OSH :: Volume #13

#1295: Gives the great expectations

Looks that Ye Chen is gradually excited, Kui Ze is still calm such as beginning, nods to say merely gently: 看着耶尘逐渐激动,奎泽依旧淡定如初,仅仅只是轻轻点头道: You said that almost right.” “你说得,几乎都对。” But, I insisted on saving you initially, and because, not only favor such simply more reasons, the value of lying in you manifests.” “不过,我当初之所以执意救你,并不只是因为‘人情’这么简单更多的原因,还是在于你所体现出来的价值。” If you are an accomplishing nothing waste, I will not spend so many thoughts on you.” “倘若你是个一事无成的废物,我根本不会在你身上花费这么多心思。” This appears the somewhat indifferent words facing the old person suddenly, Ye Chen looked like by the overhead is thrown basin cold water, the expression solidified instantaneously, then, the mood restored to be sober and calm again. 面对老人这番突然显得有些冷漠的话语,耶尘就像是被当头泼了一盆凉水,表情瞬间凝固,再然后,情绪就这么恢复了清醒和冷静。 „” “” This “啊这样吗” Un, you said, if I am a waste, that was also equal to disappointing the sacrifices of many, the qualifications of truly completely not having gone on living “嗯,您说得对倘若我是个废物的话,那也就等于辜负了很多人的牺牲,确实完全没有活下去的资格呢” Kui Ze picked up the kind smile. 奎泽重新拾起了和蔼的微笑。 But you are not.” “但你不是。” Therefore, I saved you.” “所以,我救了你。” Truth is such simple.” “道理就是这么简单。” Ye Chen hears word, is at a loss for words for a while. 耶尘闻言,一时语塞。 „” “” The youth make the stop slightly, later lowers the head to take a stand: 青年稍作停顿,随后低头表态道: „Regardless how you regard to me, to me, you will be the graciousness are always heavy such as the savior of mountain therefore, in the future if needed, I am naturally willing to go through fire or water for you, do not refuse under any circumstances.” “无论您对我是如何看待的,对我而言,您始终都是恩重如山的救命恩人所以,未来有需要的话,我自然愿意为您赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。” The old person nods tranquilly. 老人平静点头。 Naturally, I understood that your character, knows that you are the child who love and hate must report.” “当然,我了解你的性格,知道你是一个恩仇必报的孩子。” But, relax, I will not therefore request you to handle what special matter.” “不过,放心吧,我并不会因此要求你做什么特别的事情。” So long as you can continue to take the hunter to hunt for the group like before go all out , to continue to carry forward your talent and value, I also felt satisfiedly.” “只要你能够继续像以前那样作为猎人为猎团卖力,继续发扬你的天赋和价值,我也就感到满足了。” Facing Kui Ze's tolerance and natural, the Ye Chen look emerged for several points to feel grateful and be moved, immediately lowered the head to express gratitude: 面对奎泽的宽容与大方,耶尘的眼神涌现出了几分感激与感动,随即低头道谢道: Thank you, Mr. Kui Ze, thank you saved me again “谢谢您,奎泽先生,再次谢谢您救了我” Kui Ze smiles to advise saying: 奎泽微笑劝阻道: These thanks orally stop, you should understand, they to me and have no value.” “这些口头上的感谢就打住吧,伱应该明白,它们对我来说并没有什么价值。” Ye Chen expressed that the understanding nods. 耶尘表示理解地点了点头。 Un, I knew.” “嗯,我知道了。” Afterward, the youth slightly does hesitant, probes to say toward the old person again cautiously: 随后,青年略作犹豫,再是向着老人小心翼翼地试探道: Then Mr. Kui Ze “那么奎泽先生” Since you once were my father's friend “既然您曾经是我父亲的朋友” Then you are willing to discuss his story with me for example the family background and hometown and so on news?” “那么您愿意和我多谈一下他的故事吗比如出身和故乡之类的讯息?” Facing Ye Chen this request about old friend, Kui Ze does not have first to respond. 面对耶尘这道关于旧友的请求,奎泽没有第一时间予以回应。 „” “” Then, sees only the old person to put out a hand to hold the cheeks, the alone pupil of silver calmly to gaze at the Ye Chen facial features, seems conducting some type to think 接下来,只见老人伸手托着脸颊,白银的独眸静静注视着耶尘的面容,似乎正在进行着某种深思熟虑 „” “” For a long time in the past, he made the decision finally, subsequently gave Ye Chen to reply together. 许久过去,他最终做出了决定,继而交给了耶尘这么一道回答。 Seurre, is not only the friend of mine, once was by the brothers who I regard as like brothers.” “瑟尔佛舍,不光是我的朋友,更是曾经被我视为情同手足的兄弟。” „The memory of but, compared with the happy friendship, he to me bringing are instead more is the pain, particularly betrays my expectation in him, and after cutting my four limbs, personally.” “但是,比起美好的情谊,他给我带来的记忆反而更多是痛苦,尤其是在他背叛我的期望,并且亲手斩去我的四肢之后。” Told the facts, I do not even want deliberately to recall and this man related all sorts of passing, let alone was accounts orally one his beforehand story personally.” “实话实说,我甚至都不想刻意去回忆和这个男人有关的种种过往,更别说是亲口将他以前的故事口述一遍了。” Let alone, before these all are 3000 past event.” “更何况,这些全都已经是三千年以前的旧事了。” In this period, Saint light pure land after innumerable changes and reconstruction, even if I now tell you his family background and hometown, these places still have become the people are no longer the same, 3000 the person after your will have no relations basically.” “期间,圣光净土经过无数次的变迁和重建,所以就算我现在把他的出身和故乡告诉你,那些地方也早就变得物是人非,和你这个三千年之后的人基本没有什么关系。” At this moment, tracks down these things again, what significance also there is?” “事到如今,再去追寻这些东西,又有什么意义呢?” Saw that Kui Ze shows the attitude of this contradiction, the Ye Chen expression immediately appears both disappointed and helpless. 见到奎泽展现出这番抵触的态度,耶尘的表情顿时显得既失望又无奈。 This good to sorry, after me, at your surface premise he, please do not forgive my rash and impoliteness.” “这样么好吧对不起,那我以后再也不会在您的面前提他了,请您原谅我的莽撞和无礼。” Kui Ze looks at Ye Chen silent, the arm rest of finger light point wheelchair, undergoes a silent ponder, finally added toward Ye Chen: 奎泽沉默地看着耶尘,手指轻点轮椅的扶手,又是经过一番寂静的沉思,最后向着耶尘这么补充道: But, if you do not want to let off all actually and that man related truth of” “不过,如果你硬是不想放过一切和那個男人相关的真相” I pour can also give you this opportunity.” “我倒也可以给你这个机会。” Naturally, but also till must wait till the time to be mature.” “当然,还得等到时机成熟为止。” The Ye Chen expression changes, rushes to pursue asks: 耶尘表情一变,赶忙追问道: Is the time to be how mature?” “怎样才算是时机成熟呢?” Kui Ze voice replied lightly: 奎泽声音平淡地回答道: Waits till our common enemies, after the god of disasters Harvey Jordan falls from the sky thoroughly, I naturally did not mind that selects a time, shares with you well the recollections of these pain.” “等到我们共同的敌人,恶神哈维约旦彻底陨落之后,我自然再也不介意挑个时间,和你好好分享一下那些痛苦的回忆。” The Ye Chen hear, is shocked again, then looks the forced smile. 耶尘听罢,再次愣住,接着面露苦笑。 So that's how it is, said also I understood, then, I will wait for arrival of that day patiently.” “啊原来如此,说的也是呢我明白了,那么,我会耐心等待那一天到来的。” Kui Ze smiles compatible. 奎泽亲和地笑了笑。 Un, speaking of this topic, how the strength of your abyss to grasp now?” “嗯,说到这个话题,你的深渊之力现在掌握得如何了?” Sounds the ear bank along with the grating glossary, Ye Chen whole body as if receives an electric shock trembles general fiercely, will be the subconsciousness the vigilant vision will go to again in all directions. 伴随着刺耳的词汇敲响耳畔,耶尘全身上下仿佛触电一般猛地发颤,再是下意识将警惕的目光投向四面八方。 Hehe, leaving is so anxious, we place now in the inner center of two spirit worlds, some people cannot intercept this talk, you relaxed although.” “呵呵,别这么紧张,我们如今可是身处在两层灵界的内部中心啊,不会有人能够窃听到这场谈话的,你尽管放松好了。” Kui Ze's reminder made Ye Chen sober rapidly, therefore the whole face lowered the head to apologize awkwardly. 奎泽的提醒让耶尘迅速清醒了回来,于是满脸尴尬地低头道歉起来。 Excuse me, I have not been able to adapt from others mouth hear the feeling of this fact with one's own ears, always feels like has a guilty conscience, therefore responded that unavoidably was somewhat extreme “不好意思,我至今还无法适应从别人口中亲耳听到这个事实的感觉,总是感觉好像做贼心虚,所以反应难免有些过激了” Kui Ze attitude did not mind that comforts saying: 奎泽态度毫不介意地安慰道: Doesn't matter, you have taken hunting and killing the abyss as the fresh hunter after all, now suddenly turn into the master of this strength in turn, the innermost feelings will therefore feel that contradictory and dreads, was really extremely normal.” “没关系,毕竟你一直都是以猎杀深渊为生的猎人呢,如今突然自己反过来变成了这种力量的主人,内心会因此感到矛盾和畏惧,实在是太过正常了。” But, tells the truth, you must adapt to this special standpoint as soon as possible.” “不过,有一说一,你必须尽快适应这种特殊的立场。” After all, this strength is like your physical body, now has integrated in your life to accept it completely, then uses it to the full, this is you now the most reasonable choice, is I to the biggest great expectations that you give.” “毕竟,这股力量就和你的肉体一样,如今已经完全融入到了你的人生之中接受它,然后最大限度利用它,这才是你如今最合理的选择,同时也是我对你予以的最大厚望。”
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