OSH :: Volume #13

#1290: The peak of mysterious spirit technique

Ye Chen is reading the final several lines of information of secret documents with total concentration. 耶尘聚精会神地阅览着机密文档的最后几行情报。 But, world does not have the without owner shape six step labyrinth relics, does not represent six step labyrinth relics not to exist.】 【但是,世间不存在无主形态的六阶迷宫遗物,并不代表六阶迷宫遗物本身不存在。】 In fact, six step labyrinth relics are six heavy nightmare induction mutual promotion of the five elements accompanying of correspondence.】 【事实上,六阶迷宫遗物是和对应的六重噩梦感应者相生相伴的。】 Before then, must first expound a concept, that is general Ao Lingshu.】 【在此之前,首先得阐明一个概念,那就是通用奥灵术。】 Regarding six heavy nightmare boundary following nightmare induction, the general Ao Lingshu apex, is the spirit world.】 【对于六重噩梦境界以下的噩梦感应者来说,通用奥灵术的顶点,便是灵界。】 But, all achieves the people of six heavy nightmare boundaries regarding world, the spirit world was makes them pick up in the past the background stage of status and strength.】 【不过,对于世间所有达到六重噩梦境界之人来说,灵界不过是让他们拾起往昔身份和力量的一片背景舞台。】 As for six heavy nightmare induction true general Ao Lingshu apexes , is makes full use of the stimulation and inspiration that the spirit world brings, finally the methodical learned summoned in the past own some predecessors from within the body, was the bone ash six step labyrinth relics that once inherited.】 【至于六重噩梦感应者真正的通用奥灵术顶点,则是充分利用灵界带来的刺激与启发,最终循序渐进学会从体内召唤出过去自己的一部分前身,也就是曾经的自己遗传下来的骨灰六阶迷宫遗物。】 We call it this life relic.】 【我们称其为本命遗物。】 Regarding same six heavy nightmare induction, in the front of this life relic, the function that the spirit world can have even can describe with insignificant, therefore could summon the power gap of person of this life relic, was similar to whether experienced the consanguineous lifeform of growth and growth.】 【对于同一个六重噩梦感应者来说,在本命遗物的面前,灵界能够产生的作用甚至可以用微不足道来形容,所以能否召唤本命遗物之人的实力差距,就如同是否经历了成长和发育的同族生物。】 Because, this life relic, all six heavy nightmare induction should so pursue, unique, the peak of supreme general Ao Lingshu.】 【正因如此,本命遗物,正是所有六重噩梦感应者应该追求的,独一无二的,至高无上的通用奥灵术之巅峰。】 Naturally, the learning method about such skill , like the spirit world, only may get an idea, cannot explain, needs six heavy nightmare induction to unearth the exploration completely.】 【当然,关于此等技巧的习得方法,就和灵界一样,只可意会,不可言传,全部需要六重噩梦感应者自己去挖掘探索。】 Hence, Ye Chen all record contents of this secret files tuart, throughly reads finally at present. 至此,耶尘终是将眼前这份机密档桉的所有记录内容,彻头彻尾地阅览完毕。 I remembered completely.” “我全部记住了。” Ye Chen said, immediately takes back the grade of tuart bag the document, flung the arm to slip into Al Pettis's hand along the desktop again. 耶尘说完,随即将文件收回档桉袋,再是沿着桌面甩臂滑到了阿尔佩迪斯的手里。 Very good.” “很好。” Al Pettis receives the good secret files tuart, then supplemented one toward Ye Chen. 阿尔佩迪斯收好机密档桉,然后向着耶尘补充了一句。 What issue do you currently have also to ask?” “你现在有什么问题还想要问吗?” Ye Chen thinks, the nod said slowly: 耶尘想了想,缓缓点头道: I want to know, the technique of so-called life relic, everyone present has all learned?” “我想知道,所谓的本命遗物之技,在座的各位全都已经习得了吗?” Al Pettis looks all around people on the scene, immediately replaces everyone to turn toward Ye Chen to reply: 阿尔佩迪斯环顾一圈在场众人,随即代替大家向着耶尘回答道: Except is like you with hunt for outside of rookie extremely, our other eight and regimental commander, can summon this life relic completely.” “除去和你一样同为极猎新人的法努以外,我们其他八席以及团长,全部都能召唤本命遗物。” Just can achieve to have words at fingertips and write with facility truly, summoned this life relic anytime and anywhere, and 100% guaranteed oneself will not have conducted to backlash by the strong strength, at present only then Mr. Kui Ze.” “只不过真正能够做到信手拈来,随时随地召唤本命遗物,并且百分之百确保自己不会被过强力量进行反噬的,目前只有奎泽先生一人而已。” In comparison, our other eight people of methods, throughout seem insufficiently mature.” “相比之下,我们其他八人的手段,始终还是显得不够成熟。” Fanna grins says with a smile lightly: 凡纳托咧嘴轻笑道: Yeah, Mr. Al Pettis requests as always harshly, who Mr. Kui Ze is, lived the entire more than 3000 years, he and we comparedpassed ripe simplywell!” “哎,阿尔佩迪斯先生还是这么一如既往地要求苛刻呢,奎泽先生是什么人呐,活了整整三千多年,他和我们相比简直‘熟’透了好吧!” Feng Nie the tobacco pipe is sighing: 冯捏着烟斗感叹起来: This life relic time unless it is absolutely essential really does not want to use, I long ago backlashed one time unfortunately, that type of uncomfortable taste, almost lets my personally crumb own skull, in order to extricates.” “本命遗物么不到万不得已的时候真不想用啊,我很久以前有一次不幸遭到反噬,那种难受的滋味,差点让我亲手捏碎自己的头盖骨以求解脱。” Sophie Ranney corners of the mouth raise high saying: 苏菲兰妮嘴角高扬道: Hee hee, I thought but actually very interesting, starts each time seems like conducting huge gambling, in this war I have also used, but the enemy too hit, abyss that side strength still needs to strengthen is good ~ “嘻嘻嘻,我倒觉得很有意思呢,每次发动都像是在进行天大的赌博,这次战争之中我也用过了哦,只是敌人太不禁打了,深渊那边的战力仍然需要加强才行呀~” A Yin Fulian face decided peacefully expressed the view. 尹芙莲一脸澹定地发表了看法。 „, but the experience of Mr. Kui Ze is not our anyone has, so long as again many to some time that the qualifications compare, I believe that on the scene should few people unable to overcome these barriers finally.” “奎泽先生的经验不是我们任何一个人有资格比拟的不过,只要再多给一些时间,我相信在场应该没有几人最后无法克服这些障碍。” Facing hunts for a numerous strong response extremely, Ye Chen makes the stop slightly, later is bitter and astringent smiles. 面对极猎一众的热烈反应,耶尘稍作停顿,随后苦涩一笑。 Oh, I the spirit world, perhaps cannot summon what life relic similarly “唉,我连灵界都不会,或许也同样召唤不出什么本命遗物了” Al Pettis look refuted keenly: 阿尔佩迪斯眼神敏锐地反驳道: But, even if said these words, facing our these people, you have still never thrown the energy, not?” “不过,即便是在说出这句话的时候,面对我们这些人,你依然从未丢过底气,不是吗?” Hears here, the Ye Chen facial expression suddenly changes, just like cannot think that the small detail in this individual mentality, can be detected by Al Pettis unexpectedly directly! 听到这里,耶尘神情骤然一变,俨然想不到这种个人心态方面的微小细节,居然都能被阿尔佩迪斯直接察觉! But just like the fact Al Pettis said that even before Ye Chen, once will not display because of the spirit world very ashamed, but, this performance are hunting for the present ashamed appearance extremely, with or not absolutely did not have the least bit to relate regarding feeling inferior of own strength! 而事实正如阿尔佩迪斯所言,即便耶尘之前曾经一度因为自己不会灵界而表现得十分惭愧,但是,这份表现在极猎们眼前的惭愧模样,却和对于自身实力的自卑与否完全没有半点关系! After all, although Ye Chen does not have the spirit world like others, but has a more precious rare another strength 毕竟,耶尘虽然不像其他人那样拥有灵界,但是却有更加珍贵罕见的另外一份力量 That is, came from in god of disasters Harvey Jordan main body the body of physical body not extinguishing! 那便是,源自于恶神哈维约旦本尊的肉体不灭之躯! Then, Ye Chen in physical body, had turned into not existence that refuses stubbornly to extinguish actually thoroughly! 如此一来,耶尘实则已经在肉体方面,彻底变成了不死不灭的存在! If wants to become the threat to other party, except, in the spirit and soul begin outside, does not have its law again! 若想对他造成威胁,除了在精神和灵魂方面动手以外,再无它法! In addition, the other characteristics of strength of abyss now also one and was learned by Ye Chen overall, for this reason, present he, at all not because solely the issue of strength feels not to be on the rise in anybody's front! 再加上,深渊之力的其它特性如今也一并被耶尘全盘学会,正因如此,如今的他,根本不会单单因为实力的问题就在任何人的面前感到抬不起头! Naturally, the fact turns over to the fact, the performance to turn over to the performance, questioned facing Al Pettis suddenly, Ye Chen innocent hit the careless eye immediately. 当然,事实归事实,表现归表现,面对阿尔佩迪斯突如其来的质疑,耶尘随即一脸无辜地打起了马虎眼。 Sorry, Mr. Al Pettis, I am not quite clear your meaning “抱歉,阿尔佩迪斯先生,我不太明白您的意思” Al Pettis looked at Kui Ze one eyes, has not gotten up in this topic excessively goes into seriously. 阿尔佩迪斯看了奎泽一眼,并没有在这个话题上过多深究。 All right, when I am thinking aloud.” “没事,就当我在自言自语吧。” Kui Ze spoke moderately: 奎泽语气平和地发话道: „, Ye Chen, until now, we have become will hunt for the later all incomes to outline one to you not to know that extremely completely you regarding these whether satisfies?” “那么,耶尘,迄今为止,我们已经将成为极猎之后的所有收益全部给你概述了一遍不知道你对于这些是否满意?” The Ye Chen nod affirmation said without hesitation: 耶尘毫不犹豫地点头肯定道: Naturally, the duty, power and benefits foundation did not discuss that various information that later disclosed each could be said as the priceless treasure, particularly final secret files tuart, really made me benefit, the harvest was many.” “当然,基础的职务、权力、福利就不谈了,之后透露的各种情报各个都可以说是无价之宝,尤其是最后的这份机密档桉,实在让我获益匪浅,收获颇丰。” Kui Ze expression responded satisfied: 奎泽表情满意地回应道: Un, this is good.” “嗯,这样就好。” Such being the case, ended this flow.” “既然如此,这个流程到此结束。” Then, allowing us to be in the final stage of this tea party.” “接下来,让我们进入此次茶会的最后阶段。” I will outline simply your future programs of action, and assigns a next future duty to each of you “我将简单概述一下你们今后的行动方针,并且给你们每个人交代一下未来的任务” Spoke these, we can break up.” “讲完这些,我们就可以散会了。”
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