NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#902: Also there is a strange thing to mix

Chapter 902 also had the strange thing to mix 第902章又有奇怪的东西混进来了 Rides the horses that the bewildered duel is winning, Luo Jie then arrives at the imperial city in these half mainland biggest empire to be at quickly- imperial capital. 骑着莫名其妙决斗赢来的马匹,罗戒很快便到达了这半块大陆最大帝国的皇城所在-帝都。 In fact, the empire for the surname of emperor conducted the name at the beginning of the founding of the nation on by initially. 事实上,帝国在建国之初就以初代皇帝的姓氏进行了命名。 But does not know how stemming from individual interest, to increase to own surname for the emperor initially too multipurpose showed the title and empty word of honor and martial arts, even also made the imperial special-purpose character that several Great Sage could not read out, must write down the full title of empire, at least with half page of characters, several hundred letters let alone writes the easy mistake, read is biting one's tongue. 但不知是出于个人兴趣怎么着,初代皇帝给自己的姓氏中添加了太多用来彰显荣誉与武功的称号和虚字,甚至还造了几个大贤者都读不出的皇家专用字,以至于要写下帝国的全称,至少得用半页字,几百个字母别说写着容易错,就是念着都咬舌头。 Therefore gradually, only called empire, became the custom that the folk was established by usage, even empire official some did not need the too official house document afterward, will use this type to be said. 于是久而久之,只称呼“帝国”,就成了民间约定俗成的规矩,甚至后来就连帝国官方一些不需要太正式的内部文件,也会使用这种简称。 Why can explain suddenly this seemingly not related topic? That is because- the full title of imperial capital is also that names for the emperor initially. 为什么要突然解释一下这个貌似不相关的话题呢?那是因为-帝都的全称也是那位初代皇帝陛下命名的。 Luo Jie before the horse city gate outside writes the imperial capital full title the stele, looks at half to think that two see with a blur, the line of sight jumped unable to find the focus repeatedly horizontally, was simply direct to rub. 罗戒驻马城门外写有帝都全称的石碑前,才看了一半就觉得两眼发花,视线反复横跳找不到焦点,索性直接一撸到底。 Un, the imperial capital, is this, harnesses! 嗯,帝都,就是这样,驾! Paid the entering city fees of several copper coins in the city gate place to the guard, Luo Jie then entered this empire biggest city easily. 在城门处向卫兵交了几枚铜板的入城费,罗戒轻而易举便进入了这座帝国最大的城市。 With «Cut initially Red» world imperial capital that type seems like that fresh flower brocade, the raging fire boils compared with the false prosperity of oil actually, the prosperity of this imperial capital can see to touch obtains. 与当初《斩红》世界帝都那种看似鲜花着锦,实则烈火烹油的虚假繁荣相比,这座帝都的繁荣是看得见摸得到的。 The spacious neat square, the street of heavy traffic, is the noisy lively rural fair, on the finding at everywhere face is brimming with happy smile people. 无论是宽敞整洁的广场,车水马龙的街道,还是嘈杂热闹的集市,随处可见脸上洋溢着幸福笑容的人们。 Naturally, is completely human. 当然,全部都是人类。 But the Demi-Human within line of sight institute and range, mostly wears the dirty crude clothes, is doing most painstakingly the most tired work, either simply is the losing footing little elder sister who the mercenary adventurer of whole body scabs or is beautifully attired. 而视线所及范围内的亚人种,大多穿着肮脏简陋的衣服,干着最苦最累的工作,要么就干脆是满身伤疤的佣兵冒险者或花枝招展的失足小姐姐。 The empire discriminates against the Demi-Human race the atmosphere, manifests incisively in this city, even must compared with other territory and dependent country redder fruits does not cover up. 帝国歧视亚人种族的风气,在这座城市中体现得淋漓尽致,甚至要远比其他领地与附属国更加赤果果的毫不遮掩。 Luo Jie looked for one at will seemed like also calculates clean inn, after registration room, placed the horses in the shop, strolls around rural fair alone on foot. 罗戒随意找了一家看起来还算干净的旅店,登记房间后将马匹寄养在店中,独自徒步在附近的集市逛了逛。 Although he has not seen these to come from gate in the imperial capital at present another side personnel, but in the market has been able to see existence of few modernized manufactured products. 虽然他目前还没有在帝都中看到那些来自“门”另一侧的人员,但市面上已经可以看到少量现代化工业产品的存在。 Considering that knocks on the team also to be insufficient the precious ample capacity waste above changing the wholesale of small articles, it is estimated that these modernized products should from certain diplomatic gift that channels that must not exposed to the light flow out. 考虑到叩队还不至于将宝贵的运力浪费在捣腾小商品批发上面,估计这些现代化产品应该是从某些见不得光的渠道流出的外交礼物。 However these with humanities and photo album what's the matter? Is the cultural exchange...... 不过那些同人本和写真集是怎么回事?算是文化交流么…… The scale of imperial capital is huger than the imagination, Luo Jie strolled a small corner region merely, the weather near dusk. 帝都的规模远比想象中更加庞大,罗戒仅仅只是逛了一个小小的角落区域,天色就已近黄昏。 Comparison World book Runge Runge On labelling, Luo Jie found the imperial capital adventurer association. 对照【世界全书・隆戈隆戈】上的标注,罗戒找到了帝都冒险者公会。 This is actually not the evil different world setting, also has similar existence in the modern society. 这其实并不是什么恶俗的异世界设定,在现代社会同样也有类似的存在。 Trading a name was very familiar- labor market. 换个称呼就很熟悉了-劳动力市场。 Luo Jie registers the adventurer actually not, is only pure sitting in its subordinate operation tavern, selects high calorie meal that a adventurer most loved and one glass of ales, peaceful sitting in the common corner, raises up the ear to listen to these idle adventurers to blow flamboyant. 罗戒倒不是来注册冒险者的,只是单纯的坐在其直属经营的酒馆中,点了一份冒险者最爱的高卡路里套餐和一杯麦酒,安静的坐在不起眼的角落里,竖起耳朵听那些无所事事的冒险者们吹牛逼。 Heard? These green clothes people started to expand the Arnous hill the fence, this probably is this year's expanded for the third time, this time ground projected on at the foot of the mountain, now the entire mountain is occupied by these different people.” “听说了吗?那些绿衣人又开始扩建阿尔努斯山丘的围墙了,这好像已经是今年的第三次扩建了,这次的地基都打到山脚下了,现在整座山都被这些异界人占了啊。” What's the big deal? These human aristocrats do not worry, worries with your Demi-Human? Empire conscription I do not go in any case, god knows which day must take the green clothes person of fearful magic weapon to make war with these, I do not want to give these human aristocrats to work as the cannon fodder.” “那又如何?那些人类贵族都不操心,用你一个亚人操心?反正帝国这次征兵我是不去,天知道哪天又要跟那些拿着可怕魔法武器的绿衣人开战,我可不想去给那些人类贵族当炮灰。” Yes, such compares, when the adventurer safety point...... that you said, the empire is resigned to think so the territory was seized by these green clothes people little?” “就是,这样一比,还是当冒险者安全点……那你说,帝国就甘心这么看着领土被那些绿衣人一点点占领吗?” Is definitely unwilling, all day what or in Upper House to quarrel?” “肯定不甘心啊,要不元老院里整天吵什么?” But...... several hundred thousand armies hit not to have, how to think that the empire was only also left over to negotiate peace a road to walk?” “可……几十万大军都打没了,怎么想帝国也只剩下议和一条路可走了吧?” That also not necessarily, had the reliable hearsay saying that- the big princess in empire " " your highness, called many big magicians in secret, started that by initially for the ultimate magic that the emperor researched and developed.” “那也未必,有可靠的小道消息说-帝国的大公主「拉缇丝」殿下,暗中召集了多名大魔法师,启动了那个由初代皇帝研发的终极魔法。” „? In that legend the far-fetched formidable summons the technique? Did not say that besides initially for emperor, have some people never succeeded?” “啊?难道就是那个传说中不靠谱的勇者召唤术?不是说除了初代皇帝以外,从未有人成功过吗?” Success succeeded, the formidable but who summoned it is said was only puts on a anomaly of shorts, after giving big princess arched bridge to hug to fall, does not know where ran up.” “成功是成功了,但据说召唤出的勇者是个只穿着一条短裤的变态,给了大公主一个拱桥式抱摔后就不知跑到哪去了。” Hears here, Luo Jie ale puffs out. 听到这里,罗戒一口麦酒喷了出去。 What strange thing...... had to mix a moment ago? 刚才……是不是有什么奇怪的东西混进来了? Big princess also turns to any doctor one can find when critically ill, always the mission of formidable is to eliminate the fiendish person either, either is slaughter dragon, to these green clothes people, I looked that even the formidable still not necessarily can withstand.” “大公主也是病急乱投医,历来勇者的使命要么是消灭魔王,要么是屠龙,对上那些绿衣人,我看就算是勇者也未必顶得住。” Said is, these green clothes people also occupied the Arnous hill, can the meaning that also do not hit, why provoke them for the face again? Has that unnecessary military, went everywhere " flame dragon " to kill that only attacked the village was not good?” “说得就是,那些绿衣人也就是占了个阿尔努斯山丘,又没有要打过来的意思,何必非得为了脸面再去挑衅他们?有那个多余的兵力,去把那只到处袭击村庄的「炎龙」杀了不好吗?” Heard that three princess Pinna your highness proposed several times must bring hand/subordinate " wild rose knight rolls " crusades against the flame dragon, but was actually all given the rejection by the emperor.” “听说三公主「平娜」殿下几次提出要带手下的「蔷薇骑士团」去讨伐炎龙,但却全被皇帝陛下给拒绝了。” Three princess actually good people, what a pity are only the tenth position successor, the throne of empire is not one's turn on her, otherwise our these Demi-Human can also feel better.” “三公主倒是个不错的人,可惜只是第十顺位继承人,帝国的皇位怎么也轮不到她头上,不然我们这些亚人还能好过些。” Oh, even after first has the flame dragon, has the green clothes person, empire that like mountain palatial calm empire, if our Demi-Human still had such country well......” “唉,就算先有炎龙后有绿衣人,帝国还是那个如高山般巍峨沉稳的帝国,要是我们亚人也有这样的国家就好了……” Our Demi-Human race were too multi-, each race has the respective custom and benefit demand, very difficult opinion unified joining up......” “咱们亚人的种族实在太多了,每个种族都有各自的习俗与利益需求,很难意见统一的联合起来……” In the past the wing person clan and Harpy Clan, these two flight races also attempted to resist the empire jointly, is leaning on the steep appearance of the mountain and empire resisted for more than ten years, but was actually captured by the empire because of the internal split finally at one fell swoop, the initial wing person clan princesses became the captive to play with seek pleasure for the human aristocrat.” “当年翼人族与哈比族,这两个飞行种族也尝试过联手对抗帝国,倚靠着陡峭的山势与帝国对抗了十几年,但最终却因内部分裂被帝国一举攻陷,就连当初的翼人族公主都成了阶下囚供人类贵族玩弄取乐。” Now in the black street the female female of these wing person clan and Harpy Clan, having was initially the aristocrat females in two flight race alliances, after the empire they grasped, broke off their wings, making them lose by the ability that the flight made a living, can only by betraying the body humiliation seeks livehood......” “现在黑街中那些翼人族与哈比族的女支女,有很多都是当初两个飞行种族联盟中的贵族女子,帝国将她们抓来后弄断了她们的翅膀,让她们失去靠飞行谋生的能力,只能靠出卖身体屈辱求生……” Originally are these bird men so pitiful? I must go to consider their business tonight well, heard that these flight races be higher than our these beasts races body temperatures, hehehe......” “原来那些鸟人那么可怜?那我今晚可得去好好照顾一下她们的生意了,听说这些飞行种族要比我们这些兽类种族的体温要高呢,嘿嘿嘿……” It is said is good, but I to feather allergy......” “据说是不错,不过我对羽毛过敏……” Haha, you are really unlucky, I will come back to share with you feeling tomorrow.” “哈哈,你真是倒霉,我明天回来会把感受跟你分享的。” Hears here, Luo Jie lifted the hand to passing by the server hit a sound to refer, is pointing at adjacent seat these two big mouth pig headmen, said: Server, the bills of these two friends calculate my, gives these two to add one barrel of ales while convenient again.” 听到这里,罗戒抬手向路过的服务生打了个响指,指着邻座这两个大嘴巴猪头人,道:“服务生,这两位朋友的账单算我的,顺便再给这二位加一桶麦酒。” Under the ritual in people, must ask. 礼下于人,必有所求。 Two pig headmen are also here slippery customer, various customs between very clear adventurers, looked at each other postocular spot to nod mutually, set out to sit in Luo Jie this table. 两名猪头人也算是这里的老油条,很清楚冒险者之间的各种规矩,互相对视了一眼后点点头,起身坐到了罗戒这一桌上。 This friend is very unfamiliar, is the rookies of association?” “这位朋友很面生啊,是公会的新人吗?” Luo Jie holds up the wine glass to smile ; I am not the imperial capital person, is only one via the merchant of this place.” 罗戒举起酒杯笑了笑;“我不是帝都人,只是一名途经此地的客商。” Saying, two gold coins is springing from his hand, is tumbling the charming golden ray, falls on the two pig headman front desktops of one after another. 说着,两枚金币从他的手中弹出,翻滚着迷人的金色光芒,接连落在两名猪头人面前的桌面上。 About these strange people clan and Harpy Clan female female matter, can relate in detail with me again?” “关于那些异人族与哈比族女支女的事,可以再跟我细说一下吗?” Two pig headmen by with build not symmetric clever grasps the gold coin on table fast in the hand, in two pairs of dreadful pisolite eyes showed the smile of senior driver riddle. 两名猪头人以与体形不相称的灵巧将桌上的金币飞快抓在手里,两双猥琐的豆粒眼中露出了老司机谜之微笑。 Does not have issue X2!”( *) bd ( * ) “没问题X2!”(*)bd(*) Asks the ticket...... tonight to ask for leave to take a proper bath, can only renew so many, will wait for me to wash tomorrow fragrant fragrant pushes to you in vain again...... 求票……今晚请假去洗个正经澡,只能更新这么多了,等明天我洗白白喷香香再给你们多挤点…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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