NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#878: Zhang Hao is really intimate

Your 17 disciple leaf say/way overstated, the mind hoodwinked 您的十七弟子叶道走火入魔,心神蒙蔽 Your 17 disciple dao heart are stave, cultivation base draws back greatly 您的十七弟子道心破碎,修为大退 After these two news jump. 当这两条消息跳出来后。 Chu Yuan understood all. 楚缘就明白了一切。 No wonder this leaf seemingly becomes strange. 难怪这个叶道看起来变得奇奇怪怪。 Really has problems. 是真的出了问题。 Overstate! 走火入魔! dao heart was shattered! 道心破碎! Troublesome. 麻烦了。 This disciple really troubled. 这个弟子真的麻烦了。 Chu Yuan wrinkled the brow, his heart moved, adjusted the god brilliant number quietly, completed preparation that suppressed leaf say/way. 楚缘皱紧了眉头,他内心一动,悄然把神光大号调了回来,做好了镇压叶道的准备。 „, You practice to have something go wrong.” “道儿,你修行出了岔子。” After Chu Yuan god brilliant number hiding, immediately looks to leaf say/way, opened the mouth to say one. 楚缘把神光大号给藏好了之后,当即看向叶道,开口道了一句。 Master, you teach is some useless things, I had certainly something go wrong, but also asked Master you to teach me the real ability!” 师尊,您教的都是些没用的东西,我当然出岔子了,还请师尊您教我真本领!” leaf say/way knelt on the ground again, said these words seriously. 叶道再度跪在了地上,严肃的说出了这番话。 His both eyes are scarlet. 他的双目猩红。 The atmosphere constrained all of a sudden. 气氛一下子就压抑了下来。 His whole body is twining the bunch of demon air/Qi, it can be imagined, he overstated what degree. 他的周身缠绕着一团团的魔气,可想而知,他走火入魔到了什么程度。 Real ability? What real ability do you want?” “真本领?你想要什么真本领?” Chu Yuan smiled. 楚缘笑了。 Hasn't he taught the real ability? 他还没传授真本领么? He to this 17 disciples, is best. 他对这个十七弟子,算是最好的了吧。 Has been teaching some real things. 一直都在传授一些真东西。 Absolutely does not have the least bit to trick. 完全没有半点忽悠。 This disciple said unexpectedly he has not taught the real ability. 这个弟子居然说他没传授真本领。 These of Master instruction same side, are the real abilities!” 师尊传授同门们的那些,才是真本领!” leaf say/way did not dread said. 叶道毫不畏惧的说。 Chu Yuan was really then ignorant. 这下楚缘真的懵了。 Has the problem. 有毛病吧。 His well does not explain religious doctrine well. 他好好的讲道不好。 Unexpectedly felt before , he tricks, real. 居然觉得以前他忽悠的,才是真的。 This small 17...... 这个小十七啊…… Really made him a little get angry. 真的让他有点怒了呀。 Meaning that however Chu Yuan do not haggle over. 不过楚缘没有要计较的意思。 He has not gotten sick. 他又没病。 Haggles over anything with an overstating disciple. 和一个走火入魔的弟子计较什么。 Does not haggle over to turn over to not to haggle over. 只是不计较归不计较。 Does not represent him not to punish this 17 disciples. 不代表他不惩罚这个十七弟子。 You may know that what you are saying?” “你可知道你到底在说什么?” Chu Yuan catches the eye slightly, looks at leaf say/way. 楚缘微微抬眼,看着叶道。 His trumpet has no pressure. 他的小号没有任何威压。 But the invisible in scary dignity is actually oppressing, making one have to shiver. 但无形之中却有一股骇人的威严压迫着,令人心生颤抖。 Under overstated leaf actually not to attend to quite the same as, had not been affected slightly by this dignity, even also raised the head with Chu Yuan looking at each other. 走火入魔之下的叶道却浑然不顾,丝毫没有被这股威严影响到,甚至还抬头和楚缘对视。 Disciple, wanting to ask Master to teach the real ability, if Master does not permit, when the disciple brings on oneself the real ability!” “弟子,欲要请师尊传授真本领,若是师尊不允,弟子当自取真本领!” A leaf tone became hoarse. 叶道语气变得沙哑了起来。 Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! After leaf say/way spoke these words. 当叶道说完这句话后。 A huge pressure, arrived in Sect Master Main Hall fiercely. 一股庞大至极的威压,猛地降临了宗主大殿之内。 The leaf whole person was pressed kneels to bend down on the ground, is unable to move. 叶道整个人都被压得跪伏在了地上,无法动弹。 The god brilliant number arrives! 神光大号降临! leaf say/way does not know so many. 只是叶道并不知道那么多。 He was pressed on the ground, anything did not look. 他被压在了地上,根本什么也看不了。 Counter disciple!” “逆徒!” Disrespecting Teacher, when executes!!” “不敬师长,当诛!!” Chu Yuan sound near leaf say/way the ear crack. 楚缘的声音在叶道耳边炸响。 Leaf innermost feelings tremble, a greatest despair emerges. 叶道内心一颤,一股莫大的绝望涌现而来。 Originally thinks that Master must put to death him. 本来以为师尊要诛杀他。 But has not felt anything slowly. 可是迟迟都没有感觉到什么。 He wants to look up, the discovery is actually not able to be on the rise. 他想要抬头看去,却发现根本无法抬头。 Under this pressure. 在这股威压之下。 It is not able to raise the head. 根本无法抬头。 leaf say/way has no means that can only calmly wait for the trial, his heart has been full of the regret, how he can say such words to Master. 叶道没有任何办法,只能静静等待审判,他内心已经充满了悔意,他怎么能对师尊说出这样的话。 This little while, under this pressure, he also anything cannot say, can only calmly wait. 这会儿,在这股威压之下,他又什么都说不了,只能静静等待。 After passing the moment . 过了片刻后。 The sound spread to his ear together quietly. 一道声音悄然传入了他耳中。 „, Read, in you once shouted that I in a Master share, forgave your life, oneself went to the Immortal World informed and experienced 30 years, 30 years later may return.” “罢了,念在你曾喊我一声师尊的份上,饶你一命,自己去仙界历练三十年,三十年后可归来。” This is the Chu Yuan sound. 这是楚缘的声音。 leaf say/way was shocked. 叶道愣住了。 Did he say such words, Master is also willing to forgive him unexpectedly? 他说出了这样的话,师尊居然还肯宽恕他? And 30 years later, making him return? 并且三十年后,让他归来? Has not waited for leaf say/way to respond. 还没等叶道反应过来。 An invisible strength sweeps across to come, gives to draw during him is void, is going toward Immortal World. 一股无形的力量席卷而来,将他给拖入虚空之中,往着仙界而去。 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之内。 Chu Yuan both hands shoulder, look at a leaf vanishing place, sighed. 楚缘双手背负,看着叶道消失的地方,叹了口气。 Eventually is his disciple. 终究是他的弟子。 He does not endure to begin. 他也不忍对其动手。 This disciple went too far. 只是这个弟子太过分了。 Let the disciple go to Immortal World well to be calm. 让弟子去仙界好好冷静一下吧。 Instead in the eastern divine land, in the northern immortal state, he is the Heavenly Dao, can look at this disciple momentarily. 反正在东神州,北仙州内,他便是天道,随时可以看着这个弟子。 If this disciple had/left what danger, he can also the earliest possible time detect, makes a move to rescue. 这个弟子如果出了什么危险,他也能第一时间察觉到,出手救下。 This matter puts in order, considers as finished, goes to Great Profound World to receive the disciple the matter that postpones, when the second child came back, gives the second child to process.” “这事整得,算了算了,去太玄界收弟子的事情,还是延后一些吧,等老二回来了,交给老二去处理。” This second child ability, making him go to be appropriate.” “这个老二能力强,让他去就合适了。” Chu Yuan also sighed. 楚缘又是一叹。 Now he does not feel, what back thorn, was second child the matter of pot. 现在他并不觉得,什么背刺的,是老二的锅的事情了。 Before this clearly is him, was in luck. 这分明是他之前走运了而已。 Now was normal, has a look at leaf say/way, was not taught waste. 现在正常了,看看叶道,不就被教废了。 Yeah. 哎。 Yeah. 哎。 Yeah. 哎。 In entire Sect Master Main Hall, filled the Chu Yuan sigh. 整个宗主大殿之内,充满了楚缘的叹息声。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 Ye Luo and other people just departed the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, entering to be wild. 叶落等十人刚刚飞出混沌虚无,进入极荒。 After entering is extremely wild, the inexhaustible darkness, then wrapped the people immediately. 在进入极荒后,无穷无尽的黑暗,当即便包裹了众人。 At this time the realm disparity appeared. 这时候境界的差距就显现出来了。 Zhang Hao gluttonous ti and other people of speeds quickly wane, needs to transfer spiritual power to defend these dark attacks. 张寒饕鬄等五人速度骤减,需要调动法力防御这些黑暗的侵袭。 Reviews Ye Luo and other people. 反观叶落等五人。 Besides Xu Yu, other four people release the Saint prestige, then can readily make these darkness withdraw. 除了徐御之外,其他四人只是释放圣威,便能轻易让那些黑暗退避。 Xu Yu was not simple, is released externally his to the extreme practicing breathing exercises boundary aura oddly, similarly shocked the darkness. 徐御也不简单,外放他那离谱到了极点的练气境气息,同样震慑了黑暗。 Nearby Ye Luo and the others looked that Zhang Hao these five people are so strenuous, originally also wants to shelter. 一旁叶落等人看张寒这五人这么吃力,本来还想庇护一下的。 After may receive passes message of Zhang Hao, they dropped this idea. 可接到张寒的传音后,他们就打消了这个想法了。 Big Apprentice Brother, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is possibly still staring at us, does not need to assist.” 大师兄,仙界天道可能还在盯着我们,无需相助。” Zhang Hao is very obviously clear, knows that perhaps the Immortal World Heavenly Dao has been paying attention to them. 张寒明显很清楚,知道仙界天道或许一直在关注着他们。 This did not mean, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao suspects them. 这并不是说,仙界天道怀疑他们。 But is they and Ye Luo these five people treats in the same place. 而是他们和叶落这五个人待在一起。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao will feel relieved that was fishy. 仙界天道会放心才有鬼了。 It is estimated that the Immortal World Heavenly Dao was worried, the Ye Luo five people will kill them. 估计仙界天道都在担心,叶落五人会干掉他们了。 Good.” “好。” Ye Luo sent greetings one. 叶落传音了一句。 Then has other four people, been concerned with toward forward flight in the past. 而后带着其他四人,不闻不问的往前飞了过去。 But Zhang Hao and the others chose another direction to fly. 张寒等人则是选择了另一个方向飞行。 both sides go separate ways, toward goes respectively at the same time. 双方分道扬镳,各往一边而去。 ...... …… In Immortal World Land of Heaven. 仙界天土之中。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao wrinkled the brow. 仙界天道皱紧了眉头。 He looks that Zhang Hao and Ye Luo go separate ways, is somewhat puzzled. 他看着张寒叶落分道扬镳,有些不解。 He does not confess Zhang Hao, as far as possible gets rid of Ye Luo they. 他不是交代张寒,尽可能的干掉叶落他们么。 How to return the dispersion. 怎么还分散了。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao innermost feelings raised the doubts. 仙界天道内心升起了疑惑。 He thought for a long time, to seek a reasonable answer to himself. 他想了许久,才给自己找了一个合理的答案。 Right, now they in the extremely wild edge, are too near from Immortal World. 对了,现在他们只是在极荒边缘,距离仙界太近了。 If begins here, was detected very much easily by Chu Yuan. 如果在这里动手,很容易被楚缘察觉到。 Waiting till other places began is quite good again. 等到了其他地方再动手会比较好。 Right, certainly is this. 对,一定是这样的。 Yeah, this Zhang Hao had a mind actually. 哎,这个张寒倒是有心了。 Knows that begins to annoy easily troublesome to him in the extremely wild edge. 知道在极荒边缘动手容易给他惹麻烦。 Then, this Zhang Hao is a character. 说起来,这个张寒是个人物。 The talent is stronger than Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), the ability is also stronger than Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), but also understood that considers for him. 天赋比青天圣人强,能力也比青天圣人强,还懂得为他着想。 Then can many give this Zhang Hao to some Heavenly Dao lawful rights actually. 回头倒是可以多给一些天道权柄给这个张寒 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao innermost feelings are filled with all sorts of feelings...... 仙界天道内心感慨万分……
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