NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#872: Does not play

Chapter 873 does not play 第873章不玩啦 In swordsmanship river. 剑道长河之中。 At this moment, the Tantai Luoxue state of mind homing, the body soul unites, she then broke through Sage immediately. 此时此刻,澹台洛雪的神魂归位,身魂合一,她当即便突破到了圣人 When her to become Saint that moment. 当她成圣的那一刻。 In swordsmanship river fierce tremor. 剑道长河内剧烈颤动。 The Saint prestige fills the air, wanting to sweep across all. 圣威弥漫而出,欲要席卷一切。 The non- Saint and Sage, that is two world disparities. 非圣与圣人,那是两个世界般的差距。 Tantai Luoxue breaks through the Saint, the huge energy, at all is not the matter that she can control in a flash. 澹台洛雪突破成圣,巨大的能量,根本不是她一瞬间能控制得住的事情。 The Saint prestige sweeps across non- Tantai Luoxue to hope, but she is actually not able to prevent. 圣威席卷非澹台洛雪所愿,但她却无法阻止。 Is good has another two Sage to exist in Daoless Sect. 好在无道宗内有另外两尊圣人存在。 Su Qianyuan and perilla then detected immediately, left in abundance. 苏乾元与紫苏在第一时间便察觉到了,纷纷动身。 Su Qianyuan displays the law celestial phenomenon place, the body changes to trillion zhang (3.33 m) hugeness, prevented outside Hidden Heaven Island, isolated the Saint prestige to divulge. 苏乾元施展法天象地,身躯化作亿万丈之巨大,阻挡在了隐天岛外,隔绝圣威泄漏出来。 The perilla also displays divine ability, the Saint prestige in Hidden Heaven Island completely will all prevent. 紫苏也施展神通,将在隐天岛内的圣威尽皆阻挡住。 Two people act in harmony. 两人配合默契。 Success became the Saint prestige that the sanctum erupted to block Tantai Luoxue. 成功的把澹台洛雪成圣所爆发出来的圣威全都挡住了。 In the Sect Master Main Hall square. 宗主大殿广场上。 Other passed on the disciple also to gather in one, all in looked toward Sect Master Main Hall that side. 其他亲传弟子也都聚在了一起,皆在往宗主大殿那边看去。 The Saint prestige passes from that side. 圣威正是从那边传过来的。 Four Senior Sisters also became the Saint.” “四师姐也成圣了。” This not in involution? We obviously do not have that quickly to become Saint, isn't this very awkward? Must curl us together to be sheng fast to become......” “这不是在内卷吗?我们这些人明显没那么快成圣,这不是尴尬得很么?非要卷着我们一起快速成圣呗……” Four Senior Sisters became the Saint, you said, whose then can be to become Saint?” “四师姐都成圣了,你们说,接下来会是谁成圣?” I felt that possibly is five Senior Sisters, but may also be 11 Junior Sisters, in brief possibly is not two Senior Brother.” “我感觉可能是五师姐,不过也有可能是十一师妹,总之不可能是二师兄。” Approval......” “赞同……” Seconds the motion......” “附议……” „......” “……” Passes on the disciples to sigh with emotion Tantai Luoxue to become Saint, simultaneously the innermost feelings also to becoming the thoughts of Saint were more intense. 亲传弟子们都在感慨澹台洛雪的成圣,同时内心也对成圣的心思更加强烈了。 Their these disciples, most people are Quasi Sage or Daluo Golden Immortal. 他们这些弟子,大部分人都已经是准圣或是大罗金仙了。 From the boundary of Sage, although is remote, but is actually not unattainable. 距离圣人之境,虽然遥远,但却也不是遥不可及。 In passes on the disciples to talk. 就在亲传弟子们谈话之际。 The Saint prestige that erupts from Sect Master Main Hall restrained suddenly. 宗主大殿内爆发的圣威蓦然收敛了起来。 For clarity, Tantai Luoxue has broken through successfully, and consolidated realm, therefore restrained the Saint prestige on own initiative. 很明显的,澹台洛雪已经突破成功了,并且稳固了境界,所以主动收敛了圣威。 Passes on the disciples to see this, was somewhat shocked. 亲传弟子们看到这一幕,都有些愣住了。 Why four Senior Sisters does the boundary of Sage break through such quickly? 为什么四师姐的圣人之境突破得这么快? They remember beforehand Ye Luo, Su Qianyuan, the perilla breaks through time, but broke through for a long time, moreover after the breakthrough, spent the long time, consolidated realm. 他们记得之前叶落,苏乾元,还有紫苏突破的时候,可是突破了许久的,而且突破之后也是花费了蛮长的时间,才稳固了境界 Arrived four Senior Sister Tantai Luoxue here, so will be why quick? 为什么到了四师姐澹台洛雪这里,会这么快? When they are puzzled. 他们不解时。 Outside Hidden Heaven Island, the sound passed on together. 隐天岛外,一道声音传了出来。 Four Junior Sisters, since realm consolidated, that comes out in a big hurry, with a Senior Brother war, making Senior Brother have a look, the boundary of four Junior Sister your Sage strong!” “四师妹,既然境界稳固了,那就快快出来,与师兄一战,让师兄看看,四师妹你的圣人之境有多强!” This is the Su Qianyuan sound. 这是苏乾元的声音。 Su Qianyuan is inviting to fight Tantai Luoxue. 苏乾元在邀战澹台洛雪 Passed on the disciples to stare, they somewhat were suddenly curious. 亲传弟子们都愣了一下,他们忽然就有些好奇了起来。 Can Tantai Luoxue on invitation? 澹台洛雪会不会应邀? Has not waited for them to think. 没等他们多想。 Next quarter, a white light from Sect Master Main Hall, to Hidden Heaven Island outside. 下一刻,一道白光从宗主大殿而出,去往隐天岛外。 Tantai Luoxue meets head-on! 澹台洛雪迎战! Then passed on the disciples more curious. 这下亲传弟子们就更加好奇了。 Two Senior Brother and four Senior Sisters, who even better? 师兄和四师姐,到底谁更胜一筹? ...... …… Beside Hidden Heaven Island. 隐天岛之外。 A Tantai Luoxue azure robe, calm automatic, its body is filling taste of nature, as if fuses together with the myriad things. 澹台洛雪一袭青袍,无风自动,其身上充满着一股自然之味,仿佛与万物融为一体。 Reviews her opposite, Su Qianyuan changes the normal person size, proper dragon fine beard guy, has the beforehand that Pangu empty shadow several points of appearance. 反观她的对面,苏乾元变化成正常人大小,妥妥一个虬髯大汉,颇有之前那盘古虚影的几分样子。 Two people relative and vertical. 两人相对而立。 Four Junior Sisters, come, you first make a move, Senior Brother first becomes the Saint compared with you after all, cannot be bullied you.” “四师妹,来来来,你先出手吧,师兄毕竟比你先成圣,也不好欺负你。” Su Qianyuan casual saying. 苏乾元大大咧咧的说道。 Feels funny in opposite Tantai Luoxue at once, does not know that should say any good. 在对面的澹台洛雪一时之间感到好笑,不知道该说些什么好。 This two Senior Brother, was too militant. 这个二师兄,也太好战了吧。 Such being the case. 既然如此。 She is impolite. 那她就不客气了。 Militant. 好战是吧。 She must have a look actually, two do Senior Brother have these people able to hit. 那她倒是要看看,二师兄有没有这几个人能打。 The Tantai Luoxue intention moves. 澹台洛雪心念一动。 Innumerable golden traces from void drilling of her whole body. 无数金色纹路自她周身的虚空钻出。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… In a flash. 一瞬之间。 The innumerable golden traces depart, are centered on her and Su Qianyuan, formed a checkerboard. 无数金色纹路飞出,以她和苏乾元为中心,形成了一张棋盘。 Beside the checkerboard, is the swordsmanship river. 棋盘之外,为剑道长河。 In the checkerboard, is stretch of a little world that is wielded by Tantai Luoxue. 棋盘之内,为一片由澹台洛雪执掌的小天地。 In the checkerboard, a tremendous pressure then arrived at Su Qianyuan body directly. 在棋盘之内,一股巨大的压力直接便降临到了苏乾元身上 However regarding Su Qianyuan, this pressure simply with no is the same, his mortal body was extremely powerful. 不过对于苏乾元而言,这股压力简直和没有的一样,他的肉身太过于强大了。 This presses the forcing to come, warms up to him seem like, is very comfortable. 这股压力压过来,倒像是给他热了个身,舒服得很。 Junior Sister, if on this regulation......” “师妹,如果就这种程……” Su Qianyuan also wants to say anything, rampant all of a sudden. 苏乾元还想说点什么,嚣张一下子。 But he has not said. 可他还没说出口。 Suddenly, in the checkerboard, an intermittent fierce ray flashes. 突然之间,棋盘之内,一阵阵剧烈的光芒闪动。 After the moment, this intermittent ray changed to forms, stands erect in the checkerboard. 片刻后,这一阵阵光芒化作了一道道身影,屹立于棋盘之中。 In these forms, altogether has seven forms. 这些身影之中,总共有七道身影。 And six forms, are extremely wild in great antiquity six Saints. 其中六道身影,是极荒之中的洪荒六圣。 Together is the Ye Luo form. 还有一道则是叶落的身影。 These seven forms obviously, making the atmosphere in checkerboard feel the depression. 这七道身影的显化,使得棋盘内的氛围充满了压抑感。 Su Qianyuan sees these seven forms, the person were silly. 苏乾元看到这七道身影,人都傻了。 These seven forms are extremely powerful to the constriction that he brings. 这七道身影给他带来的压迫感极其强大。 Ye Luo not to mention. 叶落暂且不说。 The remaining that six forms, he does not see clearly, but he is very clear, he possibly is not his opponent. 剩下那六道身影,他看不清楚,但是他很清楚,他绝不可能是其对手。 Younger generation Tantai Luoxue, please six seniors help in the fighting.” “晚辈澹台洛雪,请六位前辈助战。” Junior Sister Tantai Luoxue, asking Big Apprentice Brother to help in the fighting.” “师妹澹台洛雪,请大师兄助战。” Tantai Luoxue may not have to manage Su Qianyuan. 澹台洛雪可没管苏乾元 She read such two silently. 她默默的念了这么两句。 Ye Luo is Sage. 叶落圣人 The great antiquity six Saints are Chaos Sage. 洪荒六圣更是混沌圣人 Projects their existence, definitely will be detected, therefore she needs to ask for instructions these seven people. 投影出他们的存在,必然会被察觉,所以她需要请示这七人。 Has agreed by this. 以此得到同意。 When her two words fall. 在她的两句话落下时。 Dark, seven sounds also resound. 冥冥之中,七道声音同时响起。 Friendly.” 6 “善。”六 Junior Sister does not need to talk too much, the front projection can.” “师妹无需多言,直接投影便可。” Permission. 得到允许。 The Tantai Luoxue corners of the mouth rise slightly. 澹台洛雪嘴角微微上扬。 Two Senior Brother, that following, but was one's turn you to have bad luck. 师兄,那接下来,可就轮到你倒霉了。 Many thanks six seniors, many thanks Big Apprentice Brother.” “多谢六位前辈,多谢大师兄。” Tantai Luoxue toward void does obeisance. 澹台洛雪朝着虚空一拜。 Then, under her thought. 而后,她一个念头之下。 Seven forms moved simultaneously. 七道身影同时动了起来。 In the great antiquity six Saints, the projections of Western two Saints departed, press Su Qianyuan. 洪荒六圣之中,西方二圣的投影飞出,摁住了苏乾元 Su Qianyuan was all of a sudden ignorant, he has not seen clearly the person, was pressed on the ground. 苏乾元一下子就懵了,他都没看清来人,就被摁在了地上。 He revolts furiously, but simply could not have achieved. 他奋力反抗,可根本没做不到。 Strengths of these two projections very big. 这两道投影的力气非常的大。 Arrived his gearing did not move. 大到他连动都动不了。 Was forced. 被逼无奈。 Great Dao of Su Qianyuan direct opening force, his strength then rose suddenly instantaneously, he wants to break through these two projections. 苏乾元直接开启力之大道,瞬间他的战力便暴涨了起来,他想要冲破这两道投影。 But the next quarter, the Taoist trinity empty shadow arrives, suppressed again him. 可下一刻,三清虚影降临,再次把他镇压住了。 The remaining Nüwa empty shades, stand in behind together, prepares to launch the attack. 剩下一道女娲虚影,站在后面,准备发起攻击。 The Ye Luo empty shadow stands in the front, prepares to launch the attack to the front. 还有叶落的虚影则是站在前方,准备对着前方发起攻击。 Aii yeah, four Junior Sisters, I admit defeat, admits defeat......” “哎哎哎,四师妹,我认输啦,认输啦……” No, four Junior Sisters, do not begin, wait/etc, makes quickly this empty shadow, this is what ghost thing, I do not play, does not play......” “别啊,四师妹,别动手啊,等等,快把这虚影弄走,这是什么鬼东西,我不玩啦,不玩啦……”
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