NOPTS :: Volume #14 淘汰之异星漂流

#899: I am 1 human

Chapter 899 I am a human 第899章我是一个人类 Put in the past, several thousand soldiers were buried in the northern snowfield, the big prince barely escaped, soon can transmit the empire armies the news that built up in the border. 搁到以往,数千士兵葬身北方雪原,大王子险死还生,用不了多久就能传来帝国大军在边境集结的消息。 But the present empire is not one year ago that rising prosperous empire, 100,000 empires- the armed forces invade gate another end world, named knocked on the army of team almost to hit with the magic salvo completely automatic weapon by one is annihilated. 但如今的帝国已经不是一年前那个如日中天的鼎盛帝国,十万帝国-軍入侵“门”另一端的世界,被一支名为叩队的軍队用魔法般的连发全自动武器打得几乎全军覆没。 In order to guarantee stability of rule, empire emperors in concealing situation of defeat, ordering various states to dispatch troops to the attack already " the Arnous hill that " the knocked on team seizes, 300,000 armies were killed the field littered with corpses, lives the soldier who is running away ten not to save one. 为了保证统治的稳定,帝国皇帝又在隐瞒了战败的情况下,命令各诸侯国出兵进攻已经被叩队占领的「阿尔努斯山丘」,三十万大军被杀得尸横遍野,活着逃出去的士兵十不存一。 Although this treacherous plan made empire's rule stabilize again, let the military force of entire country feeble to the extreme, except for kept the peace reluctantly internally, was also incapable of organizing a nice punitive expedition army again. 这一毒计虽令帝国的统治再次稳定,却让整个国家的军力衰弱到了极点,除了勉强对内维持治安,再也无力组织起一支像样的讨伐大军。 Therefore, even Luo Jie in hunter rabbit clan tribe fan an empire resounding slap in the face, but by " the Arnous hill " the knocking on team blossoms to do the empire that wants the immortal to want, has attended to the non- upper eyelid this small pain, except for ordering to strengthen the defense of northern border pass, closes with the hunter rabbit and other snowfield Demi-Human clan of outside trading, has not transferred the army to conduct the retaliatory punitive expedition completely the meaning. 因此,即便罗戒在猎头兔族部落扇了帝国一记响亮的耳光,但被「阿尔努斯山丘」的叩队内部开花搞得欲仙欲死的帝国,早已顾不上脸上这点小痛,除了勒令加强北方边关的防御,关闭与猎头兔等雪原亚人族的互市以外,完全没有调动軍队进行报复性讨伐的意思。 ...... …… Ten days later. 十天后。 Has changed the name to as " night section " original " Dewe Department " hunter rabbit tribe. 已更名为「夜部」的原「蒂尤蕾部」猎头兔部落。 Two leaders from different hunter rabbit tribe meets on the main road in tribe surrounding, known extremely well mutual is greeting. 两名来自不同猎头兔部落的首领在部落外围的大路上相遇,熟稔的互相打着招呼。 Head of the clan, are you also?” “德蕾族长,你也是才到么?” Without the means that who lets our clan and tribe is farest from here...... takes off/escapes multi- head of the clan, you guess that this time Queen Dewe urgently calls us, what matter is to discuss?” “没办法,谁让我们部族是离这里最远的……脱多族长,你猜这次蒂尤蕾女王紧急召集我们,是要商谈什么事情?” Is the matter of empire...... heard probably the recent empire recent finance becomes serious, plans to increase taxes to our these Demi-Human races outside border, Dewe Department is recent from the empire border, bears the brunt inevitably.” “大概是帝国的事吧……听说最近帝国最近财政吃紧,打算向边境以外的我们这些亚人种族加税,蒂尤蕾部距离帝国边境最近,必然是首当其冲。” You said, Queen Dewe planned convenes various sections to dispatch troops, resists the empire together?” “你是说,蒂尤蕾女王打算召集各部出兵,一起对抗帝国?” This is the biggest possibility.” “这是最大的可能。” „Was Queen Dewe insane? She really thinks that depends on our these tens of thousands hunter rabbit clansmen, can revolt against the empire fully-armed regular army? If by some chance enraged the empire, perhaps our hunter rabbit clan wanted the perishing clan genocide!” “蒂尤蕾女王是疯了吗?她真以为就凭我们这几万猎头兔族人,就能反抗得了帝国全副武装的正规军?万一激怒了帝国,我们猎头兔族恐怕就要亡族灭种了!” Originally continues I alone to think...... head of the clan like this, if this time Queen Dewe really proposed that various dispatching troops propositions, I will be will not approve of absolutely, at the worst will withdraw from this alliance.” “原来不止我一个人这样想啊……德蕾族长,如果这次蒂尤蕾女王真的提出各部出兵的提议,我是绝对不会赞同的,大不了就退出这个联盟。” Without the issue, takes off/escapes the head of the clan, calculates that my, I do not want to make my clansman bring death in vain...... wait/etc under the cavalries in empire, what is that?” “没问题,多脱族长,也算我一个,我可不想让我的族人在帝国的铁骑下白白送死……等等,那是什么?” Two hunter rabbit envoy team Wooler move the reins to settle down to ride the beast, sees only the front roadside not far away, is piling dark cone tall tower, examining carefully unexpectedly is completely becomes by the severed head pile of human! 两支猎头兔使者队伍勒动缰绳驻足骑兽,只见前方路边不远处,堆着一座黑乎乎的圆锥形高塔,细看竟全部是由人类的首级堆成! A sole direct impact top of the head of share of cold air instantaneous two hunter rabbit head of the clan, long sharp ear uncontrolled twitching is vibrating. 一股凉气瞬间两名猎头兔族长的脚底直冲头顶,长长的尖耳不受控制的抽搐抖动着。 Head/Number of people tower! 人头塔! The acquiring fame reason of hunter rabbit clan, with show off the clan and tribe strong military force and head/number of people tower of shock and awe harboring evil intentions! 猎头兔族的得名来由,用以炫耀部族强大武力及震慑居心叵测者的人头塔! Accompanies to jump down the yak rabbit to go forward to examine, after the moment, returns to your letter to report: Head of the clan Sir, these heads are very new, it is estimated that will reap the time not to exceed half a month, all heads for the human young man, so many quantities, the possibility of civilians will not be big, very greatly possibly was the empire soldier of dying in battle.” 一名随从跳下牦兔上前查看,片刻后回来禀报道:“族长大人,这些人头都很新鲜,估计割取时间不会超过半个月,所有人头都为人类青壮男子,这么多的数量,平民的可能性不大,很大可能是战死的帝国士兵。” What?! 什么?! Two hunted for the rabbit clan head of the clan to look at each other one subconsciously, in the mutual expression wrote all over unbelievable. 两名猎兔族族长下意识的对视了一眼,互相的表情中都写满了难以置信。 " Dewe Department " , although is in the north snowfield the strength strongest hunter rabbit clan and tribe, but can the considering everything also on more than 1000 clansmen, how possibly kill so many empire soldiers? Did this pile of heads fear already more than 2000? 「蒂尤蕾部」虽是北方雪原上实力最强的猎头兔部族,可满打满算也就一千多名族人,怎么可能杀得掉这么多的帝国士兵?这堆人头怕已经不下两千颗了吧? Escapes the head of the clan, this inside feared that has the fishy...... I to think suddenly today's tribe alliance congress may have the big matter.” “多脱族长,这里面怕是有蹊跷……我忽然觉得今天的部落联盟大会可能会出大事情。” Oh...... came, had a look to say again.” “唉……来都来了,看看再说吧。” ...... …… Temporarily in the discussing official business tent/account of extension, dozens head of the clan from different tribe is assemble, confidence that in a low voice often whispers. 临时扩建的议事帐内,数十名来自不同部落的族长齐聚一堂,不时交头接耳的低声私语。 The tent entrance opens greatly, the beautiful hunter rabbit female who has the rare snow white hair paces to walk into the discussing official business tent/account. 帐门大开,一名有着稀有的雪白毛发的绝美猎头兔女子踱步走入议事帐。 Make everyone feel what is surprised, this white hair female not to the past such directly trend animal skin throne, but was sideways to give away a path, welcomed a black-clothed person in the extremely respectful stance records. 让所有人感到吃惊的是,这白发女子并没有向以往那样径直走向正中的兽皮王座,而是侧身让出了一条道路,以极为恭敬的姿态将一名黑衣人迎入了帐内。 A human male. 一名人类男性。 Fellow head of the clan, since arrived in full, then I announced a matter- starting today, I " Dewe Department " was officially renamed " night section " , presented this Sir Ye Yan for our department clansmen lord.” “各位族长既然到齐了,那么我宣布一件事情-从今天开始,我「蒂尤蕾部」正式更名为「夜部」,奉这位夜魇大人为我部族人的共主。” " Dewe " melodious speech caused the stir immediately. 「蒂尤蕾」抑扬顿挫的发言顿时激起了轩然大波。 Various hunter rabbit clan and tribe head of the clan this only consider to dispatch troops to resist the empire, has not actually thought first hears unexpectedly is such a more explosive news. 各猎头兔部族族长本只当是要出兵对抗帝国,却没想到最先听到的居然是这样一个更加劲爆的消息。 Whole body muscle, does not result in strongly like the hunter rabbit, seems like bear Renzu the grey rabbit head of the clan to pound the table, interrogation unrestrained/no trace of politeness: Dewe does, actually you want to make what? First did not say that our hunter rabbit clan has not let the masculine leader entire clan precedent, moreover he is human! Difficult to be inadequate you to turn to the empire in secret?” 一名全身肌肉,强壮得不像猎头兔,反倒像是熊人族的灰兔族长拍案而起,毫不客气的质问道:“蒂尤蕾,你究竟想要做什么?先不说我们猎头兔族从来都没有让男性领导全族先例,况且他还是人类!难不成你已经暗中投靠了帝国吗?” The words of this grey rabbit head of the clan almost can represent to present the ideas of all head of the clan, the man who the sex or the race, they are unable to accept a human becomes their new kings. 这灰兔族长的话几乎可以代表在座所有族长们的想法,无论是性别还是种族,她们都无法接受一个人类的男子成为她们新的王。 Naturally, said that " Dewe " turned to the empire, no one believes actually. 当然,说「蒂尤蕾」投靠了帝国,倒是没有什么人相信。 The head/number of people tower bloodstain that after all outside that several thousand head/number of people piles become has not disappeared, by the empire powerful military force, does not need completely to place a rabbit is deceitful, but under such big qualification. 毕竟外面那数千颗人头堆成的人头塔还血迹未消,以帝国强盛的军力,完全没必要为了安插一个兔奸而下这么大的本钱。 Ok, left that big anger, how our queen Sirs want to do, was the wish of she and her clansman, we had no right to interfere.” “好了,别那么大的火气,咱们的女王大人想怎么做,也不过是她和她族人的意愿,我们本就无权干涉。” A stature abundant rhyme, the corner of the eye tears mole, is combing dangerously hairstyle brown sends the hunter rabbit head of the clan to rest one's chin in one's hands single-handed, the smiling stand mediates a quarrel. 一名身材丰韵,眼角泪痣,梳着危险发型的棕发猎头兔族长单手托腮,笑眯眯的站出来劝架。 „, How Dewe you wants to do is your matter, cannot force us also to approve your decision......, if you are determined to present this human man is a lord, we can only cancel your alliance queen status, in addition elects a new queen.” “不过呢,蒂尤蕾你想怎么做是你的事,并不能强制我们大家也认同你的决定……如果你执意要奉这个人类男人为主,那我们就只能取消你的联盟女王身份,另选一名新的女王。” This brown sends words one of the hunter rabbit head of the clan, immediately obtains in the tent/account echoing of all head of the clan, even has started some people to shout in confusion must elect the new queen to come out immediately. 这棕发猎头兔族长的话一出,立刻得到了帐内所有族长的附和,甚至已经开始有人吵嚷着要马上选举新的女王出来。 Luo Jie coughs lightly, in the noisy chaotic Matoba surface the tent/account breaks forcefully: „Can fellow head of the clan, make me say two?” 罗戒轻咳一声,将帐内嘈杂混乱的场面强行打断:“各位族长,能让我说两句吗?” Shut up! A your human has what qualifications in the domain of our hunter rabbit clan......” “闭嘴!你一个人类有什么资格在我们猎头兔族的地盘上……” Strong such as the grey rabbit head of the clan words of bear stop suddenly to here, six a wing throwing knife that is spraying the orange yellow hot blast grazes the most tent like the meteor, the knife point is pointing at her whole body strategic point, steady hovering in in the air. 强壮如熊的灰兔族长话到此处戛然而止,六把喷射着橙黄色热风的羽翼飞刀如流星般飞掠大半个营帐,刀尖指着她的周身要害,稳稳的悬停在空中。 The shutter black great sword was inserted by Luo Jie in one side of animal skin throne conveniently, tucks in the windproof coat, suspends the advantage to sit. 门板般的黑色巨剑被罗戒随手插在兽皮王座的一侧,撩起风衣的后摆居高而坐。 Depends on head/number of people tower that outside that 2000 head/number of people piles become- anyone of you also wants to question that I do have the qualifications to sit here?” “就凭外面那两千个人头堆成的人头塔-你们谁还想质疑一下我有没有资格坐在这里?” In entire big tent/account instantaneous completely silent. 整个大帐内瞬间鸦雀无声。 No one has thought that this look average human man, unexpectedly can be a deeply concealing magician. 谁也没有想到这相貌平平的人类男子,居然会是个深藏不露的魔法师。 They know now finally how tribe entrance that head/number of people tower comes. 她们现在总算是知道了部落门口那座人头塔是怎么来的了。 Thinks is also, if this man enough strong strength, how has not possibly made supercilious " Dewe " queen so respectful and submissive submitting to under foot? 想想也是,如果这个男人没有足够强大的实力,怎么可能让心高气傲的「蒂尤蕾」女王如此恭顺的臣服在脚下? The custom of hunter rabbit clan takes the powerhouse as to revere, Luo Jie demonstrated at this moment overwhelming strength, in the tent/account the looks of head of the clan immediately changed, again without the beforehand dislike and disgruntledness, how many say/way changed into the awe respect...... as if also to hide very much deep frantic desire? 猎头兔族的习俗是以强者为尊,罗戒此刻展示出了压倒性的实力,帐内众族长的眼神立刻变了,再没有之前的厌恶与不悦,换成了敬畏尊重……似乎还有几道隐藏得很深的狂热欲望? That is combing dangerously hairstyle brown sends the young girl head hunter rabbit, the single-handed request chest bows to salute, only expressed the respect to Luo Jie in his own name, and expensive/noble elucidates to say for that grey rabbit elder sister: Respectable master, we were not questioning you command " Dewe Department " qualifications, but our hunter rabbit clan has the custom of our hunter rabbit clan, even if you take the military force to force us to present you for the king of new alliance, but our clansmen will not approve our decisions.” 那梳着危险发型的棕发少女彐猎头兔,单手托胸躬身施礼,仅以个人名义向罗戒表达了敬意,并为那灰兔姐贵开解道:“尊敬的法师阁下,我们并非是在质疑您统领「蒂尤蕾部」的资格,但我们猎头兔族有我们猎头兔族的规矩,就算您以武力逼迫我们奉您为新的联盟之王,但我们的族人也不会认同我们的决定。” Luo Jie looks the appreciation lifts the hand slightly, six wing throwing knives from the sky delimit one group of brilliant flowing light, the top of the head of following the crowd head of the clan have flown, inserts one after another Automaton Lucifer one type In blade trough. 罗戒面露欣赏的微微抬手,六把羽翼飞刀在空中划出一团绚烂的流光,从众族长的头顶飞过,接连插回【机巧人偶路西法・壹式】的刀槽内。 Escapes the head of the clan, yes? I like with your such smart person speech.” “多脱族长,是么?我还是喜欢和你这样的聪明人说话。” Can obtain your such powerhouse's commendation, I am honored very much. Even if this time we " take off/escape section " to withdraw from the alliance, but if there is an opportunity, I welcome the master going our department to be a guest, I am hoping compares notes the technique with you together.” “能得到您这样强者的称赞,我很荣幸。即便这次我们「多脱部」会就此退出联盟,但如果有机会,我非常欢迎法师阁下前去我部作客,我期盼着与您共同切磋技艺。” Luo Jie selective disregarded this brown to send the vague suggestion in young girl head head of the clan that words, both hands turns upwards one leg on the other alternately, said superficially: I always am convince people by reasoning, you are not willing to present me for the lord, I will not force......” 罗戒选择性的无视了这棕发少女彐族长那话语中的隐晦暗示,双手交叉翘起二郎腿,轻描淡写道:“我这个人向来是以理服人的,你们不愿意奉我为主,我也不会强迫……” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Listens to Luo Jie to guarantee like this, in the presenting numerous head of the clan hearts relaxes secretly, although they did not understand that what is Hongmen banquet, but after all here is the domain of clan and tribe, if the opposite party really faces universal condemnation to them comes a nest end, depends on that several guards who they lead, perhaps could not make any nice resistance. 罗戒这样保证,在座众族长心中暗暗松了一口气,她们虽不懂得什么叫“鸿门宴”,可毕竟这里是自己部族的地盘,对方要是真冒天下之大不韪给她们来个一窝端,就凭她们带的那几个侍卫,恐怕根本做不了什么像样的反抗。 Luo Jie indifferent beckoning with the hand , to continue saying: As far as I know, the empire should order, stopped trading with the Demi-Human clan and tribe of northern snowfield?” 罗戒无所谓的摆摆手,继续道:“据我所知,帝国应该已经下令,与北部雪原的亚人部族停止互市了吧?” The hunter rabbit head of the clan annoying say/way of some variety hair: Empire takes stopping trading to coerce, levies taxes from all Demi-Human clans and tribes of our north snowfield forcefully, does not pay in full the tax money unable the food and clothing commodity that purchases to winter to need in the market, even eats Yandu to be a problem......” 某花色毛发的猎头兔族长懊恼道:“帝国以停止互市为要挟,向我们北部雪原的所有亚人部族强行征税,不交足税款就无法在市场上购买过冬所需的衣食物资,甚至连吃盐都成了问题……” Yes, the empire was too overbearing, the north snowfield was our ancestors lived obviously the millenniums lands, they did not have to invest a gold coin here, now actually must come to levy taxes from us, this is stealing openly completely!” “就是,帝国实在太霸道了,明明北部雪原是我们祖先生活了千年的土地,他们没有在这里投入过一个金币,现在却要来向我们征税,这完全就是在明抢!” Said this usefully? We the army of can be victorious empire......” “说这个有用吗?我们又打不过帝国的軍队……” Ok, complained to stop, looked at something to everyone.” “好了,诉苦到此为止吧,给大家看些东西。” Luo Jie lifted the hand to break these agitated hunter rabbit head of the clan, immediately to standing in entrance hunting team leader " Lila " slight nod. 罗戒抬手打断了这些情绪激动的猎头兔族长们,随即向站在门口的狩猎队队长「德莉拉」微微点头。 The tent entrance opens again, big boxes brought in the tent by the sturdy hunter rabbit clansman. 帐门再次开启,一个个大箱子被身强力壮的猎头兔族人抬进营帐。 When sees clearly box inside thing, the head of the clan then could not sit still again, sets out to close in abundance. 待看清箱子里面的东西时,众族长们便再也坐不住了,纷纷起身一拥而上。 This...... is this superior sea salt? Various types of spices?” “这……这是上等的海盐?还有各种香料?” Wheat flour! Sugar and cheese!” “小麦粉!还有糖和奶酪!” Oh! Unexpectedly cotton fabric and tea leaves? How does your tribe do these things? Before trading to close starts to store up?” “天哪!居然还有棉布和茶叶?你们部落是怎么搞到这些东西的?难道在互市关闭以前就开始囤积了?” The numerous head of the clan greedy looks shine sparklingly, wish one could to seize oneself tribe to go these boxes, is good because of them still remembers where after all this is, after noisy crowded pushes and shoves, longing sits own seat again. 众族长们贪婪的眼神烁烁放光,恨不能将这些箱子强抢回自己的部落去,好在她们终归还记得这是在什么地方,乱哄哄的拥挤推搡过后,一个个恋恋不舍的再次坐回自己的座位。 Head of the clan Ye Yan, you looks at this to us, is showing off to us?” The grey rabbit elder sister expensive/noble clenches jaws is staring at Luo Jie, obviously is still bearing a grudge a moment ago by the throwing knife is pointing at the dirty business. 夜魇族长,你给我们看这个,是在向我们炫耀吗?”灰兔姐贵咬牙切齿的盯着罗戒,显然还在记恨刚才被飞刀指着的糗事。 Luo Jie swung the finger, clouds poor business conditions light showing a faint smile: Not head of the clan you misunderstood, I reminded one with this way possibly by detail that you neglected- I was a human.” 罗戒摇了摇手指,云淡风轻的微微一笑:“不德蕾族长你误会了,我只是用这种方式提醒一个可能被你们忽略的细节-我是一个人类。” The empire forbids to sell the commodity to the north snowfield Demi-Human clan, but does not have this limit regarding human. 帝国禁止向北部雪原亚人族出售物资,但对于人类却没有这种限制。 Luo Jie flies to enter a city, looked for a chamber of commerce to order large quantities of commodities at will, forced in son of a bitch " slightly to be possible " again in four dimension space stomach transported, let alone was the empire ban, the normal business tax has not handed over. 罗戒只是飞进城中,随意找了一个商会订购了大批物资,再塞进狗子「小可」的四次元空间肚中一趟趟空运回来,别说是帝国禁令了,就连正常的商税都没交。 The hunter rabbit head of the clan also realized obviously these words back meaning, cannot help but the pleasant surprise happened simultaneously . 众猎头兔族长显然也意识到了这句话背后的含义,不由得惊喜交加,。 How although they cannot think through Luo Jie to evade the strict inspection of Kaesong defense force completely, ships out the border these sensitive materials, but since meets the emergence of mass here, obviously the opposite party definitely has the stable transportation channel. 尽管她们完全想不通罗戒是怎么避开城防军的严密检查,将这些敏感物资运出边境的,但既然会大批量的出现在这里,显然对方绝对有稳定的运输渠道。 Just like this man said that- he is a human. 正如这个男人所说-他是个人类。 Only this status, is their tens of thousands clansmen puts together is unable overwhelming superiority in comparison. 单是这个身份,就是她们几万族人加在一起都无法与之相比的绝对优势。 After asking the ticket...... Luo Jie must construct, G...... founding of the nation, definitely not only then a hunter rabbit Demi-Human race, but the food must eat one after another, at least must first handle this flock of rabbits. 求票……罗戒要建后G……建国,肯定不会只有猎头兔一个亚人种族,但饭要一口一口吃,至少得先把这群兔子搞定。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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