NOPTS :: Volume #12 漆黑之多罗罗

#729: Stays overnight in somebody's home small mountain village

In most stories, the poisonous wound is a mysterious condition of automatic way. 在绝大多数故事中,毒伤都是一种会自动寻路的神奇状态。 The poisoned spots of male character are the arms. 男性角色的中毒部位多为手臂。 Is wounded the fight, wraps up afterward, this spot completely lossless demeanor and makings, even can also depending on adding martial-looking of several points of dauntless man. 无论是带伤战斗,还是事后包扎,这个部位完全无损风度与气质,甚至还能凭添几分硬汉的英武。 If the female character is poisoned, although the poisoned spot is all kinds, actually revolves central two fundamental points to distribute surely, poisonous wound of that dozen sees the blood seals the throat on the supporting role, will not manifest suddenly at this moment surely immediately, but very gentle to a transition period of weak stupor, by convenient surely acts the opportunity of vacuum cleaner in side or nearby actor. 如果是女性角色中毒,中毒部位虽五花八门,却必定围绕着一个中心两个基本点来分布,那打在配角身上见血封喉的毒伤,此刻必定不会马上发作,而是很温柔的给一个虚弱昏迷的过渡期,以方便给必定在旁边或是附近的男主角扮演真空吸尘器的机会。 Luo Jie has not thought as a man, oneself will have by rivers and lakes children not bothering about trifles matter of life and death expedient is engaged in the time. 罗戒从没想过作为一个男人,自己也会有被“江湖儿女不拘小节性命攸关权宜从事”的时候。 Moreover what is most fearful, seemingly tranquil " Minamoto no Raikō " is also under the crazy condition unexpectedly, " real name " is unable to control her... 而且最可怕的是,看似平静的「源赖光」竟还处于狂化状态下,就连「真名」都无法对她进行控制。。。 Let alone venom, Luo Jie felt that the marrow was found time quickly, gets out of trouble after the spider web, has to conduct one time " death recast " , felt that the leg is not soft. 别说“毒液”了,罗戒感觉就连骨髓都快被抽空了,以至于从蛛网上脱困后,不得不又进行了一次「死亡重铸」,才感觉腿没那么软了。 The charm demand of crazy soldier duty step high really lives up to reputation, Luo Jie incomparably rejoiced oneself are Demi-Human The bloodline, trading to do is other players, only feared that light/only made up demon to make up to " Minamoto no Raikō " to the degree of being on the verge of death a time. 狂战士职阶的魔力需求之高果然名不虚传,罗戒无比庆幸自己是【亚人】血统,换做是其他玩家,只怕光是给「源赖光」补一次魔就能补到濒死的程度了。 Has the flavor of spider.” " Minamoto no Raikō " wing of the nose twitch, smelled in the Luo Jie nape of the neck and chest lightly seasoned several, found the village, mother will certainly help you wash off this unpleasant insect smell thoroughly.” “还是有蜘蛛的味道。”「源赖光」鼻翼抽动,在罗戒的脖颈与胸口轻嗅了几下,“等找到了村落,妈妈一定会帮你彻底洗去这股让人不愉快的虫子气味的。” Does not need, I to wash.” “不必了,我会自己洗的。” Under the aftertaste loose sage halo has not shone, Luo Jie to " Minamoto no Raikō " could not mention any thoughts on own initiative, turned around to arrive at the pothole edge downward probe head. 在余韵未散的贤者光环照耀下,罗戒对「源赖光」的主动根本提不起任何心思,转身走到了坑洞的边缘向下探头。 How that can......” " Minamoto no Raikō " as if receive greatest suffering is biting the lip, the flow of tears tears spin in the eye socket, pull following on the heels that the Luo Jie lower hem corner is blindly following suit, the sound sob: In book said that deepens the best way of mother and child fetters is sincerity, mother this also wants with your together artillery hot spring......” “那怎么可以……”「源赖光」仿佛受了莫大的委屈般咬着嘴唇,涟涟泪水在眼眶里打转,牵着罗戒的衣角亦步亦趋的跟在后面,声音哽咽道:“书上说加深母子羁绊的最佳方式莫过于坦诚相见,妈妈本还想与你一起炮温泉的……” Luo Jie holds the volume speechless. 罗戒无语扶额。 He starts to suspect that actually now summon " Minamoto no Raikō " came out is correctly chooses. 他现在都开始怀疑召唤「源赖光」出来究竟是不是个正确的选择了。 Which Heroic Spirit he has also never seen to the governing main desire, will display the so scarlet fruit to not cover up like " Minamoto no Raikō " . 他还从未见过哪个英灵将对御主的欲望,会像「源赖光」这样表现得如此赤果不加掩饰。 Is good because of this is only temporary Heroic Spirit that " Scheherazade " summoned two times, so long as this world finished will vanish automatically, if his summoned Heroic Spirit for the first time is " Minamoto no Raikō " , it is estimated that southeast his early morning even/including Zigua a heart had. 好在这只是「山鲁佐德」二次召唤出的临时英灵,只要这个世界结束就会自动消失,若他的首次召唤英灵是「源赖光」,估计他一早连自挂东南枝的心都有了。 Found was still in the stupor " Nui No Kata " bottom of the tunnel mother and child, Luo Jie one line of tones returns to near the waterfall small log cabin to bring back the horses. 在地洞底部找到了依旧处于昏迷中的「缝夫人」母子,罗戒一行人调头返回了瀑布边的小木屋取回了马匹。 Before at this time, emitted " Ghost Pipe Fox " also brought back to the news, discovered at the foot of the hill the village that human lived, the scale had hundred households fully. 这时之前放出的「幽灵管狐」也带回了消息,在山脚下发现了人类聚居的村落,规模足有百户之多。 No one knows how long " Hyakkimaru " can also support again, to avoid duty failure, Luo Jie by Sweet dew incantation Awakened " Nui No Kata " , holds the horses her, by " Minamoto no Raikō " , in the front is protecting, descends the mountain taking advantage of the moonlight at the same night. 谁也不知「百鬼丸」还能再支撑多久,为避免任务失败,罗戒以【甘露咒】唤醒了「缝夫人」,将她扶上马匹,由「源赖光」在前方保护着,借着月色连夜下了山。 Strikes the wild animal and monster who kills does not show for the time being. 一路击杀的野兽与妖怪暂且不表。 Goes out at the foot of the hill the woods, such as by the jade belt rivers, a static leisurely small village complements in the crisscrossing paths between fields paddy fields. 走出山脚下的树林,如玉带般的河流两侧,一座静逸的小村落掩映在阡陌纵横的水田之间。 At this chaos caused by war continuous, the age that the monster causes trouble, the common people regarding visit of stranger not and friendly, even it can be said that suitable alert. 在这个战乱不休,妖怪作祟的年代,百姓对于陌生人的到访不并友善,甚至可以说是相当的戒备。 After all no one knows the outcome of knocking on a door is steps on the mountain thief mounted scout, mountain spirit monster who changes to the human form. 毕竟谁也不知敲门的究竟是来踩点的山贼探马,还是化作人形的山精妖怪。 In successive years the famine, various grain in storage are not wealthy, usually must get by the wild herbs wild fruit, even if the real traveler stays overnight in somebody's home, they still have nothing to entertain, with its awkward speechless, does not open the door would rather from the beginning. 况且连年饥荒,各家的存粮都不富裕,平日还要靠野菜野果度日,即便是真的旅人借宿,他们也没什么可招待的,与其尴尬无言,倒不如一开始就不开门。 Knocked several not to respond continually, Luo Jie directly soared in the village to seem like the richest that families simply. 一连敲了几家没有回应,罗戒索性直奔村中看起来最有钱的那户人家。 So-called wealthy and powerful family, is only the relative surrounding poor. 所谓大户,也只是相对周围的贫民而言。 In fact this is only a courtyard that is enclosed by Hosoki Fence, inside is building several decent log cabins. 实际上这只是一片由细木篱笆围起的院落,里面搭建着几座像模像样的木屋。 Withstand/Top the shack compared with all around that eyeful grass, this courtyard could be ready proper mansion. 比起四周那满眼的草顶窝棚,这院落已经可以算是妥妥的“豪宅”了。 Luo Jie goes forward to take away the sound front door, soon, an old man who wears the clean cotton garment goes out from the log cabin, is carrying the candle across the garden, opens the door bolt to pull open a slit the front door. 罗戒上前扣响大门,不多时,一名穿着干净布衣的老者从木屋中走出,端着蜡烛穿过庭院,拉开门闩将大门拉开一道缝隙。 Whom do you look for?” “你们找谁?” Late at night disturbs, really sorry.” Luo Jie shows a genial smile, displays to result in the human and animals to be harmless as far as possible, we are the travelers of passing by the road, via here, wants to stop over a evening taking advantage of your here, does not know that facilitates?” “深夜打扰,实在抱歉。”罗戒露出一个和善的笑容,尽可能表现得人畜无害,“我们是过路的旅人,途经此处,想借您这里落脚一晚,不知方不方便?” The old men taking advantage of the candlelight looked at carefully Luo Jie carefully and his behind " Minamoto no Raikō " and " Nui No Kata " , the hesitant moment opens the front door, sighed: This turmoil of war, you lead two female family members also to have the child not easily...... to come, I look for the point to eat to you.” 老者借着烛光仔细端详了罗戒和他身后的「源赖光」与「缝夫人」,犹豫片刻打开大门,叹了口气道:“这兵荒马乱的,你带着两个女眷还有孩子也不容易……进来吧,我给你们找点吃的。” Many thanks the old zhang (3.33 m), this intention please must accept.” “多谢老丈了,这点心意请务必收下。” Luo Jie takes out several finger big disintegration silver ingot stoppers to the hand of old man. 罗戒取出几块指头大的散碎银块塞到老者的手中。 He does not know that these things from where, perhaps by the relic of traveler the monster kills, perhaps is being buried along with the dead of some tomb, in any case is the thing of without owner the nearby buries, finally becomes " Scheherazade " skill " seven sea buried treasures " one of the collections. 他也不知这些东西来自何处,或许是被妖怪杀死的旅人的遗物,也或许是某个墓穴的陪葬,反正都是附近掩埋的无主之物,最终成为「山鲁佐德」技能「七海宝藏」的收藏之一。 The old men cannot shirk, accepting that can only push someone take on a difficult job, to Luo Jie and the others the attitudes was warm several points. 老者推脱不过,只能勉为其难的收下,对罗戒等人的态度又是热情了几分。 Ushers in the side room/concubine Luo Jie several people, the old man carries some cold onigiri from the kitchen, wear a look of apology: Now late at night, does not facilitate to be on fire to prepare food, can only entertain with the food left over, but also please forgive much.” 罗戒几人领进偏房,老者从厨房里端来一些冷饭团,面带歉意道:“现在深夜,不方便起火做饭,只能用剩饭招待诸位,还请多多包涵。” Might as well matter.” “不妨事。” The onigiri are not many, Luo Jie only symbolic takes up one, other gave " Nui No Kata " . 饭团不多,罗戒只象征性的拿起一个,其他的都递给了身旁的「缝夫人」。 In the old man point a oil lamp in room, is collecting the pisolite big bright and Luo Jie chitchats. 老者点上房间内的一盏油灯,凑着豆粒大的亮光与罗戒攀谈起来。 Guest, I takes the liberty, does not know where your is must toward go?” “客人,恕我冒昧,不知您这是要往哪去啊?” We plan to go to the Mt. Anma of Kyoto.” Luo Jie smiles is replying. “我们打算去京都的鞍马山。”罗戒微笑着回答道。 Mt. Anma?” The old men are somewhat surprised, that is not near, even if rides a horse to hurry along, still one month possibly to...... present this way of the world, has path bandit during the daytime, in the evening has the monster, finding out one goes far from home is not easy!” “鞍马山?”老者有些吃惊,“那可不近啊,就算是骑马赶路,也得一个多月才可能到……现在这世道,白天有路匪,晚上有妖怪,想出一趟远门可是不易啊!” " Nui No Kata " chews the onigiri carefully feeds to the swaddling clothes in " Hyakkimaru " , the old man sees that is astonished however: „Do you also lead the child? I have not heard the weeping sound, but also thinks that camouflages child's property valuables.” 缝夫人」将饭团细细嚼碎喂给襁褓中的「百鬼丸」,老者见状不由讶然:“你们还带着孩子?我没听到哭声,还以为是伪装成孩子的财物细软。” Sorry, this child lives unable to make any sound.” " Nui No Kata " bound tightly the swaddling clothes, for fear that " Hyakkimaru " the appearance frightens the opposite party. “抱歉,这孩子生下来就发不出任何声音。”「缝夫人」裹紧了襁褓,生怕「百鬼丸」的模样吓到对方。 Really is the pitiful child......” “真是可怜的孩子……” Luo Jie looks all around, asks: Old zhang (3.33 m), here, only then do your one person live?” 罗戒环顾四周,问道:“老丈,这里只有你一个人住吗?” „After my wife difficult labor passed away, home remaining I alone.” The old men as if touched the concern, is looking at " Nui No Kata " the child in bosom, the vision is even more gentle. “我妻子难产去世后这个家就剩下我一个人了。”老者似乎触动了心事,望着「缝夫人」怀中的孩子,目光愈发慈祥。 He stands up suddenly, said: Such little child could not digest the rice, I helped the thing that you looked to select him to eat.” 他忽然站起身,道:“这么小的孩子消化不了米饭,我去帮你们找点他能吃的东西。” That is really deeply grateful!” Soon, the old man comes back from outside, had the breast milk of temperature to give " Nui No Kata " one bowl. “那真是感激不尽!”不多时,老者从外面回来,将一碗还带着温度的奶水递给了「缝夫人」。 This is the good milk, although is not too appropriate, may feel better eventually the dry rice.” “这是牛的奶,虽不是太合适,可终究好过干巴巴的米饭。” " Nui No Kata " expressed gratitude repeatedly, the mouth suitable the milk in bowl fed " Hyakkimaru " little mouth. 缝夫人」连声道谢,口对口将碗里的牛奶一点点喂进「百鬼丸」的嘴里。 To the dawn also early, you rests earlier.” “离天亮还早,你们早点休息吧。” After the old men set out to leave, Luo Jie turns away to look to " Minamoto no Raikō " , really also welcomed the look that the opposite party had doubts. 老者起身离开后,罗戒转脸看向「源赖光」,果然也迎上了对方疑惑的眼神。 Lai did light, you also discover?” “赖光,你也发现了吗?” " Minamoto no Raikō " nods: This village absolutely does not have the cow.” 源赖光」点点头:“这个村子根本就没有牛。”
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