OSH :: Volume #13

#1296: Backing down

Ye Chen approves the person of same belief: 耶尘一口赞同道: Yes, you also said a point right, I also think.” “是的,您说得一点也没错,我也是这么想的。” Therefore since , I have also been attempting for several days in secret the strength and my original strength of this abyss link.” “所以,这些天以来,我也一直在暗中尝试去将这股深渊的力量和我原本的力量结合在一起。” In fact, now presents in your present piece of forge spirit world, a large part of merit of, must be lucky the strength of abyss inexhaustible, inexhaustible powerful continue voyage characteristics.” “实际上,如今呈现在您眼前的这片伪造灵界,其中的很大一部分功劳,都得多亏了深渊之力‘取之不尽,用之不竭’的强大续航特性。” If Kui Ze has become aware to sigh with emotion: 奎泽若有所悟地感慨道: Oh, no wonder this blood makes the luster of the world, compared in your beforehand style obviously wanted to be gloomily deeper, it seems like strength of you and abyss the nature has worn in very well, at least will not make the bystander see inside way.” “噢,怪不得这座血造世界的色泽,相比于你以前的风格明显要阴暗深沉许多,看来你和深渊之力的相性已经磨合得很好了,最起码不会让外人看出里面的门道。” Ye Chen has the forced smile to reply: 耶尘带着苦笑回答道: Is.” “算是吧。” I will plan from now on makes this strength turn into my part thoroughly, making it further grow independently.” “我今后打算让这股力量彻底变成我的一部分,让它进一步独立成长。” No longer from abyss, but came from in me.” “不再是源自于深渊,而是源自于我本人。” Kui Ze look appreciates to say satisfied: 奎泽神色满意地赞赏道: Very good, this, although you are unable to divide and relation between abyss forever, but, you indeed should create your style full power.” “很好,就该这样,虽然你永远也无法分割和深渊之间的联系,不过,你的确应该全力创造自己的风格。” Ye Chen remembered anything suddenly, therefore then inquired: 耶尘突然想起了什么,于是接着提问道: Right, Mr. Kui Ze, Mr. Al Pettis said a moment ago hunts for first eight to summon this life relic with you extremely, is six step labyrinth relic this means that you no longer did need the fifth-order labyrinth relic?” “对了,奎泽先生,刚才阿尔佩迪斯先生说极猎前八席和您都能召唤本命遗物,也就是六阶迷宫遗物这是不是就意味着你们不再需要五阶迷宫遗物了?” Kui Ze nods to reply: 奎泽颔首回答道: Yes.” “是的。” In the front of spirit world and this life relic, the effect of fifth-order labyrinth relic is it can be said that minimal, will take the psychic force that this life relic needs additionally.” “在灵界和本命遗物的面前,五阶迷宫遗物的效果可以说是微乎其微,而且还会额外占用本命遗物所需要的精神力。” Therefore, we abandoned these naturally ‚others thing, is used in strengthens and consolidates own primary strength the energy ‚’.” “所以,我们自然而然就抛弃了这些‘他人之物’,转而将精力全部用于强化和巩固自己的‘原生力量’。” Ye Chen twittering said looking pensive: 耶尘若有所思地呢喃道: Really is this, no wonder has not seen you to use normal relic “果然是这样吗,怪不得从没见过您使用正常的遗物” Only pitifully, I and everyone and different “只可惜,我和大家并不一样” Perhaps , I must the nowadays fifth-order labyrinth relic continue to use from now on.” “或许,从今往后,我还是得将现今的五阶迷宫遗物继续使用下去呢。” Kui Ze did not mind that comments: 奎泽毫不介意地评价道: Might as well, you while compared with others lacked a door, actually also had/left a window.” “无妨,你在比其他人缺少了一扇门的同时,却也多出了一扇窗。” Let alone, this window, came from can with the abyss that the Saint light contends with coordinatedly.” “更何况,这扇窗,还是来自于能够和圣光对等抗衡的深渊。” If you can wear in reach a high degree of proficiency from now on within the body the strength and your original strength of abyss , I believe that your upper limit will not compare other to hunt for the difference absolutely extremely.” “倘若你今后能够将体内的深渊之力和你原来的力量磨合得炉火纯青,那么,我相信你的上限绝对不会比其他极猎差。” Listened to Kui Ze this self-confident inspiration, the Ye Chen expression suddenly seems quite affected. 听了奎泽这道自信满满的鼓舞,耶尘的表情一时间显得颇为感动。 Un, I will try hard well, strive to return you in pains that on me spends.” “嗯,我会好好努力,争取回报您在我身上花费的一番苦心。” Kui Ze smiles genially. 奎泽和善一笑。 „, The child, do you currently have other issue to ask?” “那么,孩子,你现在还有别的问题要问么?” Ye Chen hears word, the expression is invariable, however the spoken language actually suspends once again. 耶尘闻言,表情不变,然而言语却是又一次暂停下来。 „” “” Then, the youth lowers the head to be lost in thought that its feature of tightening seems like as if conducting some thought to struggle general. 接下来,青年就这么低头陷入了沉思,其紧锁的眉目似乎就像是在进行着某种思想挣扎一般。 „” “” Sees this shape, Kui Ze pursues calm asks: 见到此状,奎泽淡定追问道: What's wrong, did the child, why exhibit an awkward appearance suddenly?” “怎么了,孩子,为什么突然摆出一副为难的样子呢?” The Ye Chen hesitant moment, opens the mouth to say finally in a low voice ; 耶尘犹豫片刻,终是低声开口道; Mr. Kui Ze “奎泽先生” I want to know “我想知道” What kind of view are you regarding butcher hunter Teece Corkey?” “您对于屠夫猎人杰提斯科基是怎样的看法?” Facing this sudden topic transition, Kui Ze's look no least bit mighty waves, reply at present merely with the most indifferent tone: 面对眼前这番突如其来的话题转折,奎泽的眼神毫无半点波澜,仅仅只是用最为冷漠的语气这么回答道: „A conceited and sly annoying rebel.” “一介狂妄自大而又狡猾烦人的叛徒罢了。” „If not he, the Saint light pure land will not emit so many disasters, we will seek for the divine object the advancement is not delayed in vain so many years.” “如果不是他,圣光净土也不会冒出这么多的灾难,我们寻找神物的进程也不会被白白拖延这么多年。” In addition, as the regimental commander, what other view can I have?” “除此之外,身为团长,我还能有什么别的看法呢?” „Will child, why you ask this strange issue suddenly?” “孩子,为什么你会突然提出这种奇怪的问题?” „, This defeated, even if has unravelled, now still still casts the shadow of being able hardly be removed in your mind?” “难道说,这个败者就算已经灰飞烟灭了,如今也依然在你的心中留下了挥之不去的阴影吗?” Ye Chen quiet moment, then slowly nod. 耶尘沉寂片刻,然后缓缓点头。 Speaks the truth indeed a little.” “啊说实话的确有点。” Even if he had died, but with the war of this powerful enemy, I will review in the dream for these days frequently repeatedly “就算他已经死了,但是和这个强敌的一战,我这几天还是经常会在梦中反复重温” After all, happened all, really made people be hard to dismiss from mind.” “毕竟,发生的一切,实在是太让人难以忘怀了。” A Kui Ze face sympathy showed the understanding. 奎泽一脸同情地表示理解。 Un, I can understand.” “嗯,我能够明白。” Regardless of your will is tenacious, your story throughout is only 20 over young people, with that war of butcher, to you eventually was heavy.” “无论你的意志有多么顽强,你的阅历始终只是一个二十出头的年轻人,和屠夫的那一战,对你来说终究是过于沉重了。” But, relax, child “不过,放心吧,孩子” Time will level all scars.” “时间会抹平一切伤痕的。” The Ye Chen look is repeating confusedly: 耶尘神色迷茫地复述着: Time “时间” Kui Ze nods affirms to say again: 奎泽点头再次肯定道: Right, time.” “没错,时间。” I ensure you will slowly restore.” “我保证,你会慢慢恢复过来的。” Then, regards the stepping-stone the recollections of these pain, becomes by oneself more dauntless, becomes firmer, finally becomes more powerful.” “然后,将这些痛苦的回忆当成垫脚石,让自己变得更加无畏,变得更加坚定,最后变得更加强大。” The Ye Chen look nods dignifiedly. 耶尘眼神凝重地点了点头。 Yes, you said right, I truly should not care about the embarrassed, issue, when I have not said.” “是的,您说得没错,我确实不应该对此过于在意不好意思,刚才的问题,就当我没说吧。” However, in his surface pretends extremely is not rigid regarding Teece Corkey, in fact is not this topic that starts to say! 但是,他表面上装作不会对于杰提斯科基太过执着,实际上最开始想说的根本就不是这个话题! The shadow is also good 阴影也好 The nightmare is also good 梦魇也好 The recollection is also good 回忆也好 Actually, about Teece Corkey, Ye Chen wants with from the start is not these dispensable things that Kui Ze discussed! 其实,关于杰提斯科基这个人,耶尘想和奎泽谈的压根就不是这些可有可无的东西! But is a more incisive topic! 而是一个更加尖锐的话题! Incisive to the interrogation of extreme! 一个尖锐到了极点的质问! Just 只不过 As if can see through all silver alone pupils facing Kui Ze that 面对奎泽那颗仿佛能够看穿一切的白银独眸 Ye Chen with great difficulty heart in true question mentioned the throat, finally discovered oneself actually could not say, therefore has to swallow it finally! 耶尘好不容易将心中的“真正疑问”提到了嗓子眼,结果发现自己竟然怎么也说不出来,于是最后只好又将它吞了回去! Since birth , he backed down for the first time! 有生以来,他,第一次打退堂鼓了! Because only, that say/way presses some say/way suspicion in heart, is really extremely fearful, behind makes Ye Chen feel round of cool, absolutely terrified! 只因为,那道压在心中的某道猜想,实在是太过可怕,以至于让耶尘感到背后发凉,毛骨悚然! Even if the intuition of innermost feelings most deep place told him 即便内心最深处的直觉是这么告诉他的 However, Ye Chen is still not able to accept that odd suspicion! 但是,耶尘依然无法接受那个离谱至极的猜想! ( These are has certainly some misunderstanding) (这其中肯定是存在着某种误会) ( Mr. Kui Ze, is not only leader hunts for group to move toward millennium prosperous leaders, saved me benefactor several times in hopeless situation.) (奎泽先生,不仅是领导猎团走向千年繁荣的领袖,更是数次拯救我于绝境之中的恩人。) ( Such being the case, how I can guess absurdly!?) (既然如此,我又怎么可以妄自揣测!?) Thinks of here, Ye Chen reprimands own impudent and shameless in the innermost feelings at once ruthlessly. 想到这里,耶尘旋即在内心狠狠斥责了一遍自己的厚颜无耻。 Therefore, the youth buried that fearful suspicion thoroughly in the memory deep place, decides not to go into seriously from now on excessively 于是,青年就这么将那个可怕的猜想彻底埋藏在了记忆的深处,决定从今往后再也不会过分深究 After all, such does, is not meaningful. 毕竟,那样做,根本没有任何意义。
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