NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#578: The might of god of death prefix

Luo Jie this strange action immediately brings to the attention of others. 罗戒这古怪的举动立刻引起了其他人的注意。 " All things emperor " Ashura Owen realizes immediately Luo Jie was very possible to discover any important thing, will direct the duty to give a student association member immediately temporarily, jumped down from the roof, three and made two steps to arrive at the Luo Jie place. 「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文立刻意识到罗戒很可能是发现了什么重要的东西,当即将指挥任务暂时交给一名学生会成员,从楼顶上方一跃而下,三步并作两步的来到罗戒的降落地点。 Several other " beginning page 13 people " in conditioning first step still have arrived temporarily. 其他暂时还在修整中的几名「始页十三人」更是早已先一步到达。 Ye Yan, what did you discover? Why can grasp Kabane to come back?” 夜魇,你发现了什么?为什么要抓一只卡巴内回来?” Luo Jie has not waited to fall to the ground then to throw from the midair that only Kabane on the ground, black great sword " Lucifer " crashed together the cold cold light, will struggle Kabane that sets out to sew two sections from the chest. 罗戒未等落地便将那只卡巴内从半空中扔在了地上,黑色巨剑「路西法」坠落出一道冷冽的寒光,将正要挣扎起身的卡巴内从胸口钉成了两截。 Does not need Luo Jie to explain, when the people see clearly the ground this only Kabane, all held breath as if by prior agreement cold air. 无需罗戒去解释,待众人看清地上的这只卡巴内时,皆不约而同的倒吸了一口凉气。 This is can definitely call it abnormity Kabane, its right side length has two arms, the waist are many a leg, the part that are many obviously originates from the different bodies, looks like product that the biochemical experiment grafts... 这是一只完全可以称之为“异形”的卡巴内,它的右侧长有两条胳膊,腰间还多出一条腿,多出的部件明显来源于不同的身体,就像是生化试验嫁接上去的产物。。。 " Flaming Cactus " whole face shuts out poked the corpse of ground with a lance by far, Kabane was long enough was disgusting, this being unbalanced physique is unable to look straight ahead simply. 火红仙人掌」满脸嫌弃的用一根长矛远远的戳了戳地上的尸体,卡巴内长得就够恶心了,这畸形体简直无法直视。 „After this is, long in together...... looked like us to underestimate the Kabane reproductive property, if I have not guessed wrong, so long as their hearts were not destroyed thoroughly, Kabane can fuse other similar limbs fragment to regenerate forcefully.” “这是后长在一起的……看来我们低估了卡巴内的再生能力,如果我没猜错的话,只要它们的心脏不被彻底破坏,卡巴内就能强行融合其他同类的肢体碎块进行再生。” That also means that Kabane that we that fierce attack, in fact killed a moment ago truly aren't many?” “那也就意味着,我们刚才那番猛烈的攻击,实际上真正杀死的卡巴内并不多?” " Yan Di of frozen earth " Szo Cheka Teging is somewhat hard to accept the reality. 「冻土的炎帝」索涅契卡・斯妮特金娜有些难以接受现实。 Thinks that can also understand, after all when two big main force forts " Charlotte Rau " and " Olga Saladin " has bottomed because of the charm fails to explode, her combination mechanical demon resembles " Joormann Gunder " can be said as at present the long-distance group only heavy firepower fort. 想想也能理解,毕竟在两大主力炮台「夏洛特・比劳」和「奥尔嘉・萨拉丁」都已经因魔力见底而哑火的时候,她的组合型机械魔像「约尔曼冈德」可以说是目前远程组唯一的重火力炮台。 Perhaps is this.” The Luo Jie sinking sound said, to be honest, he has not expected the third-order illusion Kabane to be changed unexpectedly like this hard to deal with by the demon, looks like on the current situation, only if the direct hit Kabane heart position, otherwise the general sputtering injury cannot play the true damaging effect on Kabane, changed their occurrence form merely...... this is the close combat group pressure bigger and bigger basic reason is also.” “恐怕是这样的。”罗戒沉声道,说实话,他也没有料到三阶幻境的卡巴内居然会被魔改得这样难缠,“就目前的情况看来,除非是直接命中卡巴内的心脏位置,否则一般的溅射伤害并不能对卡巴内起到真正的杀伤作用,仅仅只是改变了他们的存在形态……这也是近战组压力越来越大的根本原因所在。” „The efficiency of long-distance group is so low, can withdraw them?” " Akabane Raishin " the line of sight has often swept that gap low wall in imminent danger, he a little worried that fights bravely there " every night " . “远程组的效率这么低,要把他们撤回吗?”「赤羽雷真」的视线不时扫过那岌岌可危的缺口矮墙,他有点担心在那里奋战的「夜夜」。 „It is not good.” " All things emperor " Ashura Owen rejected this proposition decisively, long-distance group, although the killing efficiency is low, but cannot deny that they truly constrained most impact defense lines Kabane, if withdraws them, only by the close combat group, we only feared that the even/including ten minutes cannot defend.” “不行。”「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文果断否决了这一提议,“远程组虽然杀伤效率低,但不能否认他们确实拖住了绝大多数冲击防线的卡巴内,如果将他们撤回,只靠近战组,我们只怕连十分钟都守不住。” Blood how?” " The young girl of silver spear/gun " Felix Jenkins Ford seemed like the blood to use the attainment, we can, when close combat group not being able to withstand, lost the hemorrhage package in the Kabane rear area, by characteristics that Kabane pursued the blood, temporarily slowed down the pressure of close combat group.” “用血怎么样?”「银枪的少女」菲利克斯・金斯福特似乎用血用出了心得,“我们可以在近战组顶不住的时候,在卡巴内的后方丢出血包,以卡巴内追逐血液的特性,暂时减缓近战组的压力。” Theoretically feasible, the issue is the blood not necessarily supplies on, but can be the contingency plan.” “理论上可行,问题是血液未必供给得上,但可以作为应急方案。” " The king of dead " peach happy MacGuffin helpless curling the lip of: But we have not solved as before to the Kabane killing issue.” 「死者之王」桃乐西・麦高芬无奈的撇撇嘴:“但我们依旧没有解决对卡巴内的杀伤问题。” " All things emperor " Ashura Owen cannot take the means that anything can satisfy both sides, has to back off saying: Our present duties are as far as possible the long-term constraining Kabane tides, wins the time for the evacuation of round of sincere resident, after exterminating the Kabane matter to remain, said.” 「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文也拿不出什么可以两全其美的办法,只好退而求其次道:“我们现在的任务是尽可能长时间的拖住卡巴内大潮,为轮敦市民的撤离争取时间,剿灭卡巴内的事留到以后再说吧。” !!! 咣!咣!咣! Ended when the operational conference, the people are preparing the respective return battle station, the land of under foot transmits violent trembling suddenly, as if old style steam pile driver has the rhythm hit tread in one after next. 就在作战会议结束,众人正准备各自回归战斗岗位时,脚下的大地突然传来猛烈的震颤,仿佛老式蒸汽打桩机在一下下有节奏的撞击着地面。 What sound is this?” “这是什么声音?” Many students who in the position repair and maintain stand one after another from the ground, raises up the ear to seek for the direction that the sound is conveying carefully. 阵地内修整的众多学生接连从地上站起来,竖起耳朵仔细寻找着声音传来的方向。 „It is not good!” Flight Doll Doll that that side...... just lifted off causes, the directional northwest direction that the look is frightened, that side has a giant card...... not, I do not know that is Kabane, that thing was really big!” “不好!那边……”一名刚刚升空的飞行人偶人偶使,神色惊惶的指向西北方向,“那边有一只巨型卡……不,我不知道那算不算是卡巴内,那东西实在是太大了!” Luo Jie heard that the word complexion changes, " big root king " and other players saw each other panic-stricken from the mutual look. 罗戒闻言脸色微变,「大根王」等众玩家更是从互相的眼神中看到了彼此的惊骇。 Huge Kabane. 巨大的卡巴内 Conforms to this description originally Kabane fusion community, is the popular name " black smoke " . 符合这一描述的只有原着中的卡巴内融合群体,也就是俗称的「黑烟」。 This is a giant organism that becomes by several hundred and even several thousand Kabane interconnections, each has the different contours, because is in itself by innumerable Kabane individual splicing, even cuts off or crushes, can in a short time construct the primary form as before, only then cuts to kill by the strict protection in internal core Kabane, can thoroughly eliminate " black smoke " . 这是一种由数百乃至数千只卡巴内互相连接而成的巨大生物体,每一只都有着不同的外形,由于本身是由无数卡巴内个体拼接而成,即便是斩断或是击碎,依旧可以在极短的时间内重新构筑原形,只有斩杀被严密保护在内部的核心卡巴内,才能彻底消灭「黑烟」。 Unexpectedly will meet " black smoke " under this bad aspect, is really " god of death " the reason of prefix...... 居然会在这种恶劣的局面下遇到「黑烟」,果然是「死神」前缀的缘故么…… Bang-! 轰-! About several hundred meters, as a black big hand pounded to collapse the apex of church, a huge incomparable shadow climbed up the roof slowly, entire body complete appearance in Walpurgis Royal Academy all living things at present. 数百米开外,随着一只黑色的大手砸塌了教堂的尖顶,一只巨大无比的黑影缓缓的爬上了楼顶,将整个身体完全的显露在华尔普吉斯学院众生的眼前。 This only " black smoke " has similar human outlook , the four limbs actually must be slender, behind curls upwards to have the tail of palm long, appearance that four crawl fully like a strange mixture of monkey and scorpion. 这只「黑烟」有着类似人类外型,四肢却要更加纤细,后面翘着一条长有手掌的尾巴,四足爬行的模样就像一只猴子与蝎子的怪异混合体。 What is most fearful is its huge figure, the piling up one on top of another connections of dense and numerous several thousand Kabane, making its height be the astonishing 50 meters, even altitude still 45 buildings the altitudes in crawling condition, even if were in Doll biggest four wings big dragon Sigmund, in this only " black smoke " front was also the big point parrot. 最可怕的还是它那巨大的身形,密密麻麻数千只卡巴内的堆叠连接,令它的身长达到了惊人的50米,即便是在爬行状态下的高度也有四五层楼的高度,哪怕是人偶中最大的四翼巨龙「西格蒙德」,在这只「黑烟」面前也就是个大一点的鹦鹉。 Like this said that perhaps is not very direct-viewing, then makes a comparison on other by large-scale lifeform. 这样说或许还不够直观,那就以其他大型生物做个比较。 On Earth biggest mammal blue whale, statistical lengths also only then 25 meters, but Luo Jie strikes has killed the biggest lifeform, that mosasaurus in «Jurassic World» illusion, its length is less than 20 meters. 地球上最大的哺乳动物蓝鲸,平均长度也只有25米,而罗戒击杀过的最大生物,《侏罗纪世界》幻境中的那头沧龙,其长度才不到20米。 Properly speaking this several hundred tons colossus, cannot haunch dead weight on the land, but " black smoke " this thing not only can stand, but can also run and act like the ordinary lifeform fast, it can be said that extremely unscientific existence. 按理说这种几百吨重的庞然大物,在陆地上是根本撑不起本身的自重的,但「黑烟」这东西不但能够站起来,而且还能够像普通生物一样快速奔跑与行动,可以说是一种极为不科学的存在。 That " black smoke " obviously is also only attracted by the strong blood smell that in the defensive position sends out, after confirming direction, immediately leaps the roof, dashes about wildly to the Walpurgis Royal Academy people along the main road. 那只「黑烟」显然也是被防御阵地内散发的浓重血腥气味所吸引,在确认了方向后,当即跃下楼顶,沿着大路向华尔普吉斯学院众人这边狂奔而来。 Several hundred tons weight steps on the land violently is trembling, the cement road surface of being unable to withstand the load disrupts to collapse, stops inclines to skid in the carriage of roadside inward, immediately that giant sole was kicked about dozens meters by " black smoke " , hits the display window of roadside to disperse the twisty workpiece everywhere. 数百吨的重量踩得大地猛烈的震颤着,不堪重负的水泥路面纷纷碎裂坍塌,停在路边的马车向内倾斜滑动,随即被「黑烟」那巨大的脚掌踢飞出数十米开外,撞进路边的橱窗散成满地的扭曲零件。 Blocks it quickly! Cannot make it crash in the position!” “快拦住它!绝不能让它冲进阵地!”
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