OM :: Volume #5 皇族

#279: Rises straight from the ground in the summon next castle of land magic

The white light twinkle, in feudal lord Space, Ye Chui Alfea also has the Bhakaz form to emerge out of thin air. 白光闪烁,领主空间内,叶垂艾菲娅还有巴卡哈兹的身影凭空出现。 Just presented Ye Chui to smell thick fragrance- by the tent of not far away, Debbie, Gretton, Princess Shian, Dakkins, Vivian as well as several magic beast are surrounding in the same place are eating the barbecue, their middle raised unceasingly one fires, the fragrance of barbecue toward is filling the air in all directions, already to noon, it seems like their is having the lunch. 刚刚出现叶垂就嗅到了一股浓密的香味-不远处的帐篷旁边,黛比格雷顿诗安公主达金丝薇薇安以及几只魔兽正围拢在一起吃着烤肉,它们中间升起了一堆火,烤肉的香味不断的向着四面八方弥漫着,已经到了中午时分,看来他们这是在吃午饭。 But saw after the Ye Chui three people appear, several people showed the shocking expression. 而看到叶垂三人出现后,几个人纷纷都露出了震惊的表情。 Bhakaz after all is the Empire first person, perhaps Ye Chui one group of border region small town does not know him, but Gretton and Dakkins have Princess Shian, to this wrapped in a shroud of obscurity magician naturally most understands, therefore calls out in alarm directly makes noise, in the Gretton hand just roasted good one to roast is not careful on the ground. 巴卡哈兹毕竟是帝国第一人,来自边陲小城的叶垂一行人也许不认识他,可格雷顿达金丝还有诗安公主,对这位神秘莫测的魔法师自然是最了解不过的了,因此直接惊呼出声,格雷顿手中刚烤好的一块叉烧都不小心掉在了地上。 Will Sir Bhakaz of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse, how suddenly always appear here? 向来神龙见首不见尾的巴卡哈兹大人,怎么会突然出现在这里? In the Matan Empire youth in one generation, without a doubt Bhakaz is a legend, although side they will also often hear do not build the matter with the legend, for example it is said this Empire first expert, because after that anything, did not have money to be buckled in Red-light District to give His Majesty the King to write to seal the confidential letter finally to ask him to draw cash to redeem a slave and so on, but this cannot affect him in Dakkins and position in Gretton these Empire youth talent minds, the Empire strongest person, this given name on has represented many. 马坦帝国的青年一代中,毫无疑问巴卡哈兹就是一个传说,虽然他们也经常会听到一些跟传说不太搭边的事情,比如据说这位帝国第一高手因为那什么了之后没钱而被扣在*巷内最后给国王陛下写了封密函找他拿钱过来赎人之类的,可这没能影响到他在达金丝格雷顿这些帝国青年才俊心目中的地位,帝国最强的人,这个名号就已经代表了许多。 Moreover it is said his temperament also very strange, sometimes to the insignificant small matter fly into a rage, his nickname is the old rascal, plays the rascal, even if His Majesty the King does not have idea to him...... 而且据说他的脾气也十分的古怪,有时候会为了一点微不足道的小事情就大发雷霆,他的外号就是老无赖,耍起无赖就算是国王陛下都对他没辙…… How did such great person come back with Ye Chui together? 这样的大人物怎么跟叶垂一起回来了? He...... this depends on Ye Chui? 他……这是赖上了叶垂 Three people of still shaken, then on quickly stand up to exhibit a respectful appearance, even Princess Shian still reveals an incomparably clever appearance, this is should have the stance that facing the Empire strongest person. Gretton clears throat, prepares with most reverent tone regards this Sir Bhakaz the good afternoon, then. He has not opened the mouth to hear Debbie first saying: Hammer, did you pick an old beggar from there? First reaches an agreement. No matter we lunch.” 三人惊魂未定,接着就急忙站起身来摆出一幅恭敬模样,就算是诗安公主也露出一幅无比乖巧的样子来,这是面对帝国最强之人该有的姿态。格雷顿更是清了清嗓子,准备用最虔诚的语气问候这位巴卡哈兹大人午安,然后。他还没有开口就听到黛比抢先就说道:“锤头,你又从那里捡回来了一个老乞丐啊?先说好。咱不管中午饭哈。” Everyone: „......” 所有人:“……” Why as for the little miss must say , , because she associated to followed Ye Chui to go back Anthony's Magic Cottage Booth initially brazen-faced and shameless...... 至于小姑娘为什么要说又,是因为她联想到了当初死皮赖脸跟着叶垂回去安东尼的魔法小屋布思多…… Gretton and Dakkins have Shian to feel immediately a dizziness, she actually called Sir Bhakaz is the old beggar , although a Bhakaz always tattered gray long gown, but he was other most repugnant people called him for beggar anything...... three people could not bear the whole body tremble, quickly sized up Bhakaz. 格雷顿达金丝还有诗安立刻就感觉到了一阵眩晕,她竟然称呼巴卡哈兹大人为老乞丐,要知道,虽然巴卡哈兹总是一幅破破烂烂的灰色长袍,可他本人是最讨厌其他人称呼他为乞丐什么的了……三人忍不住浑身一颤,急忙去打量巴卡哈兹 Really, they discovered on the Bhakaz face to reveal wiped Wrath. Is staring saying: Little miss, I warned that you spoke carefully, otherwise do not blame me not politely to you......” 果然,他们发现巴卡哈兹脸上露出了一抹愤怒。瞪着眼睛说道:“小姑娘,我警告你小心说话,否则别怪我对你不客气……” „A your age do not haggle over so many with a little girl.” Ye Chui is also whole face violently sweats, holds on the Bhakaz persuasion to say hastily. “您一把年纪了就别跟一个小女孩计较这么多了。”叶垂也是满脸暴汗,连忙拉住巴卡哈兹劝说道。 I lived also no one to dare to be in front to say that greatly I was the old beggar!” Bhakaz angry shouting, do not block me, today I must teach her......” “我活了这么大还没有人敢当着面说我是老乞丐!”巴卡哈兹恼怒的喊道,“你别拦我,今天我必须教训教训她……” Our family/home she is a cashier.” Ye Chui offers a sacrifice to the Assassin mace but, „do you also want to do this business?” “我们家她可是管钱的。”叶垂无奈之下祭出杀手锏,“你还想不想做这笔生意了?” Bhakaz: „......” 巴卡哈兹:“……” Here Dakkins also quickly held on Alfea, low voice introduced in her ear hastily who Bhakaz is, Debbie that was shocked directly, how to say the little miss also had much quick-witted. On her small face rapid condensed a bright smile: „Did Mr. Bhakaz, the lunch eat?” 这边达金丝也急忙拉住了艾菲娅,连忙小声在她耳边介绍了巴卡哈兹到底是什么人,黛比那是直接就惊呆了,不过要不怎么说小姑娘也是很有急智的呢。她小脸上迅速就凝聚出了一朵灿烂的微笑:“巴卡哈兹先生,午饭吃了吗?” Bhakaz: „...... Does not have.” 巴卡哈兹:“……没。” Eats? This is the good purple beef, roasting is eating the taste to be best.” A Debbie face polite points in the hand the good flesh lump on fork to say. “吃点?这可是上好的紫蛮牛肉,烤着吃滋味最不错了。”黛比一脸客气的指着自己手中叉子上的牛肉块说道。 Bhakaz took a look in a Debbie hand the flesh lump on fork. The face pulled out pulling out: Your this meat has not roasted ripe......” 巴卡哈兹瞅了一眼黛比手中叉子上的肉块。脸庞抽了抽:“你这肉都还没烤熟……” This easy, you wait a bit.” Debbie numb slip turning the head looked that to is squatting in nearby Phantom Cat, Mina, ignites.” “这个容易,您稍等。”黛比麻溜的转头看向正蹲在旁边的幻影猫,“米娜,来点火。” Mina opens the mouth: Meow-” 米娜张口:“喵呜-” magic beast skill Fire roar 魔兽技能【火吼】 Brings faint trace pale Fire to spray from the Mina mouth, Debbie transferred two above the flesh lump, the strong fragrance disseminates immediately everywhere, is matter in a flash, Debbie gives Bhakaz the fork in hand again: Was then good, Mina Fire has the Dragon Flame effect. Matches with the purple beef simply certainly, the pulp of purple beef by the soft crisp and tender that Fire roasts completely. Most can stimulate the beef the fragrance, does not believe you to taste.” 带着丝丝惨白的火焰米娜的口中喷射而出,黛比将肉块在上面转了两圈,浓烈的香味顿时四处弥散开来,也就是转瞬间的事情,黛比重新将手中的叉子递给巴卡哈兹:“这下好了,米娜火焰带有龙焰的效果。跟紫蛮牛肉简直是绝配,紫蛮牛肉的肉质被火焰完全烤的松软脆嫩。最能激发牛肉的香味,不信你尝一尝。” Everyone: „......” 所有人:“……” The muscle on Bhakaz face twitched again. This little miss unexpectedly with blending the Dragon Flame magic beast skill came the barbecue! But what delicacy he long is so big not to eat, thinks that he is king that glutton? Will he be so easy to be shifted the attention? Just did this little miss exit|to speak the matter that disrespected he so to be easy not to investigate? He...... 巴卡哈兹脸上的肌肉再次抽动了一下。这小姑娘竟然用参杂了龙焰魔兽技能来烤肉!但他长这么大什么美味没吃过,以为他是国王那个吃货吗?他会那么容易就被转移注意力吗?刚刚这小姑娘出口不敬的事情他会那么容易就不追究了吗?他…… However, this purple beef roasts the taste with Dragon Flame really top, this fragrance indeed is general different, Bhakaz sound that at heart was getting smaller, finally he could not bear receive the meat to fork from the hand of Debbie, bit one: Un, the flavor that Dragon Flame roasts is not really ordinary, was pale, gave me to select the salt again.” 不过话说回来,这紫蛮牛肉用龙焰烤出来滋味果然是顶级的,这香味的确不同一般啊,巴卡哈兹心里的声音那是越来越小了,最后他忍不住从黛比的手中接过肉叉来,咬了一口:“嗯,龙焰烤出来的味道果然不一般,就是淡了点,再给我点盐。” Here Gretton hurried putting the blending flavors pot of salt gave Bhakaz, Bhakaz satisfied sprinkled toward the barbecue on, a face enjoyed ate. 这边格雷顿急忙把放盐的调味罐递给了巴卡哈兹,巴卡哈兹满足的往烤肉上洒了点,一脸享受的就吃了起来。 Others are again speechless: „......” 其他人再一次无语:“……” But Debbie showed a relaxing expression at this time, wiped the sweat on forehead with the arm, if must match an offscreen voice to her at this time, that should be: The shift attention battles greatly successfully...... 黛比这个时候露出了一幅松了口气的表情,用胳膊擦了擦额头上的汗水,如果这个时候要给她配个画外音的话,那应该就是:转移注意力大作战成功…… The pasts of some Ye Chui here perspiration patted the shoulder of Debbie, actually Ye Chui looked early, this old gentleman was a playing dumb expert, the temperament is strange, but was also insufficient really to haggle over with a junior earnestly, looked that Gretton and Dakkins also had the expression that Princess Shian their face rustlinged, knows them, although knew Bhakaz, but has not definitely contacted with this old gentleman earnestly. 叶垂这边有些汗的过去拍了拍黛比的肩膀,其实叶垂早看出来了,这老爷子就是一个装糊涂的高手,脾气是古怪了点,但还不至于真跟一个小辈认真计较,看格雷顿达金丝还有诗安公主他们一脸瑟瑟的表情,就知道他们虽然认识巴卡哈兹,但肯定没有跟这位老爷子认真接触过。 Dakkins at this time also flings the inquiry to Ye Chui the look, even also relates with Ye Chui with spiritual power, wants to inquire how Ye Chui this is a matter, but does not wait for Ye Chui answering. Bhakaz has eaten that beef, his satisfied wiped the mouth, gives back to Debbie the fork: Helps me roast again together. I take eight points of ripeness, I and others will eat.” Also turns head to look to Gretton. Young fatty , helping me pour the cup liquor, I and others will drink.” 达金丝这时候还一个劲儿的冲叶垂甩过来询问的眼神,甚至还用精神力叶垂联系,想要询问叶垂这到底是怎么一回事,而不等叶垂回话。巴卡哈兹就已经啃完了那一块牛肉,他满足的擦了擦嘴,把叉子还给黛比:“再去帮我烤一块来。我要八分熟,我等会吃。”又扭头看向格雷顿。“小胖子,去帮我倒杯酒来,我等会喝。” You wait a bit.” “那你稍等。” Good, Sir Bhakaz you waits a bit.” “好的,巴卡哈兹大人您稍等。” Debbie and Gretton quickly should say. 黛比格雷顿急忙应道。 Mr. Bhakaz......” Dakkins opens the mouth, wants to inquire that he comes to here to do, how Ye Chui annoyed him. 巴卡哈兹先生……”达金丝这边开口,想要询问他来这里到底有何贵干,叶垂是怎么惹到他了。 Finally Bhakaz actually flushed Dakkins to beckon with the hand, looks at Ye Chui one to refer to a nearby place: Here?” 结果巴卡哈兹却冲达金丝摆了摆手,看了叶垂一眼指了指旁边的一片地方:“在这里吗?” Un, faces the east side here.” Ye Chui nods. “嗯,就在这里面向东边。”叶垂点了点头。 That becomes. You make way.” “那成。你们让开点。” Saying, Bhakaz flung the arm, shook the waist to arrive in the front open area. 这么说着,巴卡哈兹就甩了甩胳膊,晃着腰肢走到了前方的空地上。 Dakkins, Debbie, Gretton and the others were full of the doubts, does not know that this old gentleman this is must make anything, then, they, Ye Chui and Alfea were shocked, from now on innumerable years, they are unable to forget picture that at present has, even if has achieved extremely high situation magician to Ye Chui or Dakkins to the magic understanding like this. This was full of the dream unimaginable gorgeous situation, as if can make them have a brand-new understanding regarding the magic: A castle, under the summon of Bhakaz. From underground rises straight from the ground. 达金丝黛比格雷顿等人纷纷充满了疑惑,不知道这位老爷子这是要做什么,然后,他们,还有叶垂艾菲娅纷纷都惊呆了,在过后的无数年里,他们都无法忘记眼前所发生的画面,即便是对叶垂或者达金丝这样对魔法理解已经达到了极高地步的魔法师来说。这都是充满了梦幻的不可想象的绚丽情形,仿佛可以让他们对于魔法有了一种全新的理解:一座城堡,在巴卡哈兹的召唤下。从地下拔地而起。 Blew hurricane in all directions, the innumerable dust sand started to turn toward gathering of Bhakaz, under the magic strength function of Bhakaz, the dust congealed, their structures changed, turned into the hard stone, accumulation, in the everywhere dust crazy sand, an embryonic form of castle were constructed. That physique even more clear, city wall, guard rail and dome high tower...... such picture. Even will still still let the person had one type unrestrainedly this simply too magic the sigh in fantasy world. 四面八方刮起了一阵飓风,无数的尘土沙粒开始向着巴卡哈兹的身旁汇聚,在巴卡哈兹的魔法力量作用下,尘土凝结,他们的结构发生改变,变成坚硬的石块,一块块的累积起来,在漫天的灰尘狂沙中,一座城堡的雏形被构建出来。那个形体越发的清晰,城墙、护栏、圆顶高塔……这样的画面。即便是在魔幻世界也依然会让人情不自禁的产生一种“这简直太魔幻了”的感叹。 This......” Dakkins thought of anything, calls out in alarm said. „Is Grandmaster Dudas in legend, Sir Bhakaz?” “这……”达金丝想到了什么,惊呼道。“难道传说中的迪达斯大师,就是巴卡哈兹大人?” Obviously, I am actually very very strange, have you thought this point from no one?” Ye Chui on the contrary somewhat strange looks at Dakkins, „a that Dudas night constructed the Empire palace, this can only be magician, moreover was the matter that specialist realm magician can achieve, Matan Empire now altogether only then nine Specialist Magician, specialist land magic perhaps also only had a Bhakaz person? You had not suspected unexpectedly Bhakaz is Dudas?” “很显然是啊,我倒是很奇怪,难道你们从没有人想过这一点吗?”叶垂反倒有些奇怪的看着达金丝,“那位迪达斯一夜间就建好了帝国宫殿,这只能是魔法师而且是专精领域魔法师才能做到的事情,马坦帝国现在总共就只有九位专精魔法师,专精大地魔法的恐怕也就只有巴卡哈兹一个人吧?你们竟然从没有怀疑过巴卡哈兹就是迪达斯?” Some indeed people have suspected, but...... the feeling really does not look like.” Some Gretton amazed say/way. “的确有人怀疑过,但……感觉实在不太像啊。”格雷顿有些惊诧道。 Why?” Ye Chui puzzled say/way. “为什么?”叶垂不解道。 If Sir Bhakaz is Grandmaster Dudas, he gives the person to construct a castle to be able to gain many gold coins? Although in 30 years he only acted three times, in addition Empire palace that is four times, he at least should also gain hundreds of thousands gold coins.” The Gretton systematic analysis said that „his certainly is very rich? But for wool he because frequently does not have money to pay a bill to be detained, then makes one have money to redeem a slave- the person who as long as it is said entire Imperial Capital the matter he knows , helping him redeem excellently, after Hammer you, estimated that also has this opportunity.” “如果巴卡哈兹大人就是迪达斯大师的话,那他给人建造一座城堡应该可以赚不少金币的吧?虽然三十年里他只出手了三次,加上帝国宫殿那就是四次,他至少也应该赚个十几万金币了。”格雷顿条理分明的分析道,“他本身那一定是很有钱的吧?但为毛他经常因为没钱付账而被人扣押,然后让人带钱去赎人啊-据说整个皇都但凡事他认识的人,都去帮他赎过人,锤头你以后估计也有这个机会。” „Does Eh... have this matter?” Ye Chui is surprised. 额……还有这事儿?”叶垂惊讶。 Right, most famous one time is he is buckled in Red-light District, then sent the confidential letter urgently to His Majesty the King, finally the grand marshal thinks that he was attacked by the overseas powerful enemy therefore leads one team of troops to rush to there personally, the result discovery is he, because does not have over night fee/spent by several prostitutes. The female buckling......” raised this matter, Gretton and Dakkins also has Princess Shian unable to bear violently sweats, their Matan Empire the matter of first expert was really ignominious. “对啊,最著名的一次是他被扣在*巷,然后给国王陛下发了十万火急的密函,最后大元帅以为他是被国外强敌袭击所以亲自带了一队人马赶到那里,结果发现是他因为出不起过夜费被几个妓.女给扣了……”提起这事情,格雷顿达金丝还有诗安公主都是忍不住一头暴汗,他们马坦帝国的第一高手的这事情实在是太不光彩了。 Therefore, the exclamation of people from the Bhakaz magic turned into the thing of another level powerful...... 于是,众人的惊叹就从巴卡哈兹魔法的强大变成了另外一种层次的东西…… ...... …… The castle also in the gradual formation, Ye Chui one group is slowly tranquil after the exclamation, then patient waits for the castle to carry out thoroughly in the one side, Bhakaz said evidently right, the entire castle was constructed to complete most only takes two hours. 城堡还在逐渐的成型,叶垂一行人从惊叹中慢慢平静下来后,便耐心的等在一旁等着城堡彻底完成,看样子巴卡哈兹说的没错,整个城堡被建造完成最多就只需要两个小时。 Debbie thought of previously the instruction of Bhakaz, therefore helped his barbecue hastily. 黛比想到先前巴卡哈兹的吩咐,于是连忙帮他烤肉。 Simultaneously Ye Chui also inquired a progress of Debbie cultivation- these days Debbie was almost neglecting to eat and sleep is sensing the Great Dragon aura, but was very obvious, this absolutely was a very difficult matter, as if also has nothing progressive to present Debbie, even the threshold of Advanced Swordsman domain has not traced, but Debbie was still confident. 同时叶垂也询问了一下黛比修炼的进展-这些天黛比几乎是废寝忘食的在感悟巨龙气息,但很显然,这绝对是一件很艰难的事情,到现在黛比似乎还毫无任何进步,连高级剑士领域的门槛都没有摸到,不过黛比依然信心十足。 Hammer, you felt relieved that I will not lose to that smelly woman you!” As if to comfort Ye Chui, she is patting shoulder face firm and resolute saying of Ye Chui, I for you become more powerful!” 锤头,你放心吧,我才不会把你输给那个臭女人呢!”仿佛是为了安慰叶垂,她拍着叶垂的肩膀一脸坚毅的说道,“我会为了你变得更加强大的!” Un...... I believe you.” Ye Chui response silently, thought that Debbie this lines said counter-, according to the common plot said these words should as actor to...... “嗯……我相信你。”叶垂默默的回应,心想黛比这台词是不是说反了,按照一般剧情说出这句话的应该是身为男主角的自己才对把…… About after two hours, in feudal lord Space the gale of dance had stopped, but in Ye Chui one group of front, a grand castle rose straight from the ground, having the feeling of some dream to appear here, even in all around also decent moats of castle, river water quoted from here underground waters. 大约两个小时后,领主空间内狂舞的大风已经停了下来,而在叶垂一行人的面前,一座宏伟的城堡拔地而起,带着某种梦幻的感觉出现在了这里,甚至在城堡的四周还有一条像模像样的护城河,河水是引自这里的地下水域。 In the desolated territory, there is contrast of this castle, as if instantaneously became high-end. 原本荒芜的领地内,有了这座城堡的衬托,仿佛瞬间就变得高端了起来。 Bhakaz looks somewhat exhausted, rests under taking care of Gretton, but Ye Chui and the others visited the entire castle hastily, the castle is very big, enough occupies over a hundred people, but Ye Chui, Debbie, Vivian and Alfea have give the Dakkins room specially, in the main tower in castle, here each room spacious incomparable, supplemented bathroom washroom and other facilities, even practices the martial stage and meditation room. 巴卡哈兹看起来有些疲惫,在格雷顿的服侍下歇息,而叶垂等人则是连忙参观了整座城堡,城堡很大,足够居住上百人,而叶垂黛比薇薇安艾菲娅还有特意给达金丝的房间,则在城堡的主塔上,这里的每一个房间都宽敞无比,附带了浴室洗手间等设施,甚至还有练武场以及冥想室。 Under of castle is a giant cave, here will also be Ye Chui considers the future magic store business, but will specially design, Space will be very big, is more like a forging factory . Moreover the style will also be very similar to the Dwarf tunnel, Dwarf Dov will definitely like this place. 城堡的下方则是一个巨大的地窖,这里也是叶垂考虑到日后的魔法商店生意而专门设计出来的,空间很大,更像是一个锻造工厂,而且风格也跟矮人的地洞十分类似,想必矮人多夫肯定会十分喜欢这个地方。 The rear area of castle is a big garden, one side of garden has an institute building, that is to the Booth arrangement, he is glad to live in later in Ye Chui feudal lord Space very much, that small building also designs according to his courtyard. 城堡的后方是一座偌大的花园,花园的一侧有一栋院楼,那是给布思多安排的,他很乐意在之后居住在叶垂的领主空间内,那座小楼也是根据他的院落而设计出来的。 Entire castle, with the Ye Chui tentative plan in almost exactly the same, even on the wall were many some fine patterns, is above trust of Ye Chui, in brief, this castle made Ye Chui not have the means more satisfied absolutely. 整座城堡,都跟叶垂设想中的几乎一模一样,甚至墙壁上还多了一些精美的花纹,更是超乎叶垂的相信,总而言之,这座城堡绝对让叶垂没办法更满意了。 Right......”, when Ye Chui went to the back garden in castle, looks that does not have any green embellishes even the weed not to see a ground, what suddenly thought, in the hand moves, he took that elf seed, can plant this thing gives a try here?”( To be continued.) “对了……”当叶垂来到了城堡的后花园时,看着没有任何绿色点缀甚至杂草都不见一根的地面,突然想到了什么,手中一动,他将那颗精灵种子拿了出来,“要不要把这个东西种在这里试试看?”(未完待续。)
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