NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#871: During all are completely grasping

Bang...... 轰隆…… Swordsmanship and Pangu empty shadow to bumping. 剑道与盘古虚影对碰。 A huge sound. 一声巨大的声响。 Saw only the Ye Luo figure to back up several kilometers. 只见叶落的身形倒退了数千米。 But Pangu empty shadow palatial motionless standing on the spot. 而那盘古虚影巍峨不动的站在原地。 Under strikes. 一击之下。 Ye Luo returns safe and sound. 叶落毫发无损。 The swordsmanship protected Ye Luo. 剑道护住了叶落 Periphery Ye Luo looks at the dense and numerous swordsmanship projections, innermost feelings is moved, does not waste him to cost lots of time, goes to communicate with the swordsmanship. 叶落看着周围密密麻麻的剑道投影,内心一阵感动,不枉费他耗费大量的时间,去与剑道沟通。 This swordsmanship is very credible. 这剑道还是非常靠谱的。 However, he may really not be the Pangu empty shadow opponent. 不过,他可真的不是盘古虚影的对手。 This Pangu empty shadow was too powerful. 这个盘古虚影实在太强大了。 Even if only a simple empty shadow, that is also far from he can the enemy. 哪怕只是简简单单的一道虚影,那也远非他所能敌的。 Was the time. 是时候了。 Shouted Master! 师尊 Ye Luo just wanted to shout one Master arrive. 叶落刚想要喊自家师尊登场。 But has not waited for him to open the mouth. 可还没等他开口。 Near the ear the sound resounds together quietly. 耳边一道声音悄然响起。 Luo'er, draws back, remaining gives Master to be able.” 落儿,退下吧,剩下的交给为师便可。” Resounding of this sound, makes Ye Luo feel relieved. 这道声音的响起,也让叶落如释重负。 Ye Luo turns the head slightly, looks to him, when sees only Chu Yuan not to know, had arrived at side him, calmly stands there, looks at the Pangu empty shadow. 叶落微微转头,看向他身旁,只见楚缘不知道什么时候,已经来到了他身旁,静静站在那里,看着盘古虚影。 You did very well.” “你做得很好了。” Chu Yuan looked at a Pangu empty shadow simply, then looked to Ye Luo. 楚缘只是简单的看了一眼盘古虚影,而后就看向了叶落 Master erroneous to praise.” 师尊谬赞。” Ye Luo does obeisance submissively. 叶落拱手一拜。 „Back goes, so as to avoid being brought disaster to by the complementary waves.” “去后边吧,免得被余波殃及。” Chu Yuan in a soft voice said such a. 楚缘轻声的道了这么一句。 He said. 他说完。 Toward wields behind gently. 朝着身后轻轻一挥。 Strength of the god of journeys light has delimited. 一道神光之力划过。 Saw only the checkerboard to be opened an opening quietly. 只见棋盘被悄然打开了一个口子。 But the checkerboard has not collapsed, instead remains. 但棋盘没有崩溃,反而依旧存在。 This situation, seems like the checkerboard belongs to Chu Yuan, wants to open opens, stops at nothing radically. 这种情况,就好像棋盘是属于楚缘的一样,想打开就打开,根本无所顾忌。 This may the chess say/way demon god not far away looking stupidly, this is his checkerboard, is the checkerboard of this person? 这可把不远处的棋道魔神给看傻了,这到底是他的棋盘,还是这个人的棋盘? But Chu Yuan has not responded the chess say/way demon god, beckons with the hand, making Ye Luo leave. 楚缘并未搭理棋道魔神,摆了摆手,让叶落离开。 Ye Luo not hesitant, does obeisance again, then turns around to leave the checkerboard. 叶落也并未犹豫,再度一拜,而后转身离开棋盘。 Chu Yuan looked at Ye Luo to leave the checkerboard. 楚缘叶落离开了棋盘。 Then framed the vision in chess say/way demon god body. 这才将目光定格在了棋道魔神身上 Yes, Chu Yuan looked continually has not looked at Pangu empty shadow one. 是的,楚缘连看都没看盘古虚影一眼。 He has looked at the chess say/way demon god. 他就一直看着棋道魔神。 Sees only his intention to move. 只见他心念一动。 The execution immortal four swords that surround depart immediately, was cutting toward the Pangu empty shadow. 身边环绕的诛仙四剑顿时飞出,往着盘古虚影斩了过去。 The Pangu empty shadow figure moved, proceeds to tread one step. 盘古虚影身形一动,往前踏了一步。 He just trod one step. 他才刚刚踏出了一步。 Executed the immortal four swords to cut. 诛仙四剑已经斩了过来。 Four swords change to four streams light/only, kills. 四剑化作四道流光,袭杀而来。 The Pangu empty shadow has not moved, was cut to kill by four swords, changes to the innumerable fluorescence to dissipate to open. 盘古虚影还没动,便被四剑斩杀,化作无数荧光消散而开。 Under Chu Yuan strikes, the Pangu empty shadow dissipates! 楚缘一击之下,盘古虚影消散! Strength that both show, radically does not fall into the same ranking. 两者所展现的战力,根本不是一个等级的。 No, not possible......” “不,不可能……” The chess say/way demon god looks that the Pangu empty shadow was taken by one move, the eye stared in a big way, not possibly said. 棋道魔神看着盘古虚影被一招拿下,眼睛都瞪大了,直呼不可能。 He has not gotten back one's composure. 他还没回神。 The next quarter, Chu Yuan has killed. 下一刻,楚缘已经杀了过来。 The chess say/way demon god lifts the hand to resist Chu Yuan. 棋道魔神抬手想要抵御楚缘 But when Chu Yuan bumps into that flash of chess say/way demon god. 可当楚缘碰到棋道魔神的那一刹那。 The chess say/way demon god only felt that an unapproachable strength attack comes, his entire body flew upside down uncontrolled. 棋道魔神只感觉一股无可匹敌的力量袭击而来,他整个身体都不受控制的倒飞了出去。 He wants the strength that unloads this to force him to fly upside down very much diligently. 他很努力的想要卸下这股迫使他倒飞出去的力量。 But he responded radically without enough time. 可他根本来不及反应过来。 A ray flashed. 一股光芒闪动了一下。 Form falling of quietly great antiquity six Saints to chess say/way demon god behind. 洪荒六圣的身影悄然的落到了棋道魔神身后。 Most Exalted Lord Lao puts out the primal chaos chart. 太上老君拿出太极图。 Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning puts out the Pangu streamer. 元始天尊拿出盘古幡。 Tong Tian Founder puts out azure duckweed sword. 通天教主拿出青萍剑。 Western two Saints also had Nüwa also to put out the respective looking after the house treasure. 西方二圣还有女娲也都拿出了各自的看家宝物。 The next quarter, great antiquity six Saint simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform begin, was killing toward the chess say/way demon god. 下一刻,洪荒六圣齐齐动手,往着棋道魔神杀了过去。 The chess say/way demon god in that moment, saw the ray...... 棋道魔神在那一刻,见到了光芒…… Immediately, the chess say/way demon god falls from the sky thoroughly. 随即,棋道魔神彻底陨落。 In the darkness vibrated ruthlessly. 黑暗之中狠狠震动了一下。 But has no sound to transmit. 但却没有任何动静传来。 Where lives in darkness these Hundun(Chaos) demon god dares to move. 居住在黑暗之中的那些混沌魔神哪里敢动弹。 Falling from the sky of chess say/way demon god, is representing Tantai Luoxue officially to become Saint. 棋道魔神的陨落,也代表着澹台洛雪正式成圣。 Meanwhile, through this fight. 同时,通过这一场战斗。 Also lets the great antiquity six Saints as well as Chu Yuan, thorough cognition Ye Luo battle efficiency. 也让洪荒六圣以及楚缘,都彻底认知了叶落的战斗力。 Obviously is the Sage boundary, has strength that speaks the last words the Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 明明是圣人境,却拥有叫板混沌魔神的实力。 They basically understood. 他们基本上都明白了。 After Ye Luo broke through Chaos Sage realm, perhaps in the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, few can with Ye Luo the hand. 等到叶落突破到了混沌圣人境界后,恐怕混沌魔神之中,没几个能和叶落过手的。 Chu Yuan also in pleasant surprise in Ye Luo realm. 楚缘也在惊喜于叶落境界 He has not thought completely, Ye Luo such powerful, unexpectedly really can speak the last words with Chaos Sage. 他完全没有想过,叶落会这么的强大,居然真的能够和混沌圣人叫板。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Another side. 另一边。 Immortal World, in Land of Heaven. 仙界,天土之中。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao felt probably anything, raised the head toward the vault of heaven that side suddenly looked at one, knits the brows slightly, is somewhat puzzled. 仙界天道像是感觉到了什么,忽然就抬头往天穹那边看了一眼,微微皱眉,有些不解。 Why does he feel some palpitations? 为什么他感觉有些心悸? However does not know that is what situation. 但是又不知道是什么情况。 Extremely wild that side?” “极荒那边?” Wild does the extremely that side have what situation?” “难道极荒那边有什么情况?” Not, if goes out to nose? It is not good, perhaps if to Immortal World, that Taoist trinity will attack in me.” “不若出去查探一番?不行,若是离了仙界,那三清恐怕会袭击于我。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao wants to have a look extremely wildly. 仙界天道很想出去极荒看看。 But he does not have the means. 但他没有办法。 His strength dependence in Immortal World. 他的力量依靠于仙界 If goes out, then the strength will fall short greatly. 若是外出,那么实力将大打折扣。 When the time comes the Saint of Taoist trinity order will not let off him. 到时候秩序之圣三清可不会放过他。 It is not good. 不行。 Cannot go out. 绝不能出去。 At least fine Immortal World unification, and strengthens, making him be able to break through Great Dao Sage, can go out. 至少要得仙界统一,并且增强,让他能够突破大道圣人了,才能出去。 Even the Taoist trinity is when the time comes strong, still no means can do to him. 到时候就算三清再强,也没任何办法可以奈何得了他。 Moreover, did not say certainly, when the time comes he also criticizes the Taoist trinity. 而且,说不准,到时候他还清算三清呢。 Ok, the urgent matter, kicks to be eliminated Chu Yuan, is good the Immortal World unification.” “算了,当务之急,是将楚缘踢出局,将仙界统一才行。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao silent, made such a decision. 仙界天道沉默了一下,做出了这么一个决定。 However, must kick Chu Yuan to be eliminated, must compete for the destiny. 不过,得踢楚缘出局,就必须要争夺气运。 Must compete for the destiny, he needs Sage. 要争夺气运,他就需要圣人 At present only has five Immortal World Sage. 眼下只有五位仙界圣人 Before lost Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky), this is should not. 之前损失了一位青天圣人,这是着实不应该的。 „It is not good, must to kick to be eliminated Chu Yuan fast, that can only use some extreme methods.” “不行,得要快速将楚缘踢出局,那就只能用些极端的方法了。” Before then, must first cultivate gluttonous ti to be good, gluttonous ti present realm, from the true Sage boundary, incomparable being close, has first cultivated gluttonous ti, can rapidly become true Sage inevitably.” “不过在此之前,得先培育一下饕鬄才行,饕鬄如今的境界,距离真正的圣人境,已经无比的接近,优先培育饕鬄,必然能够迅速成为真正的圣人。” When the time comes has true Sage, that also under that Sage disciple fearless Chu Yuan.” “到时候有一名真正的圣人,那也将无惧楚缘麾下那名圣人弟子。” Immortal World Heavenly Dao in a low voice twittering. 仙界天道低声呢喃着。 He made the concrete plan quickly. 他很快就做出了具体的规划。 First trains gluttonous ti to become Sage! 先培养饕鬄成为圣人 Then discussed other. 然后再谈其他的。 In his opinion, the Chu Yuan subordinate only has two Sage. 在他看来,楚缘麾下只有两名圣人 One is Ye Luo. 一名是叶落 One is Xu Yu. 一名是徐御 That Ye Luo is true Sage, therefore needs to train gluttonous ti to cope. 那名叶落是真正的圣人,所以需要培养饕鬄来对付。 But Xu Yu this, must cope by the Zhang Hao four people. 徐御这个,就得靠张寒四人对付了。 The Zhang Hao four people hold in the Heavenly Dao in addition, can cope with Xu Yu. 张寒四人在天道加持下,想必是可以对付徐御的。 Thus, he and Chu Yuan subordinate influence, tied. 这样子,他与楚缘麾下的势力,就打平了。 The tying worst result, overwhelming majority possibilities, are under him the potential forcing under Chu Yuan the influence are hitting, even exterminates the Chu Yuan subordinate influence. 哦,打平只是最坏的结果,绝大部分可能性,是他麾下势力压着楚缘麾下势力打,甚至是剿灭楚缘麾下的势力。 Chu Yuan......” 楚缘……” This time must process you.” “这次必须将你处理了。” The Immortal World Heavenly Dao body golden light is glittering. 仙界天道身上的金光闪烁着。 He has the means to cope with Chu Yuan. 他已经有办法对付楚缘了。 This time he must do, was extinguishes Chu Yuan thoroughly killed, even if unable to extinguish kills, must kick to be eliminated. 这次他要做的,是彻底将楚缘灭杀了,哪怕无法灭杀,也要踢出局。 During all are completely grasping...... 一切尽在掌握之中…… Please remember this book first round domain name:. wap. 请记住本书首发域名:。wap.
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