NOPTS :: Volume #10 灾难之机巧少女

#580: Fatal finally 1 strikes

" Flaming Cactus " the luck is very bad, then the petite body suffered five beams unexpectedly, sparkles like the top of the head simply is dying a trillion star. 火红仙人掌」的运气很糟糕,那么娇小的身体居然挨了五道射线,简直就像头顶闪耀着死兆星。 Is good can use krypton gold/metal Cou because of the face black, depends on the value hundreds of thousands of overalls the disposable items Guard jade pendant, This only loli under the BOSS big move that actually in this nearly group extinguishes returns safe and sound. 好在脸黑可以用氪金凑,靠着价值数十万积分的一次性道具【护身玉佩】,这只萝莉硬是在这近乎团灭的BOSS大招下毫发无损。 But her bird Doll did not have this treatment, was shot through the magic circuit to explode the disintegration by ray directly in the sky. 但她的鸟型人偶就没这个待遇了,直接被一道光线射穿魔术回路当空爆炸解体。 This loli is actually only intelligent, it is estimated that will expect early will meet this situation, will eject a small-scale chute bag from the storage space directly, deployment while will call for help to Luo Jie loudly. 这只萝莉倒是聪明,估计是早料到会遇上这种情况,直接从储物空间中抛出一个小型降落伞包,一边开伞一边向罗戒大声呼救。 Ye Yan! Saves me!” 夜魇!救我!” Alliance relationship of Luo Jie at present with " Flaming Cactus " , naturally cannot sit by and do nothing, immediately transfers " Lucifer " a U racing, fluttered her parachute cord with the sword sharp, takes the midair her again. 罗戒与「火红仙人掌」目前还是同盟关系,自然不会坐视不理,当即调动「路西法」一个U型急转,以剑尖勾住了她的降落伞绳,将她再次带上半空。 I also think that you will catch me from below with the hand! Your this point is not romantic!” “我还以为你会从下面用手接住我呢!你这一点都不浪漫!” Luo Jie has not paid attention to " Flaming Cactus " talking endlessly, cuts off the parachute cord to throw her in the roof in nearby tall building directly, follows close on is jumping down rooftop, builds about two meters strange six sniper's rifles in the edge... 罗戒没有理会「火红仙人掌」的喋喋不休,直接割断伞绳将她扔在附近一栋高楼的楼顶上,紧跟着跳落天台,在边缘架起一杆近两米长的怪异六管狙击枪。。。 " Machine stick six samsara " ! 「机杖・六道轮回」! This had turned into a magic weapon the sniper's rifle after machine stick thoroughly, with touching off of trigger, the front of muzzle revolves like the barrier circular magic chart mark. 这把机杖化后的狙击枪已经彻底变成了一把魔法武器,随着扳机的扣动,枪口的前方旋转起如同屏障般的圆形魔法阵图纹。 In an instant, a magic bullet that is glittering the white glimmer is separated from the muzzle, delimits the light mark that flashes together passes in the line of sight, accurate shooting in the position that the blue light just vanished. 刹那间,一颗闪烁着白色微光的魔法子弹脱离枪口,在视线中划出一道一闪即逝的光痕,准确的射在蓝光刚刚消失的位置。 The gap that bullet silent submerging in, blasting open, the special shake ball effect " black smoke " that will just repair immediately loudly blasts out again, moreover is bigger, only has special Kabane of blue heart completely to expose that directly outside. 子弹无声无息的没入其中,随即轰然炸裂,特殊的震荡弹效果将「黑烟」那刚刚修复的缺口再次炸开,而且更大,直接将那只拥有蓝色心脏的特殊卡巴内完全暴露在外。 " All things emperor " rushes again, waves to divide together the wild lightning. 「三千世界天子」再次赶到,挥手劈出一道狂暴的闪电。 " Black smoke " before that sturdy Nago breaks suddenly, ejects one group of Kabane and lightnings directly bumps into the sky, actually in this cutting tail sly way immediately this fatal strikes. 「黑烟」那粗壮的长尾前端突然断裂,直接抛出一团卡巴内与闪电当空相撞,硬是以这种断尾的狡猾方式当下了这致命的一击。 The sword light of revolving from the sky delimits a bright circle together suddenly, cut into " black smoke " to keep off in the front long-tail directly. 一道旋转的剑光突然在空中划出一个明亮的圆圈,直接切入了「黑烟」挡在前方的长尾。 Although I am both modest and tolerant, but I am unable to tolerate three people-!” “虽然我为人既谦虚又宽容,但我还是无法容忍三种人-啊!” The lines had not said Lokey that evidently underestimated the defensive power of this tail, Doll " wisdom angel " just cut into half to be caught, the person also scattered Kabane hit from the big sword. 台词还没说完的「洛基」显然低估了这条尾巴的防御力,人偶「智天使」刚斩入一半就被卡住,人也被散落的卡巴内从大剑上撞了下来。 However benefits from a sword that this has not cut, was covered also once again to expose the crevice in the tail following blue color core strictly. 不过得益于这没有斩完的一剑,被严密遮挡在尾巴后面的蓝色核心也再次暴露出空隙。 Luo Jie holds " Lucifer " to jump to jump from the roof from the storage space immediately, makes the golden meteor of sparkle by the sword belt hominization, the whole body erupts several wild incomparable sword air/Qi together suddenly, breaks in " black smoke " directly within the body. 罗戒当即从储物空间中抓住「路西法」从楼顶纵身跃起,以剑带人化作一道闪耀的金色流星,周身骤然爆发出数道狂暴无比的剑气,径直冲入「黑烟」的体内。 " Starburst roared eight notes " ! 星爆・咆哮八音符」! Assumed the sword air/Qi of spiral-shaped encirclement to strangle to death the Kabane community along the way, the flesh stump residual limb of dispersing was splattering the Luo Jie whole body whole face. 呈螺旋状环绕的剑气绞杀着沿途的卡巴内群落,飞散的血肉残肢喷溅了罗戒满身满脸。 Broke through penetration of sonic barrier under impediment of defense level instantaneously, in innumerable Kabane pile up one on top of another is getting more and more slow, the sharp sword point stops finally before chest that Kabane that is sparkling the blue ray. 瞬间突破了音障的贯穿在无数卡巴内堆叠的防御层的阻挡下越来越慢,锋利的剑尖最终停在了闪耀着蓝色光芒的卡巴内的胸口前。 In everyone thinks when this attack falls short, the petite form that has the special black red hair color does not know when broke in the battlefield suddenly. 就在所有人都认为这次攻击功亏一篑之际,一个有着特殊黑红发色的娇小身影不知何时突然冲入了战场。 Flaming Cactus!” 火红仙人掌!” Saw " Kamado Nezuko " presents to " black smoke " in battlefield, " Flaming Cactus " immediately comprehends the Luo Jie intention, immediately summons her Doll of snow " Irori " , " Kamado Nezuko " front Kabane will freeze completely, spread a straight main road that with the ice piece forcefully went nonstop to " black smoke " direction. 看到「灶门祢豆子」出现在对「黑烟」的战场上,「火红仙人掌」立刻领会了罗戒的意图,当即召出她的雪之人偶伊吕里」,将「灶门祢豆子」前方的卡巴内全部冻结,硬生生用冰块铺出了一条直通「黑烟」方向的笔直大道。 " Kamado Nezuko " that petite body is running is growing at the visible speed rapidly, reaches the peak until the end of ice road, changes to a forehead to live the alone corner/horn completely the grown female appearance, immediately a foot treads the surrounding area dozens meters ice road suddenly completely, selects the figure of abundant rhyme to be similar to the shell of chest cavity to break in " black smoke " high directly that the giant hole that heals slowly. 灶门祢豆子」那娇小的身体在奔跑中以肉眼可见的速度急速成长着,直到冰路的尽头达到顶峰,完全化作一名额头生有独角的成年女子模样,随即猛然一脚将方圆数十米的冰路完全踏碎,高挑丰韵的身形如同出膛的炮弹般径直冲入「黑烟」那正在徐徐愈合的巨大孔洞。 Bang! 轰! Golden " the shield of dropping angel " fingernail numerous bombardments in " Lucifer " the sword hilt terminal, sprays the hot blast actually not to the black big sword of little advance strike fierce departure forward to all around in this terrifying strange strength unceasingly, passed through that flash blue heart directly. 金色的「堕天使之盾」手甲重重的轰击在「路西法」的剑柄末端,向四周不断喷射着热风却不得寸进的黑色大剑在这恐怖的怪力一击下猛的向前飞出,径直贯穿了那闪光的蓝色心脏。 The Kabane individual stopped all movements in " black smoke " body surface is wriggling unceasingly suddenly strangely, seemed solidified by some invisible strength, starts to flake to be separated from most outer layer, no vitality crashes from the midair unceasingly. 原本在「黑烟」体表不断蠕动着的卡巴内个体突然诡异的停止了所有动作,仿佛被某种无形的力量所凝固,紧接着从最外层开始剥落脱离,毫无生机的从半空中不断坠落。 The aggregates of other parts are same place collapsing, the Kabane unique orange yellow ray gradually vanish directly gloomily, the corpses of several thousand grey defeats pile up hills, before that silent deathly stillness feeling even the stump residual limb and blood compared with defensive position did win alarmed? 其他的部分的集合体更是直接原地坍塌,卡巴内特有的橙黄色光芒逐渐暗淡消失,数千灰败的尸体堆积成一座座小山,那种无声的死寂感甚至比防御阵地前的残肢和鲜血更加怵目惊心赢了? Including " all things emperor " several beginning page 13 people, the Walpurgis Royal Academy people on the scene looked at each other in blank dismay for several seconds. 包括「三千世界天子」等数名始页十三人在内,在场的华尔普吉斯学院众人面面相觑了数秒。 This only Kabane fusion community can be said as they have met since birth the most difficult fight, even if the fact has put at present, they are not a little able to believe them really to strike as before to kill the so fearful monster unexpectedly. 这只卡巴内融合群体可以说是他们有生以来遇到过的最艰难的战斗,哪怕事实已经摆在眼前,他们依旧还是有点无法置信他们居然真的击杀了如此可怕的怪物。 Naturally, the paid price also similarly is extremely deeply grieved. 当然,付出的代价也同样是极为惨痛的。 Flight Doll and Doll cause almost to be extinguished, the team at least lost 90% high reserve forces. 飞行人偶及其人偶使几乎被全灭,队伍至少失去了90%的高机动力量。 Now also not for the companions mourn, although this giant fusion monster died, but the threat of Kabane tide has not eliminated! We must to turn the residents in sincere city evacuate continue to win the time!” “现在还不是替同伴们哀悼的时候,这只巨大的融合怪物虽然死了,但卡巴内大潮的威胁还没有消除!我们还得为轮敦市的市民们撤离继续争取时间!” Even if not need Ashura Owen and the others inflation, after experiencing this soul-stirring combat, most people who live still have transformed from the student initially become the qualified soldier, after the gap of personnel makes the adjustment slightly, then again aware investment tense defensive duty. 即便无需阿修罗・欧文等人的打气,在经历了这场惊心动魄的战斗后,活下来的绝大多数人也已经从学生初步蜕变成为了合格的战士,对人员的缺口稍作调整后,便再次自觉的投入到了紧张的防守任务当中。
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