NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#579: Black smoke core

By " black smoke " that several hundred tons dead weight, even if runs at the speed of average person, its inertia of drive is still quite terrifying. 以「黑烟」那数百吨的自重,即便是以普通人的速度奔跑,其带动的惯性也是相当恐怖的。 If cannot intercept before the position, these resist several tens of thousands Kabane tall buildings sufficiently, in this only " black smoke " the front is perhaps similar to the box that the paper sticks. 如果不能在阵地前拦截,这些足以抵挡数万只卡巴内的高楼,在这只「黑烟」的面前恐怕就跟纸糊的盒子差不多。 Leaves the reaction time of people most to only have more than ten seconds, goes to the calm ponder anything combat plan radically without enough time. 留给众人的反应时间最多只有十几秒,根本来不及去冷静的思考什么作战计划。 " All things emperor " the whole body of Ashura Owen explodes projects dazzling thunder light, the whole person breaks through the sonic barrier direct impact upper air instantaneously, in the glass of giant explosive sound shakes surrounding area hundred meters crushes, many charm slightly weak student ear nose bleeds to throw down at the scene on the ground. 「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文的周身爆射出耀眼的雷光,整个人瞬间突破音障直冲高空,巨大的爆炸声将方圆百米内的玻璃震得粉碎,不少魔力稍弱的学生当场耳鼻流血摔倒在地上。 Bang-! 轰-! Is sparkling " black smoke that " thunder light mail-armor and helmet Doll Indra and front surface dash about wildly to come to hit solid in the same place, the huge black head like hit hard the building block to change to the innumerable scattered Kabane individuals four to disperse. 闪耀着雷光的甲胄型人偶「因陀罗」与迎面狂奔而来的「黑烟」结结实实撞在一起,庞大的黑色头颅如同被重击积木般化作无数零散的卡巴内个体四下飞散。 However lacked the head actually not to have the influence on the whole, that " black smoke " the ram speed slowed down to flicker merely, then projected the countless black vine shape material from the nape of the neck position, nearby seizing massive Kabane patched the gap, is firing into the defensive position that under foot odd/surplus potential did not reduce as before directly... 然而缺少了头颅却并没有对整体造成影响,那「黑烟」的冲击速度仅仅只是放缓了一瞬,便从脖颈位置射出不计其数的黑色藤蔓状物质,就近抓捕大量卡巴内修补着缺口,脚下依旧余势不减的径直冲向防御阵地。。。 At this time the people of long-distance group also responded, could ignore below Kabane tide again, operation respective Automaton, transferred the goal to launch the fierce attack toward huge shadow several hundred meters away in abundance. 这时远程组的众人也反应过来,再也顾不得下方的卡巴内大潮,纷纷操纵各自的机巧人偶,调转目标向着数百米外的庞大黑影发动起猛烈的攻击。 " Black smoke " although the build is huge, but itself after all is by numerous ordinary Kabane constitutions, therefore the defensive power and build are not proportional, the long-distance group intense attack will flicker the time then " black smoke " just to patch the good head and shoulder sliced off most probably. 「黑烟」的体型虽然庞大,但本身毕竟是由众多普通的卡巴内构成,因此防御力与体型并不成正比,远程组密集的攻击瞬时间便将「黑烟」刚刚修补好的头部与肩头削掉了大半。 Effective! Continues to attack!” “有效!继续攻击!” " Yan Di of frozen earth " Szo Cheka Teging also joins, she combines mechanical demon resembles " Joormann Gunder " to project rounds of the rupturing magic of unceasingly enduring compared with the heavy artillery, under her Doll unique ballistic correction ability, each round of accurate unmistakable hitting in " black smoke " on body. 「冻土的炎帝」索涅契卡・斯妮特金娜也加入进来,她组合型机械魔像「约尔曼冈德」不断射出一发发堪比重炮的爆裂魔法,在她人偶特有的弹道修正能力下,每一发都精准无误的打在「黑烟」的身体上。 Under saturation bombing that in numerous Doll causes, " black smoke " the surface jumps to miss the goal massive scattered Kabane individuals unceasingly, looks from afar is similar to really in the black smoke that surface adhesion scattered unceasingly. 在众人偶使的饱和轰炸下,「黑烟」的表面不断迸射飞出大量零散的卡巴内个体,远远望去就如同真在表面附着了一层不断散落的黑烟。 " Black smoke " as if also realized the threat, constitutes innumerable Kabane of body to start to surge like waves forward, at an exceptional pace is patching by the damage spot that the Walpurgis Royal Academy people blast, the rear that big tail became the transit point, inserts below dense Kabane tide, is transporting to within the body continuously components that constructs the body. 「黑烟」似乎也意识到了威胁,构成身体的无数卡巴内开始如海浪般向前涌动,以惊人的速度修补着被华尔普吉斯学院众人炸掉的缺损部位,后方的那条大尾巴成了运输通道,插入下方黑压压的卡巴内大潮中,向体内源源不断运送着构筑身体的零件。 „It is not good, the close combat group must unable to support!” “不好,近战组就要撑不住了!” Lost the suppression of long-distance group, the Kabane quantities of three gaps turned several times suddenly, the close combat group have several Doll to be towed the low wall by turbulent Kabane, if were not the reserve forces forces up promptly, it is estimated that the defense line must collapse thoroughly. 失去了远程组的压制,三处缺口的卡巴内数量骤然翻了几倍,近战组已有好几台人偶被汹涌的卡巴内拖矮墙,如果不是预备队及时顶上去,估计防线就要彻底崩溃。 Charlotte! Olga! How many did you two charms restore? Quickly thinks means thousand its artillery!” “夏洛特!奥尔嘉!你们两个的魔力恢复了多少?赶快想办法千它一炮!” Charlotte and Olga also know that the present aspect could not have allowed them to continue to rest again, immediately squeezing within the body few charms lift off forcefully again, red blue two four wings big dragon lower belly cascades shine the ray of magic circuit, in the huge shadow toward below mist and dust sprays two scalding hot light beams. 夏洛特和奥尔嘉两人也知道眼下的局面已经容不得她们再继续休息,当即强行压榨体内为数不多的魔力再次升空,一红一蓝两头四翼巨龙下腹逐层亮起魔术回路的光芒,向着下方烟尘中的庞大黑影喷射出两道灼热的光柱。 After the beforehand short cooperation, two young girls have coordinated extremely tacitly, about two light beam minutes/shares have swept alternately, from top to bottom delimited a huge X gulley, that " black smoke " neat cutting round number section. 经过之前的短暂合作,两名少女已经配合得极为默契,两道光柱分左右交叉扫过,自上而下划出了一个巨大X型深沟,将那「黑烟」整齐的切割成数段。 Loses the connection Kabane to disperse from the midair with the main body massively crashes, seemed crowded black rain. 大量与本体失去连接的卡巴内从半空中分散坠落,好似下了一场密集的黑雨。 A blue light glitters in the rear fragment, seems particularly bright under the orange yellow luminous spot complementing of all around innumerable twinkle stars. 一点蓝光在尾部的碎块中闪烁,在四周无数星星点点的橙黄色光点映衬下显得分外鲜明。 Players in defensive position at present shines instantaneously. 防御阵地内的一众玩家们的眼前瞬间亮了起来。 Is " black smoke " essence! 是「黑烟」的内核! This thing is not only the core power supply of Kabane fusion community, is its is only at fatally, so long as crushes this blue essence, can kill this thoroughly huge " black smoke " . 这东西不仅是卡巴内融合群体的核心动力源,更是它唯一的致命所在,只要击碎这个蓝色内核,就能够彻底杀死这只庞大的「黑烟」。 Moreover at the appointed time all only " black smoke " had once had connection living specimen Kabane with this, will also die together, was equivalent strikes to kill several thousand Kabane directly. 而且届时所有曾与这只「黑烟」有过连接的活体卡巴内,都会随之一同死亡,也就相当于直接击杀了数千只卡巴内 Money moves the will of the people. 财帛动人心。 At present a day falls the unexpected wealth on the swayed at present, many players the eye including temporary alliance stared the hemorrhage immediately. 眼下一笔天降横财就摆在眼前,包括临时联盟在内的众多玩家顿时眼睛都瞪出血了。 Whiz-! 嗖-! A player of long-distance group revealed suddenly had never demonstrated the flying ability, is controlling Doll that opens the pair of wings charges into that blue light several hundred meters away directly. 一名远程组的玩家突然亮出从未展示过的飞行能力,驾驭着张开双翼的人偶径直冲向数百米外的那点蓝光。 numb egg! This blue pneumatic cell must snatch strangely!” “麻蛋!这个碧-池要抢怪!” Other Doll had the player of flying ability unable to calm down, jumped onto Doll to follow to run out of the defense line one after another, from the sky launched one to pursue speedily. 其他人偶拥有飞行能力的玩家也沉不住气了,接连跃上人偶跟着冲出防线,在空中展开了一场疾速追逐。 " All things emperor " and the others, although does not understand why will have so many people absent without authorization, but that garish blue light made them detect unusual meaning as before. 「三千世界天子」等人虽不明白为何会有这么多人擅离职守,但那扎眼的蓝光依旧让他们察觉到了一丝不寻常的意味。 Quickly! Attacks that blue light! This monster is healing!” “快!攻击那点蓝光!这怪物正在愈合!” Before Luo Jie, had not acted rashly , because is unable to determine this " black smoke " actually the core hides where, this moment opportunity must not be lost, he jumps onto " Lucifer " immediately, after ultra-high maneuvering force sent first to flushing in everyone's frontline. 罗戒之前一直没有贸然出手,就是因为无法确定这「黑烟」的核心究竟藏在哪里,此刻机不可失,他当即跃上「路西法」,以超高的机动力后发先至冲在了所有人的最前方。 " Flaming Cactus " was also unwilling to fall behind, loses bird high-speed reconnaissance Doll, tight biting in Luo Jie behind. 火红仙人掌」也不甘落后,丢出了一台鸟型的高速侦察型人偶,紧紧的咬在罗戒身后。 Perhaps is detected that life and death crisis, that contains the core " black smoke " fragment stopped the healing limbs suddenly, inserts the sturdy tail in Kabane tide in case suddenly the poisonous scorpion of enemy turns upwards high. 或许是察觉到了生死危机,那包含着核心的「黑烟」碎块忽然停止了愈合肢体,插入卡巴内大潮中的粗壮尾巴猛然如遇敌的毒蝎般高高翘起。 Even Ultra feeling intuition Sounds the warning, only this abnormal conditions, Luo Jie on detection of instinct to danger. 甚至不等【超感直觉】发出警报,单凭这种反常情况,罗戒就本能的察觉到了危险。 A similar dazzling light ball shines suddenly in that black rear terminal, in an instant projects ten thousand radiance, almost did not have the difference to cover the dead ahead 90 degrees scopes, all front surfaces to the player covered. 一颗类似刺眼光球在那黑色的尾部末端骤然亮起,刹那间射出万道光华,几乎无差别覆盖了正前方九十度的范围,将所有迎面冲至的玩家笼罩在内。 Damn! " Will black smoke " have this forms of defensive action? The demon changed a little excessively! 见鬼!「黑烟」怎么还会有这种攻击方式?魔改得有点过头了吧! The both eyes white of the eye of Luo Jie becomes a redness because of the hyperemia in an instant, the time and space also as if congealed in this moment shortly for several seconds. 罗戒的双目眼白刹那间因充血变得一片赤红,时间与空间也仿佛在这一刻短暂凝结了数秒。 " Breath of Flower finally other shore vermilion Yan " ! 花之呼吸・终之型・彼岸朱眼」! When taking advantage of this short stopped the misconception, Luo Jie avoids by the hair's difference actually should pass through the beam of chest, but the shoulder was passed through a giant burned black blood hole as before, the entire arm was nearly wasted. 借着这短暂的时停错觉,罗戒硬是以毫厘之差避开了本应贯穿胸口的一道射线,但肩头依旧被贯穿了一个巨大的焦黑血洞,险些整条胳膊都被打飞。 But other players who similarly clash may not have good luck that many people are evading to flash flurriedly are passed through by the beam directly even cut off, from in the air crashes together with out-of-control Doll one after another, but also without struggles to set out to take a drug with enough time the self-help, was embezzled by the under dense Kabane tide instantaneously. 而同样冲上来的其他玩家可就没那么好运了,不少人在慌乱避闪中直接被射线贯穿甚至斩断,连同失去控制的人偶接连从空中坠落,还没来得及挣扎起身吃药自救,就被下方黑压压的卡巴内大潮瞬间吞没。
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