NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#876: Card in a hand?

, Some really people will not think that Master is a mortal ,不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧 Chapter 877 card in a hand? 第877章底牌? In Land of Heaven. 天土之中。 Discussed, bringing Zhang Hao and other people to return to here Immortal World Heavenly Dao, was one flies into a rage. 商议完毕,带着张寒等五人回到这里的仙界天道,又是一番大发雷霆。 Immortal World Heavenly Dao violent anger eruption whole body spiritual power. 仙界天道暴怒的爆发浑身的法力 Terrifying heavenly prestige sweeps across all around all. 恐怖的天威席卷周遭一切。 Extinguishes these black fog completely all. 将那些黑雾尽皆荡灭。 However the Immortal World Heavenly Dao has the discretion. 不过仙界天道还是有分寸的。 He avoided Zhang Hao and other people, for fear that affects these five people. 他避开了张寒等五人,生怕波及到这五人。 Regarding the Zhang Hao five people, he works as the treasure to be the same. 对于张寒五人,他还是当宝贝一样的。 After all he under others, has not wanted to train now, radically without enough time. 毕竟他如今麾下已经没有其他人了,想要重新培养,根本来不及。 His subordinate needs Zhang Hao and other people. 他的麾下非常需要张寒等五人。 Therefore Zhang Hao and other people cannot have what mistake. 所以张寒等五人绝不能出什么差池。 After the Immortal World Heavenly Dao good one to vent, calm. 仙界天道好一顿发泄之后,才冷静了下来。 He after the calmness, the innermost feelings pondered. 他在冷静之后,内心不由思考了起来。 Why is. 到底是为什么。 Under Chu Yuan really has to present so many Sage. 楚缘麾下竟然有出现这么多圣人 Is counted Xu Yu, this is enough five. 算上徐御,这可是足足五位啊。 Moreover, besides Xu Yu, other four is the card results in Great Dao Sage. 而且,除了徐御之外,其他四位全都是证得大道圣人 This Chu Yuan, Tete was odd. 这个楚缘,太特么离谱了。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao turned the head to look to the Zhang Hao five people. 仙界天道转头看向了张寒五人。 Must train the Zhang Hao five people with the Ye Luo five people of being on par situations, was too reluctant. 要把张寒五人培养到与叶落五人比肩的地步,还是太勉强了。 It is not good, he must, if wants means that burying alive that five Sage is good. 不行,他得要想个办法,坑杀那五尊圣人才行。 Again bad, must bury alive its one or two, cannot the ignores get down like this. 再不济,也要坑杀其一尊或两尊,不能这样放任下去。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao thought deeply about the period of time carefully. 仙界天道仔细的思索了一阵子。 Slowly looks at the vision again to Zhang Hao and other people. 缓缓的将目光再度看向张寒等五人。 To solve Ye Luo and the others, can only make his these five subordinates do. 想要解决叶落等人,只能让他这五个手下去做。 So long as Ye Luo and the others fell from the sky during is extremely wild, Chu Yuan discovered anything even, still simply have no reason to cope with him. 只要叶落等人陨落在极荒之中,楚缘就算发现了什么,也根本没有理由对付他。 Zhang Hao.” 张寒。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao opens the mouth slowly, shouted Zhang Hao one. 仙界天道缓缓的开口,喊了张寒一句。 In.” “在。” Zhang Hao gawked, stood hastily, complied with one. 张寒愣了一下,连忙站了出来,应了一句。 This time you go out to be wild, then leads a group by you, before then, I must confess that your something, you need to help me complete.” “这次你们外出极荒,便由你来领队,在此之前,我要交代你一些事情,你需要帮我办妥了。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao so said. 仙界天道这般说道。 Although Zhang Hao cultivation base in five people, is not peak, but Zhang Hao absolutely is in five people an ability strongest person. 虽然张寒修为在五人之中,不是最顶尖的,但是张寒绝对是五人之中能力最强的一个人。 This processing matter, leads the matter of team, gives Zhang Hao, he is 10,000 felt relieved. 这种处理事情,带领团队的事情,交给张寒,他是一万个放心。 Also asked Venerable to tell.” “还请尊上吩咐。” In the Zhang Hao heart was puzzled immediately, this is must tell his anything matter. 张寒心中顿时困惑了起来,这是要吩咐他什么事情。 I need you to lead the team, when going out to be extremely wild, as far as possible gets rid of Ye Luo that five people.” “我需要你带领团队,在外出极荒时,尽可能的干掉叶落那五个人。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements. 仙界天道语不惊人死不休。 Zhang Hao: „......” 张寒:“……” Did you see me are an undercover? 你是不是看出我是卧底了? Looked that spoke frankly, why must like this. 看出来就直说,何须这样子。 Let him bring gluttonous ti, the stone to model five people, hits Big Apprentice Brother they? 让他带着饕鬄,石塑五个人,去打大师兄他们? Big Apprentice Brother feared that was a sword gives to level them. 大师兄怕是一剑就把他们都给摆平了吧。 Isn't this brings death? 这不是送死么? Zhang Hao look hidden bitterness looks at the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 张寒眼神幽怨的看着仙界天道。 Naturally, does not make you come up directly, I know that your strength is insufficient, therefore I will prepare the card in a hand to you.” “当然,并不是让你们直接上去,我知道你们实力不足,所以我会给你们准备底牌。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also saw the Zhang Hao look probably, supplemented one hastily. 仙界天道好像也看出了张寒的眼神,连忙补充了一句。 Un? Card in a hand? May I ask Venerable, is what card in a hand?” “嗯?底牌?敢问尊上,是什么底牌?” Zhang Hao gawked, asked. 张寒愣了一下,问道。 He suddenly curious, what card in a hand, can get rid of their Big Apprentice Brother. 他忽然就好奇了起来,什么底牌,能够干掉他们大师兄的。 Their Big Apprentice Brother is powerful, he knows clear. 他们大师兄有多么强大,他可是知道得一清二楚的。 Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, under their Big Apprentice Brother sword, 100 he on, possibly an insufficient Big Apprentice Brother look extinguishes even together. 毫不客气的说,他们大师兄一剑之下,就算一百个他一起上,可能都不够大师兄一个眼神灭的。 Disparity of both sides was too big. 双方的差距实在太大了。 Has anything, can get rid of their Big Apprentice Brother. 到底有什么东西,能够干掉他们大师兄 Then is this thing.” “便是此物。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao slowly took out a thing from the hand. 仙界天道缓缓的从手中取出了一物。 That is golden rune, rune above is glittering the intermittent ray, Old Gu aura disclosed extremely. 那是一枚金色的符文,符文上面闪烁着阵阵光芒,其中一股极为古老的气息透露而出。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Zhang Hao subconscious blurting out. 张寒下意识的脱口而出。 This that is rune that the Heavenly Dao source condenses, has half step Great Dao Sage full power to strike, rune, the town/subdues kills Sage sufficiently!” “这那是天道本源所凝聚的一道符文,其中拥有半步大道圣人的全力一击,一枚符文,足以镇杀圣人!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao narrows the eyes to focus, says. 仙界天道眯着眼,开口说道。 He said, puts out a hand to turn, took out four golden rune. 他说完,伸手一翻,又取出了四枚金色符文 He proceeds to push. 他往前一推。 All put in five golden rune the hand of Zhang Hao. 将五枚金色符文全都放到了张寒的手上。 All gave Zhang Hao. 全都交给了了张寒 Goes out the extremely wild all things, all gave Zhang Hao processing. 外出极荒的一切事情,全都交给了张寒处理。 Zhang Hao put out a hand to receive these five golden rune. 张寒伸手接过了这五枚金色符文 Is feeling powerful aura, his heart shivers, a bold idea, appears from his mind. 感受着其中强大的气息,他内心一阵颤抖,一个大胆的想法,从他脑海之中浮现而出。 If at this time, these five rune, lost to Immortal World Heavenly Dao body. 要是这个时候,把这五枚符文,丢到仙界天道身上 Can extinguish the Immortal World Heavenly Dao? 能不能灭了仙界天道? Thinks, Zhang Hao feels or considers as finished. 想了想,张寒觉得还是算了。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is half Great Dao Sage rank, these five rune all are others, five families' full forces strike, possibly cannot extinguish the opposite party completely. 仙界天道是半步大道圣人级别的,这五枚符文全是人家的,五道人家的全力一击,可能根本不能完全灭了对方。 The risk was too big, is ok. 风险太大了,还是算了。 Although Zhang Hao is somewhat excited, but ponders after carefully, feels or considers as finished. 张寒虽然有些心动,但是仔细思考过后,觉得还是算了。 Respectfully follows the life of Venerable!” “谨遵尊上之命!” Zhang Hao accepts five rune, does obeisance submissively. 张寒收下五枚符文,拱手一拜。 Then all, gave you.” “那么一切,就都交给你了。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao says. 仙界天道开口说道。 Zhang Hao naturally complied. 张寒自然是答应了下来。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Another side, in the sea of nihility. 另一边,虚无之海中。 Chu Yuan is also confessing Ye Luo and other people, about going out extremely wild matter. 楚缘也在交代着叶落等五人,关于外出极荒的事情。 This matter, was like this, Hao'er and small 15 were the undercovers, has not betrayed master gate, and Hao'er has been transporting heavenly materials and earthly treasure toward Daoless Sect in recent years, had the big contribution to Daoless Sect.” “这件事,就是这样子了,寒儿和小十五乃是卧底,并没有背叛师门,并且寒儿近些年来一直在往无道宗运送天材地宝,对无道宗有大贡献。” This going out, you must pay attention, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao is the boundary of half Great Dao Sage, can spy on wildly, must maintain the distance with Zhang Hao and the others slightly.” “这次外出,你们也要注意一下,仙界天道乃是半步大道圣人之境,可以窥探极荒,要稍微与张寒等人保持距离。” Chu Yuan is confessing, for fear that these five people find Zhang Hao and the others the troubles. 楚缘交代着,生怕这五个人去找张寒等人的麻烦。 Is listening to these words. 听着这些话。 Ye Luo and other people are scared. 叶落等五个人早就傻眼了。 They have not thought completely. 他们完全没有想到过。 Zhang Hao can such show. 张寒会这么秀。 Simply show to not side good. 简直秀到没边了好吧。 The undercovers arrived at side the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 卧底到了仙界天道身边。 And becomes high level. 并且成为了其中的高层。 It seems like, Zhang Hao as if second in command. 看起来,张寒似乎还是二把手。 Is the highest being in power person under Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 属于仙界天道之下的最高掌权人。 This Zhang Hao show to letting the person feels scalp tingles. 这个张寒秀到让人感觉头皮发麻。 Master, this two Junior Brother merit...... drew in a net, may probably reward him well.” 师尊,这个二师弟的功劳……等收网了,可一定要好好奖励他。” Ye Luo also has to candidly admit defeat. 叶落也不得不甘拜下风。 On contribution, this stretch/open Laoer, but also really exceeded him. 论贡献,这个张老二,还真是超越了他的。 Un, the contribution of Hao'er may continue these, he still built up our Daoless Sect shadow strength in four states, its momentum is big, can use momentarily, these are late need to give you to process, after all you are present Daoless Sect Sect Master.” “嗯,寒儿的贡献可不止这些,他还在四州内建立了我们无道宗的暗部力量,其势头已经非常的大了,随时可以动用,这些晚点都需要交给你处理,毕竟你才是现在的无道宗宗主。” Chu Yuan so said. 楚缘这般说道。 This, Ye Luo was also ignorant. 这一下,叶落又懵了一下。 This second child, was too competent. 这个老二,也太能干了吧。 Not only infiltrates the enemy side, becomes the second in command, but also formed the shadow strength while convenient? 不仅仅打入敌方内部,成为二把手,还顺带组建了暗部力量? This ability, was extremely rather powerful. 这个能力,未免太过强大了。 Not is only Ye Luo, several other disciples, feels ashamed of one's inferiority. 不仅仅是叶落,就连其他几个弟子,也都自愧不如。 Perhaps compared with the cultivation talent, they are more powerful, but compared with the ability, Zhang Hao also really can fling their ten streets...... 或许比修炼天赋,他们强大一些,但是比起能力,张寒还真能甩他们十条街……
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