NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1065: Does to run really exciting

In individual panel " cause " , although showed that for the percentage experience strip, has the concrete quantification value actually. 个人面板中的「伟业」虽显示为百分比经验条,实则是有具体量化数值的。 From the upper layer to the intermediate level, the experience of monster is almost original 2-3 times, but promoted the experience that needed actually to rise suddenly from LV.1 to LV.2 10 times. 从上层到中层,怪物的经验差不多是原来的2-3倍,但升级所需的经验却暴涨到了从LV.1到LV.2的十倍。 If counted increase of monster individual strength again, lives in groups with attacks and other unfavorable factors, the conventional promotion time needed is not 10 divides 2 or 3 is so simple, could double in this foundation again. 如果再算上怪物个体实力的增加,群居和远攻等不利因素,常规升级所需的时间就绝不是十除以二或三那么简单,可能要在这基础上再翻上一番。 Had " death recast Canada secret sword swallow returned " dual opened hangs, Luo Jie also used for more than ten days to LV.2 from LV.1, calculated by this, if only deferred to the conventional way to brush practices the level strangely, perhaps collected rises LV.3 to need " cause " completely, at least wanted six months. 有「死亡重铸」加「秘剑・燕返」的双重开挂,罗戒从LV.1到LV.2还用了十几天,以此推算,若只按照常规方式刷怪练级,恐怕凑满升LV.3所需「伟业」,至少要近半年时间了。 Naturally, regarding indigenous people adventurer, let alone is a half year, even one year, still lets the promotion speed that the person envies to be jealous of absolutely. 当然,对于原住民冒险者来说,别说是半年,就算是一年,也绝对是让人嫉妒到眼红的升级速度。 May regarding Luo Jie, this speed too be slow. 可对于罗戒而言,这个速度却太慢了。 The survival pressure that the potential surface fights is not always the major problem, he considers many, how to absorb a bigger benefit in this illusion world. 位面战的生存压力从来都不是什么大问题,他考虑得最多的,还是如何在这个幻境世界中摄取更大的利益。 But all these, take the rank as the premise. 而这一切,都是以等级为前提的。 He is not that it exists is plot the child of destiny " Bell Lonnie " , wanting the depth to unearth the hidden duty of «Making a mistake» world, at least must follow " Bell Lonnie " footsteps- average one month rises first-level. 他不是那个本身存在就是剧情的天命之子「贝尔・克朗尼」,想要深度挖掘《地错》世界的隐藏任务,就至少得跟上「贝尔・克朗尼」的脚步-平均一个月升一级。 Regarding Luo Jie that " expectation this official experience has not hung wholeheartedly " , this without doubt is a huge challenge. 对于没有「一心憧憬」这个官方经验挂的罗戒来说,这无疑是一个巨大的挑战。 But cannot achieve. 但并非做不到。 Goes down the stone steps staircase, steps into 15 scopes officially, the moist water vapor that is mixing the moss smell heads on. 走下石阶楼梯,正式踏入15层范围,一股混着青苔气味的湿润水汽扑面而来。 Like the pond of summer night, in the dark limestone cave is reverberating the noise noisy frog croak, refracts after the hole wall repeatedly, overlaps a piece of stuffy thunder -like sound. 如同夏季夜晚的池塘,幽暗的溶洞中回荡着喧嚣吵闹的蛙鸣,经过洞壁反复折射,重叠成一片闷雷般的声响。 No wonder the adventurer will deliberately avoid 15, the water battle issue not to mention, only this irritating frog croak, makes under the cavern environment the most important sense of hearing sense lose the function sufficiently thoroughly. 难怪冒险者会刻意避开15层,水战问题且不说,单是这恼人的蛙鸣,就足以让洞窟环境下最重要的听觉感官彻底失去作用。 Luo Jie takes out one pair to prepare the good ear plug stopper to draw out the ear ahead of time, the whole world instantaneous is quiet. 罗戒取出一对提前准备好的耳塞塞起耳朵,整个世界瞬间清静下来。 In 【The skeleton of mosasaurus hangs to fall Passive technique " Ultrasound Imaging " in addition holds, the visible range was traced the grid shapes wheel profiles less than ten meters dim cavern, the object of monster shape is the automatic replace for a striking red round of profile. 在【沧龙之骸骨吊坠】的被动技「超声成像」加持下,可见范围不足十米的昏暗洞窟被描上了一条条网格状的轮廓线,其中怪物形状的物体更是自动替换为醒目的红色轮廓线。 According to «Underground City Big Encyclopedia» records, 15 monsters mainly have two types. 根据《地下城大百科》中记载,15层的怪物主要有两种。 The cavern great frog, a height two meters many giant green skin frog, the main attack method with full are the mucus long-tongue in hidden place sneak attack adventurer, after its cling , the pill swallows, even if some adventurers can the earliest possible time rip open the stomach, will still be suffered by the strong acid digesting fluid of great frog within the body is in deep sorrow. 洞窟巨蛙,一种身长两米多的巨大绿皮青蛙,主要攻击方式是用满是黏液的长舌在暗处偷袭冒险者,将其卷住后丸吞,个别冒险者即便能第一时间破腹而出,也会被巨蛙体内的强酸消化液折磨得痛不欲生。 merman, one type like child size, the dark green monster of fish head person, with 25 to 27 " great dark green waterfall " another monster " merpeople " exactly is the completely opposite modeling. Has the considerable simple wisdom, once is under the attack to understand the call companion, once will gather massively becomes very hard to deal with. 半鱼人,一种如孩童般大小,鱼头人身的暗绿色怪物,和25到27层的「巨苍瀑布」的另一种怪物「人鱼」恰好是完全相反的造型。拥有相当简单的智慧,一旦遭遇攻击懂得呼叫同伴,一旦大量聚集就会变得非常难缠。 Compares the monsters of other levels, 15 monster distributions are quite actually orderly may follow, renovates or moves, will not basically leave these every large or small puddles. 相比其他层的怪物,15层的怪物分布倒是相当有规律可循,无论是刷新还是活动,基本都不会离开那些大大小小的水潭。 Only soaks in the water the long-distance attack even simply in the adventurer who passed by, once under water will encounter the counter-attack to sink directly avoids, the close combat and legal system will be very difficult to cause the substantiality to injure to it, will be the archer can separate to empty with it resists. 很多甚至干脆只泡在水里远程攻击路过的冒险者,一旦遭到反击就会直接沉入水底躲避,近战和法系很难对其造成实质性伤害,也就是弓箭手才能隔空与之对抗。 Even if struck to kill still uselessly, because no one dares to take risk the demon crystal stone that radically launched to pick to fall, can say that hit many more loses money. 况且即便是击杀了也没用,因为根本没人敢冒险下水去捡掉落的魔晶石,可以说打得越多越亏本。 Gradually, raised 15 th " echo puddle " , almost all adventurers were a person tire of the expression that the dog disliked. 久而久之,提起第15层的「回声水潭」,几乎所有的冒险者都是一副人厌狗嫌的表情了。 -! 喳喳-! Several outlook ugly merman discovered Luo Jie, screamed is summoning nearby companion, while threw to here the bone lance in hand. 几只外型丑陋的半鱼人发现了罗戒,一边尖叫着呼唤附近的同伴,一边将手中的骨矛向这边投来。 Luo Jie brandishes a sword to dial the bone lance to retrocede rapidly, until subsequent bone lance weak falling on the ground, in the heart approximately estimated distance of a both sides, 罗戒挥刀拨打着骨矛飞速后退,直至后续的骨矛无力的落在地上,心中大约估算了一下双方的距离, Almost is twenty meters. Also dozens merman drill from the rear puddle, the lower part has not actually surfaced, making threatening gestures is making various provocative acts to Luo Jie unceasingly, in small pond a piece of bad people running wild. 差不多有二十几米。又有数十只半鱼人从后方的水潭中钻出,下半身却始终没有露出水面,张牙舞爪的不断向罗戒做着各种挑衅动作,小小的池塘中一片群魔乱舞。 The middle even also emitted two cavern great frogs, floats both cheeks on the water surfaces rouses the froth to cheer on. 中间甚至还冒出了两只洞窟巨蛙,浮在水面上两腮鼓着泡泡呐喊助威。 „Do you dare?” “你敢下来吗?” „Do you dare to come up?” “你敢上来吗?” Good, here is not Liu Shahe, but the scene has much regards the feeling. 好吧,这里不是流沙河,但场景很有既视感。 Really did not come ashore...... that to be easy to do.” “果然都不上岸么……那就好办了。” Luo Jie deeply inspires, brilliant electric arc in Nether world flower buries Jump that on the scarlet red knife happy takes off/escapes, the dark cavern will be brightly lit according to the twinkle instantaneously. 罗戒深吸一口气,绚烂的电弧在【幽冥花葬】的赤红色刀身上欢脱的跳跃着,瞬间将幽暗的洞窟照得闪烁通明。 Also does not know that was 15 too long has not come the adventurer, was the intelligence of these merman and great frog is insufficient, facing the sudden flash and phenomenon, the monsters in puddle did not have one to clash to break unexpectedly. 也不知是15层太久没有来冒险者了,还是这些半鱼人和巨蛙的智力不够,面对突如其来的闪光与异象,水潭中的怪物们竟是无一只冲上来打断。 Perhaps not they cannot realize the danger, but the subconscious thought that in the water is safest. 或许并非它们意识不到危险,只是潜意识觉得水中最安全。 Time 1 0.1 drops of passing, in merman had almost recognized when that is only a mysterious flare, terrifying thunder light drops from the clouds together. 时间一点一滴的流逝,就在半鱼人们几乎已经认定那只是一盏故弄玄虚的照明灯时,一道恐怖的雷光从天而降。 " Shinmei-Ryu (God's Cry School) governing god sword technique really light/only sword " ! 神鸣流御神剑术・真・雷光剑」! Bang-! 轰-! A surrounding area dozens meters water surface is scurrying about the innumerable electricity snakes, the giant bellow once pressed the frog that in the cavern has reverberated to call. 方圆数十米的水面乱窜着无数的电蛇,巨大的轰鸣声一度压过洞窟中回荡的蛙叫。 Five times of attacks not simple rides five. 五倍攻击可不是简单的乘五。 Hits your 5 times like an automobile by 20 kilometers each hour, with hits your 1 time by 100 kilometers each hour, finally you lie down definitely is not same place- one is a hospital, one is in a box. 就像一辆汽车以20公里每小时撞你五次,和以100公里每小时撞你一次,你最后躺的肯定不是同一个地方-一个是医院,一个是盒里。 Has not hidden in the monster in water directly dividing by this wild falling thunder with enough time burnt, changes to the black smoke to dissipate. 尚未来得及躲进水中的怪物直接就被这狂暴的落雷给劈焦了,就地化作黑烟消散。 Where hides in the water the monster not to go well, whole bodies twitch to float one after another from under water, overspreads the water surface like the water plant of overflow green and glossily, unexpectedly the quantity saw before also wanted more. 躲到水中怪物也没好到哪去,一个个全身抽搐着从水底接连浮上来,如同泛滥的水草般绿油油铺满水面,数量竟是比之前看到的还要多一些。 This enduring compared with the thunder strike of LV.4 level, puddle inside estimated that was impossible to hide what monster again. 这种堪比LV.4水准的雷击之下,水潭里面估计也不可能再藏什么怪物了。 Luo Jie jumps to leap forward in the water directly, these have not died thoroughly 11 make up the blade to merman and great frog that. 罗戒直接纵身跃入水中,给那些还未死透的半鱼人和巨蛙一一补刀。 Sons-of-a-bitch " slightly may " crawl from the water, shakes the wool that the body is sailing upstream to dripping, the racket the belly gives the thumbs-up , indicating that all demon crystal stones picked. 狗子「小可」从水中爬出来,抖着身上水淋淋的毛,拍拍肚皮竖起大拇指,表示所有魔晶石都捡回来了。 Very good, the plan passes, the next puddle walks. 很好,计划通,下一个水潭走起。 ...... …… Since obtained Demi-Human The bloodline, Luo Jie has been used to explode the liver to brush strangely. 自从获得了【亚人】血统,罗戒早已习惯了独自一人爆肝刷怪。 When the continual fight that even if watches, will not basically have the condition of «High School of the Dead» that lord consciousness shutdown again. 即便是不眠不休的连续战斗,也基本不会再出现《学园默示录》时那种主意识停摆的状况。 Naturally, son of a bitch " slightly may " existence also has lasting achievements. 当然,狗子「小可」的存在也是功不可没。 Although this Teigu because of this world rule limit, has basically degenerated into the belt/bring to pick to take the function automatically the motion storage, because of having its companion, lets him long-term withstanding this lonely arid pressure. 这件帝具虽因本世界规则限制,基本已经沦为了带自动捡取功能的移动储物箱,但正因有它的陪伴,才让他能长时间的承受这种孤独枯燥的压力。 In the underground city does not have the sunrise sunset, naturally does not have the concept of time. 地下城中没有日出日落,自然也就没有时间的概念。 Through the time of watch, Luo Jie knows oneself had passed entire five days on 15, has last day again, arrives at should leave the underground city the time. 通过手表的计时,罗戒知道自己已在15层度过了整整五天,再有最后一天,就到了该离开地下城的时候。 Did not say promotion " cause " accumulates enough, is not the supplies commodity bottoms, but this is he and prostitute god " Ys " agreement- enters the longest time limit of underground city not to alone over ten days, once exceeds this time limit, must be treated as missing population processing. 不是说升级的「伟业」已经攒够,也不是补给物资见底,只不过这是他与娼神「伊丝塔」的约定-独自进入地下城的最长时限不得超过十天,一旦超过这个时限,就要被当作失踪人口处理。 Speaking of " cause " , for these days the effort also makes brilliant achievements. 说到「伟业」,这几天来的努力也是成绩斐然。 Benefits from 15 rare people , the monster that renovates unmanned cleaning up, the Luo Jie empirical value strip from had just arrived at 15 strata times for a long time one, brushed 29. 得益于15层罕有人至,刷新的怪物长时间无人清理,罗戒的经验值条已经从刚到15层时的一,刷到了29。 According to this calculates, is absolutely possible to realize month of the given objective of rushing to LV.3. 按此计算,完全有可能实现一个月冲到LV.3的既定目标。 -! 喳喳-! gu gua-! 咕呱-! In Luo Jie is preparing the cleaning up next puddle, " Ultrasound Imaging " in the field of vision suddenly presented a large-scale red round of profile, measures with the eye at least several hundred monsters to this direction rapid traverse. 就在罗戒正准备清理下一个水潭时,「超声成像」的视野中突然出现了规模庞大的红色轮廓线,目测至少数百只怪物正在向这个方向快速移动。 What's the matter? Met " monster grand feast " ?” “怎么回事?难道遇上「怪物盛宴」了?” Although is suspicious, Luo Jie has not felt flurried, relying on Soaring stone Three jump the midair, covers the crevice single-handed the body suspension, Mimicry armor malicious ghost is encumbered Gradually gets makes the hole wall equally motley color. 虽心存疑惑,罗戒却并未感到慌乱,凭借着【飞翔石】的三段跳跃上半空,单手扣住石缝将身体悬吊,【拟态铠甲・恶鬼缠身】逐渐变作洞壁一样斑驳的颜色。 Soon, the enormous and powerful monster colony pushes and shoves is crowding after below channel, hurried, probably is handling anything anxiously. 不多时,浩浩荡荡的怪物集群推搡拥挤着经过下方的通道,匆匆忙忙,像是急着去做什么事情。 When the last monster vanishes in the field of vision range, the Luo Jie jumping down ground, opens the underground city map and again simultaneously World book Runge Runge The cross references, mastered the abnormal behaviors of these monsters finally. 待最后一只怪物消失在视野范围内,罗戒再次跳落地面,同时打开地下城地图和【世界全书・隆戈隆戈】互相对照,终于搞懂了那些怪物的反常行为。 " Food bank " . 「食品库」。 Underground city each can have a special site that. 地下城每一层都会有的一个特殊场所。 There surface will secrete a nourishing cream, the monster of entire floor can eat food there regularly. 那里的地表会分泌一种营养液,整个楼层的怪物都会定期在那里进食。 Good, this is very scientific, must not have such place, really has no way to explain how the underground city is maintaining the frail biological chain. 好吧,这很科学,要没这么个地方,真没法解释地下城是怎么维持着脆弱的生物链的。 On map that the adventurer association sells, " food bank " the range was labelled as extremely danger, did not suggest absolutely the adventurer enters this region. 冒险者公会出售的地图上,「食品库」的范围被标注为“极危”,绝对不建议冒险者进入这一区域。 The reason is very simple, here monster not only the quantity is wonderful, but also the density is scary, is equivalent to hundred times of scales " monster grand feast " , even if even if " sword Ji- " such LV.5 powerhouse falls here, may be besieged to take off/escape the strength to perish by nearly inexhaustible monster. 原因很简单,这里的怪物不但数量奇多,而且密度更是吓人,相当于百倍规模的「怪物盛宴」,就算是就算是「剑姬-艾丝」这样的LV.5强者掉到这里,都可能会被近乎无穷无尽的怪物围攻到脱力而亡。 Why well...... hasn't thought of this place early?” “咦……为什么早没想到这个地方呢?” Suddenly, bold in the heart of Luo Jie multiplies to the thought of nearly making crazily. 忽然间,一个大胆到近乎作死的念头在罗戒的心中疯狂滋生。 ...... …… Underground city 15, food bank. 地下城15层,食品库。 The area has over ten thousand square meters big space fully, countless cavern great frog, merman and other monster gatherings here, only peaceful lying licks to lick the milky white spring water that the surface is flowing on the ground, fauna that green and glossy strange sways the Matoba surface such as the African prairie dry season potable water. 占地面积足有上万平米的偌大空间内,不计其数的洞窟巨蛙、半鱼人等怪物汇聚在此,一只只安静的趴在地上舔舐着地表流淌的乳白色泉水,绿油油一片怪头攒动的场面如非洲草原旱季饮水的动物群。 In the edge of food bank entrance, a pebble rolled somewhere baseless forward several, latter sends the ground to sink suddenly the next clear footprint shape. 在食品库某处入口的边缘,一颗小石子凭空向前滚动了几圈,后发地面突然沉下一个清晰的脚印形状。 Lying trough......” “卧槽……” The stealth hides in the corner of hidden place, looked at that nearly unable to see the crowded monster group of boundary at present, Luo Jie swallowed saliva subconsciously. 隐身躲在暗处的角落,望着眼前那近乎看不到边际的密集怪物群,罗戒下意识的吞了一口唾沫。 Many! Too many! 多!太多了! The monster dozens dozens dispersions when various floor places felt that is not obvious, once gathers, the place that fierce realizing, oneself treat how is fearful dangerous place. 怪物几十几十的分散在楼层各处时感觉还不怎么明显,一旦聚集起来,才让人猛的意识到,自己待的地方是怎样一个可怕的危险之地。 Well? That is......” “咦?那是……” The spring place center food bank, there are two build unusual giant monsters to be especially noticeable. 在食品库正中的泉眼处,有两只体形不同寻常的巨大怪物格外引人注目。 One is the body best pupil has the green streak great frog of two-story building size. 一个是身高足有二层楼大小的绿色斑纹巨蛙。 Another is build grandiose such as muscle merman of barbarian. 另一个则是体型壮硕如野蛮人的肌肉半鱼人 Floor lord. 楼层主。 Also is a BOSS level monster of floor. 也就是一个楼层的BOSS级怪物。 This special monster is mostly good to recognize, comes the build to be much bigger compared with the consanguineous monster, simultaneously the strength must be higher than several times, under the same rank is almost impossible to kill only. 这种特殊的怪物大多非常好认,比起同族的怪物来体型大得出奇,同时实力也要高出几倍,同等级下几乎无法单杀。 When Luo Jie initially in 10 brushed must blame, once ran into floor lord " the elder brother Breene feudal lord " , started continuously 27 times " secret sword swallow returned " to cut the flying ash that tank big fellow. Trading to do is the common LV.1 adventurer squad, only feared that put in an appearance must roll to extinguish. 罗戒当初在十层刷怪时,就曾经遇到了楼层主「哥布林领主」,连续发动了二十七次「秘剑・燕返」才将那坦克般的大家伙斩成飞灰。换做是一般的LV.1冒险者小队,只怕一个照面就要团灭了。 Really, comes not Tathagata early skillfully...... , since here, that stays behind together!” “果然,来得早不如来得巧……既然都在这儿,那就一起留下吧!” 【The dices of god! 【众神的骰子】! A golden dice springs from the hand of Luo Jie, float in midair extreme twist. 一枚金色的骰子从罗戒的手中弹出,悬浮于半空急速旋转。 In an instant, all equipment skills in individual panel shine completely, was suppressed the attribute that also to increase the peak by the world rule. 霎那间,个人面板中的所有装备技能全部亮起,被世界规则压制的属性也重新攀升到顶峰。 A scarlet red sphere was grasped by Luo Jie in the hand, the scalding hot flame of both sides spraying congeals a flame long spear/gun that just like the essence, the bright arc light tail illuminated the dim cavern instantaneously. 一枚赤红色的圆球被罗戒抓在手中,两端喷射的灼热火焰凝结成一杆犹如实质的火焰长枪,明亮的弧形光尾瞬间照亮了昏暗的洞窟。 " The jade of demolition angry day flame spear/gun " ! 「爆破之玉・怒日炎枪」! The world nuclear is even! 世界核平! Bang! 轰! Giant mushroom cloud direct impact vault that may be called the terrifying, the prevented flame to whirls around to flow backwards along the hole wall in all directions, the shock-wave that inflates instantaneously is coercing the high temperature of explosion, thousands of monsters will raise the midair, has not waited to fall to the ground then changes to the black fog that everywhere flies upwards with the demon crystal stone that dingdong makes noise. 一朵堪称恐怖的巨大蘑菇云直冲穹顶,被阻挡的火焰沿着洞壁向四面八方翻卷倒流,瞬间膨胀的冲击波裹挟着爆炸的高温,将数以千计的怪物掀上半空,未等落地便化作漫天飞扬的黑雾与叮当作响的魔晶石。 Center two floor lords situated in explosion direct same place evaporation in dazzling white light. 位于爆炸正中的两只楼层主更是在刺眼的白光中直接原地蒸发。 Loses the ray the golden dice to fall to the ground, launch that Luo Jie is without hesitation Dracula cloak Flutters. 失去光芒的金色骰子落地,罗戒毫不迟疑的发动【德古拉披风】振翅而起。 Sky over chaotic high temperature gas flow across cavern, from the confusion of explosion has not responded while the surrounding over ten thousand monsters, since fishes the goods and demon crystal stone that in the central big hole that two floor lords fall, turns around to turn toward the exit to graze rapidly. 穿过洞窟上空混乱的高温气流,趁着周围的上万只怪物还没从爆炸的混乱中反应过来,一把捞起中央大坑中那两只楼层主掉落的物品和魔晶石,转身向着出口处急速飞掠。 Does an especially good artillery to run really exciting! 干特良的一炮就跑真刺激! «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! 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