OSH :: Volume #13

#1298: The tea party ended

Listens to a Kui Ze sincere comfort, the Ye Chen expression to nod earnestly. 听完奎泽一番语重心长的安慰,耶尘表情认真地点了点头。 Un.” “嗯。” But, Mr. Kui Ze, I wants to know “不过,奎泽先生,我想知道” You had said a moment ago, the truth and iron rule of content quite therefore world the enlightenment judges “您刚才说过,启示宣判的内容相当于是世界的真理和铁则” But, described, appeared exaggerating and absolute?” “可是,如此描述,是否显得过于夸张和绝对了?” In the final analysis, before hunting for the group and church, actually how to discover these rules, how also to judge its truth?” “说到底,猎团和教会以前究竟是怎么发现这些规律,又是怎么判断出来它的真伪呢?” Kui Ze smiles to do to reply: 奎泽微笑作答道: About these secrets, after waiting till the restricted area, I naturally can with you well explain.” “关于这些秘密,等到了禁地之后,我自然会和你好好说明的。” The Ye Chen hear, understands immediately, understands that now is also not the time, therefore received the curiosity neatly. 耶尘听完,当即心领神会,明白现在还不是时候,于是干脆利落地将好奇心收了回去。 This, said is also, then I listen in reverent attention at the appointed time again “这样啊,说的也是,那么到时我再洗耳恭听吧” Tea in Kuize Zejiang the cup tosses down, announced again toward Ye Chen in the tranquil tone: 奎泽将杯中的茶水一饮而尽,再是以平静的语气向着耶尘宣布道: Ok, since should say all said that today this tea party stops.” “好了,既然该说的全都说完了,今天这场茶会就到此为止吧。” The old person voice falls, immediately silent relieved the space shape of hunting for the world soul source. 老人话音落下,随即无声解除了猎世魂源的空间形态。 Feels the spatial variation, Ye Chen does not have to follow hesitant, one and remove the world constitution of boundless bloodshed. 感受着外界的空间变化,耶尘也没有犹豫地紧随其后,一并撤掉了无涯血海的世界构成。 Crash-bang 哗啦啦 Then, a real spirit world and another false spirit world, welcomed in turn vanished and disintegrated. 就这样,一座真灵界和另外一座伪灵界,依次迎来了消失和瓦解。 Suddenly, appears in Ye Chen and Kui Ze's present scene, changed at first that ancient and spacious old bell tower main hall instantaneously. 眨眼过去,出现在耶尘和奎泽眼前的场景,就这么瞬间变回了最初那片古老而宽敞的老钟楼厅堂。 Returns to the original condition along with the surrounding all, Kui Ze then said toward the Ye Chen injunction calmly: 伴随着周围的一切恢复原状,奎泽转而心平气和地向着耶尘嘱咐道: Child, starting from tomorrow, the summit of entire hunter can know that you hunted for the tenth given name extremely.” “孩子,从明天开始,整座猎人之巅都会知道你极猎第十席的名号了。” Hopes that you can adapt to the change of transformation as well as power of this status earlier, then makes the best use of things well, makes more great achievements for us.” “希望你能早点适应这种身份的转变以及权力的变化,然后更好地物尽其用,为我们立下更多的丰功伟绩。” Now, you go home to rest well.” “现在,你就回家好好休息吧。” The Ye Chen facial expression answered the covered passageway seriously: 耶尘神情郑重地答复道: Yes, Mr. Kui Ze.” “是,奎泽先生。” I will treasure the life that you save well, as tenth that active duty hunts for extremely, from now on will continue to hunt for the group and Saint light service potency wholeheartedly.” “我会好好珍惜您救下的这条性命,作为现役极猎的第十席,从今往后继续全心全意为猎团和圣光服务效力的。” Also wishes your body to recover to restore to come back as soon as possible.” “也祝愿您的身体能够尽快痊愈恢复回来。” Kui Ze smiles kindly, no longer talks too much. 奎泽和蔼一笑,不再多言。 Then, the youth deeply bends the waist to bow to the old person, then sets out to leave sits, moves toward the front door of old bell tower bravely. 接下来,青年又向老人深深弯腰鞠了一个躬,然后这才起身离坐,昂首阔步地走向老钟楼的大门。 Therefore, Ye Chen as hunts for the official participation extremely the first tea party, welcomed the steady conclusion 于是,耶尘作为极猎正式参与的首次茶会,就这么迎来了平稳的结束 Leaves the summit of hunter, Ye Chen has not returned to the home directly, but went to be situated in the dense/woods of summit of rear hunter hunter. 离开猎人之巅,耶尘并没有直接返回家中,而是前往了坐落在猎人之巅后方的猎人之森。 Until now, this stretch of length and breadth complex backwoods, part of regions before was divided into the teaching region of hunter school like that as before, but another part of regions rebuilt the special preparation place of active duty hunter permanently, looked like conducted the pre-war preparation for the Grandmaster hunters initially such. 时至今日,这片广袤复杂的森林地带,一部分区域如同以前那般依旧被划为猎人学院的教学区域,而另外一部分区域则是永久改建成了现役猎人的特殊训练场所,就像是当初为大师猎人们进行战前准备的那样。 Ye Chen rented a remote location, stands in the center of location later, united the strength with total concentration again. 耶尘租下了其中一处偏僻的场地,随后站在场地的中央,聚精会神地再次凝聚起了力量。 Boundless bloodshed.” “无涯血海。” With falling of aspiration, the pinnacle blood body of Ye Chen palm place turns toward to howl instantaneously in all directions, the next second is with the paint brush of blood in Ye Chen at present describes a brand-new scenery. 伴随着心声的落下,耶尘掌心处的极致血体瞬间向着四面八方呼啸而出,下一秒即是以血之画笔在耶尘的眼前描绘出了一片全新的风光。 Therefore, the youth stood in the alone own dark red world again. 于是,青年再一次站在了独属于自己的深红世界之中。 At first sight, the thick fog and bloodshed, looked like submerge covered around Ye Chen all sceneries. 乍一看,浓雾与血海,就像是淹没覆盖了耶尘周围的一切景物。 However, in fact, from the perspective, the Ye Chen whole person is actually being equivalent stands in the training grids, suddenly vanishes to disappear same place. 不过,事实上,从外界的角度来看,耶尘整个人其实是相当于站在训练场地中间,突然原地消失不见了。 Only has the person of familiar spirit world, may in the place of this piece of nobody left felt that hidden the invisible door in space, naturally, could have the qualifications to find it accurate, as well as opened it, was a different matter 唯有熟知灵界之人,才有可能在这片空无一人的场所感觉到那份隐藏在空间之中的无形门扉,当然,能否有资格精准找到它,以及开启它,就是另外一回事了 Then, the Ye Chen front leg ended oneself hunter profession hunted for the tea party for the first time officially extremely, the back leg starts to continue to cultivate own spirit world in the dense/woods of hunter. 就这样,耶尘前脚结束了自己猎人生涯的第一次正式极猎茶会,后脚就开始在猎人之森继续修炼起了自己的灵界。 Sees only him to lift the arm, summoned the small python, threw the bloodshed under body this reviving labyrinth relic again gently. 只见他抬起手臂,召唤小蟒,再是将这件苏醒过来的迷宫遗物轻轻掷于身下的血海。 Plop. 扑通。 Swallows the Lord picture python to fall into under the dark red blood surface, raised the spirit instantaneously, at once then vanishes in the seabed deep place speedily. 吞主画蟒落入深红的血面之下,瞬间提起了精神,旋即一溜烟便是消失在了海底的深处。 Then, in a while, the bloodshed of Ye Chen sole was starts to emerge the magnificent ray, that was the labyrinth relic integrates bloomed boundless luminous 然后,没过多久,耶尘脚底的血海便是开始涌现出了辉煌的光芒,那是迷宫遗物融入其中所绽放出来的磅礴光亮 Before then, Ye Chen only demonstrated to Kui Ze the closed room characteristics of boundless bloodshed, have not conducted to here other characteristics excessively showed much. 在此之前,耶尘只向奎泽展示了无涯血海的封闭空间特性,并没有对这里的其它特性进行过多说明。 In fact, so long as places in this piece is the domain of alone own blood, then Ye Chen all concise with displaying the behavior of strength, will obtain the temporary huge strengthening in the release rate and strength effect, the income percentage will be highest even can be raised to over a hundred times. 实际上,只要身处于这片属于独属于自己的血之领域,那么耶尘所有凝练与施展力量的施法行为,都会在释放速度和力量效果上得到暂时性的巨幅强化,收益倍率最高甚至可以提升到上百倍。 And, covers the bloodshed of this world each corner, not only fills up the broad background of the world, can conduct the endless energy of extraction and reassignment by Ye Chen anytime and anywhere. 并且,覆盖这片世界每个角落的血海,不光是填满世界的恢弘背景,更是可以被耶尘随时随地进行抽取和调动的无尽能源。 In brief, the blood artisan hunter's all actions here can become like a fish in water general, thus realizes the gradual effect that the strength further welcomed rises suddenly. 总而言之,血匠猎人在这里的所有行动都会变得“如鱼得水”一般,从而实现战力进一步迎来暴涨的阶段性效果。 For all that the effect wants to come or not compare the special space principle that each real spirit world brings, but regarding Ye Chen, this was the limit that he only strength can achieve 虽然如此功效想来还是比不上每一座真实灵界所自带的特殊空间法则,不过对于耶尘而言,这便是他单凭自身力量所能够做到的极限了
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