NOPTS :: Volume #15 FATE之综漫都市

#1068: Hooligan goddess Lokey

Turns into the unvisited alley with " Divine Radiance " , Luo Jie opens the mouth to ask: Sacred, haven't you gone out of town to seek asylum?” 与「神圣光辉」拐入人迹罕至的小巷,罗戒才开口问道:“神圣,你没出城避难吗?” I already LV.2.” “我已经LV.2了。” " Divine Radiance " the reply makes Luo Jie somewhat surprised. 神圣光辉」的回答让罗戒不由有些吃惊。 Such quickly?” “这么快?” " Divine Radiance " thinks otherwise spread started: Possibly received you to rise into the stimulation of LV.2, after that two side camps the conflict of players' when underground city was even more intense, I and " Succulent Plant " their several, in 10 practiced the level received the squad attacks of several hostile camps, instead after killing three people, discovered own LV.2.” 神圣光辉」不以为然的摊了一下手:“可能是受了你升入LV.2的刺激,在那之后,两方阵营的玩家在地下城的冲突愈发激烈,我和「多肉植物」他们几个在十层练级时受到了好几次敌对阵营的小队袭击,反杀了三个人后就发现自己LV.2了。” Said, " the multi- meat " and " fiery red " they also did promote?” “这么说,「多肉」和「火红」他们也升级了?” Although these people not in same family clan, but has formed a team to practice the level recently, " cause " accumulation degree is similar, " Divine Radiance " rose LV.2, have no reason several other LV.1. 这几人虽不在同一眷族,但最近一直组队练级,「伟业」积累程度都差不多,「神圣光辉」升到了LV.2,没理由其他几个还是LV.1。 " Divine Radiance " nods, said: Their several are also LV.2...... actually continues now our team, recently in the rookie adventurer who the adventurer association revised the rank, it is said that has been over 500 people. That side the adventurer association quick was insane, it is estimated that the first time is saw such strange large-scale rookie high-speed promotion phenomenon.” 神圣光辉」点点头,说道:“他们几个现在也是LV.2……其实不止我们这一队,最近在冒险者公会修改等级的新人冒险者,据说已经超过了500人。冒险者公会那边都快疯了,估计是第一次见到这么离奇的大规模新人高速升级现象。” Really with estimate, so long as the player lets loose slaughters, the rank will pursue with great speed. 果然和预想的一样,只要玩家放开杀戮,等级就会火速追赶上来。 Your that side " Hess " family clan how?” “你那边的「赫斯缇雅」眷族怎么样?” " Divine Radiance " knows what Luo Jie asked was «Making a mistake» actor Bell, shrugged saying: First was you robbed the record of quickest LV.2, now more than 500 people follow to promote, Bell estimate could not attain in the original works " young rising star " title.” 神圣光辉」知道罗戒问的是《地错》男主角「贝尔」,耸耸肩道:“先是你抢走了最快LV.2的记录,现在又有五百多人跟着升级,「贝尔」估计是拿不到原著中的「小小新秀」称号了。” Luo Jie said with a smile: Really is regrettable...... so long as has " looks forward to wholeheartedly " , loses a title not to affect his growth.” 罗戒笑道:“真是遗憾呢……不过只要有「一心憧憬」,失去一个称号还不至于影响他的成长。” " Divine Radiance " also agrees with the view of Luo Jie, immediately mentioned another matter. 神圣光辉」也认同罗戒的这一看法,随即说起另外一件事情。 Possibly is because everyone is busy flushing the level, no one interferes with Hess actually " " family clan here plot, the backer of that villain clan " Lily " has been ahead of time with Bell contacts, two people reached agreement after the monster sacrifice ended formed a team the underground city.” “可能是因为所有人都在忙着冲级,倒是没什么人干涉「赫斯缇雅」眷族这边的剧情,那个小人族的支援者「莉莉露卡」已提前与「贝尔」接触,两人相约在怪物祭结束后就组队去地下城。” Luo Jie nods. 罗戒点了点头。 " Lily " is in " Making a mistake » original works first member who joins the lead team, villain clan, loli in age, the young girl in stature. 「莉莉露卡」是《地错》原著中第一个加入主角团队的成员,小人族,年龄上的萝莉,身材上的幼女。 ( Official setting height 110 CM , 18 X 6 = 108, understands this mathematical formula faces the wall automatically.) (官方设定身高110CM,18X6=108,看懂这算式的自动去面壁。) Is belonged to Bacchus " " the backer of family clan, follows behind the team the backpack in the young personal servant who picks to fall, once wanted to steal the divine tool of Bell 【The blade of Hess, Was west latter scattered by Bell that extremely evil inferior (Asia) persuades, becomes Bell voluntarily,...... coughs, rear backer. 原本是属于酒神「苏摩」眷族的支援者,也就是跟在队伍后面背包捡掉落的小跟班,曾一度想要偷盗「贝尔」的神器【赫斯缇雅之刃】,后被「贝尔」那万恶的亚撒西所感化,自愿成为「贝尔」的后……咳,后方支援者。 If this illusion is not the brutal potential surface war, Luo Jie will consider absolutely captures this " Lily " , joins own team her. 如果本场幻境不是残酷的位面战,罗戒绝对会考虑去攻略这个「莉莉露卡」,将她加入自己的队伍。 Not for other, only for her magic " stove grey female " - can turn into any has personally seen the person, even the sound and racial character can achieve exactly the same. 不为别的,只为她的魔法「灶灰女」-可以变成任何亲眼见过的人,连声音和种族特征都能做到一模一样。 Easy-to-use in various significances. 各种意义上的好用。 Only pitifully, " Lily " the battle efficiency basically is zero, rose LV.2 in the original works to vol. 14 reluctantly, if the ordinary world, drew the possibility that her the potential surface fought has not survived even. 只可惜,「莉莉露卡」的战斗力基本为零,在原著中一直到第14卷才勉强升到了LV.2,要是普通世界也就算了,将她强拖进位面战根本就没有生存的可能。 Right, this time " monster sacrifice " it is estimated that will have the large-scale camp chaotic war, I and " the multi- meat " they plan to brush some camp overalls again and " cause " , after all like this small range ground fighter aircraft will be rare...... the night, can form a team with us? Has you in the team, our odds of success at least can increase 50%.” “对了,这次「怪物祭」估计会发生大规模的阵营乱战,我和「多肉」他们打算再刷一些阵营积分和「伟业」,毕竟这样的小范围地上战机会非常难得……夜,要不要和我们一起组队?有你在队伍里,我们的胜算至少可以增加50%。” Without obtaining Frivolous young man This title, Luo Jie will comply with " Divine Radiance " absolutely formed invitation, but currently he has a better plan. 如果没有获得【惨绿少年】这个称号,罗戒绝对会答应「神圣光辉」的组队邀请,但现在他早已有了更好的计划。 Sorry, you also saw, I am enrolled Ys convoy guard now, perhaps was not convenient forms a team with you together.” “抱歉,你也看到了,我现在被编入了伊丝塔的护卫队,恐怕是不方便跟你们一起组队了。” „, That even.” “哦,那就算了。” What " Divine Radiance " in the present team plays the main attack is female master boxer " emerald cactus " , 神圣光辉」现在的队伍中打主攻的是女拳师「翡翠仙人掌」, Local tyrant loli " Flaming Cactus " controls Automaton to work as the magic to be auxiliary, " Succulent Plant " is the salt fish fort, is adding on his milk frank body, the team organization system is complete, in addition Luo Jie also improves on perfection, does not add is also insufficient to have any weak area. Therefore he is also speaks thoughtlessly asked, also and does not care the negative reply. 土豪萝莉火红仙人掌」操控机巧人偶当魔法辅助,「多肉植物」是咸鱼炮台,在加上他自己的奶坦一体,队伍建制非常完整,加上罗戒也只是锦上添花,不加也不至于有什么短板。因此他也就是随口一问,得到否定的回答也并不在意。 ...... …… Meanwhile, a some facing the street attic of Euler beautiful corner/horn. 与此同时,欧拉丽一角的某临街二层平台。 God of Lokey practical joke sits before a round table not law-abiding is lifting the leg, narrows the eyes mysterious female of a whole body cover that the eye sizes up opposite is sitting in continually hat long gown. 恶作剧之神「洛基」坐在一张圆桌前不安分的跷着腿,眯眼打量着对面而坐的一名周身罩在连帽长袍中的神秘女性。 Stands in she behind responsible guard " sword Ji- " suddenly discovers the half face under that hood as if somewhat to look familiar, when that mysterious female raised the head, impressively the discovery unexpectedly with " Frey " who his family clan shares the honor Lord God of family clan- beautiful god " Frey " . 站在她身后负责护卫的「剑姬-艾丝」忽然发现那兜帽下的半张脸似乎有些眼熟,待那神秘女性抬起头,赫然发现竟是与其眷族齐名的「芙蕾雅」眷族的主神-美神「芙蕾雅」。 This year's monster sacrifice is really lively, I remember that last year did not have so many people.” “今年的怪物祭真是热闹啊,我记得去年还没有这么多的人。” " Frey " carries front hold to have the drinking glass of red flower-scented green tea, curls upwards the movement of little finger to have a marvelous graceful flavor that makes people unable to imitate. 芙蕾雅」端起面前盛有红色花茶的玻璃杯,翘着小指的动作有着一种让人无法模仿的奇妙优雅韵味。 I may not have you such good leisure to be refined, I can only see in the soul of underground city desperate pitiful yell.” “我可没你这么好的闲情雅致,我只能看到更多在地下城绝望惨叫的灵魂。” Lokey holds the chin, casual steps on a foot on the chair, such as the appearance of street bludger absolutely does not have a goddess determination. 「洛基」托着下巴,大大咧咧的将一只脚踩在椅子上,如街边小混混的模样完全没有一点女神的自觉。 „The path that world of mortals children choose, we have no right to interfere, what they need is the growth, rather than lives in our protections.” “下界孩子们自己选择的道路,我们无权干涉,他们需要的是成长,而不是活在我们的保护中。” „, Also is publicizing your wrap/sets growth to discuss...... your to like playing to form the habit of game also has not changed?” Lokey is bored to death is digging the ear with the little finger, now is not the millenniums ago, do not do the dialogue avoids as taboo profound, said not directly- the children of which family clan did you have a liking for?” “哦,又在宣扬你那套成长论……你这喜欢玩养成游戏的习惯还没有变么?”「洛基」百无聊赖的用小指挖着耳朵,“现在不是千年前了,别把对话搞得那么讳莫高深,直接说吧-你又看上哪个眷族的孩子了?” " Frey " smiles, shows really you understand me the expression. 芙蕾雅」莞尔一笑,露出一副“果然还是你懂我”的表情。 Really is, all year round is in heat, your starry eyed goddess......, if the children of family clan, you dug others corners even, doesn't fear by the retribution?” “真是的,一年到头都在发情,你这个花痴女神……要是自己眷族的孩子也就算了,你老这么挖人家的墙角,就不怕遭报应吗?” I am not the force, I will make that child choose......” “我又不是强迫,我会让那个孩子自己选择的……” Does a bit less!” Lokey puts down the teacup, ill-humored white smiling " Frey " one, you are the beautiful god, even the monster can attract, which man can escape your palm?” “少来!”「洛基」撂下茶杯,没好气的白了笑眯眯的「芙蕾雅」一眼,“你是美神,连怪物都能魅惑,哪个男人能逃过你的手掌心?” Do not say, I and that " Ys " different, I have not attracted any child, they send to the innermost feelings to my love......” “别这么说,我和那「伊丝塔」不同,我从来没有魅惑过任何一个孩子,他们对我的爱都是发至内心的……” " Frey " the smile such as the hundred flowers bloom, Lokey looks the panic-stricken lifting arm to obstruct the eyes. 芙蕾雅」的笑容如百花绽放,「洛基」面露惊恐的抬臂遮起双眼。 Grass, do not smile to father! Young, Levie who Liya, Ognes and Dior , Anna Qi, Yali Thea , Ai Erfei, young I have not wanted to abandon my family...... yeah? Young had I said a moment ago?” “艹,别对老子笑啊!我还不想抛弃我家的小艾丝、里维莉雅、蒂奥涅、蒂奥娜、蕾菲娅、安娜琪蒂、亚利希雅、莉涅、艾儿菲、小艾丝……哎?小艾丝我刚才是不是说过了?” Thump! 咚! The rear powder fist pounds in the head of Lokey, some far-fetched goddess holds to wail. 后方一记粉拳砸在「洛基」的头上,某不靠谱的女神抱头哀嚎。 Returns to the proper topic.” " Frey " pulls up the neckband of long gown, covers that soul-stirring peerless beautiful appearance, „, although I know that the seedling needs to protect carefully, but the child too is attractive, I already somewhat unbearably anxious......” “言归正传吧。”「芙蕾雅」拉起长袍的领口,遮挡起那惊心动魄的绝世美貌,“虽然我知道幼苗需要精心呵护,但那孩子实在太诱人,我已经有些急不可耐了……” Young, you listens, " Levie Liya " also said that all day I am not proper, this is the word of what kind of oppressor......” “小艾丝,你听听,「里维莉雅」还整天说我不正经,这是何等的虎狼之词……” Thump! 咚! Yeah my grass!” Some hooligan goddess holds to wail again. “哎我艹!”某流氓女神再次抱头哀嚎。 " Frey " covers the mouth chuckle, puts down the teacup say/way: Simply speaking, I want at this time " monster sacrifice " on an experience to him, but I need your help.” 芙蕾雅」掩嘴轻笑,放下茶杯道:“简单来说,我想在这次的「怪物祭」上给他一个历练,但我需要你的帮助。” You come...... to really be the abuse do not change.” Lokey helpless sighing, beckons with the hand saying: Good, how do you want me to do?” “你又来……真是恶习不改。”「洛基」无奈的叹了口气,摆摆手道:“好吧,你想要我怎么做?” You comply well, waits for the matter to happen, I believe that you definitely know how should do.” “你答应就好,等事情发生,我相信你一定知道该怎么做的。” " Frey " stands up, to " sword Ji- " nod expressed best wishes, unflustered took a step to go down the staircase. 芙蕾雅」站起身,向「剑姬-艾丝」点头致意,从容不迫的迈步走下楼梯。 What is this woman...... doing? Felt that she will also play compared with me?” Flexure that Lokey whole face confuses scratched the head, suddenly pounded on the table, grass! This woman has not paid runs! Young, we also run, if the shop boss pursues, shouted that we are the Frey elegant family clans, having your overlord meal is thinks highly of you...... yeah, has not been hitting! When really I suffered two not to have against...... grass! Does not bring to use the foot!” “这个女人……又在搞什么?感觉她比我还会玩?”「洛基」满脸迷惑的挠了挠头,忽然一拍桌子,“艹!这女人没买单就跑了!小艾丝,咱们也跑,店老板要是追上来,就喊咱们是芙蕾雅眷族的,吃你一顿霸王餐是看得起你……哎,没打着!真当我挨了两下还没防……艹!不带用脚的!” «Space and time the Number-one Player» correct chapter will continue to renew in the new books pavilion novel net novel net, in stand no advertisement, but also asked everyone to collect and recommend the new books pavilion novel net! 《时空之头号玩家》无错章节将持续在新书海阁小说网小说网更新,站内无任何广告,还请大家收藏和推荐新书海阁小说网! Likes the space and time the top player asking everyone to collect:() Space and time the number-one player new books pavilion novel net refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢时空之头号玩家请大家收藏:()时空之头号玩家新书海阁小说网更新速度最快。
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