NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#870: Pangu empty shadow

Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 Ye Luo and fight of chess say/way demon god is still continuing. 叶落与棋道魔神的战斗还在继续。 both sides attack brutally in the darkness. 双方于黑暗之中大打出手。 The terrifying complementary waves almost swept across one. 恐怖的余波几乎席卷了一起。 But both sides still made no distinction between victory and defeat. 但双方仍旧不分胜负。 Even to a certain extent. 甚至在一定程度上。 The chess say/way demon god was being pressed hitting by Ye Luo. 棋道魔神被叶落压着打。 Ye Luo was too clever in fighting, is precisely the lord of swordsmanship, its offensive is most fearful. 叶落实在太善战了,且是剑道之主,其攻势是最为可怕的。 However, realm of both sides was still a major problem. 不过,双方的境界仍旧是一个大问题。 The chess say/way demon god is the Hundun(Chaos) demon god, Chaos Sage, grasps existence of Great Dao. 棋道魔神是实打实的混沌魔神,混沌圣人,掌握一条大道的存在。 But Ye Luo is actually only Sage. 叶落却只是圣人 The realm disparity is impossible easily to be made up. 境界的差距不可能轻易被弥补。 Ye Luo now is only because has held to the chess say/way demon god, can press the latter to hit. 叶落如今只是因为一直粘着棋道魔神,才能压着后者打。 Once slow the god had come by the chess say/way demon god, that situation may very not be wonderful. 一旦被棋道魔神缓过神来,那情况可就很不妙了。 The chess say/way demon god also knows this point. 棋道魔神也知道这一点。 Therefore he very diligently is pulling open with the Ye Luo distance. 所以他很努力的在拉开和叶落的距离。 both sides continue to fight. 双方持续大战。 Ye Luo holds to wholeheartedly. 叶落一心粘着。 The chess say/way demon god spreads out wholeheartedly. 棋道魔神一心拉开距离。 Two people are refusing to budge. 两人就这么僵持着。 Finally, after another fights, changed. 终于,在又一番交手后,发生了变化。 The chess say/way demon god showed a flaw suddenly. 棋道魔神忽然露出了一个破绽。 Ye Luo seizes the time, backhanded a sword to divide. 叶落抓住时机,反手一剑劈了过去。 Under a sword, the chess say/way demon god was rumbled to draw back several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) far. 一剑之下,棋道魔神被轰退数万里之远。 Looked again, the chess say/way demon god pants, the place of sword mark chest exists together. 再一看,棋道魔神气喘吁吁,胸口之处一道剑痕存在。 Obviously, he was wounded by this sword. 明显,他被这一剑击伤了。 But he also succeeded, spread out with Ye Luo. 但他也成功了,和叶落拉开了距离。 Oh no.” “糟糕。” Ye Luo naturally also understood this point, his heart secretly thought, the figure moved, killed toward the chess say/way demon god. 叶落自然也明白了这一点,他内心暗道了一句,身形一动,朝着棋道魔神杀了过去。 He tries to hold to the chess say/way demon god. 他试图重新粘着棋道魔神。 But how the chess say/way demon god will give this opportunity. 但棋道魔神怎会给这个机会。 „The lord of swordsmanship, you can indeed be joined to this title, if with realm, I am not your opponent, but you at this moment, but also is far from my rival!” “剑道之主,你的的确确配得上这个称号,若是同境界,我绝非你对手,但此刻的你,还远非我之敌手!” Chess say/way demon god flashing eyes looks to Ye Luo. 棋道魔神目光炯炯的看向叶落 In an instant. 一念之间。 He opens both hands, terrifying strengths erupt from his body, that is the strength of Great Dao. 他张开双手,一股股恐怖的力量自他身体爆发而出,那全是大道之力。 The strength of Great Dao changes to the innumerable golden traces, the spread four directions, regarding Ye Luo, forms a checkerboard. 大道之力化作无数金色纹路,蔓延四方,围绕着叶落,形成一张棋盘。 The checkerboard stands again! 棋盘再立! When the checkerboard falls. 当棋盘落下之际。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… In the darkness spreads intermittently depressed bang sound. 黑暗之中传出阵阵沉闷的轰隆声。 Chess say/way demon god whole-heartedly! 棋道魔神全力以赴了! Ye Luo in checkerboard only felt that a tremendous pressure transmits. 在棋盘内的叶落只感觉一股巨大的压力传来。 Is good because of having the swordsmanship projection is sharing the pressure for him, otherwise possibly this pressure can press him. 好在有剑道投影在为他分担压力,不然可能这股压力就能将他压了下去。 Chaos Sage is Chaos Sage......” 混沌圣人到底是混沌圣人……” The Ye Luo innermost feelings sighed with emotion. 叶落内心不由感慨一下了一番。 Even if he is clever in fighting, is rich at an experience, and in front of existence that realm is higher than him, but also is very difficult to profit. 他哪怕再善战,在一个经验丰富,且境界比他高的存在面前,还真的是很难占到便宜。 Invited, the Pangu fellow daoist helped in the fighting!” “一请,盘古道友助战!” The voice of chess say/way demon god resounds through in the checkerboard. 棋道魔神的声音在棋盘之内响彻。 Next quarter, in checkerboard, innumerable ray twinkles. 下一刻,棋盘之内,无数光芒闪烁而过。 Sees only these ray rapid gatherings, then condensed a huge empty shadow. 只见这些光芒迅速汇聚而起,而后凝聚成了一道巨大虚影。 This empty shadow is a having hair dishevelled dragon fine beard guy. 这道虚影是一名披头散发的虬髯大汉。 This guy enters the stage, the pressure in checkerboard multiplies immediately. 这大汉一出场,棋盘内的威压顿时倍增。 Obviously this dragon fine beard guy merely is together the empty shadow. 明明这虬髯大汉仅仅是一道虚影。 May actually give Ye Luo to create an unequalled pressure. 可却给叶落带来了一种无与伦比的压力。 Even can say, the chess say/way demon gods have not given him such tremendous pressure. 甚至可以说,棋道魔神都没有给过他这么大的压力。 „Is this that opens a day of existing empty shadow?” “这就是那位开天存在的虚影?” The Ye Luo forehead cold sweat braves, he catches the eye to look at that dragon fine beard guy ‚the Pangu empty shadow. 叶落额头冷汗直冒,他抬眼看着那虬髯大汉‘盘古虚影’。 He listened to Master to say this person. 他可是曾经听自家师尊说过此人的。 At present this merely is together the empty shadow, then can make him have cannot resist with all one's strength the meaning, if the main body arrives, that should be what kind of scene. 眼前这仅仅是一道虚影,便能让他心生不可力敌之意,若是本尊降临,那又该是何等场景。 This Pangu empty shadow, is worthy of the commendation of his family/home Master! 这盘古虚影,无愧于他家师尊之称赞! Ye Luo mind absent-minded. 叶落心神恍惚了一下。 The Pangu empty shadow has not stagnated, lifting the hand is a fist, is hammering toward Ye Luo. 那盘古虚影可并未停滞,抬手便是一拳,往着叶落这边锤了过来。 Under a fist, the inexhaustible power and influence completely all covered Ye Luo, forcing him to be inescapable. 一拳之下,无穷无尽的威势尽皆覆盖住了叶落,迫使他无法逃脱。 Bad......” “糟糕……” Ye Luo sets out to use spiritual power, works loose to open, leaves in the checkerboard range. 叶落起身想要动用法力,挣脱而开,离开棋盘范围之内。 His spiritual power reassignment swordsmanship. 他的法力调动剑道。 May under a Pangu empty shadow fist. 可在盘古虚影的一拳之下。 The swordsmanship shivers fiercely, does not dare to fight with the Pangu empty shadow. 剑道剧烈颤抖,不敢与盘古虚影争锋。 This may the Ye Luo pit be miserable. 这一下可把叶落坑惨了。 The swordsmanship does not coordinate, the Ye Luo spiritual power reassignment has something go wrong, defends Pangu empty shadow fist radically without enough time, can only look helplessly the latter bang kills. 剑道不配合,叶落法力调动出岔子,根本来不及防御盘古虚影这一拳,只能眼睁睁看着后者轰杀而来。 ...... …… Distant place. 远处。 The great antiquity six Saints as well as Chu Yuan are looking at this. 洪荒六圣以及楚缘在看着这一幕。 When they noticed that the Pangu empty shadow was summoned , was also surprised for a long time. 当他们看到盘古虚影被召唤而出时,也是惊讶了许久。 Especially the great antiquity six Saints, one by one sees the Pangu empty movie queen in that checkerboard, the pupil shrank fiercely. 尤其是洪荒六圣,一个个看到那棋盘之中的盘古虚影后,都瞳孔猛地缩了起来。 They may be the later generation or the descendant of Pangu. 他们可都是盘古的后辈或后裔。 Plate Mr. Gu god......” “盘古父神……” „The Young Friend Ye danger, Three Thousand Great Daos had been cut by Pangu, has natural fearing regarding Pangu, perhaps the swordsmanship is unable to assist Young Friend Ye......” 叶小友危险了,三千大道曾经都被盘古所斩过,对于盘古有天然的惧怕,恐怕剑道无法相助叶小友了……” clear/pain fellow daoist, we, we facing Pangu, is unable to act, Pangu in our dao heart, has the too big shadow......” “楚道友,我们,我们面对盘古,也无法出手,盘古于我们道心之中,有着太大的阴影……” The great antiquity six Saints wrinkled the brow. 洪荒六圣都皱紧了眉头。 Chu Yuan hears word, has no thought slightly, unemotional, his whole body aura surges, the preparation began. 楚缘闻言,却丝毫没有任何念头,面无表情,他浑身气息涌动,准备动手了。 Executes the immortal four swords to float slowly, surrounds his all around. 诛仙四剑缓缓漂浮而出,环绕他的四周。 The terrifying execution immortal sword air/Qi starts to derive. 恐怖的诛仙剑气开始衍生。 The great antiquity six Saints saw that the Chu Yuan unscrupulous preparation begins, the look is a twinkle. 洪荒六圣看到楚缘肆无忌惮的准备动手,眼神都是一阵闪烁。 Such light facing the Pangu empty shadow. 这么平淡的面对盘古虚影。 Their suspicions really right. 他们的猜想果然没错。 Chu Yuan at least exceeds past existence of Pangu. 楚缘至少都是超越昔日盘古的存在。 Otherwise is impossible to see that the Pangu empty shadow so will be light. 否则不可能看到盘古虚影会这么平淡的。 Can achieve such lightly. 能做到这么平淡。 Only has two possibilities. 只有两种可能。 The history that either has far exceeds Pangu. 要么存在的历史远超盘古。 Either has not seen Pangu, the know-nothing party is dauntless. 要么从没有见过盘古,无知者无畏。 The great antiquity six Saints are shocking. 洪荒六圣都在震惊。 Most shocking, when was Tong Tian Founder. 最为震惊的,当属通天教主了。 Tong Tian Founder knows, executes the sources of immortal four swords, was Pangu fought vigorously three thousand Hundun(Chaos) demon gods initially, Great Dao has the feeling, lowered four swords and formation diagram, assisted Pangu. 通天教主可是知道,诛仙四剑的来源,乃是当初盘古力战三千混沌魔神,大道有感,降下四剑与阵图,相助盘古。 Therefore , Pangu executes the immortal four sword's first owners. 所以说,盘古算是诛仙四剑第一任主人。 Now but clear/pain fellow daoist takes is executing the immortal four swords, tries to begin to the Pangu empty shadow. 可是如今楚道友拿着诛仙四剑,试图对盘古虚影动手。 According to the common sense, executing the immortal four swords is not possible to begin, even if he controls, will execute the immortal four swords also to revolt absolutely. 按常理来说,诛仙四剑是不可能动手的,哪怕是他操控,诛仙四剑也绝对会反抗。 But in the clear/pain fellow daoist hand, executes the sign that the immortal four swords unexpectedly do not revolt against, instead with the intention, the Pangu empty shadow that the internal energy locks. 可是在楚道友手中,诛仙四剑竟然没有要反抗的迹象,反而随着心意,将气机锁定的了盘古虚影。 The clear/pain fellow daoist, is what background...... 楚道友,到底是什么来头…… ...... …… Nearby Chu Yuan may, no matter this group of people are thinking anything. 旁边的楚缘可不管这帮人在想什么。 He has prepared to begin, copes with this Pangu empty shadow. 他已经准备动手,对付这个盘古虚影了。 Executes immortal four sword one. 诛仙四剑一出。 He makes four swords cut immediately on wish, rescues Ye Luo. 他当即就想要让四剑斩过去,救下叶落 But when he prepares to begin. 可就在他准备动手时。 Phenomenon sudden change. 异象突变。 Ye Luo suddenly, the whole body sword air/Qi erupted, in the hand a long sword changes to the innumerable fragments. 叶落忽然之间,浑身剑气爆发了起来,手中一柄长剑化作无数碎片。 Each fragment completely all changes to together the swordsmanship projection. 每一枚碎片尽皆化作一道剑道投影。 The innumerable swordsmanship projection bang kills, regarding Ye Luo, forms a blockade line, prevents a Pangu empty shadow fist. 无数剑道投影轰杀而出,围绕着叶落,形成一道封锁线,阻挡盘古虚影的一拳。 The swordsmanship at crucial moments, the choice protects Ye Luo, even if faced had been causing heavy losses to its enemy, must protect the lord of swordsmanship! 剑道在关键时刻,选择保护叶落,哪怕面对着曾经重创过它的敌人,仍旧要保护剑道之主! 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