OSH :: Volume #13

#1288: Tomb and summit

( All labyrinth relics are goods that nightmare induction of dying incarnation became!?) (所有的迷宫遗物都是死去的噩梦感应者所化身而成的物品!?) Facing the truth that this exposes suddenly, Ye Chen feels unexpected, three views fell into during the unprecedented sharp shake! 面对这道突然揭露的真相,耶尘感到始料未及,三观就此陷入到了前所未有的剧烈震荡之中! If the fact is really so, is also representing, he passes all sorts of relics that use, gold/metal Wenhei the awning is also good, the different silk glove also to be good, the great waves water blade is also good and carry can the heavy sheath be also good and have accompanies now side Ye Chen swallows the Lord picture python is also good 倘若事实真是如此,那么也就代表着,他过去所使用的种种遗物,金纹黑篷也好、异丝手套也好、浪涛水刀也好、载能重鞘也好、还有如今陪伴在耶尘身边的吞主画蟒也好 Completely once was the living person! 全部都曾经是活生生的人! Once same underwent induction of nightmare baptism with Ye Chen completely! 全部都曾经是和耶尘一样经受了噩梦洗礼的感应者! Thinks of here, a Ye Chen mind blank, the innermost feelings were submerged by the five senses mixed Chen's emotion immediately at one fell swoop! 想到这里,耶尘的脑海一片空白,内心随即就被五味杂陈的情感一举淹没! However, makes him feel shock is also not limited to this. 然而,更让他感到震惊的还不止于此。 When the Ye Chen vision after hunts for the page of secret files tuart to continue to move extremely downward 耶尘的目光沿着极猎机密档桉的页面继续向下移动之后 Truth announcement that also shocks together in Ye Chen at present. 又一道震撼的真相公布于耶尘的眼前。 【After each nightmare induction dies, will turn into the labyrinth relic, the corpse is complete or not, time short 100 years of high and low, long in 1000 high and low.】 【每一名噩梦感应者死后都会变成迷宫遗物,无论尸体完好与否,时间短则一百年上下,长则一千年上下。】 But, badly-damaged or corpse of complete annihilation, its relic bone ash will produce in some corner of mysterious spirit labyrinth baseless.】 【但是,残破不堪又或者完全湮灭的尸体,其遗物骨灰会在奥灵迷宫的某个角落凭空生成。】 But is well-preserved, corpse that buries calmly and steadily, its relic bone ash will be will fix to produce in the corpse burying place.】 【而保存完好,安稳下葬的尸体,其遗物骨灰则是会在尸体的埋葬地点固定产生。】 Because , the mysterious spirit hunter corpse of any time, is so hunting for the group to collect as far as possible completely and ensure they can bury in the hunter tomb safely, thus the convenience hunts for the group to conduct the fixed-point excavation in the future to the labyrinth relic that these dead form, shifts to the relic palace, eventually achieves two uses the benefits.】 【正因如此,任何时代的奥灵猎人尸体,猎团都应该尽可能地收集完好,确保他们能够安然下葬于猎人墓地,从而方便猎团在未来对这些死者形成的迷宫遗物进行定点挖掘,转移至遗物殿,最终达到二次利用的效益。】 Two uses! 二次利用! Saw the flash of this glossary, the Ye Chen forehead stuck out suddenly several blue veins at the scene! 看到这个词汇的一瞬间,耶尘的额头当场暴起了数根青筋! Before then, he has never thought that as the hunter tomb of hunter home to return, its essence unexpectedly is one in secretly the stable running weapon factory! 在此之前,他从未想过,作为猎人归宿的猎人墓地,其本质居然是一座在暗地里稳定运行的兵工厂! No If must describe is more appropriate 如果要形容得更加贴切一些 That should say that is a farm! 那应该说是一片农场! A piece takes the seed by all hunter bodies, takes the fruit by all labyrinth relics, regular sowing seeds, regular harvest equipment farm! 一片以所有猎人尸体作为种子,以所有迷宫遗物作为果实,定期播种,定期收获的装备农场! Then, a short time ago just participated in Ye Chen of memorial service, the mind recalled suddenly immediately oneself and innumerable colleague standing row formed a line, mourned to reminisce toward all deceased together , indicating the respect dignified scene! 然后,前不久才刚刚参加完悼念仪式的耶尘,脑海一时间顿时回想起了自己和无数同僚站列成行,一同向着所有逝者哀悼追念,表示敬意的庄严场景! And some people skeletons not save, therefore can only stay behind the name in the surface of monument, but some people are quite lucky, but can also leave behind the complete corpse burial hometown 其中有的人尸骨无存,因此只能在纪念碑的表面留下名字,而有的人比较幸运,还能够留下完整的尸首安葬家乡 Finally, now, hunt for extremely instead tells Ye Chen, in that remote future, these lucky person actually digs earth with claws to dig the grave in the remote future hunted for group personally, then turns into each article brand-new relic their bone ashes, thus achieves two uses effect? 结果,现在,极猎们反而告诉耶尘,在那遥远的未来,这些“幸运之人”却将在遥远的未来被猎团亲手刨土挖坟,转而将他们的骨灰变成一件件崭新的遗物,从而达到“二次利用”的效果? So behavior 如此行为 Did not blaspheme the dead, what can also be!? 不是亵渎死者,还能是什么!? The intention hence, the Ye Chen expression instantaneous is gloomy, holds the breath with rapt attention, not to say a word although, however in the eye child obviously emerged the angry gloss as before. 心念至此,耶尘的表情瞬间阴沉下来,屏息凝神,尽管一言不发,然而眼童之中依旧明显涌现出了恼怒的光泽。 Hungry sees that the tone ice-cold interrogated: 亨格利见状,语气冰冷地质问道: What meaning is your look?” “你那眼神是什么意思?” Nie cable/search first stops saying: 聂索第一时间制止道: Shut up, Hungry, do not stimulate him.” “闭嘴,亨格利,不要刺激他。” what health/life the expression did not remind strangely: 何生表情毫不奇怪地提醒道: Calm, Ye Chen.” “冷静点,耶尘。” law level tone comforts saying: 法努平声安抚道: I understood that your feeling, before I know these truth time is also very difficult to accept, but we have no alternative.” “我理解你的感受,之前我知道这些真相的时候也很难接受,但是我们别无选择。” Ye Chen is speechless, turns the head to look to Kui Ze, heaving in sight as before is that tranquil such as the old face of water. 耶尘无言,转头望向奎泽,映入眼帘的依旧是那副平静如水的苍老面庞。 Ye Chen.” 耶尘。” Kui Ze appearance spoke kindly. 奎泽面目和蔼地发话道。 You forgot, we were the hunters, rather than knight.” “难道你忘记了吗,我们是猎人,而不是骑士。” Makes the best use of things, but the principles of our world.” “物尽其用可是我们这个世界的原则。” Furthermore, you should also understand, this tradition can bring the big income to us , can hunt for the strength of group brings the big promotion, you should have profound understanding in this war, not?” “再者说,你也应该明白,这种传统能够给我们带来多大的收益,又能够为猎团的战力带来多大的提升,你在这场战争之中应该也对此深有体会,不是吗?” Listens respectfully an explanation that Kui Ze is well-founded, the Ye Chen feature clutches to tighten for several seconds, later compromises to stretch eventually. 聆听着奎泽有理有据的一番解释,耶尘的眉目揪紧了数秒,随后终究还是妥协地舒展开来。 „” “” Are you said right me to understand “是的您说得没错我明白了” But, I am very curious, how many hunts for in the group to know the tomb truth some member altogether?” “不过,我很好奇,猎团之中知道墓地真相的成员总共有多少?” Kui Ze decides the solution to reply peacefully freely: 奎泽澹定自若地解答道: Only then we and you.” “就只有我们和你。” Each relic that since several thousand years, in the tomb has delivered, first was collected by me personally in the past.” “几千年以来,墓地之中产出的每一件遗物,都是由我本人第一时间亲自过去采集的。” Raises while convenient, teaching that side should no one know the circumstances of the matter, even if has, definitely still had the attitude of turning a blind eye to us, after all this is our internal business.” “顺带一提,教会那边应该无人知情,不过就算有,肯定也对我们采取了睁一只眼闭一只眼的态度,毕竟这是属于我们内部的事务。” The Ye Chen silent several seconds, deeply exhale the one breath at once, decide to turn this topic. 耶尘沉默数秒,旋即深深呼出一口气,决定将这个话题翻篇而过。 Good “好吧” Therefore, his vision moves along the confidential paper again downward, starts to derive other earnestly, only then hunts for extremely has the secret that the qualifications know. 于是,他的目光再次沿着机密文件向下移动,开始认真汲取其它只有极猎才有资格知晓的机密。 Then, Ye Chen knew various had never before heard organization information 接下来,耶尘得知了各种各样此前从未听说过的组织情报 For example, summit of great mountain hunter is not the natural formation, but builds through the supernatural power by the holy ghost together personally, has the god of same nature to make the product with the Saint light Great Wall. 比方说,猎人之巅这座巨山并不是天然形成的,而是由一道圣神通过神力亲手打造,和圣光长城具有相同性质的神造产物。 More than 3000 years ago, summit of hunter the place of being situated, should be a smooth wilderness. 三千多年以前,猎人之巅的坐落之处,本该是一片平坦的原野。 As for the foothold of hunters, is one piece is situated the remote cities in plain, is the earliest hunter town/subdues. 至于猎人们的据点,则是一片坐落在平原之中的偏僻城镇,正是最早的猎人镇。 There has no lively street, has not set aside the summit of what hunter alone, all that the hunter organizes seems that crude 那里没有什么繁华的街道,更没有单独划分出什么猎人之巅,猎人组织的一切都显得那么简陋 However, after first hunter Seurre personally the inspiration brings back to the hunter town/subdues, the situation is completely different. 但是,在第一猎人瑟尔佛舍亲手将启示录带回猎人镇之后,情况完全不同了。 Existence of inspiration made the church gradually start to attach great importance to function that hunted for the group. 启示录的存在让教会逐渐开始重视起了猎团的作用。 Therefore, after after all kinds of laboratories, discussions and consultation, holy ghost Anger Reno decides to deposit in Lietuan this inspiration finally directly, and buries the bottom the head of this divine tool, as the basis of mountain range, created a several kilometers high palatial mountain peak regarding it finally personally, from this hunts for the brand-new foothold of group as mysterious spirit 于是,在经过各式各样的研所、讨论、协商过后,圣神安格里诺昂德最终决定将启示录直接存放于猎团本部,并且将这件神器之首埋入地底,作为山峦的基底,最终围绕它亲手创造了一座数千米之高的巍峨山峰,由此作为奥灵猎团的崭新据点 But this is the real source of summit of hunter. 而这才是猎人之巅的真实来源。
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