NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#577: The 1st wave of impact

Ashura and the others entered shortly after the position, the bait group that Felix leads successively appears in the line of sight of lookout post. 阿修罗等人进入阵地后不久,菲利克斯所带领的诱饵组陆续出现在了望哨的视线当中。 Several Doll in the low altitude is flying by the speed that nearly the average man slightly runs slowly, sits makes everyone hold a wooden barrel that above Doll packs the domestic animal blood, to forward flight while falls along the way, is away from can smell the irritating the nose smell of blood that in the air fills far away. 十几台人偶以近乎常人小跑的速度在低空缓慢的飞行着,坐在上方的人偶使每人抱着一个装满牲畜血液的木桶,一边向前飞一边沿途倾倒,隔着老远都能闻到空气中弥漫过来的刺鼻血腥味。 In these flight Doll behind, countless Kabane closely is following as the blood of bait, goes crazy fight licks to lick the bloodstain of ground, piles up one on top of another human wall that the tumbling surges, air bubbles that seems flows the magma tenor drum. 在这些飞行人偶的身后,不计其数的卡巴内紧紧追随着作为诱饵的鲜血,发疯般的争抢舔舐着地上的血迹,堆叠起翻滚涌动的人墙,好似流淌的岩浆中鼓出的一个个气泡。 The distance of Kabane tide distance defensive position less than hundred meters, has less than a half minute to again with its vanguard engagement. 卡巴内大潮距离防御阵地的距离已不足百米,再有不到半分钟就要与其前锋接战。 Be responsible for the first wave meet head-on " big root king " and other players of temporary alliance, as well as some Walpurgis Royal Academy students, the unconscious Adam's apple trundle are swallowing the saliva, the thick fence that even if surroundings that stands tall and erect like the city wall is unable to bring more security senses to them. 负责第一波迎战的「大根王」等临时联盟的玩家,以及部分华尔普吉斯学院的学生,不自觉的喉结滚动吞咽着口水,哪怕周围那如城墙般高耸的厚实围墙也无法给他们带来更多的安全感。 The blood is the Kabane energy originates, has swallowed Kabane of blood, the action or the aggressivity, be wilder than ordinary new student/life Kabane... 血液是卡巴内的能量来源,吞食过血液的卡巴内,无论是行动力还是攻击性,都要比普通的新生卡巴内更加狂暴。。。 Takes the blood no doubt to direct the Kabane tide as the bait to the wheel sincere port direction that the stream of people gathered, but splashes of significant blood, made some Kabane become stronger flexible, even started to appear Kabane that used the weapon. 以血液为诱饵固然将卡巴内大潮引离了人流聚集的轮敦港方向,但大量血液的泼洒,也令部分卡巴内变得更加强壮灵活,甚至开始出现了使用武器的卡巴内 This special Kabane is called " technique to take " , the meaning was gained Kabane of skill, was Kabane swallows the evolution after blood to plant massively, has similar wild animal fight intuition, understood that formulated the simple tactic by the instinct, although the quantity were not many, was harder to deal with than ordinary Kabane. 这种特殊的卡巴内被称为「技取」,意为“获取了技能的卡巴内”,是卡巴内大量吞食血液后的进化种,拥有类似野兽般的战斗直觉,懂得凭借本能去制定简单的战术,虽然数量不多,却比普通卡巴内更加难缠。 Carries on last Automaton to self-check, prepares to meet the enemy!” “进行最后一遍机巧人偶自检,准备迎敌!” Stands above the roof as before is " all things emperor who " is responsible for directing Ashura Owen, after all he currently has the person of direction fight experience only, is commanded the overall situation to be able by him the greatest avoidable mistake and oversight. 站在楼顶上方负责指挥的依旧是「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文,毕竟他是目前唯一有着指挥战斗经验的人,由他来统领全局可以最大程度的避免失误与疏漏。 Naturally, this arrangement also has Luo Jie small selfishness. 当然,这个安排也有罗戒的一点小私心。 Regarding having " death recast " this him who brushes minute/share of BUG, the teamwork contribution value that the direction combat brings, may not compare the contribution value that the fate strikes to kill personally. 对于有着「死亡重铸」这个刷分BUG的他来说,指挥作战带来的团队任务贡献值,可远比不上亲自下场击杀的贡献值。 Bait group convergence!” “诱饵组汇合!” Saw with own eyes stands tall and erect the defensive position that like the city wall in the front, withstands the bait group people of enormous spiritual pressure on accelerate all the way suddenly, more than ten flight Doll fly over from the position one after another, in surplus blood splashes altogether wooden barrel in the open area of position. 眼见如城墙般高耸的防御阵地就在前方,一路上承受着巨大精神压力的诱饵组众人骤然加速,十余台飞行人偶接连从阵地上空飞越,将木桶中剩余的鲜血一股脑的泼洒在阵地后方的空地上。 Fills the air immediately like the slaughter house fishy smell sweet blood smell, the flavor command of irritating the nose placed many Walpurgis Royal Academy students in position unable to bear spit at the scene. 如同屠宰场般的腥甜鲜血气味顿时弥漫开来,刺鼻的味道令身处阵地内的不少华尔普吉斯学院众学生忍不住当场吐了出来。 But regarding Kabane, this strong smell of blood without doubt is the best stimulant. 而对于卡巴内,这浓重的血腥味无疑是最好的兴奋剂。 In the field of vision that as if limitless Kabane tide as if the hurricane by the ocean waves that promotes, picked up the speed under the attraction of smell of blood suddenly, the forefront part even starts by to be as good as the speed of human hundred meters sprint to run to the position direction, the demented stance that four feet and use just like the hungry pack of wolves of long-range raid. 视野中那仿佛漫无边际的卡巴内大潮仿佛被飓风推动的海浪,在血腥味的吸引下骤然加快了速度,最前端部分甚至开始以不亚于人类百米冲刺的速度向阵地方向奔跑,四足并用的癫狂姿态犹如奔袭的饥饿狼群。 Was responsible for the first wave of meeting the enemy player many people tightening the body subconsciously. 负责第一波迎敌的众玩家不少人下意识的绷紧了身体。 This is not in their impression that is similar to zombie sluggish Kabane, this wild high-speed charge stance made them remember «World War Z» these zombie infection bodies piles up one on top of another dreadful prospect of trundle. 这已经不是他们印象中那如同丧尸般慢吞吞的卡巴内,这种狂暴高速的冲锋姿态令他们不禁想起了《僵尸世界大战》中那些僵尸感染体堆叠滚动的可怕景象。 Although is not all Kabane has the zombie to infect body that type frequently to pile up one on top of another dozens meters high human wall the fearful motor ability, the ability that but these evolutions plant actually be higher than ordinary Kabane, is hard to kill. 尽管不是所有的卡巴内都有僵尸感染体那种动辄堆叠几十米高人墙的可怕运动能力,但这些进化种的能力却要比普通卡巴内更高,也更加难以杀死。 Long-distance group, attack!” “远程组,攻击!” With " all things emperor " order, the roof above gathers more than hundred long-distance attack Doll that the potential waits to shine the ray of magic circuit in abundance, various dazzling type magics or the entity weapons fall toward pounding that below about dozens meters Kabane tides blot out the sky, the violent explosive sound and depressed bellow are lingering on faintly. 随着「三千世界天子」的一声令下,楼顶上方蓄势以待的百余台远程攻击型人偶纷纷亮起魔术回路的光芒,令人眼花缭乱的各式魔法或实体武器向着下方数十米开外的卡巴内大潮铺天盖地的砸落,猛烈的爆炸声与沉闷的轰鸣声不绝于耳。 As the pinnacle of this world individual military force, each Doll causes to be equivalent to the artillery that can move freely, more than hundred Doll attack, the scene does not have the artillery array is so rock the earth even, killing that but creates is not inferior. 作为这个世界个人武力的极致,每一个人偶使就相当于一架可以自由移动的火炮,百余台人偶一齐攻击,场面即便没有火炮阵列那样震天动地,但造成的杀伤却毫不逊色。 From the upper air, the dense Kabane tide was similar to met the decoration cake of shaving knife, the front prominent tip this was covered without the difference bevels directly, the edge even also retracted backward much, seemed like repelled. 从高空看去,黑压压的卡巴内大潮就如同遇到了刮刀的奶油蛋糕,前方突出的尖端被这番无差别覆盖直接削平,边缘甚至还向后缩回了不少,看上去就像是被击退。 However everyone knows that this is only the misconception of wishful thinking, the Kabane tide that during merely several breath, the rear area comes then steps on the companion shatter limbs to make up the vacancy, and is going against above the top of the head wanton bombing, advances the battleline cascade forward. 然而所有人都知道这只是一厢情愿的错觉,仅仅几个呼吸之间,后方汹涌而至的卡巴内大潮便踩着同伴破碎的肢体将空缺弥补,并顶着头顶上方的狂轰滥炸,将阵线向前逐层推进。 Attention! The Kabane vanguard is close- close combat group preparation approach!” “注意!卡巴内前锋接近-近战组准备接敌!” Almost with the shout that " all things emperor " Ashura Owen that shouts oneself hoarse, thousands of Kabane then in the close combat groups with three gap collide directly in one. 几乎是随着「三千世界天子」阿修罗・欧文那声嘶力竭的喊声,数以千计的卡巴内便与三处缺口内的近战组迎头碰撞在一处。 Whish-! 哗-! The orange black Kabane tide hit on a about three meters low wall, the huge impulse pushed the muddy flesh front Kabane, the black dirty blood splashed completely the wall surface. 橙黑色的卡巴内大潮撞击在近三米的矮墙上,巨大的冲击力将前排的卡巴内挤成了肉泥,黑色的污血溅满了墙面。 Had the front scapegoat to make the cushion, although second row of Kabane pushed is unable to move, actually steady set up the body under the corner, and to the rear large unit successful put up may for climbing up steps. 有了前排的替死鬼作缓冲,第二排的卡巴内虽挤得无法移动,却稳稳的在墙角下立住了身体,并给后方的大部队成功的搭起了可供攀爬的阶梯。 Concentrates on the front! Do not manage these nearby Kabane! Must believe your allies!” “专注前方!不要管那些旁边的卡巴内!要相信你们的战友!” Although three meters high low wall cannot be regarded what natural moat, actually prevented the Kabane tide most fearful impulse, along Kabane not enough spacious foothold that the human wall climbs up, is seemingly aggressive actually many, assigns to close combat group each Doll in front of also is very over difficult three, easy was then occupied Doll of absolute military force advantage to cut off or strike to fly. 三米高的矮墙虽算不得什么天堑,却阻挡了卡巴内大潮最可怕的冲击力,沿着人墙攀爬上来的卡巴内没有足够的宽敞的落脚点,看似攻势凶猛,实则分配到近战组每台人偶面前的最多也很难超过三只,轻而易举便被占据着绝对武力优势的人偶们斩断或击飞。 Also without and other Walpurgis Royal Academy people to block this most fearful first wave of impact cheered the smile that celebrated them just to show then to solidify quickly on the face. 还没等华尔普吉斯学院的众人为挡住这最可怕的第一波冲击而欢呼庆祝他们刚刚露出的笑容很快便凝固在了脸上。 Merely less than a half minute, the Kabane then more product under low wall more, the rear area is similar to tidal Kabane to step on under is not knowing that is the companion of living specimen or corpse more folds is higher, starts to have the trend of faintly tying people low wall. 仅仅不到半分钟的时间,矮墙下的卡巴内便越积越多,后方如同潮水般的卡巴内踩踏着下方不知是活体还是尸体的同伴越叠越高,隐隐开始有追平众人脚下这道矮墙的趋势。 Damn! Is the long-distance group you doing? How to put so many Kabane-!” “见鬼!远程组你们到底在干什么?怎么放进来这么多的卡巴内-!” Do not speak irresponsibly and sarcastically especially! We already in all-out attack! Many people started the omen that had the charm to overdraw......” “别特么站着说话不腰疼!我们已经在全力攻击了!不少人都开始有魔力透支的前兆了……” The close combat group is accusing with the long-distance diaphragm spatially mutually, sound of abusing each other quickly then by innumerable Kabane howling cover passed/lived. 近战组与远程组隔空互相指责着,对骂的声音很快便被无数卡巴内的吼叫盖过。 „Is this?” “这是?” Has stood in the roof for the close combat group " Kamado Nezuko " is providing psychic force output Luo Jie, suddenly discovered below Kabane group the unusual thing, jumps to jump onto " Lucifer " immediately, the figure like just scratching the surface to plunder in the Kabane group, by Beast magic mirror gu After the silk thread slings Kabane, turns the head to fly back. 一直站在楼顶为近战组的「灶门祢豆子」提供着精神力输出的罗戒,忽然在下方的卡巴内群中发现了一点不寻常的东西,当即纵身跃上「路西法」,身形如蜻蜓点水般在卡巴内群中一掠而起,以【兽魔术・镜蛊】的丝线吊起一只卡巴内后转头飞回。
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