NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#879: Does Su Qianyuan wholeheartedly

Chapter 880 does Su Qianyuan wholeheartedly 第880章一心干架的苏乾元 Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 Ye Luo and other people shuttle back and forth in the inexhaustible darkness. 叶落等五人穿梭在无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 They are releasing the Saint prestige. 他们释放着圣威。 By their five artificial centers, gives way to traffic all around dark automatically, does not dare to touch. 以他们五人为中心,周遭黑暗自动避让,根本不敢触碰一下。 Their five people fly into extremely wildly already sometime. 他们五人飞入极荒已经有一段时间。 They have not obviously wanted to refine a Yuan idea. 他们明显没有想要提炼道元的想法。 Five people carry out, is the order of Chu Yuan, comes to seek for the Taoist trinity extremely wildly. 五人奉行的,是楚缘的命令,来极荒寻找三清的。 Naturally cannot make anything to refine dark becomes enlightened the Yuan matter. 自然不会做什么把黑暗炼化成道元的事情。 They do not know where should go to seek for the Taoist trinity. 只是他们不知道该去哪里寻找三清。 Big Apprentice Brother, we cannot such blind looking.” 大师兄,我们不能这么盲目的找吧。” Su Qianyuan could not bear ask one. 苏乾元忍不住问了一句。 Wildly was too extremely big, even if they are Sage, is unable to explore one entire to be extremely wild. 极荒太大了,哪怕他们是圣人,也根本无法探索一整个极荒。 This unpurposed looking, does not know that must find is when good. 这样毫无目的的找,也不知道要找到什么时候才行。 Other three people also looked to Ye Luo. 其他三人也都看向了叶落 They are also a meaning. 他们也是一个意思。 Without sense of purpose seeking, was too difficult. 没有目的性的寻找,实在太难了。 Also right, blind looking, wants to discover the Taoist trinity, was too difficult.” “也对,盲目的找,想要找出三清,实在太困难了。” Ye Luo also understood. 叶落也明白了。 But he sets one's mind at ease to think. 可是他沉下心来想了想。 The feeling also has no means. 感觉也没什么办法。 The Taoist trinity where, he does not know from the start. 三清会在哪里,他压根不知道。 Depending on their realm. 凭他们的境界 If not the Taoist trinity must look for them on own initiative, they even are possible even/including Sanqing the shadow unable to see. 如果不是三清主动要找他们,他们甚至可能连三清的影子都看不到。 Big Apprentice Brother, didn't you have the method to find three seniors?” 大师兄,你也没法子找到三位前辈么?” Tantai Luoxue asked in a soft voice. 澹台洛雪轻声问道。 Un.” “嗯。” Ye Luo is unambiguous, direct nod. 叶落也不含糊,直接点头了。 He indeed does not have the means. 他的确没有办法。 Big Apprentice Brother, was inferior that we ask a Hundun(Chaos) demon god to kill.” 大师兄,不如我们去找一头混沌魔神杀吧。” Su Qianyuan jumped suddenly such. 苏乾元突然蹦出了这么一句。 These words spread. 这句话传出。 On instantaneous field peaceful. 瞬间场上安静了下来。 Ye Luo and other Sage vision fell Su Qianyuan body. 叶落等三位圣人的目光都落到了苏乾元身上 Their vision very strange. 他们的目光都十分的奇怪。 This third child. 这个老三。 It‘s nothing problem? 没什么毛病吧? Kills the Hundun(Chaos) demon god for no reason? 无端端去杀混沌魔神? Do they idle? 他们闲得慌? „It is not, Big Apprentice Brother, do you think so me to do? I have not cracked a joke, we ask a Hundun(Chaos) demon god to kill.” “不是,大师兄,你们这么看着我干什么?我没开玩笑,我们去找一头混沌魔神杀。” Su Qianyuan gawked, immediately said repeatedly. 苏乾元愣了一下,随即连声说道。 Kills the Hundun(Chaos) demon god to do for no reason? Difficult to be inadequate three Junior Brother, killed the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, what has to help to your practicing?” “无端端杀混沌魔神干什么?难不成三师弟,杀了混沌魔神,对你的修行有什么帮助么?” Ye Luo selects the eyebrow to ask. 叶落挑眉问道。 If so, that can consider actually. 如果是这样的话,那倒是可以考虑一下。 Their five people, cope with some weak Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, that is. 他们五个人,对付一些弱一些的混沌魔神,那还是可以的。 Su Qianyuan makes the meat shield, he lord the attack, Tantai Luoxue and purple soda control, Xu Yu hits the assistance. 苏乾元做肉盾,他主攻击,澹台洛雪和紫苏打控制,还有个徐御打辅助。 Hard just a Hundun(Chaos) demon god, that does not have the issue. 硬刚一个混沌魔神,那是没问题的。 However, if unnecessary, he does not want to lead Junior Sister Junior Brother to go to just the Hundun(Chaos) demon god hardly. 不过,如非必要,他也不想带着师弟师妹们去硬刚混沌魔神。 „It is not, Big Apprentice Brother, according to me knows, that three seniors seem like protect the person of this extremely wild here order, if we killed a Hundun(Chaos) demon god, is equal to disrupt the order? Will such that three seniors come?” “不是,大师兄,根据我所知,那三位前辈似乎是守护这极荒这边秩序的人,我们要是杀了一名混沌魔神,是不是等同于扰乱秩序?那样那三位前辈是不是会现身?” In the Su Qianyuan eye blooms is wiping none, so said. 苏乾元眼中绽放着一抹精光,这般说道。 Other person of hears word, gawked, immediately all silent. 其他人闻言,都是愣了一下,随即全都沉默了下来。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 Su Qianyuan was somewhat puzzled. 苏乾元有些不解了起来。 What did he say has is not right? 他说得有什么不对么? This can indeed attract the Taoist trinity to come. 这样的的确确能吸引三清前来呀。 This does not have the problem. 这没毛病呀。 „It is not, do you look at me to do? I said that has what issue.” “不是,你们看我干什么?难道我说的有什么问题么。” Su Qianyuan asked such a. 苏乾元不禁问出了这么一句。 Three Junior Brother, you said...... does not have the issue, but, did you somewhat move unnecessarily?” “三师弟,你说的……没问题,只是,你是不是有些多此一举了?” Ye Luo hesitated the moment, saying slowly. 叶落沉吟了片刻,缓缓的说道。 Moves unnecessarily? What do you mean?” “多此一举?什么意思?” Su Qianyuan puzzled asking. 苏乾元不解的问道。 We attract three seniors is right, but, why do we want to hit the Hundun(Chaos) demon god? This method indeed, did we refine a Yuan is not good directly? According to that Immortal World Heavenly Dao said, this is the taboo, we refine a Yuan, three seniors will certainly notice.” “我们吸引三位前辈是对的,只不过,我们为什么要去打混沌魔神呢?这个方法的确可以,我们直接提炼道元不就好了?根据那仙界天道所说,这是禁忌,我们提炼道元,三位前辈一定会注意到的。” Ye Luo is shaking the head to say. 叶落摇着头说道。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 The Su Qianyuan whole person was stiff. 苏乾元整个人都僵硬了一下。 Yes, he if why wants to do the frame, hits Hundun(Chaos) demon god? 是啊,他为什么要想着去干架,去打混沌魔神呢? Is going all out to hit the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, but may also not attract the attention of Taoist trinity. 拼着命去打混沌魔神,还不一定能吸引得到三清的注意。 On the contrary they have by the risk that the Hundun(Chaos) demon god strikes to kill. 相反他们还有被混沌魔神击杀的风险。 Why can take this risk to do the frame? 为什么要冒着这种风险去干架呢? Su Qianyuan felt own head pulled out. 苏乾元感觉自己脑袋抽了。 Why he is always thinking does the frame. 为什么他会老想着干架呢。 Telling the truth, he himself puts in order is not clear. 有一说一,他自己都整不明白了。 Greatly, Big Apprentice Brother, according to you said comes.” “大,大师兄,还是按照你说的来吧。” Su Qianyuan touched own to be greatly bald, drew back silently. 苏乾元摸了摸自己的大光头,默默退了下去。 Ok, that then starts to refine a Yuan, slow Wazi you have not broken through the boundary of Sage now, but the strength is on par, then Protector for us in the distant place then, Junior Sister Junior Brother we begins together, the capture darkness, will build up by the strength of Great Dao.” “行,那便开始炼化道元,徐娃子你如今还没突破圣人之境,只是战力比肩,便在远处为我们护法即可,师弟师妹我们一起动手,捕捉黑暗,以大道之力将之炼化。” Ye Luo nods immediately, told that organized. 叶落当即点头,吩咐组织了起来。 Other four people of natures receive an order. 其余四人自然领命。 The Ye Luo dignity in their mind is high, can say, besides Chu Yuan, is highest. 叶落在他们心目之中的威严可是非常高的,可以说,除了楚缘之外,就是最高的了。 The instruction of Ye Luo, they naturally can comply with. 叶落的吩咐,他们自然会遵从。 Xu Yu takes out ancient lance, erupts the whole body imposing manner, an intermittent ray is flashing all around, he is situated in the distant place, calmly is standing, is the Ye Luo four people Protector. 徐御取出一柄古矛,爆发浑身气势,周遭一阵阵光芒闪动着,他立于远处,静静站着,为叶落四人护法。 Let alone, his present imposing manner, had such several points of invincible potentials seriously. 别说,他如今的气势,当真有了那么几分无敌之势。 Ye Luo is also looking at Xu Yu of distant place, the innermost feelings moves slightly. 叶落也是在看着远处的徐御,内心微微一动。 Past that young suckling baby, eventually was the growth, but. 昔日那个小奶娃,终究是成长而起了。 He is only somewhat sigh with emotion. 他只是有些感慨。 Has not thought. 没有多想。 Ye Luo gets back one's composure quickly, the vision falls in the darkness that the distant place gave way to traffic unceasingly, the mind moves, swordsmanship river projection in him behind obviously. 叶落很快回神,目光落到了远方不断避让的黑暗之中,心神一动,剑道长河投影于他身后显化。 Terrifying swift and fierce sword intent swept across all around all. 恐怖的凌厉剑意席卷了周遭一切。 Sees own Big Apprentice Brother movement. 看到自家大师兄的动作。 Other three people have not been gawking. 其他三人也没愣着。 Su Qianyuan draws out Great Dao of strength. 苏乾元引出力之大道 Great Dao of Tantai Luoxue reassignment chess. 澹台洛雪调动棋之大道 The perilla melts Great Dao of dream obviously. 紫苏显化梦之大道 Four Great Dao expose simultaneously. 四种大道同时展露而出。 The strength of Great Dao fills the air in all directions. 大道之力弥漫四面八方。 As if felt anything all around dark, just like the tide was ordinary, crazy drew back outward, wanted to evade to open. 周遭黑暗仿佛感受到了什么,犹如潮水一般,疯狂的往外退了出去,想要逃避而开。 „To escape? Without is so easy.” “想逃?没那么容易。” The Ye Luo surprise, has not thought that these darkness know to run unexpectedly. 叶落也诧异了,没想到这些黑暗居然知道跑。 He transfers the strength of swordsmanship directly, pursued these darkness. 他直接调动剑道之力,追击起了那些黑暗。 Other three people similarly so. 其余三人同样如此。 At once, the strength of four different Great Dao as if changed to four big nets, is catching these darkness crazily. 一时之间,四种不同的大道之力仿佛化作了四张大网,疯狂的捕捉着这些黑暗。 The darkness falls into the big net, unceasingly struggling. 黑暗落入大网之中,不断挣扎着。 How whatever to struggle, is unable to work loose to open. 只是任由如何挣扎,都根本无法挣脱而开。 Will build up by the strength of Great Dao directly, these darkness feel the having mystical powers wisdom.” “直接以大道之力将之炼化,这些黑暗感觉有灵智的。” Ye Luo knitting the brows head. 叶落皱了皱眉头。 His sword refers to wields, inspires the strength of Great Dao, started to refine its these darkness. 他剑指一挥,引动大道之力,开始炼化其了这些黑暗。 Su Qianyuan and other people of natures are coordinating Ye Luo. 苏乾元等三人自然配合着叶落 The strength of four Great Dao intersect in the same place, formed shape of the incense burner, the darkness was stranded is one of them, was being melted unceasingly. 四种大道之力交叉在一起,形成了一座炉鼎之状,黑暗被困在其中,不断被融化着。 When the strength of Great Dao starts to refine the darkness, entire vibrated extremely wildly slightly. 大道之力开始炼化黑暗时,整个极荒都微微震动了起来。 Extremely wild all around darkness probably felt that anything, the crazy rebellion, caused extremely wildly becomes chaotic...... 极荒周遭的黑暗的像是感觉到了什么,疯狂暴动了起来,引得极荒变得混乱了……
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