NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#901: Really flatters

Chapter 901 real flatters 第901章真・拍马屁 Gets married " Dewe " to take queen decision, Luo Jie is the process thinks. 迎娶「蒂尤蕾」作为王后这个决定,罗戒是经过深思熟虑的。 After all, hunter rabbit clan, even if can submit to because of the temporary choice of interests, the time was long, unavoidably not because his human status has the obstruction. 毕竟,猎头兔族就算能因一时的利益选择臣服,时间久了,难免不会因为他的人类身份产生芥蒂。 Like the supreme leader who letting an alien holds the post of human, who can guarantee that he won't betray the human the benefit to give oneself clansman? 就像让一个外星人来担任人类的最高领袖,谁能保证他不会出卖人类的利益给自己的族人? Therefore, with kissing/betrothal this ancient political means that is solves this hidden danger the best way. 所以,和亲这种古老的政治手段,就是解决这一隐患的最好办法。 It looks like from the angle of hunter rabbit, married the woman in their clan, everyone was a whole family, if in the future gave birth to the little princess, hunter rabbit clan as before that hunter rabbit clan that was led by the queen. 从猎头兔的角度看来,娶了她们族中的女人,大家就是一家人了,未来若是生出了小公主,猎头兔族依旧还是那个由女王带领的猎头兔族。 Then, was ruled dozens years by a human male, without was hard to accept. 如此一来,被一个人类男性统治个几十年,也没那么难以接受了。 Why as for is " Dewe " rather than other anything person, naturally is considered that this big white rabbit former queen's political influence in entire hunter rabbit clan and tribe, is not because of certain despicable reasons. 至于为什么是「蒂尤蕾」而不是其他什么人,当然是考虑到这位大白兔前女王在整个猎头兔部族中的政治影响力,绝不是因为某些下贱的原因。 The migrations of several tens of thousands population cannot be completed in a short time . Moreover the inflation of suddenly tribe scale, a series of follows such as the order health, the logistics support inevitably and other issues. 数万人口的迁徙不是短时间内能够完成的,而且部落规模的骤然膨胀,也必然伴随着一系列诸如秩序卫生、后勤保障等多方面的问题。 Is good does not need Luo Jie to do it yourself because of these matters, dozens original hunter rabbit head of the clan ready-made tool rabbits are placed there, in addition big white rabbit queen " Dewe " the prestige and big Chinese pear-leaf crabapple rabbit " take off/escape " the astuteness, after short wearing , the entire migration work starts the effectiveness revolves normally. 好在这些事并不需要罗戒亲力亲为,几十名原猎头兔族长这现成工具兔摆在那里,再加上大白兔女王「蒂尤蕾」的威信和大柰兔「多脱」的精明,在短暂的磨合过后,整个迁徙工作开始有效率的正常运转起来。 Thereupon, Luo Jie this nominal „the king of hunter rabbit became mascot existence, every day except for flipping sign- an entertainment toy of similar playing cards, then does not have other things to do again. 于是乎,罗戒这个名义上的“猎头兔之王”就成了吉祥物般的存在,每日除了翻翻牌子-一种类似扑克牌的娱乐玩具,便再无其他事情可做。 The ability is too under strong, in this northern greenwood total bandit chief, when does not have the sense of achievement very much...... 手下能力太强,这北方绿林中总瓢把子当得很没有成就感啊…… Therefore, after the round-trip stores up the commodity that the enough several tens of thousands hunter rabbit clansmen winterred, Luo Jie gave " Dewe " to act as an agent all things of clan and tribe, oneself controlled again Automaton Lucifer one type, Crosses the border line of northern snowfield , to continue sets out to the empire inland. 于是,往返囤积了足够数万猎头兔族人过冬的物资后,罗戒将部族的所有事情交给了「蒂尤蕾」来代管,自己则再次驾驭起【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】,越过北方雪原的边境线,继续向帝国内陆进发。 Should go to " the Arnous hill " to have a look. 该去「阿尔努斯山丘」看看了。 ...... …… Although washed the civilian map of empire from the chamber of commerce hand of border city, but went to " the Arnous hill " directly without doubt is the extremely stupid behavior. 虽然从边境城市的商会手中淘到了帝国的民用地图,但就这么直接前往「阿尔努斯山丘」无疑是极为愚蠢的行为。 A year, delivers the space to go the satellite is not perhaps easy, but the air defense radar has definitely stood. 一年时间,把卫星送天上去或许不容易,但防空雷达肯定是早就立起来了。 Also can want to obtain with the toe, so long as he dares casual flying into " the Arnous hill " anti-aircraft range, by Automaton Lucifer one type The flying speed and radar profile, will be regarded the missile of unknown origin to be tracked dead by various types of air defense missiles absolutely. 用脚趾头也能想得到,只要他敢大大咧咧的飞进「阿尔努斯山丘」的防空范围,以【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】的飞行速度与雷达反射面,绝对会被当成来历不明的飞弹被各种型号的防空导弹跟踪到死。 Has Demi-Human The bloodline sets the base, was bombed actually indifferently, the key is Luo Jie does not want to alert the enemy. 有【亚人】血统垫底,被轰炸倒是无所谓,关键是罗戒不想打草惊蛇。 To empire several hundred thousand armies, if cuts the melon to chop the vegetable/dish simple victory, it is estimated that knocks on the team high and low, and even the modern various countries after gate, have produced „the different world are one group of low civilized ancient people idea. 对帝国几十万大军如切瓜剁菜般的简单胜利,估计叩队上下,乃至门后的现代诸国,已经产生了“异世界不过是一群低等文明古代人”的想法。 If in the radar suddenly presented a thing of doubtful missile to approach to them at this time fast, " Arnous hill " the defense rank estimated that raises to can the degree of against nuclear explosion immediately. 如果这时雷达中突然出现了一颗疑似导弹的东西向他们快速逼近,「阿尔努斯山丘」的防御等级估计会立刻上调到能防核爆的程度。 Therefore, the main key of this detection is- entering village quietly, fires the spear/gun does not want. 所以,这次侦查的基调就是-悄悄的进村,打枪的不要。 Therefore after entering empire, Luo Jie then no longer controls Automaton Lucifer one type, But lets the White Dragon shape that " Marikawa Shizuka " turned into had not used for a long time, continued the relay to fly. 于是在进入帝国境内后,罗戒便不再驾驭【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】,而是让「鞠川静香」变成了许久不曾使用的白龙形态,继续接力飞行。 The White Dragon no doubt speed was far less than Automaton Lucifer one type, But wins in outlook confusing is very strong, discovered by the radar or the naked eye, will only consider the primary species of this world, will not bring in knocks on the extra vigilance of team. 白龙固然速度远不如【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】,但胜在外型的迷惑性很强,无论是被雷达还是肉眼发现,都只会当是本世界的原生物种,不会引来叩队的额外警觉。 Has eaten food Hayame (fast fish) meat " Marikawa Shizuka " not only does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, but also has the extremely unscientific infinite physical strength, when as mount can continued flight around the clock. 进食过【速鱼肉】的「鞠川静香」不仅不死不灭,而且拥有极不科学的无限体力,作为坐骑时可以昼夜不停的持续飞行。 Eats to rest on this in the dragon conducts the back, after several days, Luo Jie had entered the imperial capital range. 就这样一路吃睡在龙背上,数日后,罗戒已然进入了帝都范围。 As the village on below plain starts becomes crowded, again such straight riding dragon flying in the past not too appropriate- «GATE Knocks on Fantasy the Team of» original works has dragon knight occupation, but it is estimated that should not have wild. 随着下方平原上的村落开始变得密集,再这么直挺挺的骑龙飞过去就不太合适了-《GATE奇幻叩队》原著中是有龙骑士这一职业的,但估计应该没有野生的。 Sought unmanned woods, " Marikawa Shizuka " the White Dragon whips the wing to descend slowly, immediately the direct melting is the mucus shape tentacles of innumerable black red interaction, becomes Mimicry armor malicious ghost is encumbered Appearance. 寻了一处无人的树林,「鞠川静香」所化的白龙拍打着翅膀徐徐降落,随即直接融化为无数黑红相间的黏液状触手,重新变为【拟态铠甲・恶鬼缠身】的模样。 Luo Jie moved a next several days long-range flight somewhat stiff joint slightly, compares the GOD map......, yes World book Runge Runge On labelling, without walking much then came by a main road. 罗戒稍稍活动了一下数日来长途飞行有些僵硬的关节,对照GOD地图……哦,是【世界全书・隆戈隆戈】上的标注,没走多远便来了一条大路旁。 This is a main road to imperial capital, the roadbed fills in the pressure by the crushed stone, is broad and smooth, often has the caravan of full cargo or takes the aristocrat female family members' carriage to dash, a heavy traffic busy scene. 这是一条通往帝都的主干道,路基由碎石填压,宽阔且平整,不时有拉满货物的商队或是乘坐着贵族女眷的马车飞奔而过,一派车水马龙的繁忙景象。 Luo Jie puts out a hand, pretends the appearance of passing by the road traveler, wants to have a look to be able with some caravan to ride an available vehicle, however the communication carriage mist and dust is billowing, does not have one to be willing to pay attention to his plain-looking strange passer-by. 罗戒伸出手,装作过路旅人的模样,想看看能不能跟某个商队搭个便车,然而来往马车烟尘滚滚,始终无一辆愿意理会他这个相貌平平的陌生路人。 Also does not know that is imperial capital here public security is not good, is the will of the people are too indifferent. 也不知是帝都这里治安不好,还是人心太冷漠。 Luo Jie sighed, can only pull son of a bitch " slightly to be possible " to walk along the roadside slowly. 罗戒叹了口气,只能牵着狗子「小可」沿着路边缓缓步行。 He realized suddenly oneself violated preliminarily wrong, thinks oneself had " Marikawa Shizuka " no longer to need other mounts. 他忽然意识到自己犯了个低级错误,以为自己有了「鞠川静香」就不再需要其他的坐骑了。 Now the retribution came, as long as there is a horse, he is also insufficient to reduce to the so awkward predicament. 现在报应来了,但凡有匹马,他也不至于沦落到如此尴尬的窘境。 Or looks for a caravan to buy a horse to ride? 要不找个商队买一匹马骑? Luo Jie looks all around, the large-scale caravan that also the really count ten horse-drawn vehicles compose by chance, is stopping under the tree shade in roadside rests to enjoy the cool air. 罗戒环顾四周,恰巧还真有一支数十辆马车组成的大型商队,正停在路边的树荫下休息乘凉。 Excuse me, the masters of expensive/noble caravan in?” “请问,贵商队的主人在吗?” Sees the Luo Jie look genial not unprincipled person, the questioned middle-aged person's polite nod returns a courtesy, said: „Am I the team leader of this team, what matter the mister you have?” 罗戒相貌和善不似坏人,被问话的中年人礼貌的点头回礼,道:“我就是这支队伍的领队,先生你有什么事吗?” „Sorry disturbs the rest of expensive/noble caravan, is this, I encountered the demon beast attack before, the horse also died, was good also had a money on me, did the expensive/noble caravan facilitate to sell I spare horses?” “很抱歉打扰贵商队的休息,是这样,我之前遭到了魔兽袭击,马也死掉了,好在我身上还带了点钱,贵商队方不方便卖我一匹备用的马匹?” Sees Luo Jie explained that while pulled out the heavy gold coin bag, the vigilance in middle-aged caravan old measure diverged most probably, looked the apology: This mister, was really sorry very much, is not I am not willing to help you, what is our caravan time running is the short haul, has not prepared the spare horses.” 罗戒一边说明,一边掏出沉甸甸的金币袋,中年商队老板眼中的警惕散去了大半,面露歉意道:“这位先生,真的很抱歉,不是我不愿意帮助你,而是我们商队这次跑的是短途运输,并没有准备备用的马匹。” Boss, is not willing to sell even, why can lie?” Luo Jie as if saw through the wishful thinking of this caravan boss, arrives by a compartment of freight vehicle with a smile, faintly revealed in the rear area has patted the racket along the perfectly round horse buttocks of straight golden ponytail on, here did not have a horse that did not have the trailer......” “老板,不愿意卖就算了,何必要说谎呢?”罗戒仿佛看穿了这商队老板的小心思,笑着走到一辆货车的车厢旁,在后方隐隐露出的有着顺直金色马尾的浑圆马臀上拍了拍,“这里不就有一匹没挂车的马么……” „!” “呀!” „-!” “啊-!” Two yelled that also sends out. 两声大叫同时发出。 The former is a young girl's panic scream, the latter is that middle-aged caravan boss pale wailing. 前者是一个少女惊慌失措的尖叫,后者则是那中年商队老板脸色发白的哀嚎。 Bang-! 轰-! The sharp carbine sweeps away, pounds scattered about front compartment, a blonde young girl knight vertical horse crosses the shatter frame, over the face ashamed and resentful spear pierces to the chest of Luo Jie. 锋利的骑枪横扫,将面前的车厢砸得七零八落,一名金发少女骑士纵马越过破碎的车架,满面羞愤的一枪刺向罗戒的胸口。 No, said that is the young girl knight is inaccurate. 不,说是少女骑士并不准确。 At present this blonde young girl only has the upper part, but below steed also only then the body and four limbs, two only had half of parts not to compose a complete life body respectively actually extremely scientifically. 眼前这金发少女只有上半身,而下方的骏马也只有身体与四肢,两个各自只有一半的部分硬是极不科学的组成了一个完整的生命体。 Centaur clan. 半人马族。 Good, Luo Jie knows now this middle-aged caravan bosses have not really deceived him. 好吧,罗戒现在知道了这中年商队老板真的没有骗他。 Saw with own eyes if quickly the meteor cold light has approached the chest, Luo Jie lifts the hand to hold the lance point suddenly, the both feet has two -and-a-half meter odd/surplus Chang gutter in the ground plow, whatever later the troops young girl four hooves dig randomly, is entirely still unexpectedly. 眼见快若流星的寒光已逼近胸口,罗戒忽然抬手一把抓住枪尖,双脚在地面犁出两道半米余长的浅沟,随后任凭人马少女四蹄乱刨,竟是纹丝不动。 Sorry, this centaur young lady, you if a moment ago heard me with this boss gentleman's dialogue, should know that this is only a misunderstanding...... I can apologize to you.” “抱歉,这位半人马小姐,你刚才如果听到了我和这位老板先生的对话,应该知道这只是个误会……我可以向你道歉。” The blonde troops young girl entrains several to entrain continually does not begin the carbine, cannot help but mad and anxious, is nipping the lip becoming flushed face: Said dexterously, you touched others...... did a light apology solve?” 金发人马少女连拽几下都拽不动手中的骑枪,不由得又气又急,咬着嘴唇涨红面孔:“说得轻巧,你摸了人家的……难道轻飘飘的一句道歉就解决了?” Luo Jie this moment innermost feelings are type drop-( ;) 罗戒此刻内心是介样滴-(;) Eldest sister, asking you to make clear, you were the centaur! Even if I patted a horse buttocks fidgety and destructively, you also thought how I can have the impulsion am? 大姐,拜托你搞清楚,你是半人马啊!我就算是手欠拍了一把马屁,你还觉得我能有冲动是怎么着? How can you?” Luo Jie does not know whether to laugh or cry asked that he has not thought bought the horse also to buy to have an accident. “那你要怎么样?”罗戒哭笑不得的反问道,他怎么也没想到买马还能买出事来。 Before blonde centaur young girl , the hoof lifts up high to hold up the head to say proudly: I, practice knight " orange-red Saizeriya Cudia " , issues the challenge to you officially, after three days, fights the technique field in the imperial capital, I in long spear/gun scrubbing today this shame by hand!” 金发半人马少女前蹄高举昂头傲然道:“我,见习骑士「缇萨莉亚・斯库提亚」,正式向你发出挑战,三日后在帝都斗技场,我将会以手中长枪洗刷今日此耻!” Luo Jie sighed, his time was to come the low-key detection, how to possibly go to arena that being in the glare of the public eye place to visit? 罗戒叹了口气,他这次是来低调侦查的,怎么可能会去竞技场那种众目睽睽的地方让人参观? Good, I accept the challenge...... does not use and other days later, on the present.” “好吧,我接受挑战……不用等三天后了,就现在吧。” Then, he wields single-handed, several hundred kilograms centaur young girls were being driven soaring by the carbine, was screaming pounds loudly in the ground, has been gripping tightly the carbine also lets go. 说罢,他单手一挥,数百公斤的半人马少女被骑枪带动着腾空而起,尖叫着轰然砸在地面上,一直紧攥着的骑枪也脱了手。 Oh! Actually you did anything!” “天哪!你究竟干了什么!” The caravan bosses hold to call out in alarm, quickly goes forward to support by the arm that centaur young girl, the thin and small physique cannot lift that several hundred kilograms body weight. 商队老板抱头惊叫,急忙上前去搀扶那半人马少女,瘦小的体格却怎么也抬不起那数百公斤的体重。 You know that who this young lady is? But she " Sri Lanka Cudia Chamber of Commerce " the aloneness of boss lives the favored daughter! How can you under such heavy hand? Ended, how I go back to explain with Mr. Cudia!” “你知道这位小姐是谁吗?她可是「斯库提亚商会」老板的独生爱女!你怎么能下这么重的手?完了,我怎么回去跟斯库提亚先生交待啊!” Was I loses.” “是我输了。” The centaur young girl is struggling standing up, scared turns around to move toward behind the caravan, falls continually in the carbine of ground does not want. 半人马少女挣扎着站起身,失魂落魄的转身走向商队后方,连掉在地上的骑枪都不要了。 Gives him a horse......, although this duel does not have the gambling stake, but is I shoulders after all unilaterally, regardless of the victory and loss, cannot saying that our Sri Lanka Cudia Chamber of Commerce bullies.” “给他一匹马……虽然这次决斗没有赌注,但毕竟是我单方面挑起的,无论输赢,不能让人说我们斯库提亚商会仗势欺人。” The hoofbeat forwarded several steps, the troops young girl has turned round suddenly, in the watery blue eye pupil burnt again the fighting spirit. 马蹄声向前走了几步,人马少女忽然回过身,水蓝色的眼眸中再次燃烧起了斗志。 „Does outsider, you name?” “外乡人,你叫什么名字?” Ye Yan.” 夜魇。” I remembered, when I am promoted after the silver knight, I will challenge again your! Next I will not lose time again!” “我记住了,等我晋升为白银骑士后,我会再次挑战你的!下一次我绝不会再输了!” Luo Jie received the horses reins that pulls from the caravan manager hand, revealed an injury is not big to the centaur young girl, but insulting extremely strong polite smile. 罗戒从商队管事手中接过牵来的马匹缰绳,向半人马少女露出了一个伤害不大,但侮辱性极强的礼貌笑容。 Good, so long as you happily good. 好吧,只要你开心就好。 Asked the ticket...... the words saying that regarding centaur lifeform, I was the sincerity being able to get down age, must make up the number to the Luo Jie harem, listens to your opinions. The painted eggshell chapter has the centaur. 求票……话说,对于半人马这种生物,我是真心下不去牙口,要不要给罗戒的后宫凑个数,听你们的意见吧。彩蛋章有半人马。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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