NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1066: Ys family clan works as the red spiced chicken

As the saying goes, thousand artillery are crisp for a while, bosom...... good, without this slang. 俗话说,千炮一时爽,怀……好吧,没有这句俗话。 Luo Jie has not thought the system can not be concerned about face this degree, obviously with Gods' Dice Temporarily lifted the equipment skill restriction on use of the world rule, actually especially also in computation durable. 罗戒怎么也没想到系统会不要脸到这个程度,明明用【诸神的骰子】暂时解除了世界规则的装备技能使用限制,却特么还在计算耐久度。 Throws mess quickly big pitcher, Restores price- 50,000 Farley. 【快投乱麻・大投手】,修复价格-5万法利。 Gods' Dice, Restores price- 10 million Farley. 诸神的骰子】,修复价格-1000万法利。 Looks the big skewer zero on the equipment automatic repair machine screen demonstrating, Luo Jie has a headache stings tooth Hanako. 看着装备自动修复机屏幕上显示的一大串零,罗戒头疼得直嘬牙花子 100 million Farley who transforms the black and white double sword did not have the whereabouts, this special and was in the debt. 改造黑白双剑的1亿法利还没着落呢,这特么又欠了一屁股债。 numb egg! 麻蛋! Found with great difficulty Gods' Dice Nuclear draw " food bank " such legitimate BUG, because unexpectedly being short of money is unusable? Did the system arrive at this point early even? 好不容易找到了【诸神的骰子】核平「食品库」这么个合法BUG,居然因为缺钱不能用?难道说系统早就算到这一点了吗? To be honest, since summoned five-star follower " Scheherazade " , Luo Jie for the matter of money has not worried in the illusion world, even if anything did not do, digital also continuous continuing rise in account. 说实话,自从召唤出五星从者「山鲁佐德」,罗戒在幻境世界中就没为钱的事情操心过,哪怕什么都不做,账面上的数字也会源源不断的持续上涨。 But " Making a mistake » world is actually an exception. 但《地错》的世界却是个例外。 This world's richest a group of people- adventurer, has almost not carried a lot of cash along the customs, each time before next underground city, will store up all cash in the bank of adventurer association, even if died in battle unfortunately, is still inherited by the family member or the respective family clan, almost does not have the situation that the cash falls. 这个世界最有钱的一批人-冒险者,几乎就没有随身携带大量现金的习惯,每次下地下城前都会将所有的现金储存在冒险者公会的银行,即便是不幸战死,也会由家人或所属眷族继承,几乎根本不存在现金掉落的情况。 Only counted on that pocket money that the Euler beautiful ordinary civilians the general idea/careless fall occasionally, a day cannot accumulate 1000 Farley. 光指望欧拉丽普通平民偶尔大意掉落的那点零钱,一天也攒不出1000法利。 But the underground city produces most demon crystal stones and various monster materials, in " seven sea buried treasures " in the cognition is not expensive- this skill will very be stodgy, only will pick to take to mine , and precious metal, the rare gem and the current world official currency without owner, like what antique, artware, minerals and rare and precious zoology and botany and so on, will actually look but not see like the one who has eyes yet fails to see. 而地下城出产最多的魔晶石和各种怪物素材,在「七海宝藏」的认知中并不属于贵重品-这技能死板得很,只会捡取已开采出来且无主的贵金属、稀有宝石和当前世界官方货币,像什么古董、艺术品、矿产、珍稀动植物之类,却是如同睁眼瞎般视而不见。 Must use that «To knock on that big diamond that in the Team of the world obtains from GATE Fantasy» 【The shining of star light...... 难道非得动用那从《GATE奇幻叩队》世界中得到的那枚大钻石【星光之耀】么…… After Luo Jie after careful consideration, shakes the head. 罗戒权衡再三后摇了摇头。 His localization to that big diamond is in the peculiar circumstance helps in an emergency to use, at present is short of money for a while, but is not hard to solve from long-time, if only because is impatient for a while uses up this world-class expensive 【The shining of star light, That rather some too wasted. 他对那颗大钻石的定位是特殊情况下救急用的,眼下只是一时缺钱,但从长久来看并非难以解决,如果只是因为一时心急就用掉这颗世界级的贵重品【星光之耀】,那就未免有些太浪费了。 Ok, is only cannot in a short time again nuclear draw " food bank " , is not all that serious. 算了,只是短期之内不能再核平「食品库」而已,没什么大不了。 By intensity that 15 monsters display, the world nuclear even this move most can also use to 30, if unable to strike second to massacre enough small strange, these big moves were also far from what performance-to-price ratio 10.001 million times. 况且以15层怪物所表现出的强度来看,世界核平这一招最多也就能用到30层,如果无法一击秒杀掉足够数量的小怪,这1000万一次的大招也就谈不上什么性价比了。 Naturally, everything looks toward the advantage. 当然,凡事往好处看。 Although was planned and owed 10 million Farley's debts by the system, but harvests can also be called is full. 虽然被系统算计又欠了1000万法利的债务,但收获也称得上是盆满钵满。 And the biggest harvest naturally is " cause " . 其中最大的收获当然要数「伟业」。 Had brushed 29 experience strip, rose dramatically directly MAX by this artillery, it is estimated that rises LV.3 also to have extra. 原本已经刷29的的经验条,被这一炮直接飙升到了MAX,估计升完LV.3还能有富余。 Has again is the demon crystal stone and material that the great frogs and merman that two floor lords fall. 再有就是巨蛙和半鱼人那两个楼层主掉落的魔晶石与素材。 The demon crystal stone and ordinary demon crystal stone that the floor lord falls are different, the purchase price is almost with floor small strange 100 times, is only these two large size demon crystal stones, gave Luo Jie to bring 400,000 Farley's additional income. 楼层主掉落的魔晶石与普通魔晶石不同,收购价差不多是同楼层小怪的一百倍,光是这两颗大号魔晶石,就给罗戒带来了40万法利的额外收入。 Two falling BOSS materials- King great frog skin With Fish person hero bone fork, Also is builds the water attribute against have with the excellent material of weapon, sells to the weapon shop of Huffey Stoke family clan, is 900,000 Farley deposits. 两件掉落的BOSS素材-【大王巨蛙皮】和【鱼人英雄骨叉】,也是打造水属性防具和武器的极好素材,出售给赫菲斯托丝眷族的武器店,又是90万法利入账。 Before the nuclear is in addition even , the demon crystal stones and few savings that on several days brushed, the Luo Jie deposit rose suddenly to 2.2 million Farley directly, even if handed over the family pulling out of clan has become can still remaining 1.4 million Farley. 再加上核平之前那几天刷的魔晶石和少量积蓄,罗戒的存款直接暴涨到220万法利,即便是交过眷族的抽成也能剩下140万法利。 Although cannot pay the black and white double blade transforms to spend and Gods' Dice Repair expense, but the maintenance cost of ordinary armament did not need to worry temporarily actually. 虽然还是付不起黑白双刀的改造费和【诸神的骰子】的修理费,但普通装备的维修费暂时倒是不用愁了。 Last harvest made Luo Jie feel a little that anything. 最后一件收获就让罗戒觉得有点那啥了。 Is one " special skill " . 是一个「特技」。 Right, is " Making a mistake » world unique, 没错,就是《地错》世界特有的, Named " special skill " actually " title skill " that " special skill " . Frivolous young man 名为「特技」实为「称号技能」的那个「特技」。【惨绿少年】 Type: Title( special skill) 类型:称号(特技) Effect: When the attack main body tone is the green, when or has the goal of green concept, produces the regularity suppression results. 效果:当攻击主体色调为绿色,或拥有绿色概念的目标时,产生规则性压制效果。 Achieves the condition: The single attack eliminates over 1000 ordinary green monsters, at least includes two BOSS level green monsters.( May not with other regularity suppression effects with saving.) 达成条件:单次攻击消灭1000只以上普通绿色怪物,其中至少包括两只BOSS级绿色怪物。(不可与其他规则性压制效果同存。) Good. 好吧。 Although knows that this describes a person elegant bearing, but why felt the deep evil intention from system as before...... 虽然知道这是形容一个人风度翩翩,但为什么依旧感觉到了来自系统的深深恶意呢…… Abatement significance subtle title, the passive effect of supplementary is really quite powerful- to green goal regularity suppression. 除却这意义微妙的称号,附带的被动效果确是相当给力-对绿色目标规则性压制。 What is " regularity suppression " ? 什么叫「规则性压制」? The most direct-viewing example, was initially in " Dororo » world, Heroic Spirit " Minamoto no Raikō " summon becomes famous blade " Kumogiri " , to Jorōgumo " Ohagi " that war. 最直观的例子,就是当初在《多罗罗》世界中,英灵源赖光」召唤出名刀「蜘蛛切」,对络新妇阿萩」的那一战。 Even if the both sides strength difference is disparate, so long as meets the pressing conditions, can not speak the fundamental law according to rubs in the ground pattern the opposite party. 哪怕是双方实力差悬殊,只要符合压制条件,就能不讲基本法的将对方按在地上花样摩擦。 This regularity suppression skill is quite rare, looked only that harsh achieved condition can be inferred, Luo Jie this time on 15 " food bank " a that world nuclear even artillery, was the blind cat bumps into the dead mouse seriously. 这种规则性压制技能极为罕见,单看那苛刻的达成条件就可见一斑,罗戒这次在15层「食品库」那世界核平的一炮,当真是瞎猫碰上死耗子了。 A point that is a pity is only, this is the rule suppression skill of color department, moreover relative comparison unexpected winner " green " suppression. 唯一可惜的一点是,这是个色彩系的规则压制技能,而且还是相对比较冷门的「绿色」压制。 If can change into since old times the red and blue had/left CP the red or the blue color, or almost soon becomes the lead special-purpose color black, that serviceability may probably be higher. 如果能换成“自古红蓝出CP”的红色或蓝色,亦或是几乎快要成为主角专用色的黑色,那适用性可就要高多了。 However, " regularity suppression " this skill that may be called the official open hangs, can mix to one fortunately wants all that one could wish, which can also pick? 不过话说回来,「规则性压制」这种堪称官方开挂的技能,能有幸混到一个都要烧高香了,哪还能挑三拣四的? Having a bicycle was good, but also wants any wheelchair...... 有辆自行车就不错了,还要啥轮椅呀…… ...... …… Farley who invests five ten thousand Yuan face value, restore Throws mess quickly big pitcher " The jade of demolition " , Luo Jie has not continued to stop over in Huffey Stoke weapon shop, returned to Ys Headquarters situated in love affair street directly. 投入五枚万元面值的法利,修复了【快投乱麻・大投手】中的「爆破之玉」,罗戒也没有在赫菲斯托丝武器店中继续逗留,直接回到了位于风月街的伊丝塔总部。 Well? Ye Yan, did you come back from the underground city?” “咦?夜魇,你从地下城回来了?” What defends in the meeting hall entrance is the LV.2 Amazon females of two no impressions, in the look on, showed the unusual enthusiasm to arrival Luo Jie. 守在议事厅门口的是两名没什么印象的LV.2亚马逊女子,相貌中上,对到来的罗戒表现出了非同寻常的热情。 Thinks that is not difficult to understand, Ys family clan is the meat multi- wolves are few, breaks the quickest LV.2 record Luo Jie is to win great reputation now, according to the custom of Amazon, taking advantage of planting best object. 想想也不难理解,伊丝塔眷族本身就是肉多狼少,打破最快LV.2记录的罗戒现在又是名声在外,按照亚马逊的习俗,正是借种的最好对象。 If not for goddess " Ys " refuses to use strongly with the family clan members, only feared that a Luo Jie evening can press out " cause " nulling operation. 若不是女神「伊丝塔」严禁对同眷族成员用强,只怕罗戒一晚上就能被榨到「伟业」归零。 Hello, Sir Ys in?” “你们好,伊丝塔大人在吗?” Sir Ys " regimental commander is talking with Rinuy now " , probably was discussing matter that next time will expedite.” “伊丝塔大人现在正在与「芙里尼」团长谈话,好像是在谈下次远征的事。” After all Luo Jie first in family clan, when presses out the juice red...... not, works as the red spiced chicken, two Amazon guarded also makes an exception disclosed to him slightly a news, the feeling of quite a little attentively flattering. 毕竟罗戒先是在眷族内的当红榨汁……哦不,是当红炸子鸡,两名亚马逊守卫也破例向他稍稍透露了一点消息,颇有点殷勤讨好的感觉。 „? Does the family clan need to expedite?” “哦?眷族又要远征了吗?” This has what strange, each family clan must expedite regularly, on the one hand to wear in team, on the other hand this is also the maximum source of income of family clan.” “这有什么奇怪,每个眷族都要定期远征,一方面是为了磨合队伍,另一方面这也是眷族的最大一笔收入来源。” A skin color black curly hair Amazon, unintentional is demonstrating in Luo Jie at present the information content that the hot healthy stature, in the ambiguous look transmits, enough writes 5000 characters cannot describe the small sovereign article. 一名肤色较黑的卷发亚马逊,有意无意的在罗戒眼前展示着火辣健美的身材,暧昧眼神中传递出的信息量,足够写一篇五千字的不可描述小皇文。 But, the lowest rank requirements of expedition are LV.3, basically is nothing relates with us......” “不过,远征的最低级别要求是LV.3,跟我们基本是没什么关系的……” At this moment, front door opening of meeting hall, two Amazon guards is silent immediately. 就在这时,议事厅的大门开启,两名亚马逊守卫立刻闭口不言。 The current regimental commander of Ys family clan " man killer- Rinuy " revealed that giant frog face from inside, saw that entrance Luo Jie is startled slightly, immediately in the strange square shape pupil revealed the happy expression of infiltrating the person. 伊丝塔眷族的现任团长「男人杀手-芙里尼」从里面露出了那张巨大的蛤蟆脸,见到门口的罗戒微微一怔,随即古怪的方形瞳孔中露出了渗人的笑意。 Yo, isn't this our strongest rookies...... asks Sir Ys to update the condition? You rise into LV.2 a few days, leaving is so impatient, accumulates some " cause " to come again, Sir Ys is also very busy.” “呦,这不是我们的最强新人嘛……来找伊丝塔大人更新状态吗?你才升入LV.2没几天,别那么心急,多积累些「伟业」再来,伊丝塔大人也是很忙的。” Luo Jie suppresses to consider with this person frog tries that at present Frivolous young man The impulsion of effect, revealed one not to lose the smile of sense of distance to the opposite party politely. 罗戒强忍着想拿眼前这只人型蛤蟆试那【惨绿少年】效果的冲动,向对方露出了一个客气不失距离感的微笑。 Many thanks the regimental commander reminded, I felt recently somewhat progressive, asked Sir Ys to confirm the attribute.” “多谢团长提醒,我最近感觉有些进步,找伊丝塔大人来确认一下属性。” " Man killer- Rinuy " grins to laugh, does intentionally charmingly is licking the lip, the short and heavy finger is poking the Luo Jie chest tastes: How many attributes can ten days increase? Has the time of troubling Sir Ys, not Tathagata looks for me, how did I leak casually to you a point " cause " enough you more than ten days of efforts......? Not can only with my the family race's first beautiful woman who is next to Sir Ys is heartily tangled up, and can gain " cause " with ease, is this proposition very excited?” 「男人杀手-芙里尼」咧嘴大笑,故作妩媚的舔着嘴唇,短粗的手指戳着罗戒的胸口道:“才十天能增加多少属性?有麻烦伊丝塔大人的工夫,还不如来找我,我随便漏给你一点「伟业」就够你十几天的努力了……怎么样?既能与我这个仅次于伊丝塔大人的眷族第一美人尽情缠绵,又能轻松的获取「伟业」,这个提议是不是很心动?” Looks that at present that cracks to the both sides, almost soon big mouth that his entire head swallows down, in the Luo Jie heart emits a strange thought suddenly. 看着眼前那张向两侧开裂,几乎快要把他整个脑袋都吞下去的大嘴,罗戒心中忽然冒出一个古怪的念头。 These can say aunt I do not want to try hard these young people, actually must arouse the big courage...... 那些能说出“阿姨我不想努力了”的那些年轻人,究竟得是鼓足了多大的勇气啊…… Rinuy, I had said cannot have the idea of Ye Yan, did you forget my words?” “芙里尼,我说过不许打夜魇的主意,你忘了我的话吗?” Goddess " Ys " severe reproved to spread from the gate, " man killer- Rinuy " fatty tall and strong body fierce trembled, the flexure face ridiculed saying: I joke...... you also to know with him, he is not the type that I like, I like that type seeming like the somewhat delicate weak youngster.” 女神「伊丝塔」严厉的训斥声从门内传出,「男人杀手-芙里尼」肥腻魁梧的身体猛的一颤,挠脸讪笑道:“我就是跟他开个玩笑……您也知道,他不是我喜欢的类型,我更喜欢那种看起来有些柔弱的幼稚少年。” " Ys " coldly snort/hum. 「伊丝塔」冷冷的哼了一声。 „The matter that goes back to prepare to expedite...... Ye Yan, you come.” “回去准备远征的事吧……夜魇,你进来。” Enters the meeting hall to reach behind the back to turn off the door, " Ys " the expression of that cold frost is wear a look of gentle, stings that almost never to leave the pipe of hand lightly, said curiously: „Does Ye Yan, rise LV.2 from you probably in ten days? How such anxiously updated attribute? Said, what special skill you did awaken?” 走进议事厅回手关起房门,「伊丝塔」那面带寒霜的表情柔和下来,轻嘬着那几乎从不离手的烟袋,好奇道:“夜魇,距离你升LV.2好像才过了十天吧?怎么这么急着更新属性?还是说,你觉醒了什么特技?” Luo Jie does intentionally shy smiling. 罗戒故作腼腆的笑了笑。 special skill truly awakened, is mainly...... Sir Ys, I possibly to LV.3.” “特技确实是觉醒了一个,主要是……伊丝塔大人,我可能到LV.3了。” When lang! 当啷! The smoke pole lets go on the ground, the sprinkled shredded tobacco the expensive wool rug will put on a hole of finger size hot. 烟杆脱手掉在地上,洒落的烟丝将昂贵的羊毛地毯烫穿了一个指头大小的孔洞。 " Ys " is staring at him, after several seconds, unexpectedly is rude directly flushed to raise his clothes. 「伊丝塔」愣愣的盯着他,数秒后竟是失态的直接冲上来掀起了他的衣服。 This...... was too inconceivable! " Cause " has really filled, how do you achieve?” “这……太不可思议了!「伟业」真的已经满了,你是怎么做到的?” " Ys " mood at this moment is not pleasantly surprised, but frightened. 「伊丝塔」此刻的心情已经不是惊喜,而是惊吓了。 She dares to pledge, she lived for several thousand years in the world of mortals, has never seen the promotion such quick situation. 她敢发誓,她在下界生活了数千年,就从未见过升级这么快的情况。 Is astonishing half a month to LV.1 enough, now will arrive at LV.3 in ten days, this special wants her to go with other gods to explain, oneself hasn't opened to Luo Jie with the supernatural power secretly hangs? 半个月到LV.1都已经足够惊人了,现在才过了十天就到了LV.3,这特么要她怎么去跟其他的神明解释,自己没有偷偷用神力给罗戒开挂? That...... Ye Yan.” “那个……夜魇。” Sir Ys please say.” “伊丝塔大人请讲。” I can promote as you, but, but also hopes that you continue to declare outward oneself are LV.2...... you should be clear, your promotion speed is too fast, if spreads now, only feared that will bring in the joint investigations of other family clans.” “我可以为你升级,不过,还希望你对外继续宣称自己是LV.2……你应该清楚,你的升级速度实在太快,如果现在传扬出去,只怕会引来其他眷族的联名调查。” Understood.” “明白。” Fame thing is the shortcoming outweighs the advantage regarding present Luo Jie, he also looks forward to himself to be able to vanish however the people, to " Ys " the proposition naturally consented joyfully. 名气这东西对于现在的罗戒来说是弊大于利的,他还巴不得自己能“泯然众人矣”,对「伊丝塔」的提议自然是欣然应允。 Said regarding the cleverness of Luo Jie on, " Ys " is satisfaction even more, even has started to consider that must present that Personal bodyguard -lv .4 the family clan assistant regimental commander " tower wooden this " replaces. 对于罗戒的乖巧上道,「伊丝塔」是愈发的满意,甚至已经开始考虑要不要把现在那个贴身侍从-LV.4的眷族副团长「塔木玆」换掉。 However was quick she then to calm down to cancel this impulsive thought that now what she most needs was one like " ferocity- Aouta " person of a top adventurer who haunched a family clan prestige, premature makes Luo Jie indulge the red light district only to strangle his growth. 不过很快她便冷静下来打消了这个冲动的念头,她现在最需要的是一个像「猛者-奥塔」那样一人撑起一个眷族威名的顶级冒险者,过早的让罗戒沉溺温柔乡只会扼杀他的成长。 Displays the supernatural power to promote LV.3 the rank of Luo Jie, " Ys " love strokes that gradually hidden to go to the broad back of chart mark, for a long time longing reclamation vision. 施展神力将罗戒的等级提升到LV.3,「伊丝塔」迷恋的抚摸着那逐渐隐去图纹的宽阔后背,许久才恋恋不舍的收回目光。 Ye Yan, I have promised you, when you rise into LV.3, the expedition must have your quota......, but this time feared me to make an indiscreet remark, your rank has not revealed to the public temporarily conveniently, hopes that you can understand.” 夜魇,我答应过你,待你升入LV.3,远征必有你一个名额……但这次恐怕我要失言了,你的等级暂时还不方便公之于众,希望你能理解。” Doesn't matter.” “没关系。” Luo Jie has been used to practice the level alone, in the expedition regarding legend actually does not regard as important. 罗戒早已习惯了独自练级,对于传说中的远征其实并不怎么看重。 Perhaps feels some apologies, " Ys " suddenly mentioned another matter. 或许是觉得有些歉意,「伊丝塔」忽然说起了另外一件事。 Right, tomorrow was monster sacrifice that beast god " Ka Nyssa " family clan conducted " " opening ceremony you attended with me as my accompanying together.” “对了,明天是兽神「迦尼萨」眷族举办的「怪物祭」开幕式你作为我的随从跟我一起出席吧。” Luo Jie stares slightly. 罗戒微微一愣。 Monster sacrifice?” “怪物祭?” Right, the celebration that you do not know Euler beautiful?” “对,你不知道欧拉丽的这个庆典吗?” „...... Heard to cross in the tavern, but has not thought already to this time.” “呃……曾经在酒馆中听人说起过,只是没想到已经到了这个时候。” " Monster sacrifice " is the Euler Li's annual important celebration, was similar to the arena in ancient Rome. 「怪物祭」是欧拉丽一年一度的重要庆典,类似于古罗马的斗兽场。 By " Ka Nyssa " family clan from the underground city capture specific monster, fights by the adventurer it under surrounding of many resident, thus allows the average person to understand that the routine work of adventurer, as well as reduces the people's in monster fear regarding the underground city. 由「迦尼萨」眷族从地下城捕捉特定的怪物,在众多市民的围观下由冒险者与之搏斗,从而让普通人了解冒险者的日常工作,以及降低人们对于地下城内怪物的恐惧。 In «Making a mistake» original works, this monster sacrifice is a very important plot node. 《地错》原著中,这场怪物祭是一个很重要的剧情节点。 Because of the plots of certain people, prepared to walk in the monster collective big violent that in the celebration uses, initiated in the city the huge confusion. 因某些人的阴谋,原本准备在庆典中使用的怪物集体大暴走,引发了城中巨大的混乱。 Main story actor Bell obtained that value 200 million Farley's exclusive divine tools in this event 【The blade of Hess, Struck to kill the LV.2 monster by one's effort " silver back ape " , grew large scale in disposition. 正传男主角「贝尔」在这次事件中获得了那价值两亿法利的专属神器【赫斯缇雅之刃】,以一己之力击杀了LV.2怪物「银背猿」,得到心性上的大幅度成长。 But regarding there is a rumor that lead " sword Ji- " , this monster violent walks actually may be called another turning point of life, draws out some significant secret that the underground city deep place hid. 而对于外传主角「剑姬-艾丝」来说,这次怪物暴走却堪称人生的另一个转折点,同时也引出了地下城深处隐藏的某个重大秘密。 Naturally, regarding Luo Jie, he does not care about the growth of Bell, did not care that " sword Ji- " the vacillation, lets " monster sacrifice that " he cares truly it. 当然,对于罗戒来说,他既不关心「贝尔」的成长,也不关心「剑姬-艾丝」的动摇,真正让他在意的还是「怪物祭」的本身。 Said again in detail, is that monster big violent walks the event. 说得再详细点,就是那怪物大暴走事件。 «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! 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