NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#873: Vibrates extremely wildly

In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之内。 When Chu Yuan has the Ye Luo return, in the swordsmanship river had returned to normal. 楚缘带着叶落回归时,剑道长河之内已经恢复了平静。 Ye Luo arrives in the swordsmanship river, about observes the situation, looks at all in all directions, the corners of the mouth have the happy expression, does not know that is thinking anything. 叶落来到剑道长河之中,左右环视,看着四面八方的一切,嘴角带着笑意,也不知道在想些什么。 Luo'er, what are you smiling?” 落儿,你在笑什么?” Chu Yuan is actually detected that the Ye Luo look, made noise to ask one. 楚缘却是察觉到了叶落的神色,不由出声问了一句。 No, no.” “没,没什么。” Ye Luo shakes the head hastily. 叶落连忙摇头。 This his where dares to say. 这他哪里敢说出来。 Just Tantai Luoxue projected his time, he felt. 刚刚澹台洛雪投影他的时候,他就感觉到了。 Naturally also knows matter that Su Qianyuan comes under attack. 自然也知道了苏乾元挨打的事情。 Sees the third child to come under attack, he was certainly happy. 看到老三挨打,他当然开心了。 But he cannot display in front of Master, that many does not make sense. 可他也不能在师尊面前表现得出来,那多不像话。 Therefore he can only pretend not to know. 所以他只能装作不知道。 Chu Yuan looks at the Ye Luo strange appearance, in cares, but whispered at heart, superficial anything had not said. 楚缘叶落奇奇怪怪的模样,也没过多在意,只是心里嘀咕了一声,表面却什么也没说。 He makes Ye Luo practice. 他让叶落自己去修行。 Then entered in Hidden Heaven Island Sect Master Main Hall. 而后便进入隐天岛宗主大殿之中了。 ...... …… Returns to Sect Master Main Hall. 一回到宗主大殿 Chu Yuan starts the trumpet immediately, starts the daily examination character present situation. 楚缘当即开始小号,开始日常的查看人物现状。 Examines in the general idea, after discovering has no issue, he feels at ease. 在大概查看一番,发现没什么问题后,他就安心了。 This strengthen is also becoming stronger. 该变强的还在变强。 This falling is still falling. 该下跌的还在下跌。 All as before. 一切如旧。 Then he opened Daoless Sect strength ranking to examine. 而后他又打开了‘无道宗战力排行榜’进行查看。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜 First: Ye Luo( Sage) 第一:叶落(圣人) Second: Perilla( Sage) 第二:紫苏(圣人) Third: Tantai Luoxue( Sage) 第三:澹台洛雪(圣人) Fourth: Su Qianyuan( Sage) 第四:苏乾元(圣人) Fifth: Gluttonous ti( Quasi Sage) 第五:饕鬄(准圣) Sixth: Ai Qing( Quasi Sage) 第六:艾晴(准圣) Seventh: Su Xi( Quasi Sage) 第七:苏兮(准圣) ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( half Quasi Sage) 第十:华神医(半步准圣) 11 th: Lin Mo( Daluo Golden Immortal) 第十一:林漠(大罗金仙) ...... …… 15 th: Zhang Hao( Daluo Golden Immortal) 第十五:张寒(大罗金仙) 16 th: Chen Jun( Daluo Golden Immortal) 第十六:陈君(大罗金仙) 17 th: leaf say/way( half Loose Immortal) 第十七:叶道(半步散仙) ...... …… Four Saints!! 一门四圣!! Is counted Xu Yu, that is five Saints! 算上徐御,那就是五圣! This is what kind of elegant demeanor. 这是何等风采。 However, this small 17 what's the matter. 不过,这个小十七到底是咋回事啊。 Chu Yuan did not bring to look at Zhang Hao, said body his vision falling directly to last. 楚缘都不带看张寒了,他目光径直的落到了最后一名的叶道身上 What thing this half is Loose Immortal? 这个半步散仙是什么玩意? Right now, even wasn't Loose Immortal? 这下子,连散仙都算不上了? Lying trough, this 17 disciples . 卧槽,这个十七弟子,是真的可以啊。 Speed that this falls. 这下跌的速度。 He never have such thoughts. 他想都不敢想。 Even Loose Immortal is not. 散仙都算不上。 This has many that anything...... 这是有多那啥…… Yeah......” “哎……” Chu Yuan long sighs. 楚缘长长叹了一口气。 He did not understand really why this is. 他着实是不理解,这到底是为什么。 He wanted to teach the waste disciple before, actually all matured. 他以前想要教成废弟子,却个个成才了。 Now wants to teach to mature the disciple, actually teaching waste. 现在想要教成才弟子,却给教废了。 This is anything. 这算是个什么事。 . 罢了罢了。 This small 17, for the time being first does not respond. 这个小十七,暂且先不去搭理了。 Chu Yuan was quite helpless, put down manages small 17 idea. 楚缘颇为无奈,放下了管这个小十七的想法。 Since he taught the ability of waste disciple to have. 既然他教废弟子的能力有了。 That would rather following, advances unites three numbers. 那倒不如接下来,先行把三个号合一。 Teaches waste one group of disciples, gives to remove the rule in trumpet, then three numbers belong to a body officially. 教废一批弟子,把小号内的规则给去掉,然后三个号正式归于一体。 He besides the god light/only trumpet, the Heavenly Dao large size and god brilliant number is Chaos Sage rank. 他除了神光小号之外,天道大号和神光大号全是‘混沌圣人’级别的。 If three numbers unite, that represented him to have a more further strength. 如果三个号合一,那就代表他有了更进一步的力量。 Chaos Sage goes a step further, that is Great Dao Sage. 混沌圣人更进一步,那就是‘大道圣人’。 If he can go to the Great Dao Sage situation. 如果他能够达到大道圣人的地步。 The matter that his must first handle, pressing rubs on the ground that dog Heavenly Dao. 他第一件要做的事情,就是把那个狗天道给摁在地上摩擦。 Before depended is in itself half Great Dao Sage, unexpectedly acted to him. 之前仗着自己是半步大道圣人,居然对他出手。 When he unites on the 3rd, he must have a look actually, this Immortal World Heavenly Dao several vegetables/dishes. 等他三号合一,他倒是要看看,这个仙界天道几个菜。 So long as he achieves Great Dao Sage, easily can suppress the Immortal World Heavenly Dao absolutely. 只要他达到大道圣人,绝对轻易就能镇压仙界天道。 Then, the most important matter, lets No. 3 normalizing. 那么接下来,首要的事情,就是让三号归一了。 Teaches the waste disciple, teaches the waste disciple...... 教废弟子,教废弟子…… First goes to other places, casual move of a group of mortals said again. 先去其他地方,随便招一批凡人再说。 When the time comes he looks personally. 到时候他亲自看着。 Taught to abandon this group of disciples, took the opportunity No. 3 normalizing. 把这批弟子教废了,借机三号归一。 Where should recruit a group of disciples is quite good?” “该从哪里招收一批弟子比较好?” Chu Yuan is frowning, thought deeply about the period of time. 楚缘皱着眉头,思索了一阵子。 Finally he decides Great Profound World. 最后他决定去一趟太玄界 Past he was the Great Profound World Heavenly Dao. 昔日他便是太玄界的天道。 Afterward under transferred, withdrew the position of Great Profound World Heavenly Dao, worked as half Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 后来调动之下,才撤去太玄界天道之位,来当了半个仙界天道。 But original Great Profound World, he was makes Wei Laifa work as the Heavenly Dao. 而原先的太玄界,他则是让魏来法去当了天道。 Now since the need, can relate Wei Laifa actually, said clearly with the opposite party, this busy, the opposite party must help. 如今既然需要,倒是可以联系魏来法一番,与对方讲清楚,这个忙,对方不可能不帮。 When Chu Yuan wants to take an action. 正当楚缘想要有所行动之时。 Suddenly, the entire swordsmanship river shivered fiercely. 突然之间,整个剑道长河剧烈颤抖了起来。 This made Chu Yuan stare. 这让楚缘愣了一下。 He the mind returned to the god brilliant number immediately. 他当即心神回归到了神光大号上面。 Chu Yuan transferred the god brilliant number, goes out of Sect Master Main Hall, wanted to have a look exactly to have anything. 楚缘调动了神光大号,走出宗主大殿,想要看看到底发生了什么。 Has the god brilliant number, regardless has anything, he has the strength to hit back as well as dealing strength. 有着神光大号在,无论发生什么,他都有还手之力以及应对之力。 When Chu Yuan gets to the Sect Master Main Hall entrance. 楚缘走到宗主大殿门口时。 Catches the eye to look, saw his more than ten pass on the disciple, beside the abatement 17 disciple leaf say/way, in the midair, is all looking at the vault of heaven of swordsmanship river distantly, wants to see anything. 抬眼看去,就看到了他十几名亲传弟子,除却十七弟子叶道之外,全在半空之中,遥遥望着剑道长河的天穹,想要看出什么。 Chu Yuan also follows to look to the vault of heaven of swordsmanship river. 楚缘也跟着看向剑道长河的天穹。 Because the swordsmanship river Ye Luo comprehends all sorts of kendoists, each swordsmanship changes to a fluorescence to float, therefore the vault of heaven of swordsmanship river, is condensed by the innumerable fluorescence forms minute/share, is seemingly forever glorious. 剑道长河因为叶落领悟一种种剑道,每一种剑道都化作一点荧光漂浮,所以剑道长河的天穹,是由无数荧光凝聚形成分,看起来光芒万丈。 The Chu Yuan vision looked to the place outside swordsmanship river, he depended on strong god strength light/only, wanted to see exactly to have anything. 楚缘的目光望向了剑道长河之外的地方,他靠着强大的神光之力,想要看出到底发生了什么来。 However he looked at for quite a while, is unable to see, exactly had anything. 但是他看了半天,也无法看出,到底发生了什么。 He can only detect. 他只能察觉得出来。 This sound, is the extremely wild that side passes on. 这种动静,是极荒那边传过来的。 He does not know that had anything extremely wildly. 他不知道极荒发生了什么。 But this vibration indeed is the extremely wild that side passes on. 但这震动的的确确是极荒那边传过来的。 Extremely wild that side how?” “极荒那边到底咋了?” Chu Yuan is very puzzled. 楚缘很是不解。 But he has not wanted the past plan. 但他也没有想要过去的打算。 Cannot affect him as well as his disciples in any case, he is impossible to leave to go. 反正影响不到他以及他的弟子们,他就不可能动身前往。 Chu Yuan turns around to return to Sect Master Main Hall, he has not sat in meditation to sit cross-legged. 楚缘转身返回宗主大殿,他还没入定盘坐。 Suddenly that side the Heavenly Dao large size the information passed on together. 突然天道大号那边一道信息传了过来。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao enters the eastern divine land! 仙界天道进入东神州! Feels this information. 感受到这道信息。 Chu Yuan does not dare to be careless, immediately the mind transferred, went to Immortal World. 楚缘根本不敢马虎,当即心神调动,前往了仙界 ...... …… Immortal World, the sea of nihility. 仙界,虚无之海。 The Chu Yuan mind belongs to the Heavenly Dao large size. 楚缘心神归于天道大号。 The Heavenly Dao large size opens the eyes instantaneously, the whole body golden light is radiant, the terrifying Heavenly Dao power and influence fills the air from his body. 天道大号瞬间睁开双眼,浑身金光璀璨,恐怖的天道威势从他身上弥漫而出。 He stood setting out, the lawful rights of Immortal World two states completely all added in his body, where he started to search the Immortal World Heavenly Dao. 他站了起身,仙界两州的权柄尽皆加于他身,他开始查找起了仙界天道到底在哪里。 After search. 在好一番查找之后。 He finally found. 他终于找到了。 The edge of Immortal World Heavenly Dao in eastern divine land reveals the figure, motionless, seems deliberately making him discover. 仙界天道在东神州的边缘显露身形,一动不动,似乎在刻意让他发现。 Also seems to be waiting for him to pass. 也似乎在等待他过去。 „Does this fellow reveal the figure intentionally?” “这家伙是故意露出身形的?” Chu Yuan selects the eyebrow. 楚缘挑眉。 It seems like the Immortal World Heavenly Dao asks him to have the matter. 看来是仙界天道找他有事情。 But he does not want to go. 只不过他并不怎么想去。 He always felt, this thing looks for him, absolutely does not have the good deed. 他总感觉,这玩意找他,绝对没有好事。 But changes mind thinks. 可是转念一想。 If he does not go, feared that was this fellow has put that stand. 他要是不去,怕是这家伙就一直搁那站着了。 Considers as finished. 算了算了。 Goes to one, he wants to have a look actually, this Immortal World Heavenly Dao must do...... 还是去一趟吧,他倒是想要看看,这仙界天道到底要干什么……
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