NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#874: Asked the palace

, Some really people will not think that Master is a mortal ,不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧 Eastern divine land edge. 东神州边缘。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao and Chu Yuan Heavenly Dao large size faces each other across a great distance, two people are looking at each other. 仙界天道与楚缘的天道大号遥遥相对,两人在对视着。 The vision collides in the midair. 目光于半空之中碰撞。 Two people release any imposing manner uselessly. 两人都没用释放任何气势。 However the invisible resistance is actually conducted. 但是无形的对抗却在进行着。 These two as if inborn as incompatible as fire and water. 这两人仿佛天生的水火不容般。 Why do you rush to my east divine land?” “你为何闯我东神州?” Chu Yuan takes the lead to open the mouth, interrogated. 楚缘率先开口,质问了起来。 Extremely wild that side had/left the condition, Immortal World needs to adjust, needs to unify, needs you to coordinate, did you understand my meaning?” “极荒那边出了状况,仙界需要调整,需要统一,需要你配合,你懂我意思吧?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is saying unemotionally. 仙界天道面无表情的说着。 He is the plan with the plan, kicks to be eliminated Chu Yuan. 他本来是打算用计划,把楚缘踢出局的。 But the plan cannot keep up with the change. 可是计划赶不上变化。 The extremely wild that side changes. 极荒那边发生变动。 If Immortal World cannot make the adjustment. 仙界如果不能做出调整。 Perhaps will be very passive. 恐怕会很被动。 Under be forced. 迫于无奈之下。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao can only come, must cooperate with Chu Yuan. 仙界天道只能过来,要和楚缘合作一番。 Does not understand, without interest, go away.” “不懂,没兴趣,滚。” Chu Yuan actually points to the door directly. 楚缘却是直接下了逐客令。 He is the least bit face does not give. 他是半点面子都不给。 You!!” “你!!” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao short of breath, both eyes flash through the radiant ray, is staring at Chu Yuan, has feeling that wish begins. 仙界天道气急,双目闪过璀璨光芒,盯着楚缘,有种想要动手的感觉。 Your anything you.” “你什么你。” Chu Yuan actually does not fear, he transfers two state lawful rights, in addition holds in body, does not instigate the opposite party completely. 楚缘却丝毫不惧,他调动两州权柄,加持于身,完全不怂对方。 You may know, what the extremely wild that side exactly did have? Is this to Immortal World, what opportunity?” “你可知道,极荒那边到底发生了什么?这对仙界来说,是一种什么机会?” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao got hold of the fist. 仙界天道握紧了拳头。 He really wants dead the Chu Yuan thump, but he knows, he cannot achieve. 他是真的很想把楚缘捶死,可他知道,他根本做不到。 Grasps Chu Yuan of half Immortal World source, at all is not he made that dies. 掌握一半仙界本源的楚缘,根本不是他弄得死的。 Most is also mutually wounded, even perishes together. 最多也就是两败俱伤,甚至是同归于尽。 What wild did extremely that side have?” “极荒那边发生了什么?” Chu Yuan gawked. 楚缘愣了一下。 He has really not known that that side exactly had anything. 他还真不知道那边到底发生了什么。 Sees this one. 见此一幕。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao also knows, this Chu Yuan does not know the extremely wild that side had anything. 仙界天道也知道,这个楚缘根本不知道极荒那边发生了什么。 Thereupon, he can only deeply inspire, pressed the anger, opens the mouth in a kindly manner. 于是乎,他只能深吸了一口气,把怒火压了下来,好声好气的开口。 Extremely wild that side, presented openings to other places, that place is very mystical, news has it that inside has many chances to inherit.” “极荒那边,出现了一道通往其他地方的口子,那地方十分神秘,据传闻,里面拥有许多机缘传承。” „That side at this moment, the extremely wild these people all went, extremely wild void, this was the good opportunity of our Immortal World outward expansion! So long as your I collaborate, when the time comes Immortal World expands, is good to your me.” “此时此刻,极荒的那些人全都去那边了,极荒空虚,这是我们仙界往外扩张的好机会!只要你我联手,到时候仙界扩张,对你我也都有好处。” Only listens to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao so to say. 只听仙界天道这般说道。 Un? Reason that this vibrates extremely wildly?” “嗯?这就是极荒震动的原因?” Chu Yuan suddenly. 楚缘恍然。 He has really not known concretely so many. 他还真不知道这么多具体的。 Now by a Immortal World Heavenly Dao such saying, he is understood. 现在被仙界天道这么一说,他就明白了。 Originally is this reason. 原来是这个原因。 How do you want to expand?” “那你想要怎么扩张?” Chu Yuan looks to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao, catches the eye to ask. 楚缘看向仙界天道,抬眼问道。 Immortal World expands, can strengthen the Heavenly Dao large size. 仙界扩张,可以增强天道大号。 This matter, he wants. 这种事情,他还是愿意的。 I want to in the Immortal World center, establishes one to ask the palace, at the appointed time your I all go, moreover all brought the past our subordinate Sage, how discussed expansion Immortal World together.” “我欲要在仙界中央,建立一座问道宫,届时你我皆前往,另外将我们麾下的圣人全都带过去,一同商议如何扩张仙界。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao saying slowly. 仙界天道缓缓的说道。 He looked appearance that Chu Yuan is willing to coordinate. 他看楚缘愿意配合的样子。 Also relaxes at heart. 心里也是松了一口气。 Subordinate all did Sage have the past?” “麾下所有圣人都带过去?” Chu Yuan does not have the opinion, the choice to comply, at once exits to ask such a. 楚缘没有意见,选择答应,旋即又出口问了这么一句。 Good.” “不错。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao nods. 仙界天道点了点头。 All?” “所有?” Chu Yuan also asked one repeatedly. 楚缘又反复问了一句。 Yes, all.” “是的,所有。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao some are impatient. 仙界天道有些不耐烦了。 This fellow, several vegetables/dishes. 这个家伙,几个菜啊。 Said all. 都说所有了。 Has not taken subordinate that two Sage. 还不把麾下那两个圣人带上。 Ok.” “行。” Chu Yuan complied with such a. 楚缘应了这么一句。 The figure moves, changes to together the flowing light, was flying toward the eastern divine land. 身形一动,化作一道流光,往着东神州内飞了过去。 Really is, troublesome.” “真的是,麻烦。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao looks at the back that Chu Yuan departs, said such a in a low voice. 仙界天道看着楚缘离去的背影,低声道了这么一句。 Then, he turns around to prepare to construct asks palace, when discussed that went to be extremely wild on dispatch subordinate Sage. 而后,他转身准备去建造‘问道宫’,等商议完毕了,就派遣麾下圣人去极荒。 He such kind and Chu Yuan discussed that naturally has the scheme. 他这么和蔼的和楚缘商议,当然是有计谋的了。 Under him has five Sage. 他麾下有五尊圣人 Under Chu Yuan two. 楚缘麾下就两尊。 When the time comes enters extremely wild expansion Immortal World, income that he obtains, is definitely higher than Chu Yuan. 到时候进入极荒扩张仙界,他所得到的收益,肯定是比楚缘高的。 If Immortal World strengthen. 如果仙界变强了。 Then represents him also to grow stronger, because and income is higher than Chu Yuan, the speed of strengthen is inevitably faster than Chu Yuan. 那么代表他也能变强,且因为收益比楚缘高,变强的速度必然比楚缘还要快。 Next, did not say continuously certainly, he also really has the opportunity to cut to kill Chu Yuan, recaptures the other half Immortal World. 此起彼伏下,说不准,他还真有机会斩杀楚缘,夺回另一半的仙界 Un, the Immortal World Heavenly Dao thinks is such simple. 嗯,仙界天道想得就是这么简单。 ...... …… The sea of nihility. 虚无之海。 Chu Yuan opens the Heavenly Dao large size to arrive. 楚缘开着天道大号降临。 He acted immediately, first communicated the god brilliant number, the god brilliant number arriving at within the four seas of nihility, hid. 他当即就行动了起来,先是沟通了神光大号,将神光大号给开到了虚无之海内,隐藏了起来。 After opening god brilliant number. 在开完神光大号后。 He passes message, lets in Ye Luo of swordsmanship river, Su Qianyuan, Tantai Luoxue, the perilla come out. 他又传音,让在剑道长河的叶落,苏乾元,澹台洛雪,紫苏出来。 Also by the strength of Heavenly Dao, passes message to Xu Yu, lets its return. 又以天道之力,给徐御传音,让其归来。 After the general idea passed the moment. 在大概过了片刻后。 Five Saints then arrived at the sea of nihility simultaneously. 五圣便同时降临了虚无之海。 When five Saints arrive. 当五圣降临时。 The sea of entire nihility vibrated, has the feeling that plants to collapse void. 整个虚无之海都震动了起来,虚空有种要崩溃的感觉。 Is good is quick of eye and hand because of Chu Yuan, by the strength of Heavenly Dao the void anchorage, this prevented its collapse. 好在楚缘手疾眼快,以天道之力将虚空定住,这才防止了其崩溃。 Pays a visit Master.” “拜见师尊。” See Sect Master.” “参见宗主。” Five Saints all salute. 五圣皆是行礼。 Is overly courteous.” “无需多礼。” Chu Yuan beckons with the hand. 楚缘摆了摆手。 His simple and five Saints said an extremely wild matter, lets its preparation and he goes to ask the palace together. 他简单的和五圣说了一遍极荒的事情,让其准备和他一起前往问道宫。 Ye Luo and others from is extremely sheng wild to become, the antipode desolate is not strange. 叶落等四人都在从极荒之中成圣的,对极荒并不陌生。 Xu Yu was different. 徐御就不一样了。 Xu Yu is cultivates to compare favorably with Sage, from the start without going to be extremely wild, does not know that does extremely wildly. 徐御是自己修炼到媲美圣人的,压根没去过极荒,根本不知道极荒是干嘛的。 Ye Luo and other people explained for it, made it probably clear. 还是叶落等四人为其解释了一番,才让其大概明白了。 Was clear? That.” “都明白了?那就出发吧。” Chu Yuan looked that Xu Yu also understood, immediately said such a few words. 楚缘徐御也懂了,当即道了这么一句话。 His form moves, changes to together the golden light, was flying toward the place of Immortal World center. 他身影一动,化作一道金光,往着仙界中央之地飞了过去。 Five Saints also follow in it behind. 五圣也跟在其身后。 By the strengths of five Saints, naturally easily can keep up with the Chu Yuan speed. 以五圣的实力,自然轻易能跟得上楚缘的速度。 Six people have delimited in the vault of heaven, looked at the past from afar, as if six rainbow light, flashed past. 六人于天穹之中划过,远远看过去,仿佛六道虹光,一闪而过。 ...... …… The place of Immortal World center. 仙界中央之地。 Stood erect in the place of Immortal World center, is a light beam, that light beam also leads to the Land of Heaven path. 原先屹立于仙界中央之地的,是一条光柱,那条光柱也是通往天土的道路。 But this little while light beam was transferred. 只不过这会儿光柱被挪移开来。 What replaces it is an float in empty/sky palace. 取而代之的是一座悬浮于空的宫殿。 This was the Immortal World Heavenly Dao newly-built asking palace. 这便是仙界天道刚刚建立的问道宫。 This little while Immortal World Heavenly Dao is bringing Zhang Hao and other Saints, stands in inside, is waiting for Chu Yuan and the others the arrivals. 这会儿仙界天道正带着张寒等五圣,站在里面,等待着楚缘等人的到来呢。 Zhang Hao and other Saints regarding extremely wild anything, have a smattering of knowledge. 张寒等五圣对于极荒什么的,都是一知半解。 Because the Immortal World Heavenly Dao has not said too clearly. 因为仙界天道也并未说得太清楚。 Therefore they are very confused. 所以他们很迷茫。 And they do not know, they now is to meet with Chu Yuan. 并且他们也不知道,他们现在是要和楚缘见面的。 In brief, they regarding coming all, hardly know that can only listen to the Immortal World Heavenly Dao the words, honest standing in that. 总之,他们对于前来的一切,都是几乎不知道的,只能听仙界天道的话,老老实实的站在那。 Later one group of people will come, you must put on the stance, do not let him belittle us.” “待会会有一批人过来,你们一定要摆好架势,别让其小觑了我们。” This is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao warns five people of words. 这是仙界天道告诫五人的话。 The Zhang Hao five people stand in that honestly, does not dare to move heedlessly. 张寒五人老老实实站在那,也不敢乱动。 Until after Chu Yuan brings the person is walking, the both sides vision gathers in one, the scene suddenly awkwardly...... 直到楚缘带着人走进来后,双方目光都聚在了一起,场面忽然就尴尬了起来……
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