NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#875: Unexpectedly is the undercover?

, The quickest renewal does not will some really people think that Master is the mortal the latest chapter! ,最快更新不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧最新章节! Asked in the palace. 问道宫内。 Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti see Ye Luo and other people, as well as sees own Master, the both legs shake, almost not kneeling. 张寒和饕鬄见到叶落等五人,以及见到自家师尊,双腿都是一抖,差点就没给跪了下来。 Similarly, opposite Ye Luo and the others saw Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti, was all shocked. 同样的,对面的叶落等人见到张寒和饕鬄,也是全都愣住了。 The next quarter, Ye Luo whole body sword intent surged. 下一刻,叶落浑身剑意涌动了起来。 His both eyes stubbornly is staring at Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti two people. 他双目死死的盯着张寒和饕鬄两人。 These two stand in the Immortal World Heavenly Dao behind. 这两人站在仙界天道身后。 It is not the person of Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 不就是仙界天道的人。 Did these two betray Master?! 这两人背叛师尊了?! Cleans up the gateway! 清理门户! This is the first thought that the Ye Luo innermost feelings raise. 这是叶落内心升起的第一个念头。 Similarly, Su Qianyuan, Tantai Luoxue, in the perilla heart also raised this thought. 同样的,苏乾元,澹台洛雪,紫苏心中也都升起了这个念头。 They four people of Saint prestige ascend simultaneously. 他们四人的圣威都同时升腾而起。 The prestige of four Saint, filled the air all of a sudden entire asked the palace. 四圣之威,一下子就弥漫了整个问道宫。 Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti complexion complex. 张寒和饕鬄的脸色都复杂了起来。 Then good. 这下好了。 Misunderstood in a big way. 误会大了。 Does not need so, Hao'er and gluttonous ti to be the undercover, does not betray master gate.” “无需如此,寒儿和饕鬄乃是卧底,并非背叛师门。” The critical moment, Chu Yuan saw anything, sent greetings one secretly, warned Ye Luo and other people. 关键时刻,楚缘看出了什么,暗自传音了一句,告诫了叶落等四人。 Then made the Ye Luo four people restrain the Saint prestige. 这才让叶落四人收敛了圣威。 But four people of innermost feelings are also intermittent twitching. 但四人内心也是一阵阵的抽搐。 What thing. 什么玩意。 Zhang Hao and gluttonous ti, do not return to sect, runs that side the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, when undercover? 张寒和饕鬄,不回归宗门,跑出仙界天道那边,当卧底了? Really, really will play. 真,真特么会玩。 The petty action of this group of disciples. 这帮弟子的小动作。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao simply has not noticed. 仙界天道根本没有注意到。 At this moment, the vision of Immortal World Heavenly Dao fell on Ye Luo four people of body completely. 此时此刻,仙界天道的目光完完全全落在了叶落四人身上 He filled alarmed and afraid. 他内心充满了惊惧。 Ye Luo, Xu Yu he knows, is Chu Yuan subordinate Sage. 叶落,徐御他知道,是楚缘麾下的圣人 That other three people, he may not know completely. 那其他三人,他可完全不知道。 However he can look, other three people, is Sage! 但是他看得出来,其他的三人,也都是圣人 Moreover is true Sage, card successful that Sage! 而且是真正的圣人,证道成功的那种圣人 This Chu Yuan, hides well deeply!! 这个楚缘,藏得好深啊!! This time he lets collaborate, he does not know that completely Chu Yuan is hiding so many Sage. 要不是这次他让联手,他都完全不知道楚缘藏着这么多圣人 If he starts the plan when the time comes, must cut to kill Chu Yuan. 要是到时候他发动计划,要斩杀楚缘 Chu Yuan reveals so many Sage again, were his people silly? 楚缘再亮出这么多圣人,那他岂不是人都傻了? Good your Chu Yuan! 好你个楚缘 In the surface is seemingly simple and honest honestly. 表面上看起来憨厚老实。 Has not thought that in the back is so cloudy! 没想到背地里这么阴! The Immortal World Heavenly Dao look became profound. 仙界天道眼神变得深邃了起来。 He thought that the plan of beforehand formulation, needs to make a change. 他觉得之前制定的计划,需要做一番改变了。 However now does not think this time. 不过现在不是想这个的时候。 Since came, that first sits down.” “既然都来了,那就先坐下吧。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao puts out a hand to wield. 仙界天道伸手一挥。 Golden light flash through. 一道道金光闪过。 Then, the golden light fell the ground, formed rush cushions. 而后,金光落到了地上,形成了一道道蒲团。 Ten rush cushions below. 共有十道蒲团在下面。 Meanwhile, he still established a rush cushion in the side. 同时,他还在身旁设置了一道蒲团。 Obviously, the following rush cushion, sat to Zhang Hao as well as Ye Luo and the others. 明显,下面的蒲团,是给张寒以及叶落等人坐的。 In his position, to Chu Yuan. 在他身旁的位置,是给楚缘的。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao chooses to take the larger situation into account. 仙界天道还是选择以大局为重。 To fully the Chu Yuan face. 给足了楚缘面子。 The position places side him, and he are treated equally on behalf of Chu Yuan. 位置放在他身旁,代表楚缘和他平起平坐。 Chu Yuan sees this one, has not said anything, beckons with the hand, making the people take a seat. 楚缘见此一幕,也没多说什么,摆了摆手,让众人都落座。 But he was flies body to go, sits the above position. 而他则是飞身上去,坐到了上面的位置。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looked that the Chu Yuan people took a seat. 仙界天道看楚缘的人都落座了。 Originally also wants to shout that Zhang Hao and the others also take a seat. 本来还想喊张寒等人也落座。 But he turns the head to look, discovered Zhang Hao and the others have sat down, lifted hand stiff. 可是他转头一看,发现张寒等人早就坐下了,抬起的手不由僵了一下。 These fellows, were so how aware. 这些家伙,怎么这么自觉了。 Ok. 算了。 Haggles over so many to do. 计较这么多干什么。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao put the hand that only lifted, looked to Chu Yuan. 仙界天道将那只抬起的手放了下来,看向了楚缘 „The clear/pain fellow daoist seriously are the good skill, the disciple of guidance, each one is Sage.” “楚道友当真是好本事,教导的弟子,个个皆是圣人。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks to Chu Yuan, said such a few words in a soft voice. 仙界天道看向楚缘,轻声道了这么一句话。 Five disciples who you taught, was good.” “你教导的五个弟子,也非常不错。” Chu Yuan looks at Zhang Hao that five people, some want to smile, but he very diligently maintains the serious expression. 楚缘看着张寒那五个人,有些想笑,但他还是很努力的保持严肃的表情。 Un, ok, first did not propose this, how we first discussed the matter of expansion Immortal World.” “嗯,好了,先不提这个了,我们先来谈谈如何扩张仙界之事。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao light saying. 仙界天道淡淡的说道。 This matter is you raises, shouldn't tell by you?” “这件事是你提出来的,不应该由你来讲述么?” Chu Yuan optional saying. 楚缘随意的说道。 He is saying, while is staring at the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他一边说着,一边在盯着仙界天道。 The innermost feelings are supposing. 内心在估摸着。 At present entire asks the palace, is his person. 眼下整座问道宫内,全都是他的人。 If rally togethered to attack at this time. 要是这时候群起而攻之。 Can how many odds of success this Immortal World Heavenly Dao pressing? 有多少胜算能把这个仙界天道给摁死? Chu Yuan thinks, feels to consider as finished. 楚缘想了想,还是觉得算了。 He has no assurance. 他并没有什么把握。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao after all is half Great Dao Sage. 仙界天道毕竟是半步大道圣人 It is not affable. 不好惹。 They put together, most also injured the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他们就是加在一起,最多也就是把仙界天道打伤了而已。 Unworthy. 不值得。 Might as well keeps the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, making the Immortal World Heavenly Dao help him trains stretch/open Laoer and gluttonous ti. 还不如留着仙界天道,让仙界天道帮他把张老二和饕鬄都培养起来呢。 Ok, that by me.” “行,那就由我来说一番。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao may not think from the start Chu Yuan is thinking anything. 仙界天道可压根没想过楚缘在想什么。 He sits cross-legged on the rush cushion, hesitated a while, opens the mouth slowly. 他盘坐在蒲团上,沉吟了一会儿,缓缓的开口。 Immortal World must expand, needs, then during is came from is extremely wild one material, this material, named Yuan.” 仙界要扩张,所需要的,便是来自极荒之中的一种物质,这种物质,名为‘道元’。” „A Yuan is the extremely wild in dark refinement, we must expand Immortal World, then needs to refine massively Yuan.” “道元便是极荒之中的黑暗提炼而成的,我们要扩张仙界,便需要去提炼大量的‘道元’。” Therefore our goals, are ‚a Yuan, got it?” “所以我们的目标,就是‘道元’,明白了吗?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao spoke with confidence, is explaining to various people. 仙界天道侃侃而谈,向诸人解释着。 Yuan? Refines these darkness? Such being the case, before you, why not expansion Immortal World?” “道元?是提炼那些黑暗而成的?既然如此,那你之前,为什么不去扩张仙界?” Chu Yuan feels odd. 楚缘感到奇怪。 Since refines these extremely to be wild during the darkness, why the Immortal World Heavenly Dao doesn't do ahead of time? 既然只是提炼那些极荒之中的黑暗,为什么仙界天道不提前去做呢? After all this can expansion Immortal World. 毕竟这样可是可以扩张仙界的。 „A refinement Yuan needs to consume the huge side wild darkness, these extremely wild dark in fact are the extremely wild bases, refines each point Yuan, will lose the extremely wild basis.” “提炼道元需要耗费庞大的极荒黑暗,那些极荒黑暗实际上是极荒之根本,提炼每一点道元,都会损耗极荒根本。” These Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, the Saint of order may not allow to do this, therefore we can only while this opportunity, secretly conducts.” “那些混沌魔神,秩序之圣可都不允许这样做的,所以我们只能趁着这个机会,偷偷的进行。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao so explained. 仙界天道这般解释。 This. 这一下。 Chu Yuan understood. 楚缘就懂了。 Refines this say/way Yuan, will lose the extremely wild basis. 提炼这个道元,会损耗极荒根本。 Therefore can say, this matter is violating the law. 所以可以说,这件事是‘犯法’的。 At present these Hundun(Chaos) demon gods, the Taoist trinity they all have the matter to leave, therefore they must the suspicious past refinement. 眼下那些混沌魔神,还有三清他们全都有事离开,所以他们要偷偷摸摸的过去提炼。 This Immortal World Heavenly Dao may really play. 这个仙界天道可真会玩。 However, he and relations of Taoist trinity may be good. 不过,他和三清的关系可非常不错。 Western two Saints, Nüwa, but has helped him. 还有西方二圣,女娲,可都是帮过他的。 If does this to harm them, that is not quite good. 要是这样做会损害到他们,那可不太好。 Chu Yuan knits the brows slightly, w pondered. 楚缘微微皱眉,w思考了起来。 Moreover, a refinement Yuan this matter, can only make you pass, our Heavenly Dao cannot go, if the Heavenly Dao moves, the Saints of that three order can detect instantaneously, therefore we cannot move.” “另外,提炼道元这事,只能让你们过去,我们天道是不能前往的,天道若动,那三位秩序之圣瞬间就能察觉得到,所以我们不能动。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks at Ye Luo and other people, said such a. 仙界天道又看着叶落等十个人,开口说了这么一句。 His meaning is very obvious, must make Ye Luo and other people go to be wild, a refinement Yuan, then feeds back Immortal World. 他的意思很明显,要让叶落等十人前往极荒,提炼道元,然后反馈仙界 Feeds back Immortal World in any case, he and Chu Yuan can profit. 反正反馈仙界,他和楚缘都能受益。 Have no reason Ye Luo and other people to reject. 没理由叶落等五人会拒绝。 Just like also the Immortal World Heavenly Dao thinks. 也正如仙界天道所想。 Chu Yuan nodded to comply finally, this also represented Ye Luo and the others also to accept. 楚缘最后还是点头答应了下来,这也代表着叶落等人也接受了。 Collaboration of Immortal World Heavenly Dao and Chu Yuan, was achieves. 仙界天道与楚缘的联手,算是达成了。 However two people obviously have the respective idea, is not a heart...... 不过两人明显都有各自的想法,并非一条心的……
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