NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#877: leaf say/way overstated

, The quickest renewal does not will some really people think that Master is the mortal the latest chapter! ,最快更新不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧最新章节! Immortal World edge. 仙界边缘。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Chu Yuan and Immortal World Heavenly Dao arrives this place. 楚缘仙界天道都驾临此地。 Their follows behind Ye Luo Zhang Hao and other people. 他们的身后跟着叶落张寒等十个人。 Their this coming, then must come sending out Ye Luo Zhang Hao and the others extremely wildly. 他们这次前来,便是要来将叶落张寒等人给送出极荒的。 This little while, Chu Yuan and other people are confessing something with Ye Luo, encircles a small circle to whisper. 这会儿,楚缘在和叶落等五人交代一些事情,围成一个小圈低语着。 Nearby Immortal World Heavenly Dao also has the Zhang Hao five people. 旁边仙界天道也带着张寒五人。 But the Immortal World Heavenly Dao has not spoken, looks at that side Chu Yuan. 只不过仙界天道并未说话,就那么看着楚缘那边。 After some little time. 在过了好一会儿后。 Before Chu Yuan has the Ye Luo five people to move toward . 楚缘才带着叶落五人走向前。 You go, during entering is extremely wild, careful.” “你们去吧,进入极荒之中,小心一点。” Chu Yuan turns around, exhorted five people of one again. 楚缘转身,再次嘱咐了五人一句。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” Ye Luo and other people do obeisance hastily. 叶落等五人连忙一拜。 In another side Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti subconscious must do obeisance, may think instantaneously the own status, stopped the movement hastily, stands in that honestly. 在另一边的张寒和饕鬄下意识的也要一拜,可瞬间想到了自己的身份,连忙停下了动作,老老实实站在那。 The innermost feelings relax, their has the big sickness. 内心松了一口气,他们这是有大病吧。 Almost unexpectedly directly presenting another's regards respect. 差点居然直接给拜上了。 If this were seen by the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, but is serious. 这要是被仙界天道看到,可不得了。 The status of undercover, non- percentage hundred expositions. 那卧底的身份,不百分百暴露了么。 Almost, is really the close call. 差一点点,真的是好险。 They are also helpless. 他们也是无奈了。 Facing Master, they are subconscious, is respectable. 面对师尊,他们下意识的,就是尊敬。 Simply has not thought so many, subconscious salutes. 根本没有想那么多,下意识就是行礼。 You also go.” “你们也去吧。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also opened the mouth at this time. 仙界天道在这时候也开口了。 Yes, Venerable.” “是,尊上。” The Zhang Hao five people said hastily. 张寒五人连忙说道。 Ye Luo and Zhang Hao and other people then set out, was flying toward Immortal World beside. 叶落张寒等十人这才起身,往着仙界之外飞了出去。 Ten people erupted the whole body power and influence, changed to together the streams light/only, ran out of Immortal World, entered in the Hundun(Chaos) nihility. 十人都爆发出了浑身威势,化作一道道流光,冲出仙界,进入了混沌虚无之中。 After entering the Hundun(Chaos) nihility, 在进入混沌虚无后, Ten people of unprecedentedness, continue to proceed to rush over. 十人一往无前,继续往前冲了过去。 Their goals are extremely wild. 他们的目标是极荒。 ...... …… Immortal World edge. 仙界边缘。 Chu Yuan distant looks at these ten people of departures, both hands is shouldering, the look is calm. 楚缘遥遥的望着这十人的离开,双手背负,神色淡定。 He were pondering matter that before and Ye Luo they confessed. 他内心在思考着之前和叶落他们交代的事情。 He has not actually wanted to make Ye Luo really go to an extremely wild refinement Yuan meaning. 他其实并没有想要让叶落真的去极荒提炼道元的意思。 He confesses, is to make Ye Luo they go to be wild, thinks in the means relation the Taoist trinity, transmits his meaning to Sanqing. 他所交代的,是让叶落他们前往极荒,想办法联系上三清,向三清传达他的意思。 He wants a arrange/cloth bureau, directs the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, then collaborates the Taoist trinity, buries alive the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他想要布个局,把仙界天道引出去,然后联手三清,坑杀仙界天道。 Chu Yuan is not stupid. 楚缘又不蠢。 The cooperation with Immortal World day true understanding, he only meets the gain does not equal the loss finally. 仙界天道真的合作,他最后只会得不偿失。 Let Immortal World expand, he was the strengthen. 仙界扩张,他是变强了。 However the Immortal World Heavenly Dao will also stiffen. 但是仙界天道也会变强。 This supporting the enemy matter, he does not want to do. 这种资敌的事情,他可不想做。 Might as well collaborates the Taoist trinity, removes the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 还不如联手三清,除掉仙界天道呢。 When the time comes he annexes other half of Immortal World, the income is bigger. 到时候他吞并另外一半仙界,收益更大。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is half Great Dao Sage is good. 仙界天道是半步大道圣人不错。 If had/left Immortal World, will definitely be weakened. 但是一旦出了仙界,肯定会被削弱。 When the time comes his both numbers are the Chaos Sage ranks, in addition the Taoist trinity, not necessarily cannot destroy completely the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 到时候他两个号都是混沌圣人级别,加上三清,未必不能灭掉仙界天道。 Plan of Chu Yuan very clear. 楚缘的计划非常的清晰。 Then, waited for the Ye Luo movement on the line. 接下来,等待叶落的动作就行了。 Read hence. 一念至此。 Chu Yuan does not want to ponder over anything. 楚缘也不想琢磨些什么。 He shook the head slightly, looks to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他微微摇头,看向了仙界天道。 „The matter, I then first walked.” “此间事了,我便先走了。” Chu Yuan spoke these words. 楚缘说完这句话。 Does not bring slightly hesitant. 不带丝毫犹豫。 Turns around then to change to a ray, was flying toward the eastern divine land. 转身便化作一道光芒,往着东神州飞了过去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks at Chu Yuan that departs, silent. 仙界天道看着离去的楚缘,沉默不语。 He is also thinking how to kill the plan of Chu Yuan. 他也在想着怎么弄死楚缘的计划。 Two people almost achieved consistently. 两人几乎是达成了一致的。 Chu Yuan is thinking how to bury alive the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 楚缘在想着怎么坑杀仙界天道。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is also thinking how to kill Chu Yuan. 仙界天道也在想着怎么弄死楚缘 However, the method of Immortal World Heavenly Dao is quite gentle, is the plan first cuts the wing of Chu Yuan, destroys completely Ye Luo and the others. 不过,仙界天道的法子比较轻柔,是打算先剪出楚缘的羽翼,灭掉叶落等人的。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That side swordsmanship river. 在剑道长河那边。 Hidden Heaven Island, Daoless Sect. 隐天岛,无道宗 At this moment, 17 disciple leaf this little while are standing in the Sect Master Main Hall entrance, his dull raising the head is looking at front palace. 此时此刻,十七弟子叶道这会儿正站在宗主大殿门口,他呆呆的抬头望着面前的宫殿。 If carefully looks at his look, can see a thin and pale meaning. 如果仔细看他的神色,就能看出一股憔悴之意。 And his both eyes are scarlet, has an overstating feeling. 并且他的双目猩红,有种走火入魔的感觉。 He looks at Sect Master Main Hall, in a low voice twittering. 他看着宗主大殿,低声呢喃着。 Why I practice unable to progress.” “我为什么修行无法进展。” Why this is......” “这到底是为什么……” Certainly is Master, was Master hid one's incompetence by remaining silent, taught my some useless things, hid the real skill! Certainly is this.” “一定是师尊,是师尊藏拙了,教了我一些没用的东西,把真本事藏起来了!一定是这样的。” These Senior Sister Senior Brother can mature, without the truth I am incorrect, certainly is the Master issue......” “那些师兄师姐们都能成才,没道理我不行的,一定是师尊的问题……” My this goes to look for Master, making Master teach me the real skill!” “我这就进去找师尊,让师尊教我真本事!” leaf say/way leaves fiercely, in his movement brings demon air/Qi. 叶道猛地动身,他的动作之中带着一股魔气。 Obviously, his practicing has something go wrong. 明显,他的修行出了岔子。 Before seeing only he arrives at Sect Master Main Hall, puts out a hand to open the front door. 只见他走到宗主大殿之前,伸手推开了大门。 Yes, he has not made any polite movement, but is substantive opened the front door. 是的,他没有做任何礼貌性的动作,而是直接性的推开了大门。 Sect Master Main Hall usually has no ban. 宗主大殿平时根本没有任何禁制。 Because before can arrive at Sect Master Main Hall, basically passes on the disciple, even if not pass on the disciple, looks like Li Ergang their these status special people. 因为能来到宗主大殿之前的,基本上都是亲传弟子,哪怕不是亲传弟子,也是像李二刚他们这些身份特殊的人。 The average people did not come. 一般人根本来不了。 But leaf say/way the status passes on the disciple, he can certainly be close to Sect Master Main Hall. 但叶道的身份是亲传弟子,他当然能够接近宗主大殿的了。 In lovable biography disciple, without whom dares to open the Sect Master Main Hall door directly. 可亲传弟子之中,也没谁敢直接来推开宗主大殿的门。 leaf say/way was an exception. 叶道就是一个例外了。 Is all passes on the accident/surprise that the disciples cannot think. 是所有亲传弟子都想不到的意外。 Sees only leaf say/way to open the front door, entered Sect Master Main Hall, his vision framed rapidly in most above god light/only trumpet body. 只见叶道推开大门,走进了宗主大殿,他的目光迅速定格在了最上方的神光小号身上 Master!” 师尊!” Although leaf say/way the intelligence starts is not unclear, but he facing Chu Yuan, took the lead good a ritual. 叶道虽然神智开始不清了,但是他面对楚缘,还是率先行了一礼。 Master...... 师尊…… Under this. 这一句之下。 Transferred in the Immortal World Chu Yuan instantaneous mind, returned to the god light/only trumpet. 远在仙界楚缘瞬间心神调动,回到了神光小号之中。 Saw only the god light/only trumpet of head to open the eyes slowly. 只见上首的神光小号缓缓睁开了双眼。 When he sees is leaf say/way in shouting him, gawked. 当他看到是叶道在喊他时,也是愣了下来。 This small 17, looks him to do? 这个小十七,来找他干什么? It is not right, this small 17 condition, unusual is not right. 不对,这个小十七的状态,非常的不对劲。 Chu Yuan detected probably anything, the brow could not bear a wrinkle. 楚缘像是察觉到了什么,眉头忍不住一皱。 „, Your this comes, behavior what matter?” “道儿,你此来,所为何事?” Chu Yuan first asked one. 楚缘还是先开口问了一句。 Master, what you teach is the useless thing!” 师尊,您教的是没用的东西!” leaf say/way kneels, opened the mouth to come such a. 叶道跪地,开口就来了这么一句。 Un? Can how slander itself?” “嗯?道儿,怎可如此诋毁自己?” Chu Yuan gawked, the opens the mouth said one. 楚缘愣了一下,张口就道了一句。 Under these words. 这一句话下。 leaf say/way was also shocked fiercely. 叶道也是猛地愣住了。 His that fuzzy intelligence sobered a point. 他那模糊的神智都清醒了一点。 He, what he wants saying that Master teaches him, is some useless things. 他,他想说的是,师尊教给他的,都是一些没用的东西。 The meaning of Master is, is he useless thing? 师尊的意思是,他是没用的东西? Good. 好啊。 Originally this is the Master true meaning. 原来这才是师尊真正的意思。 He puts in great inconvenience. 他委屈啊。 Master said that he was the useless thing, he was aggrieved. 师尊都说他是没用的东西了,他憋屈啊。 A greatest grievance well ups. 一股莫大的委屈涌上心头。 Some leaf of cultivation deviation have not cried. 有些走火入魔的叶道差点就没哭出来了。 Looks at this leaf say/way above Chu Yuan, always feels this leaf strange. 在上方的楚缘看着这个叶道,总感觉这个叶道奇奇怪怪。 He is frowning the character present situation opens. 他皱着眉头把人物现状打开。 Examines leaf say/way the situation specially. 专门查看叶道的情况。 Your 17 disciple leaf say/way overstated, mind hoodwinked 【您的十七弟子叶道走火入魔,心神蒙蔽】 Your 17 disciple dao heart are stave, cultivation base draws back greatly 【您的十七弟子道心破碎,修为大退】 ...... …… Really. 果然。 This 17 disciples have problems. 这个十七弟子出了问题。 Overstating, dao heart was shattered! 走火入魔,道心破碎! The Chu Yuan brow wrinkled tightly...... 楚缘眉头皱得更紧了……
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