foot was full of the soft sense of reality, lowered the head to stroke. The tentacle is soft, that was he said no that on the grass of name, the leave of grass was gentle. Green very pure, before side he arrives at a tree that the length of side comes out sizes up earnestly. This is also one type does not recognize the trees of origin completely, the leaf presents an attractive water-drop shape, on the branch white flowers are just about to be in bud steadily...... 叶垂呆呆的看了半响,急忙转身往身上套好了衣服,直接从窗户中一跃而下,跳到了城堡后方的院落中,脚下的草丛充满柔软的质感,低头抚摸。触手柔软,那是一种他说不上名字的草,草叶轻柔。绿色的十分纯粹,他又走到旁边长出来的一颗树前认真打量。这同样是一种完全认不出来历的树木,树叶呈现出一种漂亮的水滴形,树枝上长着一朵朵白色的花正要含苞待放…… This made Ye Chui somewhat unable to make, let alone these lawns also had all around these trees to come, now obviously is in the winter, the temperature in feudal lord world with the temperature of outside world differed not much, in the evening the sleeping fireplace must burn good of Wangwang, how these trees and did the grass germinate? 这让叶垂有些闹不懂了,别说这些草地还有四周的那些树木到底是怎么来的,现在明明是冬天,领主世界内的温度跟外面世界的温度是相差不多的,晚上睡觉壁炉都要烧得旺旺的才行,这些树和草又是怎么发芽的? Then. The eye of Ye Chui looked that to this garden central that tree- that place planted the place of elf seed last night. 接着。叶垂的眼睛看向了这座花园中央的那一棵树-那个地方正是昨晚种下了精灵种子的地方。 Other trees only then the wrist/skill is so thick, was this tree is long a person of waist is so thick, it also has the leaf of that waterdrop, but the green paper extended everywhere, the tree trunk presented one white, that white seems still sending out some type of light light, Ye Chui can affirm, in night this tree certainly was very bright, surprised raised the head to look, what the eye of Ye Chui caught suddenly. In the mouth exudes one well shouted lightly- 其他的树都只有手腕那么粗,可是这一棵树却已经长到了人腰那么粗大,它也拥有着那种水滴形的叶子,但绿色的纸条四处伸展,树干呈现出一种白色,那种白色仿佛还在散发着某种淡淡的光,叶垂敢肯定,在夜晚这棵树一定是十分明亮的,一脸惊讶的抬头仰望,叶垂的眼睛突然捕捉到了什么。口中发出一声咦的一声轻呼- In the peak of this big tree, on more giant the white flower bud compared with other trees is extending, as if will soon put. 在这棵大树的顶端,有一个远比其他树上更加巨大的白色花骨朵正在伸展着,仿佛即将盛放。 „......” “……” Ye Chui stands under the tree has a look at all around green. Has a look at the giant flower bud on tree, quite a while has not recovered, isn't oneself this having a dream? 叶垂站在树下看看四周的绿色。看看树上的巨大花骨朵,足足半天都没有回过神来,自己这不是在做梦吧? The white light twinkle, the Booth form appears in his side, on this old person's face also brings fully is being the inconceivable expression, straight looks at Ye Chui: Hammer, you solid me told that you made anything......” 白光闪烁,布思多的身影在他的身旁出现,这位老人的脸上也带着满是不可思议的表情,直直的看着叶垂:“锤头,你老实跟我说你到底做了什么……” I do not know that what's the matter......” Ye Chui thinks, he does not want to tell the matter of Booth about elf seed, is afraid will cause anything troublesome to go in Booth to the volume in later. But now looked like does not say that did not have the means that therefore he initially Galadriel to kill Arbena. Exhausted all strength rock to turn into a matter of seed to tell to Booth. “我也不知道怎么回事……”叶垂想了想,他原本不想告诉布思多关于精灵种子的事情,害怕在以后会引起什么麻烦把布思多给卷进去。但现在看来不说也都没办法了,于是他就将当初盖拉德丽尔为了杀死阿贝纳。用尽所有的力量磐涅变成一颗种子的事情告诉给了布思多 Finally somewhat surprised saying: Teacher, do you know?” 最后有些惊讶的说道:“老师,您知道这是怎么回事吗?” „After......” listens to narration of Ye Chui . The Booth half sound has not recovered, then he referred to nearby big tree, said, I have not heard the matter of elf seed, but...... I have seen this big tree.” “……”听完叶垂的讲述后。布思多也半响没有回过神来,接着他才指了指旁边的大树,说道,“我没听说过精灵种子的事情,不过……我见到过这种大树。” Teacher you know that what this tree is?” In Ye Chui heart one happy. “老师您知道这树是什么?”叶垂心中一喜。 Booth nods: I once arrived in the Dark Forest dark elf race to be a guest fortunately, in their palaces, they are consecrating a giant old tree, they call it the elf Saint tree that big tree, then Dark Elf King also said that tree is their tree of origin...... I have thought that is an analogy view, now looks like, is elf race really long from the ground?” 布思多点了点头:“我曾经有幸到幽暗森林的暗之精灵种族内做客,在他们的宫殿内,他们供奉着一颗巨大的古树,他们将那棵大树称之为精灵圣树,当时的暗之精灵王还称那棵树是他们的起源之树……我一直都以为那是一种比喻的说法,现在看来,精灵族难道真的是从地上长出来的?” Dark Forest was one nearly stretched across this continent huge forest, Stan City that side Dark Forest in fact was only a peripheral zone, in the Dark Forest central zone, is surviving the entire continent most prosperous elf race, was dark elf race, but in the dark elf race palace, is growing unexpectedly with here exactly the same big tree. 幽暗森林是一座近乎横跨了这个大陆的庞大森林,斯坦城那边的幽暗森林实际上就只是一个边缘地带而已,在幽暗森林的中心地带,生存着整个大陆最鼎盛的精灵种族,也就是暗之精灵族,而在暗之精灵族的宫殿内,竟然生长着一棵跟这里一模一样的大树。 elf Saint tree, the tree of origin? 精灵圣树,起源之树? Ye Chui turns the head to look to other all around trees- although these trees are inferior to front thickness, but without a doubt, these trees are the same categories, therefore Ye Chui cannot bear the sigh: „Is our elf Saint tree a much less?” 叶垂转头看向四周其他的树-那些树虽然不如面前的这一棵粗大,但毫无疑问,这些树都是同一种类别的,于是叶垂忍不住感叹:“我们这里的精灵圣树是不是有点多?” No, true elf Saint tree only then here.” Booth shakes the head saying that „before me, does not know that elf race is possibly long from the elf Saint tree, but I actually know, the elf Saint tree is called the tree of origin, a reason is because they is a tree that on continent grows, other trees and forests, thick patch of grass and other plants, are grown to transform by the life aura influence that they send out.” “不,真正的精灵圣树就只有这里的一颗。”布思多摇了摇头说道,“我以前不知道精灵族可能是从精灵圣树上长出来的,但我却知道,精灵圣树之所以被称为起源之树,其中一个原因就是因为它们是大陆上生长出来的一棵树,其他的树木以及森林、草丛等各种植物,都是被它们散发的生命气息影响而生长转化出来的。” Booth referred to all around these elf Saint trees , to continue saying: If I have not guessed that wrong, these elf Saint trees have the thick patch of grass of ground, will transform the shape slowly, turns into other all kinds of trees and thick patches of grass, they will multiply a lush forest in your feudal lord world, just I looked, was centered on here surrounding area dozens kilometers already covered by the green grass and Saint tree . Moreover the green is still spreading evidently.” 布思多指了指四周的那些精灵圣树,继续说道:“如果我没有猜错的话,这些精灵圣树还有地上的草丛,会慢慢的转变形态,变成其他各种各样的树木、草丛,它们会在你的领主世界中繁衍出一片茂盛的森林,刚刚我去看了一下,以这里为中心方圆数十公里都已经被青草和圣树所覆盖了,而且看样子绿色还在蔓延。” „Does forest come unexpectedly?” Ye Chui is somewhat surprised, then he thinks another key question, Gretton said wish makes the territory world full of vitality at least also needs several years of handling, my evening to handle?” “森林竟然是这么来的?”叶垂有些惊讶,接着他又想到了另外一个关键问题,“格雷顿说想要让领地世界变得生机勃勃至少也需要几年时间的打理,那我这岂不是一晚上就搞定了?” Some Booth perspiration looks at Ye Chui: Sometimes I indeed have to admire your good luck......” 布思多有些汗的看着叶垂:“有时候我的确不得不佩服你的好运气……” Shortly, Gretton as well as Princess Shian that after Debbie, Alfea, Vivian, Dakkins as well as last night stay overnight here gets out of bed. Sees here greens, cannot bear be startled , like Ye Chui. Their enough several minutes have not recovered, but received are Gretton that in a big way shocked. 不久后,当黛比艾菲娅薇薇安达金丝以及昨晚在这里留宿的格雷顿以及诗安公主纷纷起床后。看到这里的一片绿色,都忍不住大吃了一惊,跟叶垂一样。他们足足几分钟都没有回过神来,而这其中受到最大震撼的还要数格雷顿了。 In the time his mouth that has the breakfast has been never forgetting: I help Princess Shian handle the feudal lord world. Let that desolated place turn into the paradise to spend for six years, a Hammer evening handled, does not have the flower including a copper coin not fairly...... this......” 吃早饭的时候他的口中就一直在念念不忘:“我帮诗安公主打理领主世界。让那片荒芜的地方变成世外桃源足足花费了六年时间,锤头一晚上就搞定了,连一个铜板都没有花……这不公平……” Shock of Princess Shian are not completely less than Gretton, Gretton at least knows that what's the matter, may because of the matter secret reason, Ye Chui not be really impossible to tell her matter about the elf seed, only told him is some life magic affects in the display, this made the small loli three views quite a while not return to the channel...... 诗安公主的震撼完全不比格雷顿少,格雷顿至少知道是怎么回事,可因为事情实在机密的原因,叶垂不可能告诉她关于精灵种子的事情,只告诉他是某种生命魔法在发挥作用,这让小萝莉的三观半天都没有回到频道上…… On that giant flower bud as for elf Saint tree. Ye Chui and Debbie Alfea wait/etc. discussed, has believed that after it is in full bloom, should be born little elf from inside...... 至于精灵圣树上面的那个巨大的花骨朵。叶垂黛比艾菲娅等商量后都一直认为,当它盛开后,从里面应该会诞生出一个小精灵来…… Perhaps, that little elf Galadriel? 或许,那个小精灵正是盖拉德丽尔 Is she using this way to continue the life? 她在用这种方式来延续生命? Boss, you felt relieved that later I will look after this tree well.” A Vivian face earnest guaranteed to Ye Chui. 老板,你放心吧,以后我会好好照顾这棵树的。”薇薇安一脸认真的向叶垂保证。 On the Debbie face is somewhat anxious: „After and other little elf were born, is the little baby appearance? We first thing that does prepare some babies to use?” 黛比脸上则是有些紧张:“等小精灵出生后是小宝宝的模样吧?那我们是不是先准备一些婴儿用的东西?” That place that I lived, sells the store of baby clothes specially, then I go to there to buy the clothes that some little girls wear.” Dakkins also then said, then thinking of her some violently sweats, do not have to think oneself have to need to one day that clothing store enough goes shopping...... “我原来住的那个地方,有一家专门出售婴儿服装的商店,回头我去那里买些小女孩穿的衣服吧。”达金丝也接着说道,然后她有些暴汗的想,没想到自己也有需要到那家服装店够买东西的一天…… Alfea is saying of some worries: „The matter of this elf Saint tree cannot certainly leak out. We must complete some measures of protection.” 艾菲娅则是有些担心的说道:“这颗精灵圣树的事情一定不能泄露出去。我们要做好一些防护的措施啊。” Looks at four girl's tense appearances, Ye Chui cannot bear violently sweats, she as if noticed that their bodies are bathing the thick maternal aura...... then the leaf to continue saying: Then I will make the teacher make defense shield in all around of this tree. On the one hand avoids other injuries, on the other hand also makes to camouflage, should not have what problem.” 看着四个女孩紧张的样子,叶垂忍不住暴汗,她仿佛看到她们的身上正沐浴着浓密的母性气息……接着叶才继续说道:“回头我会让老师在这棵树的四周弄一个防护罩。一方面避免其他的伤害,另外一方面也做一下伪装,应该不会出现什么问题。” At this time Ye Chui thinks suddenly when yesterday delivered Bhakaz left, he confessed that oneself matter, had a look at time this already eight points, the elderly man also waited to lead itself to look for the pleasure......, therefore Ye Chui told Debbie and the others hastily, left the feudal lord world rapidly, arrived at yesterday to agree the good that place. 这个时候叶垂突然想到了昨天送巴卡哈兹离开时,他交代自己的事情,看看时间这都已经八点了,老人家还等着带自己去找乐子呢……于是叶垂就匆匆跟黛比等人说了一声,迅速离开了领主世界,来到了昨天约定好的那个地方。 He saw the Bhakaz form far away, this old man still wears a poor long gown. As if had waited had one whole face was not happy, reached an agreement eight o'clock. Ye Chui is really catches up unexpectedly exactly right in eight o'clock, last night affirmed Le crooked? Young people...... he snort/hum. Turning around of: Walks, comes with me.” 老远他就看到了巴卡哈兹的身影,这老头依然穿着一身寒酸的长袍。似乎已经等了有一回了满脸的不高兴,说好了八点钟。叶垂竟然真是在八点钟不差分毫赶来的,昨晚肯定乐歪了吧?年轻人啊……他哼了一声。转过身去:“走吧,跟我来。” Mr. Bhakaz, you solid told me, we do want to go to there?” Ye Chui quickly arrives at the Bhakaz side to pursue asks-, although this Old Mister had proven own numerous last night perfectly. Trivial rascal style, but Ye Chui really does not certainly think that he must lead itself to look for that type of pleasure, this Old Mister definitely has other goals. 巴卡哈兹先生,您老实跟我说,咱们到底要去那里?”叶垂急忙走到巴卡哈兹的身旁追问道-虽然这位老先生昨晚已经完美的证明了自己的猥.琐无赖风范,可叶垂当然不会真的认为他是要带自己去找那种乐子,这位老先生肯定是有其他目的。 Met you to know.” Bhakaz shows the way in front at the back of both hands. “等会你就知道了。”巴卡哈兹背着双手在前面领路。 Ye Chui is somewhat puzzled, but follows in his side: Mr. Bhakaz, how did Frey Family these person of you handle yesterday? Wanted the ransom money with Petyr that side?” 叶垂有些不解,但还是跟在他的身边:“巴卡哈兹先生,昨天弗雷家族的那些人你怎么处置了?跟培提尔那边要了赎金了么?” Temporarily is still detaining in my there, I have passed on letter/believes to Petyr that young brat, limits his three days of time to lead the ransom money coming important person.” Bhakaz cheerful saying, can blackmail the gold coin from Empire Minister of Finance, obviously is one is worth the happy matter very much, what is more obvious, the matter that then he must handle is worth happily-, when Bhakaz brings Ye Chui was stopping the footsteps finally, Ye Chui discovered oneself are standing in a grand church front. “暂时还在我那里扣押着,我已经给培提尔那个小兔崽子传过信儿了,限他三天时间带着赎金过来要人。”巴卡哈兹乐呵呵的说道,能够从帝国财政大臣手里敲诈金币,显然是一件很值得高兴的事情,不过更明显的是,接下来他要做的事情更值得高兴-当巴卡哈兹带着叶垂最终停下了脚步的时候,叶垂就发现自己正站在一座宏伟的教堂前方。 Saint Capital Yaxia Seven Gods church church, is the entire Matan Empire church headquarters, is assumed personal command by Cardinal Osfrey personally here. 圣都夏亚七神教会教堂,也是整个马坦帝国教会总部,由红衣大主教奥斯佛理亲自在这里坐镇。 Ye Chui quite a while has not recovered. 叶垂半天都没回过神来。 Mr. Bhakaz, is your the plan does do?” He cannot bear closely examine. 巴卡哈兹先生,您这是打算干什么?”他忍不住追问。 Hehe, you solved Dark Magician for them initially, Osfrey that fellow complied to you reward, but you to Imperial Capital more than ten days, he have had nothing said, muddled what installs?” Bhakaz face deceitful saying, today I have you to come this to reward pursuing must come back, Hehe, heard that they obtained good stars meteoric iron to prepare to build a Seven Gods idol recently, is really the waste, that builds the good material of armor suit weapon, today I help you probably come back to you that thing.” 嘿嘿,当初你替他们解决了黑暗魔法师,奥斯佛理那个家伙可是答应了要给你赏赐的,但你到皇都已经十几天了,他一直都没什么表示,装什么糊涂呢?”巴卡哈兹老脸狡诈的说道,“今天我就带你过来把这个赏赐给追要回来,嘿嘿,听说他们最近得到了一块上好的星辰陨铁准备打造一具七神神像,真是浪费,那可是打造盔甲武器的上好材料,今天我帮你把那东西给你要回来。” Ye Chui: „......” 叶垂:“……” He understood finally, the Bhakaz so-called looking pleasure, is actually leads him to come in church to act perversely...... 他终于明白了,巴卡哈兹所谓的找乐子,其实就是带他来教会里耍无赖…… WTF, can this old man also powerful?( To be continued.) 卧槽,这老头还能更给力一点么?(未完待续。)
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