NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1067: Artificial knife and chopping block I for fish

Player's biggest advantage in illusion world, is to the plot and characters of original works has the God angle of view. 玩家在幻境世界内的最大优势,就是对原著的剧情与人物都拥有上帝视角。 That monster big violent walks the event, perhaps the indigenous people adventurer only thinks that is an accident/surprise, but the player actually mostly knows, this is actually beautiful god " Frey " to accelerate the program of actor Bell growth arrangement especially. 那怪物大暴走事件,或许原住民冒险者只认为是一次意外,但玩家却大多都知道,这其实是美神「芙蕾雅」特地为加速男主角「贝尔」成长安排的戏码。 The real surprise is, this small unrest coincidentally with hiding the dark faction valve in underground city starts the time collision of attack, except for low level monster that runs away from the arena, but also were many many strengths almost to achieve the LV.5 man-made monster, this evolved a true big riot. 真正的意外是,这小小的骚乱刚巧与隐藏在地下城中的黑暗派阀发动袭击的时间撞车,除了从斗兽场逃走的低级怪物,还多了许多实力几乎达到LV.5的人造怪物,这才演变成了一场真正的大暴乱。 To the player, the original works plot is not unchangeable, but this time " monster sacrifice " is actually not good. 对于玩家来说,原著剧情不是不能改变,但这次「怪物祭」却是不行。 After all the arena monster escapes from this matter to irrelevant, the real danger originates from these man-made monsters that the dark faction valve emits. 毕竟斗兽场怪物逃脱这件事无关痛痒,真正的危险来源于黑暗派阀放出的那些人造怪物。 Only if some people can eliminate the dark faction valve ahead of time, otherwise is unable to prevent " monster sacrifice " this massacre. 除非有人能提前消灭黑暗派阀,否则根本无法阻止「怪物祭」这场惨案的发生。 The players and NPC are the people in two world, few people will care about the NPC life and death, but if also become the party concerned of event, that situation was different. 玩家与NPC是两个世界的人,很少有人会在意NPC的生死,可若是自己也成为事件的当事者,那情况就不一样了。 It can be imagined, before " monster sacrifice " arrival, will certainly have lots of players to flee Euler beautiful to go out of town to seek asylum temporarily, in order to avoid being spread man-made monster second in Putrajaya to kill in the following riot. 可想而知,在「怪物祭」到来前,一定会有大量玩家暂时逃离欧拉丽去出城避难,以免在接下来的暴乱中被遍布城中的人造怪物秒杀。 However also has certainly the speculator not to let off in this fire to take the good opportunity of chestnut, in the guards while the city crusades against the monster the public security vacuum period, hunts and kills the hostile camp player in the city. 不过也一定有投机者不会放过这个火中取栗的好机会,趁着城中卫兵都去讨伐怪物的这段治安真空期,在城中猎杀敌对阵营玩家。 Without a doubt, this time " monster sacrifice " absolutely be livelier than the original works , is also bloodier. 毫无疑问,这次的「怪物祭」绝对要比原著中更加热闹,也更加血腥。 ...... …… Next morning. 次日清晨。 Before Ys family clan headquarters gate, accompanied " Ys " the guard member set that went to the monster to offer a sacrifice to finish. 伊丝塔眷族总部门前,随同「伊丝塔」前往怪物祭的护卫成员集合完毕。 Regimental commander, LV.5 Amazon, " man killer- Rinuy " . 团长,LV.5亚马逊,「男人杀手-芙里尼」。 Assistant regimental commander, LV.4 human, " beautiful god loyal dog- tower wooden this " . 副团长,LV.4人类,「美神忠犬-塔木玆」。 LV.3 Amazon, " Lijie Aisha " . LV.3亚马逊,「丽杰-阿伊莎」。 The LV.3 Amazon, " fights the body to fight certainly- Samira " . LV.3亚马逊,「斗体绝战-萨米拉」。 And camouflages LV.2 LV.3, Luo Jie. 以及伪装成LV.2的LV.3,罗戒 Aisha, is your complexion not quite probably good? If not healthy to keep the rest, this going " monster sacrifice " is the guard in any case walks a form, beast god " Ka Nyssa " the security measure of family clan is very complete, even left accidentally/surprisingly still had no need for us fighting.” “阿伊莎,你脸色好像不太好?要是身体不舒服就留下来休息吧,反正这次去「怪物祭」做护卫就是走个形式,兽神「迦尼萨」眷族的安保措施很周全,就算出了意外也根本用不着我们去战斗。” All right, had not had a good sleep last night, but did not affect anything.” “没事,就是昨晚没睡好,不过不影响什么。” Facing the care of good friend Samira, beckoning with the hand of Aisha looks awkward, stared Luo Jie one in secret wickedly. 面对好友「萨米拉」的关心,「阿伊莎」表情不自然的摆了摆手,暗中恶狠狠的瞪了罗戒一眼。 She has not thought, separated the short ten days of time, before also played with by her in the stock palms the rookies weak chicken, unexpectedly instead killed her. 她怎么也没想到,才隔了短短十天时间,之前还被她玩弄于股掌之间菜鸟弱鸡,居然把她给反杀了。 Moreover is not the evenly matched seesaw battle, but is the thorough big rout. 而且还不是势均力敌的拉锯战,而是彻彻底底的大溃败。 Recalled after last night defense line fell into enemy hands thoroughly, oneself were similar to block allowing to be oppressed on death fish no resistance, huge volume " cause " uncontrolled reversion flowed in backward, that type has never had although the feeling of satisfaction was lifelong unforgettable, made in her heart raise the deep shame. 回想起昨夜防线彻底失守后,自己如同砧板上的死鱼般毫无反抗的任人宰割,海量「伟业」不受控制的逆向倒灌,那种从未有过的满足感虽终身难忘,却又让她心中升起深深的耻辱。 Amazon always only then conquers the man, had not been conquered by the man. 亚马逊从来只有征服男人,没有被男人征服。 However, thinks she who can conquer the opposite party, actually took the lead the family clan shame of Amazon. 然而,自认为可以征服对方的她,却率先成了眷族内的亚马逊之耻。 " Fighting the body fights certainly- Samira " is not " Sanjouno spring Ji " that type saw the small chickling that the man collar bone can faint, sees Aisha and Luo Jie that subtle look exchange, last night condition will have returned to original state near perfect. 「斗体绝战-萨米拉」又不是「三条野・春姬」那种看到男人锁骨都会昏倒的小雏鸡,看到「阿伊莎」与罗戒那微妙的眼神交流,就已将昨晚的状况还原了个八九不离十。 When surprised, cannot help but ridicules Aisha: Not? Although had no good man who recently in the half year can have a liking for the eye, but your strength should not regress to this degree, you what hit is the friendly match, gave our family clan young rising stars to turn on the water intentionally? Wants me to help you recover the gathering place?” 惊讶之余,不由得揶揄起「阿伊莎」:“不是吧?虽说最近这半年没什么看得上眼的好男人,可你的实力也不该退步到这种程度,难道说你打的是友谊赛,给咱们的眷族小新秀故意放水了?要不要我帮你找回场子来?” Good, you can try, I most am open the sluice gates to turn on the water, trading to be you perhaps demolishes the flood discharge.” “好啊,你可以去试试,我最多是开闸放水,换做你恐怕就是爆破泄洪了。” Aisha holds the arm to sneer, she has abandoned something as beyond redemption, looks forward to drag several people on the contrary into the water again, 「阿伊莎」抱臂冷笑,她已是破罐子破摔,反倒巴不得能再拖几个人下水, Must lose face everyone to lose face together. Right? I do not believe.” 要丢脸大家一起丢脸。“是吗?我不信。” " Fights the body to fight certainly- Samira " meaningful about is sizing up Luo Jie that walks in the team final side, in the facial expression somewhat is eager to try unexpectedly. 「斗体绝战-萨米拉」意味深长的上下打量着走在队伍最后方的罗戒,神情中竟是有几分跃跃欲试。 At will.” Aisha exhausted is having the yawn, I keep the gate to you tonight, if you fall LV.2 not to come to ask me to cry.” “随意。”「阿伊莎」疲惫的打着哈欠,“我今晚给你留门,你要是掉回LV.2可别来找我哭。” ...... …… " Monster sacrifice " is Euler beautiful all year round one of the grandest several celebrations, all gods will gather at this day at the arena, with the people wayzgoose altogether amusement of the world of mortals. 「怪物祭」是欧拉丽整年中最盛大的几个庆典之一,所有的神明在这一日都会聚集在斗兽场,与下界的子民同欢共娱。 Luo Jie follows several core members of Ys family clan to walk on the street, met along the way much in the original works is almost only the Mumei gods of background board, as well as their main force family clan member. 罗戒跟随着伊丝塔眷族的几名核心成员走在街上,沿途遇到了不少在原著中几乎只是背景板的无名神明,以及他们的主力眷族成员。 Euler Li's residents fully realized that the prosperity of this city is the gods brings with his family clan adventurers, to presenting the gods on street displayed 12 respect, regardless of were making anything at that time, will stop the manual labor in hand temporarily, to passing by the gods saluted distantly, the gods will also return a courtesy with his family clan members politely. 欧拉丽的居民们深知这座城市的繁荣是神明与其眷族冒险者所带来,对出现在街上的神明表现出了十二分的尊敬,无论当时在做什么,都会暂时停下手中的活计,向路过的神明遥遥致敬,神明与其眷族成员也会客气回礼。 Only Luo Jie is at " Ys " family clan is an exception. 唯独罗戒所在的「伊丝塔」眷族是个例外。 Although does not have noisy person is so exaggerating, in any case place visited, as long as there is others of mistress to close the door closes/obstructs window, the husband can only will fake the dislike, while will deliver one not to lose the forced smile of politeness in secret awkwardly. 虽说没有“净街虎”那么夸张,反正所过之处,但凡有女主人的人家都会纷纷关门闭窗,男主人只能一边假作厌恶,一边暗中送上一个尴尬不失礼貌的苦笑。 The unmarried young young girl hurries to hide in the shop in roadside, is for fear that close to annoy what idle talk. 未婚的年轻少女慌忙躲到路边的店铺,生怕过于接近惹来什么闲言碎语。 The single young men all do not look askance, a histrionics of honorable gentleman, for fear that reduces before the young girl who the side admires rude difference. 单身的年轻男子个个目不斜视,一副正人君子的作派,生怕在身旁心仪的少女面前失态减分。 Luo Jie even still saw several in inside frequently the frequent guest of appearing and disappearing love affair street. 罗戒甚至还在里面看到了几个经常出没风月街的熟客。 numb egg! What big tail wolf installs? How many does the previous admitting mistakes person look I buy " energy medicinal preparation " is your? 麻蛋!装什么大尾巴狼?上次认错人找我买「精力剂」的就是你们几个吧? What's wrong? Doesn't the young rising star, too adapt?” “怎么?小新秀,不太适应吧?” " Fights the body to fight certainly- Samira " slows down the footsteps slightly, walks side-by-side with Luo Jie, imitates, if many years good friend embraces his shoulder without consulting anybody, said with a smile in a low voice: Custom is good, these people are such false, knows obviously , if no our Ys family clan, male female few Euler beautiful does not know that what must become randomly, actually regards as the despicable contamination the occupation...... this point you is very good the prosperous woman of love affair street, can face directly own conscience and desire, I favor you very much, wants in the evening and elder sister I profoundly exchanges?” 「斗体绝战-萨米拉」稍稍放慢脚步,与罗戒并肩而行,仿若多年好友般的径自揽住他的肩膀,低声笑道:“习惯就好,这些人就是这么虚伪,明明知道若是没有我们伊丝塔眷族,男多女少的欧拉丽不知要乱成什么样,却始终将风月街的昌妇视作下贱污秽的职业……这一点你就很不错,能直面自己的本心和欲望,我很青睐你,要不要晚上和姐姐我深入的交流一下?” Luo Jie knows that Samira will definitely change to this topic finally, clouds poor business conditions light showing a faint smile: Ok, you accumulate point " cause " is not easy.” 罗戒就知道「萨米拉」最后肯定会转到这个话题,云淡风轻的微微一笑:“算了吧,你攒点「伟业」也不容易。” Aiya I go- my violent temper, have not thought that won Aisha certainly to win me......? What's the matter? How so many people?” “哎呀我去-我这暴脾气还上来了,别以为赢了「阿伊莎」就一定能赢得了我……嗯?怎么回事?怎么这么多人?” Front to Euler beautiful four city gate main roads, tens of thousands of adventurers gather on the avenue anxiously, is lining up to wait for going out of town unexpectedly. 前方就是通往欧拉丽四个城门之一的主干道,数以万计的冒险者焦急的聚集在大街上,竟是在排队等待着出城。 Sure enough, has the player to start to dodge the danger. 果不其然,已经有玩家开始规避危险了。 Luo Jie shakes the head secretly, actually temporarily leaves Euler beautiful also not necessarily to have many security, did not have the protection of adventurer association and patrolling city guard, these people after the city definitely will erupt an open country escapes to kill greatly. 罗戒暗暗摇头,其实暂时离开欧拉丽也不见得有多安全,没了冒险者公会和巡城卫兵的保护,这些人离城后必然会爆发一场野外的大逃杀。 Now looks is so many, when comes back can the remaining half of people calculate that both sides restrained. 现在看着出去是这么多,回来时能剩下一半人都算双方克制了。 Luo Jie following team leisurely and carefree marches forward toward the arena, suddenly saw that a street shining fellow is waving to him unceasingly. 罗戒跟着队伍一路悠闲的往斗兽场行进,忽然看到街边一个金灿灿的家伙在向他不断招手。 Sir Ys, has a friend to look for me, I temporarily leave, later I will go to the arena.” “伊丝塔大人,有个朋友找我,我暂时离开一下,随后我自己会去斗兽场。” " Ys " put down smoke pole light pie a distant place " Divine Radiance " , seeing was not old opponent " Frey " the person of family clan, very optional waves to Luo Jie, hints quickly his returns quickly. 「伊丝塔」放下烟杆轻暼了一眼远处的「神圣光辉」,见不是老对手「芙蕾雅」眷族的人,很随意的向罗戒挥了挥手,示意他快去快回。 «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! 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