NOPTS :: Volume #12 漆黑之多罗罗

#730: Midnight 3 talented men and beautiful women

In many costume pieces, described the cultivation of farmer, mostly was the ox adds the classical standard configuration of wooden plow. 在很多古装剧中,描写农民的耕作,大多都是黄牛加木犁的经典标配。 But in fact such picture like the domestic-made work place float play , the hero and heroine has 2000 wages, rents to live in 100 even luxury apartments, the whole body name brand fashion, eating meal is the beautifully landscaped high-end restaurant same is surely far-fetched. 但事实上这样的画面就像国产职场悬浮剧中,男女主人公拿着两千块的工资,租住着一百多平的豪华公寓,全身名牌时装,吃饭必定是环境优雅的高档餐厅一样不靠谱。 Even after the founding of the nation, as the important agricultural production tool, cow such large domestic animals many are the public, common land-holding peasant let alone cannot afford collectively, even if can afford, still not necessarily can raise. 即便是在建国后,作为重要的农业生产工具,牛这样的大牲畜也多为集体公有,一般的自耕农别说买不起,就算能买得起,也未必养得起。 Say the famine year's harvest that or do not do not have enough to eat, only that grain also insufficient person eats, which can also have the unnecessary grain to raise cattle? 更不要说还是食不果腹的灾荒年景,仅有的那点粮食还不够人吃,哪还能有多余的粮食来养牛? Time also to not on. 况且时间也对不上。 The old man from going out to coming back, the quarter of an hour, except taking the time of milk, the range that can move is not big, most can only contact the limited several families. 那老者从出门到回来,前后不过一刻钟,除去取奶的时间,能活动的范围并不大,最多只能接触到有限的几户人家。 But nearby several families all are the poor peasant households, even the fence and front gate do not have, only then several crude mud wall thatched huts stand there, if there is a cow large-scale domestic animal, is impossible unable to see the cowshed... 而附近的几户人家无一不是贫苦农户,连围墙和院门都没有,只有几间简陋的泥巴墙茅草屋立在那里,如果有牛这种大型牲畜,不可能看不到牛棚。。。 You said, this elderly man is lying? Is he also a monster?” “你们是说,这个老人家在说谎?难道他也是妖怪?” " Nui No Kata " in a terrified way puts down Tao bowl, before Jorōgumo " Ohagi " had not eliminated to the trauma that she cast, she does not dare to give " Hyakkimaru " to drink this background suspicious milk again. 缝夫人」惶恐的放下陶碗,之前络新妇阿萩」给她留下的心理阴影还没消除,她不敢再给「百鬼丸」喝这来路可疑的牛奶了。 In the Luo Jie heart had guessed indistinctly, beckoning with the hand to hint " Nui No Kata " not to need to be flustered, said: „The old person is human, probably is only some hard thing to bring up.” 罗戒心中隐约有所猜测,摆摆手示意「缝夫人」不必慌张,道:“那老人是人类,大概只是有些难言之隐罢了。” Then, he sets out to move toward the entrance: Time, did not force-feed the child early hurries to rest, tomorrow must continue to hurry along...... to depend on the light you to stay here to protect Nui No Kata, outside I went to find a place to cope with one in the evening.” 说罢,他起身走向门口:“时候不早了,把孩子喂饱就赶紧睡吧,明天还要继续赶路……赖光你留在这里保护缝夫人,我去外面找个地方对付一晚上。” But...... the governing main Sir, outside is unsafe.” “可……御主大人,外面并不安全。” Don't worry.” Luo Jie lifts the hand " Minamoto no Raikō that " prevented to be just about to pursue, did not care at all saying: I did not have to the degree of linking for several minutes not being able to support weakly, if really has the danger, I will call to your.” “不用担心。”罗戒抬手阻止了正要追上来的「源赖光」,毫不在意道:“我还没弱到连几分钟都撑不住的程度,如果真的有危险,我会招唤你的。” Good...... please must be careful.” “那好吧……请务必小心。” The night of small village, silence reigns. 小村的夜,万籁俱寂。 Bright bright moonlight hangs on the black tent/account vault of heaven, puts on a static leisurely silvery brilliance for the land. 一轮皎洁的明月挂在黑帐般天穹上,为大地披上一层静逸的银辉。 Luo Jie goes out of the side room/concubine, emits one " Ghost Pipe Fox " , confirmed the old man in main room/wife to go to sleep, then arrived at the backyard before directly a barn . 罗戒走出偏房,放出一只「幽灵管狐」,确认了正房中的老者已然入睡,便径直来到后院的一座谷仓前。 The barn has not caged, the front door is opening a slit, inside shows the dim light faintly. 谷仓没有上锁,大门开启着一道缝隙,里面隐隐透出黯淡的灯光。 This families' secret looked like on conceals here.” “这户人家的秘密看来就藏在这里了。” Luo Jie is just about to push the door to enter, actually hears the sound that the heavy item falls to the ground suddenly, some as if people circumvent to enter from outside. 罗戒正要推门进入,却忽然听到重物落地的声响,似乎有人从外面翻墙而入。 Is so skillful? It seems like I also come to really be the time.” “这么巧吗?看来我来得还真是时候啊。” The corners of the mouth of Luo Jie revealed wipe the meaningful smile, the figure move integrated in the middle of the darkness of garden. 罗戒的嘴角露出一抹意味深长的微笑,身形一动融入了庭院的黑暗当中。 Young man distressed sitting of under the backyard fence, a scholar dresses up on the ground, looking fierce is rubbing the ankle area. 后院的围墙下,一名读书人打扮的年轻男子狼狈的坐在地上,龇牙咧嘴的揉着脚踝。 Suddenly a cold air dense long blade silent from rear on his neck. 忽然一把寒气森森的长刀无声无息的从后方架在了他的脖子上。 Real man bountiful-” “好汉饶-” The young man just about to kneels begs for mercy, held down by Luo Jie the mouth. 年轻男子刚要跪地求饶,就被罗戒一把按住了嘴巴。 Does not want dead do not call, I asked that what you replied what, cannot say that unnecessary idle talk, understood?” “不想死就别叫,我问什么你回答什么,不许说多余的废话,听懂了吗?” The young man whole face is panic-stricken, nods again and again, Luo Jie then lets loose the hand slowly. 年轻男子满脸惊恐,连连点头,罗戒这才缓缓放开手。 Ok, you can turn the head.” “好了,你可以转过头来了。” Not! The custom I understand! I see your face, really died......” young people to shut tightly the eyes, said that anything does not dare to turn the head. “不不不!规矩我懂!我看到您的脸,就真的没命了……”年轻人紧闭双眼,说什么也不敢转头。 Luo Jie speechless, is disinclined to explain with the opposite party, asked directly: „Who are you? Greater part of the night what circumvents to make?” 罗戒一阵无语,也懒得跟对方解释,直接问道:“你是什么人?大半夜的翻墙来做什么?” Returns to the words of real man, I am a student in this village, always flirts with this young lady correspondence, the young lady makes me this to meet tonight, I keep an appointment, is not evildoers who the night enter the residents......, sorry, I do not mean you, you certainly are the righteousness robber of robbing the rich and helping the poor, will otherwise not give me the opportunity of this insignificant unimportant person explanation.” “回好汉的话,我是这个村里的一名书生,一直以来与这家的小姐书信传情,那小姐约我今夜来此相会,我只是赴约而已,并不是什么夜入民宅的匪类……呃,抱歉,我并不是说您,您一定是劫富济贫的义盗,不然也不会给我这种无足轻重的小人物解释的机会。” This young lady, only then an old man, where comes...... you went astray.” “这家只有一名老翁,哪来的小姐……你走错了。” Is impossible, here also has the faith token that this young lady grants.” As if was for fear that misunderstood by Luo Jie, this year the light student is thrown into confusion pulls out a white paper folding fan from the bosom, points at central vermilion saying: „This paper fan is I today in the wall external connection, above is the rouge that the woman can use, if not the opposite party is willing to meet with me, faith token how may send out such transmission intention?” “不可能,我这里还有这家小姐赠与的信物。”仿佛生怕被罗戒误会,这年轻书生手忙脚乱的从怀中掏出一把白纸折扇,指着中央一点朱红色说道:“这把纸扇是我今天在墙外接到的,上面是女人才会用的胭脂,若非对方愿意与我相见,怎么可能会送出这样传达心意的信物?” Luo Jie received the paper fan, looked that does not look to hold the bosom, coldly said: Now you can walk...... remembered, here anything does not have.” 罗戒接过纸扇,看也不看揣进怀里,冷冷道:“现在你可以走了……记住,这里什么也没有。” Yeah, how you may......” “哎,你怎可……” The young student conditioned reflex must rob, Luo Jie superficial depresses several points the back of the blade, the piercing chill in the air made the young student shrink immediately again tightened the neck, squatted shakes such as a frightened quail on the ground. 年轻书生条件反射就要抢夺,罗戒轻描淡写的将刀背压下几分,刺骨的寒意顿时令年轻书生再次缩紧了脖子,蹲在地上抖得如一只受惊的鹌鹑。 „! I had not seen, my anything has not really seen! The real men forgive, my walks...... not, does not need to urge, I know, without faith token, does not have the young lady, all are my conjecture!” “啊!我没看到,我真的什么也没看到!好汉饶命,我这就走……不不,不用叮嘱,我知道,没有信物,也没有小姐,一切都是我的臆想!” Very good.” “很好。” Luo Jie raised the collar of student, brandished ejected the fence him. 罗戒提起书生的衣领,抡圆了将他抛出围墙。 The hat that the students fall does not dare to pick, disappearance of tumbling in the end of field alley. 书生连掉落的帽子都不敢捡,连滚带爬的消失在田间小路的尽头。 ...... …… Looks at that to wish one could to have the distressed forms of two legs, Luo Jie regrettable shaking the head. 望着那恨不得多生出两条腿的狼狈身影,罗戒遗憾的摇了摇头。 The beforehand threat is actually only a test, if this student can some strengths of spirit, be able to obtain is not now this result. 之前的威胁其实只是个测试,若这书生能有些骨气,能得到的就绝不是现在这种结果。 Takes back the storage space the weapon, Luo Jie reorganizes the clothing slightly, turns around to return to the barn. 将武器收回储物空间,罗戒稍稍整理衣衫,转身返回谷仓。 Opens the front door, what first heaves in sight is a screen. 推开大门,最先映入眼帘的是一道屏风。 Oil lamp that pale yellow ray shows from the interior, projects a head to have the big person's shadow of corner/horn on the screen. 油灯那昏黄的光线从内部透出,在屏风上投射出一个头上有角的高大人影。 Hears the entrance sound of footsteps, the person's shadow in screen trembles slightly, immediately hesitated is stretching out one to compare to the ordinary human obviously big female palm from inside. 听闻门口的脚步声,屏风内的人影微微一颤,随即犹豫着从里面伸出了一只比起普通人类明显偏大的女子手掌。 Must confirm the status......” “是要确认身份么……” Luo Jie smiles, takes out that from the bosom the white paper folding fan, after placed the screen, in palm that gently stretches out. 罗戒笑了笑,从怀中取出那把白纸折扇,轻轻的放在了屏风后伸出的手掌中。 When accepting the folding fan are not many, front screen was turned up one page, inside revealed a face of look melancholy beautiful young girl, disbursement of two curving bull horn from the skull, are exuding a metal hard sense of reality under the complementing of fiery-red long hair. 收下折扇不多时,面前的屏风被折起一页,里面露出了一张眼神忧郁的美丽少女的面孔,两根弯曲的牛角从头骨两侧支出,在火红色长发的映衬下泛着一层金属般的坚硬质感。 Really is she. 果然是她。 This has the young girl of corner/horn also to appear in one of «Jet black» original works monsters, the type is " " . 这有角的少女也是出现于《漆黑》原著中的妖怪之一,种类为「件」。 " " Character disassembles for " person cow " , but unlike the ox head person in Western legend, " " is not the cow first person, but is the opposite person first good body. 「件」字拆开为「人牛」,但与西方传说中的牛头人不同,「件」并非牛首人身,而是相反的人首牛身。 In legend " " after will speak, first few words that said curse about disaster. 传说中「件」在会说话之后,说出的第一句话就是关于灾祸的诅咒。 But in fact, the disaster has not directly related with " " , " " is only a special monster who has the foreknowledge ability, so-called curse reminded human to conduct the prediction of guard merely. 但事实上,灾祸与「件」并没有直接关系,「件」只是一种有预知能力的特殊妖怪而已,所谓的“诅咒”仅仅只是提醒人类进行防范的预言。 May in front of the disaster that is unable to resist, human will often vent anger in " " , thinks that was this monster conducted the curse to them. 可在无法抗拒的天灾面前,人类往往会迁怒于「件」,认为是这种妖怪对他们进行了诅咒。 Gradually, " " this good monster then becomes the ominous synonym, so long as there is newly " " birth, will be killed by panic-stricken human while still alive, does not allow it saying that even if a character. 久而久之,「件」这种善妖便成为了不祥的代名词,只要有新的「件」出生,就会被惊恐的人类活活打死,不允许它说出哪怕一个字。
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