NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#900: Does not contract widowed contracts unevenly

Chapter 900 does not contract widowed contracts unevenly 第900章不患寡而患不均 Sold to us! In head of the clan Ye Yan, I spends the flowered section to be willing to pay usually the market price double prices!” “卖给我们!夜魇族长,我花里花部愿出平日市价双倍的价格!” I fold Department three times of prices!” “我折尔部出三倍价格!” Head of the clan Ye Yan, I take off/escape the section there is no money, but these commodities were too important to our clansmen, can I the evening go to your tent to discuss slowly?” 夜魇族长,我多脱部没什么钱,可这些物资对我们族人实在太重要了,我能不能晚上去你的帐篷慢慢谈?” Shut up, takes off/escapes your horse flea rabbit, is the Chinese pear-leaf crabapple greatly great?” “闭嘴,多脱你个马蚤兔子,柰子大了不起啊?” Excuse me, the Chinese pear-leaf crabapple can act in a self-serving manner greatly!” “不好意思,柰子大就是可以为所欲为!” The northern snowfield resources are barren, the income depends entirely on the furs and various types of special product herbal medicines that the hunting must come, even if in the past opening traded, in human merchant deliberately under kept prices down, the winterring commodity that can buy was still beset with problems, do not say that now trades to close, even if rich did not have the place to buy. 北方雪原资源贫瘠,收入全靠狩猎得来的毛皮和各种特产草药,以往即便是开放互市,在人类商人的刻意压价下,能买到的过冬物资也是捉襟见肘,更不要说现在互市关闭,就算有钱都没地方买去。 These commodities that for " night section " puts out, the hunter rabbit head of the clan it can be said that used the skills, the quarrel sound is also getting bigger and bigger, drew a sword directly the piece in the tent on the difference. 为了「夜部」拿出的这些物资,众猎头兔族长可以说是使出了浑身解数,争吵声也越来越大,就差直接在帐篷里拔刀开片了。 Luo Jie rubbed the forehead subconsciously, these rabbit mothers grow obviously are good, may mention the words to do to stage a rebellion is actually the whole body bandit air/Qi, if exchanges the black suit the animal skin, the bone decoration exchanges the gold chain, the proper port produces the criminal syndicate piece simply ready. 罗戒下意识揉了揉额头,明明这些兔娘长得还算不错,可说起话做起事却是满身的匪气,要是把兽皮换上黑西装,骨饰换上金链子,简直就是妥妥的港产黑帮片。 Really only depends on hunter rabbit clan is not realistic, oneself are must establish one to be able with the empire and knocks on the team equal dialog the Demi-Human country, is not the different world north greenwood total bandit chief...... 果然只靠猎头兔这一族是不现实的,自己是要建立一个能与帝国和叩队平等对话的亚人国家,可不是异世界北方绿林总瓢把子啊…… Sufficed!” “够了!” Luo Jie will drink severely, making at present this like the food market noisy Matoba surface shortly peaceful. 罗戒一声厉喝,让眼前这如菜市场般乱哄哄的场面顷刻安静下来。 His line of sight tears the animal skin that is in utter confusion to install in these hunter rabbit head of the clan one by one has swept...... , that grey rabbit muscle elder sister expensive/noble jumps over directly, relies on the throne arm rest to support the chin single-handed, the faint smile: I lift to make you have a look, said that can sell?” 他的视线在这些猎头兔族长们撕扯得凌乱不堪的兽皮装上逐一扫过……唔,那个灰兔肌肉姐贵直接跳了过去,单手倚着王座扶手撑着下巴,似笑非笑道:“我只是抬出来让你们看看而已,什么时候说要卖了?” Bastard! You play us......” grey rabbit head of the clan " " subconscious to draw a sword, the line of sight falls on the black great sword that by the throne is ready to make trouble, unwilling clenching teeth gave to put the hand. “混蛋!你耍我们……”灰兔族长「德蕾」下意识就要拔刀,视线落在王座旁蠢蠢欲动的黑色巨剑上,不甘心的咬着牙把手又给放了回去。 Luo Jie indifferent shrugged. 罗戒无所谓的摊了摊手。 Head of the clan, you are also long of clan, can so not be naive? You are not the person of my tribe, why can only a few words sell to your thing? Naturally, if the person of my tribe, that regarded as another matter......” “德蕾族长,你好歹也是一族之长,能不能别这么天真?你又不是我部落的人,凭什么只一句话就要卖给你东西?当然,如果是我部落的人,那就另当别论了……” These words are not the suggestion, was indicating clearly completely. 这句话已经不是暗示,完全就是在明示。 Follows me, has the meat to eat. 跟我走,有肉吃。 In the discussing official business tent/account fell into for a very long time silence, dozens hunter rabbit head of the clan or knit the brows to rack one's brains, or looks around, the innermost feelings had fallen into contradictory struggling obviously. 议事帐内陷入了久久的沉默,数十名猎头兔族长或皱眉苦思,或东张西望,内心显然已陷入了矛盾的挣扎。 „Can head of the clan Ye Yan, ask one, what extra condition joins your tribe to have?” 夜魇族长,能不能问一句,加入你们部落有什么额外的条件吗?” First relents is that " takes off/escapes section " brown sends the young girl head head of the clan as before, although the makings of this woman some smoke regard to flatter the line, in the bone is actually the hunter rabbit clan very rare astute person. 最先松口的依旧是那「多脱部」的棕发少女彐族长,这女人的气质虽有些烟视媚行,骨子里却是猎头兔族很少见的精明人。 The grey rabbit muscle elder sister is expensive " " a palm of the hand to pat front wooden table crushes, angrily rebukes to say angrily: Escapes! Your this rebel! Grain and did the salt give the buy you? Unexpectedly does being willing make a human man ride in your head? Do you have not to have a little a dignity as hunter rabbit clan?” 灰兔肌肉姐贵「德蕾」一巴掌将面前的木桌拍得粉碎,愤然怒斥道:“多脱!你这个叛徒!难道一点粮食和盐巴就把你给收买了吗?居然甘愿让一个人类男人骑在你的头上?你还有没有点身为猎头兔一族的尊严?” Other hunter rabbit head of the clan keep silent, the vacillated standpoint made them really not know where this/should opens the mouth helped. 其他猎头兔族长默不作声,早已动摇的立场让她们实在不知该开口帮哪边。 " Escapes " finger to pull the brown braid that hangs in one side shoulder, several points self-ridiculed wear a look are sneering: We take off/escape the section are the small tribes of more than 300 person, may not have your Department big enterprise has lots of assets...... our clan and tribe dead of starvation and cold the clansman to have dozens in the winter of this year, to save grain, the old people in clan are willing to enter the remote mountain, the newly-born baby was choked to death by mother personally, that sorrow actually the weak mood, the person of this big tribe birth feared that has not realized for a lifetime?” 「多脱」手指挽着垂在一侧肩头的棕色发辫,面带几分自嘲般的冷笑着:“我们多脱部就是个三百多人的小部落,可没你们德蕾部那么家大业大……今年冬天我们部族因冻饿而死的族人已经有几十个了,为了节约一点粮食,族中的老人甘愿走进深山,刚出生的婴儿被母亲亲手掐死,那种悲痛却又无力的心情,你这种大部落出生的人怕是一辈子都没体会过吧?” „If not go on living continually exactly, the dignity of what hunter rabbit clan but also discussed? Right, you can say that I take off/escape despicable, so long as my clansman can eat to the full to put on warmly, goes to especially the tradition of what hunter rabbit clan! Let alone is to make head of the clan Ye Yan ride above me, even if rides on me does not have the issue!” “如果连活都活不下去,还谈什么猎头兔族的尊严?没错,你们可以说我多脱下贱,只要我的族人能够吃饱穿暖,去特么的什么猎头兔族的传统!别说是让夜魇族长骑在我头上,就算是骑在我身上都没问题!” Usually the meeting wind yellow piece, is in front of other families man even now, " takes off/escapes " the flight clearance makes the hunter rabbit head of the clan somewhat awkward, to caress the ear to find the clue make to conceal the respective non- nature subconsciously. 平时开会飙黄段子也就算了,如今当着一个外族男人的面,「多脱」的放飞自我让众猎头兔族长有些尴尬,下意识以抚耳摸头来掩饰各自的不自然。 However...... the words coarse principle is not coarse. 但是……话糙理不糙。 In the tent/account the head of the clan the line of sight are centralized , on Luo Jie that sits well in the animal skin throne, the latter smiles, stretches out two fingers. 帐内众族长将视线集中在了端坐于兽皮王座的罗戒身上,后者笑了笑,伸出两根手指。 Here has to form an alliance and merge into two ways, looked that which way took off/escaped the head of the clan you to choose.” “我这里有结盟和并入两种方式,就看多脱族长你要选择哪种方式了。” Forms an alliance, according to the beforehand convention, you maintains the alliance with our department as before, presents me for the king, obeys all my orders not to defy in the range of treaty of alliance.” “结盟,就是依照之前的惯例,你们与我部依旧保持联盟关系,奉我为王,在盟约的范围内听从我的一切命令不得违抗。” Merges, lifts the clan to move to become the member of our department, I can guarantee that I to merging into the members of clan and tribe will treat impartially- in fact, originally " Dewe Department " the clansman to me will also be some strange faces.” “并入,举族搬迁成为我部的一份子,我可以保证我会对并入部族的成员一视同仁-事实上,原「蒂尤蕾部」的族人对我来说也都是些陌生面孔。” „The treatment that naturally, these two choices can obtain is entirely different.” “当然,这两种选择能得到的待遇是截然不同的。” If the choice forms an alliance, I will sell the commodity that the empire embargoes according to the market price to you.” “如果选择结盟,我会按照市价向你们出售帝国禁运的物资。” If the choice merges, the clan and tribe will be responsible for the basic necessities of life of each clansman and other provisionings, and underage child provides the living cost allowance of minimum degree to old person monk who each position loses the ability to act.” “如果选择并入,部族会负责起每位族人的衣食住行等一切物资供应,并对每位失去行动能力的老人和尚未成年的儿童提供最低程度的生活补助。” respectful body stands nearby former hunter rabbit queen " Dewe " to raise the head slightly, is looking on the throne that superficial then in the human man of aspect control the tent/account in hand, facial expression even more five senses mixed Chen who in the scarlet red eyes pupil shows. 恭身站一旁的原猎头兔女王「蒂尤蕾」微微抬起头,望着王座上那轻描淡写便将帐内局面掌控在手中的人类男子,赤红眼眸中透出的神情愈发五味杂陈。 This is the open intrigue, the open intrigue of scarlet fruits. 这是阳谋,赤果果的阳谋。 Two choices seem like that finally can obtain the important winter commodity fruitfully, the actual result has huge difference. 两个选择看似最终都能如愿以偿的得到重要的越冬物资,实际结果却是有着天壤之别的。 The hunter rabbit clan and tribe basically is one group of poor wretches, even has not closed before trading of empire, the commodity that every year can exchange still and is not enough to support a winter completely, will have weak unable to endure next year spring as before. 猎头兔部族基本都是一群穷光蛋,即便是未曾关闭与帝国的互市以前,每年能交换到的物资也并不足以完全撑过一个冬季,依旧会有年老体弱者熬不到来年的春天。 The choice forms an alliance, by market price purchase commodity, makes the condition return to trade before . 选择结盟,以市价购买物资,也只是让状况回到互市以前罢了。 But the matter in world, does not contract widowed contracts unevenly. 但世间之事,不患寡而患不均。 Without the second option, everyone wants to be hungry hungrily, the millenniums have crossed since any case, no one does not feel right. 如果没有第二个选项,大家要饿就都饿着,反正千年以来都是这么过的,也没什么人觉得不对。 But currently has a tribe to be suddenly extravagant, when others are povertying to boil in the winter, they can actually eat the hot pot to sing in the warm tent, this special puts someone to endure? 可现在却有个部落突然阔了,别人都在忍饥挨饿熬冬天时,她们却能在温暖帐篷里吃着火锅唱着歌,这特么搁谁谁能忍? What most certainly is, chose the first second type, the prerequisite must acknowledge that Luo Jie regarding the highest leadership of hunter rabbit clan and tribe, but this subverted the hunter rabbit clan and tribe only took this clan female as to command since the ancient times most fundamental rule exactly. 最绝的是,无论是选择了第一种还是第二种,前提条件都是必须承认罗戒对于猎头兔部族的最高领导权,而这恰恰颠覆了猎头兔部族自古以来只以本族女性为统领的最基本规则。 Once broke guarding in this point, chooses seemingly conservative first again, on the contrary laughable proud Jiaogan. 一旦在这一点上破了防,再去选择看似保守的第一条,反倒给人一种可笑的傲娇感了。 Before brown sends the young girl head Dotteau arriving throne without hesitation, such as initial " Dewe " kneels to bend down in the place, is kissing the Luo Jie shoes point. 棕发少女彐「多托」毫不犹豫的来到王座前,如当初的「蒂尤蕾」般跪伏在地,亲吻着罗戒的鞋尖。 I, take off/escape, resigns head of the clan voluntarily, leads complete 317 people and at nightfall section.” “我,多脱,自愿卸任族长一职,率全部三百一十七人并入夜部。” Had " took off/escaped " opening, other head of the clan also removed the psychological pressure one after another, knelt down one after another under the throne, expressed willingness to lift the clan to merge. 有了「多脱部」开头,其他族长也陆续卸去了心理包袱,接连跪倒在王座之下,表示愿举族并入。 Naturally, did not mean that Luo Jie has anything „the air/Qi of Overlord, the tiger body shakes can bow the head in greeting. 当然,并不是说罗戒有什么“王霸之气”,虎躯一震就能让人纳头便拜。 Mainly is the head of the clan of hunter rabbit clan is really not the good work. 主要是猎头兔族的族长真不是什么好活儿。 The privilege basically does not have, a broken matter actually big pile, worries about the labor force not to flatter, if were not elected really unable to hide by the clansman, basic few individual is willing to sit this unlucky position. 特权基本没有,破事倒是一大堆,操心劳力又不讨好,如果不是被族人推选实在躲不掉,基本没几个人愿意坐这个倒霉位置。 Few money leave the family/home to be near with human official that type exactly much, the powerful responsibility is little is completely two matters. 和人类官员那种“活少钱多离家近,位高权重责任轻”完全是两码事。 Now some people are willing to take over, these hunter rabbit head of the clan actually look forward to hurry the clan and tribe current mess to throw to others have a headache. 如今有人愿意接手,这些猎头兔族长其实巴不得赶紧把部族当下的烂摊子扔给别人去头疼。 How as to the clansman to explain that the kings of clan and tribe turned into a man- can eat to the full the belly, but also do some people manage this trifling thing especially? 至于怎么向族人去解释部族的王变成了一个男人-能吃饱肚子,还特么有人管这点屁事? Actually regarding ordinary hunter rabbit clansman, so long as the matriarchal society basic structure of tribe is invariable, the whole is primarily the woman as before is operating, the uppermost layer is male is female, actually will not be will make them feel the matter of calamity. 其实对于普通的猎头兔族人来说,只要部落的母系社会基础结构不变,整体依旧是以女人为主在运作,最上层是男是女,其实并不是什么会让她们觉得天塌地陷的事。 Perhaps will make them feel that only has anxiously some, is their new kings is a human. 或许唯一会让她们感到有些许不安的,就是她们这个新任的王是一个人类。 The race barrier, is extinguishes with the simple benefit method very much difficultly. 种族的隔阂,是很难用简单的利益手段去消弭的。 But Luo Jie also has to decide the idea early. 罗戒对此也早有定计。 Good, since everyone present is the whole family, then I announced that a matter- after treating the complete clansman sends here our department, I in this place official founding of the nation, and get married former queen " Dewe " for the first queen.” “好,既然大家现在已是一家人,那么我宣布一件事情-待全部族人迁来我部后,我将在此地正式建国,并迎娶前女王「蒂尤蕾」为第一王后。” Asks the new home who the ticket...... today gives mother -in-law to hang the living room decoration painting, because possibly weary, the condition is not quite good, first pastes these, in the evening will rest well, look can tomorrow write...... yesterday evening to make to ask the ticket small cartoon, in 899 chapters of following painted eggshells, everyone can turn to have a look, the material was named «Formidable Sir Taking a bath Water temperature Is appropriate» the cartoon of meat very meat , the good child do not look, I may remind. 求票……今天去给丈母娘的新家挂客厅装饰画,可能因为疲劳,状态不太好,就先贴这些吧,晚上好好休息一下,看看能不能明天多写点……昨天晚上做了个求票小漫画,在899章后面的彩蛋里面,大家可以翻过去看看,素材是一个名为《勇者大人洗澡水温合适吗》的很肉很肉的漫画,好孩子不要看,我可提醒了啊。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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