OSH :: Volume #13

#1299: Hunts for tenth extremely

.” “呼。” Ye Chen deeply inspires, puts out a hand toward bloody water slightly, immediately separated raised dark red water spray spatially. 耶尘深吸一口气,向着身边的血水微微伸手,随即隔空提起了一股深红的水浪。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Among blood wave splashes, together the outline of lifeform was molded unceasingly, finally in Ye Chen at present takes shape completely. 血浪飞溅之间,一道生物的轮廓在其中被不断地塑造,最后在耶尘的眼前完全成型。 The honey-comb common head and compound eye, human and octopus link strangely the body, the sickle hangs among the bone blade in hand and feet 蜂巢一般的脑袋与复眼,人类与章鱼诡异结合在一起的身躯,还有镰刀般挂在手足之间的骨刀 At this moment, manufacture came out by a bloodshed corner/horn by Ye Chen, the first kind of species abyss traveler/ascetic who during the abyss main body plants! 此时此刻,被耶尘以血海一角“制作”出来的,正是深渊本体种当中的第一类物种深渊行者! However, plants compared with the genuine abyss main body, this blood that was created by Ye Chen makes the lifeform, semblance was short some jet black, were many some blood red, was mad field to be short some sinister and ruthless, were many some cruel, overall stances just like partial to in Xuejiang the style! 但是,比起真正的深渊本体种,这头由耶尘创造出来的血造生物,外表方面少了一些漆黑,多了一些血红,气场方面少了一些阴毒,多了一些暴戾,整体姿态俨然更加偏向于血匠的风格! Then, sees only this blood-color monster to start in the Ye Chen front to kotow partly kneels, just like the loyal subject was sending regards own supreme monarchy! 接下来,只见这头血色的怪物开始在耶尘的面前叩首半跪,宛如忠诚的臣民正在问候自己至高无上的君主! Lowered the head to look at the appearance that abyss traveler/ascetic that incomparably was once hating, the Ye Chen look was full of all kinds of complex mood suddenly, then continued to control the palm to unite the strength again. 低头望着深渊行者那副曾经令人无比憎恶的模样,耶尘的眼神一时间充满了各种各样的复杂情绪,然后继续操控手掌再一次凝聚起了力量。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The next second, flows in the Ye Chen front blood surface, turned into an enough tall Yuebai tsunami! 下一秒,在耶尘前方血面之间奔涌而出的,变成了一道足足高约百米的海啸! But this swiftly condenses the formation in the tsunami the outline, then turned held up day of giant figure that shook the place! 而这回在海啸之中迅速凝聚成型的轮廓,则是变成了擎天撼地的巨人身形! Dense and numerous coming back to life heads, high such as mountain range general hundred meters body, thick such as the lighthouse common dragon ties the four limbs 密密麻麻的复生头颅,高如山峦一般的百米身躯,粗如灯塔一般的虬结四肢 This time, appears in Ye Chen at present, the second kind of species abyss Titan who during the abyss main body plants! 这一次,出现在耶尘眼前的,正是深渊本体种当中的第二类物种深渊泰坦! Moreover hundred-meter giant Titan! 而且还是高达百米的巨型泰坦! With kneeling Ye Chen front abyss traveler/ascetic, compared with the jet black profound abyss symbol makings, the abyss Titan of present proliferates the radiant blood light from top to bottom, no longer longs for swallowing world all lives probably the demon beasts, instead probably tries to grind world all ugly idols! 和跪在耶尘面前的深渊行者一样,比起漆黑深邃的深渊标志气质,如今的这头深渊泰坦浑身上下遍布璀璨血光,不再像是渴望吞噬世间一切生灵的魔兽,反而像是一尊试图碾碎世间一切丑恶的神像! Then, facing the Ye Chen cold looks, this abyss Titan is also bends down to kneel down, in unconstrained, but thousand blood waves, kotows toward own master gives loyalty. 然后,面对耶尘冷冽的尊容,这头深渊泰坦亦是俯身下跪,在跌宕而起的千层血浪之间,向着自己的主人叩首效忠。 Ye Chen is unemotional, silent, the palm has the dark red brilliance to lift before the body once again. 耶尘面无表情,沉默不语,手掌带着深红的光辉又一次在身前抬起。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In an instant, the trim bloodshed starts to fluctuate instantaneously fiercely! 刹那间,整片血海瞬间开始剧烈地起伏! The blood wave gallops, the blood howls to be crazy, blood light suddenly/violently bursts open! 血浪奔腾,血啸狂起,血光暴绽! Then, the third huge shadow, such from the deep place broken blood of seabed! 然后,第三道巨大的黑影,就这么从海底的深处破血而出! Reaches a kilometer wide contour fully, just like heart general outline, as well as sponge generally countless giant air vent 足达千米之宽的外形,宛如心脏一般的轮廓,以及海绵一般数之不尽的巨大排气孔 This third is born from the Ye Chen bloodshed , during the abyss main body plants the third-order species abyss fog nest! 这第三头自耶尘血海之中诞生而成的,正是深渊本体种当中的第三类物种深渊雾巢! Sees only its half of bodies to float above the bloodshed, the superficial flesh as if put on blood red star dust, under gloomy sky sparkling! 只见它的一半身躯漂浮于血海之上,表面的血肉仿佛披上了一层血红的星尘,在灰暗的天空之下闪闪发光! Meanwhile, leans in that countless air vent, the blood red fog is the concentration saves, prepares to just like the volcanic eruption to spray at any time to proliferate generally outward, thus accomplishes a cruel hell! 与此同时,在那数之不尽的排气孔里侧,血红的雾霭更是浓缩积蓄,随时准备犹如火山爆发一般向外喷射扩散,从而造就一片残暴的地狱! Hence, by the location increase effect of boundless bloodshed, Ye Chen planted to create with own style the abyss three big main bodies! 至此,借由无涯血海的场地增幅效果,耶尘就这么将深渊三大本体种以自己的风格创造了出来! Looked at three abyss initial species to crawl with the stance of subject in own front in turn, the Ye Chen expression filled seriously, the whole person set out to jump immediately, the diameter non-stop flew to a ten thousand meters upper air above bloodshed. 望着三道深渊原生种以臣民的姿态依次匍匐于自己的面前,耶尘的表情充满了严肃,整个人随即起身跃起,径直飞向血海之上的万米高空。 When arrives in a rightful position to oneself, Ye Chen holds the breath with rapt attention, the arm wields again, arouses the whole body strength, let cover the trim dark red bloodshed of surface to fall into the judgment day common ebullition instantaneously! 待到自身抵达一个合适的位置,耶尘屏息凝神,手臂再挥,鼓足全身力量,瞬间让覆盖地表的整片深红血海陷入到了世界末日一般的沸腾! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Then, in an earth-shaking loud sound sound, the surface of trim bloodshed is similar to the magma to start to emit the giant blood blister instantly generally crazily! 接下来,在一阵惊天动地的巨响声之中,整片血海的表面即刻如同岩浆一般开始疯狂冒出巨大的血泡! These blood blisters, countless, many like stars, and scale has the difference respectively, minimum only ten meters diameters, however biggest has a kilometer diameter fully, shortly will then be duplicate filled the surface of trim bloodshed, taking a quick look around really will be the terrifying, will just like the uneven skin of growth on the demon god! 这些血泡,数之不尽,多如繁星,并且规模各有差别,最小的仅有十米直径,然而最大却足有千米直径,顷刻之间便是覆满了整片血海的表面,一眼看去甚是恐怖,犹如生长在魔神身上凹凸不平的皮肤! Afterward, under the Ye Chen tranquil line of sight, the magnanimous blood blister starts to rupture! 随后,在耶尘平静的视线之下,海量的血泡就这么开始一个个地爆裂开来! Bang! 嘭! Then, every time the blood blister blasts out at the Ye Chen present, the abyss main body plants is published outrageously! 然后,每有一个血泡在耶尘的眼下炸开,就有一头深渊本体种从中悍然问世! Bang bang bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭! First is over 1 million abyss travelers, then reaches 100,000 abyss Titan, finally is about 10,000 abyss fog nests! 先是超过百万头的深渊行者,再是多达十万头的深渊泰坦,最后是将近一万头的深渊雾巢! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭! Finally, when blasts open completely to the blood blister of duplicate full trim bloodshed surface, millions of abyss main bodies plant, crowded the world four directions of boundless bloodshed, officially in Ye Chen at present forms an abyss army with overpowering momentum! 最后,待到覆满整片血海表面的血泡全部炸裂完毕,千千万万的深渊本体种,就这么塞满了无涯血海的天地四方,正式在耶尘的眼前组建成了一支气势磅礴的深渊大军! Moreover, in the dual energy irrigation of strength and under abyss strength of blood artisan, Ye Chen can believe firmly, these abyss main body that is created by him plants, compared with the original, is not only weak! 而且,在血匠之力和深渊之力的双重能量灌注之下,耶尘可以确信,这些由他本人创造出来的深渊本体种,比起原版,只强不弱! The youth float are spatial and vertical, occupy a commanding position, lower the head to overlook with the magnificent military power of oneself blood description, silent long time, is the facial expression self-ridicules a sigh finally. 青年浮空而立,居高临下,低头俯瞰着自己用自身血液描绘的这番壮观军势,沉默良久,终是神情自嘲地一声叹息。 Oh “唉” Thought back on the past years, he of youngster period, that hated the abyss, and hated all for the lackey who It worked oneself to death to work, wished one could tears into shreds all and abyss related all things entirely completely! 遥想当年,少年时期的他,是那么地仇恨深渊,并且憎恨所有为祂卖命效劳的爪牙,恨不得将所有和深渊有关的一切事物通通撕碎殆尽! Finally, who can think, time flies, circumstances changes with the time, the people are no longer the same! 结果,谁又能够想到,光阴似箭,时过境迁,物是人非! Today inherited the bodies of half of god of disasters, as well as Ye Chen of half of god of disasters potential, instead turned must approach existence of abyss compared in world any lifeform! 今天继承了一半恶神之躯,以及一半恶神潜能的耶尘,反而变成了比世间任何生物都要更加靠近深渊的存在! Lifts in the hands, brings the abyss army of total destruction for all living things sufficiently, in his breeds the formation at present! 抬手之间,一支足以为芸芸众生带来灭顶之灾的深渊大军,就这么在他的眼前孕育成型! And, this is only Ye Chen is also harboring the research psychology, simple experiment that conducts conveniently, merely is only an experiment! 并且,这还只是耶尘抱着研究心理,随手进行的简单实验,仅仅只是一次实验而已! How satirized! 何其讽刺! How absurd! 何其荒谬! Actually how shocks! 却又何其震撼! This was the present accepted the god of disasters main body thoroughly, and fused the blood artisan hunter of strength of abyss! 这便是如今彻底接受了恶神本体,并且融合了深渊之力的血匠猎人! At this moment, his form and method, were the ideal appearance of young period are eventually increasingly estranged! 此时此刻,他的身影和手段,终究是和年少时期的理想模样渐行渐远了! Naturally, regardless of the good fortune of destiny appears taunts, at this moment, Ye Chen besides making the best use of things, naturally he elects no other! 当然,无论命运的造化显得多么嘲讽,事到如今,耶尘除了物尽其用以外,自然别无他选! Because this is the road of his unique hunter! 因为这正是属于他独一无二的猎人之路! In order to continue to go forward 为了继续前进下去 From now on, Ye Chen must face up to all that oneself shoulder, thus more walks far in the domain of gods is good! 从今往后,耶尘必须正视自己背负的一切,从而在神明的领域越走越远才行! “呼” Thinks of here, the Ye Chen depth inspires unrestrainedly, then lifted the palm again slowly. 想到这里,耶尘情不自禁地深吸一口气,然后再度缓缓抬起了掌心。 The next second, his facial features start become pale, blood vessel from top to bottom starts the breakage combustion, the blazing blood flame inundates, surrounds Ye Chen whole body, is symbolizing his body and mind whole-heartedly. 下一秒,他的面容开始变得苍白,浑身上下的血管更是开始破裂燃烧,炽热的血炎从中漫出,环绕耶尘全身上下,象征着他身心的全力以赴。 Meanwhile, the vast blood light, among crowding the abyss armies in the world delays infinitely 与此同时,浩瀚的血光,亦是在塞满天地的深渊大军之间无限延展开来 Again then, the trim bloodshed finally is the comprehensive lifting, will present all abyss army one-off total floodings to swallow. 再然后,整片血海终是全面抬升,就这么将在场所有的深渊大军一次性全部淹没吞噬。 Blood combustion. 血液燃烧。 Flesh transformation. 血肉转化。 Blood light sparkle. 血光闪耀。 Finally, the end of bloodshed turned into the head of that world python god eventually, then circles to raise in the end of the world, then exudes one to break the trim blood to make the supernatural power of the world to roar sufficiently! 最终,血海的尽头终究是变成了那条世界蟒神的头颅,进而在天地的尽头盘旋升起,然后发出一声足以震碎整片血造天地的神力咆哮! Next morning. 次日清晨。 mysterious hunts for the group spirit, turns toward inside and outside the summit of entire hunter officially all hunts for the group member, publicly issued the newest official passes the article. 奥灵猎团,正式向着整座猎人之巅内外的所有猎团成员,公开发布了最新的官方通文。 From now, the active duty side hunts for the list, will welcome round comprehensive revolution. 从此以后,现役的极猎名单,也将就此迎来一轮全面的刷新。 Hunts for first extremely, the white hole hunter, Al Pettis.】 【极猎第一席,白洞猎人,阿尔佩迪斯。】 Hunts for second extremely, the pseudopodia hunter, Nie cable/search.】 【极猎第二席,虚足猎人,聂索。】 Hunts for third extremely, hunter on the wane, Hungry.】 【极猎第三席,凋零猎人,亨格利。】 Hunts for fourth extremely, the ghost hunter, Sophie Ranney.】 【极猎第四席,鬼影猎人,苏菲兰妮。】 Hunts for fifth extremely, the butterfly nobility hunter, Feng.】 【极猎第五席,蝶爵猎人,冯。】 Hunts for sixth extremely, restricts the hunter, Evelyn.】 【极猎第六席,制约猎人,伊芙莲。】 Hunts for seventh extremely, the devil hunter, Fanna.】 【极猎第七席,恶魔猎人,凡纳托。】 Hunts for eighth extremely, the dragon body hunter, what health/life.】 【极猎第八席,龙躯猎人,何生。】 Hunts for ninth extremely, controls the hunter .】 【极猎第九席,支配猎人,法努。】 And, most end, is youngest and most special 以及,最末尾,同时也是最年轻、最特殊的 Hunts for tenth extremely, the blood artisan hunter, Ye Chen.】 【极猎第十席,血匠猎人,耶尘。】
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