NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#869: Ye Luo games demon god

, The quickest renewal does not will some really people think that Master is the mortal the latest chapter! ,最快更新不会真有人觉得师尊是凡人吧最新章节! Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 In inexhaustible darkness. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 Golden traces spread in the darkness, cross all, quickly composed a checkerboard. 一道道金色纹路于黑暗之中蔓延,横穿一切,迅速组成了一张棋盘。 In the checkerboard, the Tantai Luoxue state of mind was covered is one of them. 棋盘之中,澹台洛雪的神魂被笼罩在其中。 Invisible murderous intentions fill the air toward the Tantai Luoxue state of mind. 一股股无形的杀机朝着澹台洛雪的神魂弥漫而来。 Tantai Luoxue felt the crisis, the look big change, wanted to make anything. 澹台洛雪感受到了危机,神色大变,想要做点什么。 But an invisible strength anchorage she, keeping her from moving. 但一股无形的力量定住了她,使得她无法动弹。 This checkerboard, is the chess say/way demon god. 这个棋盘,正是棋道魔神。 The chess say/way demon god tries to put to death Tantai Luoxue, found the vitality by this. 棋道魔神试图诛杀澹台洛雪,以此找到生机。 When Tantai Luoxue is concerned. 正当澹台洛雪心生惶恐之际。 Seven rays appear beside the checkerboard simultaneously. 七道光芒同时在棋盘之外出现。 These seven rays appear, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform released a pressure, shakes this checkerboard to collapse directly. 这七道光芒出现,齐齐释放了一股威压,直接震得这座棋盘坍塌。 With checkerboard collapsing. 伴随着棋盘坍塌。 Seven internal combustion engines locked the chess say/way demon god together. 七道气机一起锁定了棋道魔神。 Without a doubt. 毫无疑问。 If the chess say/way demon god also dares to continue to begin. 若是棋道魔神还敢继续动手。 That will then be suppressed by seven pressure directly. 那接下来将会被七道威压直接镇压。 Feels these seven internal combustion engines. 感受到这七道气机。 The chess say/way demon god revealed wiped the bitter and astringent smile. 棋道魔神露出了一抹苦涩的笑容。 He knows, he cannot escape the destiny eventually. 他知道,他终究逃不过命运。 Chess say/way demon god, you may know the crime.” “棋道魔神,你可知罪。” The sound fell together quietly. 一道声音悄然落了下来。 Sees only Chu Yuan to bring the great antiquity six Saints as well as Ye Luo, arrived here from the distant place. 只见楚缘带着洪荒六圣以及叶落,从远处降临到了这里。 Just those words, were Most Exalted Lord Lao said. 刚刚那句话,便是太上老君所说。 Most Exalted Lord Lao faint looks at the chess say/way demon god, obviously is the old repertoire. 太上老君淡漠的看着棋道魔神,明显又是老套路。 Knows the crime.” “知罪。” „...... You do not need seven Chaos Sage, comes to cope with me together?” “不过……你们也无需七个混沌圣人,一同前来对付我吧?” The chess say/way demon god does not want to revolt, he has accepted fate. 棋道魔神根本不想反抗,他已经认命了。 But when he saw when seven top Chaos Sage come together jointly, he could not bear stunned. 可是当他看到七尊顶尖的混沌圣人一起联手前来时,他又忍不住错愕了。 His what kind of what energy. 他何等何能。 Let seven top Chaos Sage cope with him together. 让七尊顶尖的混沌圣人一起来对付他。 This also aimed. 这也太针对了吧。 Luo'er, goes.” 落儿,去吧。” Chu Yuan does not want to say anything, he made Ye Luo cope in the past. 楚缘并不想多说什么,他让叶落过去对付。 Then arrives at side Tantai Luoxue, confirmed the state of mind of this four disciple is all right, this felt relieved. 而后走到澹台洛雪身边,确认了这个四弟子的神魂没什么事,这才放心了起来。 Immediately, he acts by god strength light/only, shelters the Tantai Luoxue state of mind, in order to avoid being affected by anything not good. 随即,他出手以神光之力,庇护澹台洛雪神魂,以免遭受了什么不好的影响。 Master......” 师尊……” Tantai Luoxue was shocked, looks dull own Master. 澹台洛雪愣住了,呆呆的看着自家师尊 Luoxue, the little darling is waiting, wait a minute, later your became the tribulation of Saint on the past.” 洛雪,乖乖等着,等一会儿,晚些你的成圣之劫就过去了。” Chu Yuan returns by a smile. 楚缘回以一个微笑。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Ye Luo meets the chess say/way demon god. 叶落出战棋道魔神。 He enters the stage, then opened the complete condition, the whole body sword air/Qi surrounded, the swordsmanship river projection was indistinct in it appears behind, in its a long sword is grasping, a terrifying sword intent filled the air. 他一出场,便开启了全部状态,周身剑气环绕,剑道长河投影隐隐约约在其身后浮现,其手上一柄长剑握着,一股恐怖的剑意弥漫而出。 His imposing manner in this moment, almost reached Sage most peak, but under Chaos Sage. 他之气势在这一刻,几乎达到了圣人的最巅峰,但又在混沌圣人之下。 However, depends on swift and fierce of that sword, actually threatened Chaos Sage sufficiently. 不过,靠着那股剑之凌厉,却是足以威胁到混沌圣人了。 Junior, are you then that capture the person of swordsmanship?” “小辈,你便是那夺得剑道的人?” The chess say/way demon god looks at Ye Luo, made noise to inquire one. 棋道魔神看着叶落,出声询问了一句。 Ye Luo did not say a word. 叶落一言不发。 From the start do not draw game the meaning that the demon god exchanges. 压根没有要和棋道魔神交流的意思。 He grasps the sword single-handed. 他单手握剑。 Speaking of the long sword, then wanted to cut. 提起长剑,便想要斩过去。 The chess say/way demon god also saw idea that Ye Luo do not exchange, is no longer ambiguous. 棋道魔神也看出了叶落没有要交流的想法,不再含糊。 Since Ye Luo wants to fight with him, whom that tries more powerful. 既然叶落想要与他一战,那就来试试谁更强大。 That seven do not meddle in any case, he did not feel, Ye Luo can be victorious he. 反正那七位不插手,他并不觉得,叶落能够打得过他。 The chess say/way demon god intention moves, the innumerable golden traces are centered on him, the encirclement opens, dense and numerous. 棋道魔神心念一动,无数金色纹路以他为中心,环绕而开,密密麻麻。 Under his movement. 在他的动作之下。 The innumerable golden traces soar rapidly, is centered on him and Ye Luo, composed a checkerboard. 无数的金色纹路迅速飞腾而起,以他与叶落为中心,组成了一张棋盘。 In the checkerboard, Ye Luo spiritual power was suppressed directly. 在棋盘之内,叶落法力直接就被压制住了。 In this checkerboard has the strength of Great Dao. 这棋盘内有着大道之力。 Under the suppression of strength of Great Dao. 大道之力的镇压下。 Non- Chaos Sage, radically irresistibly. 混沌圣人,根本无法抵抗。 But Ye Luo has the swordsmanship, is the lord of swordsmanship. 叶落拥有剑道,是剑道之主。 And before the checkerboard appears, he summons the swordsmanship. 且在棋盘出现之前,他就召唤出了剑道。 The swordsmanship receives the suppression of chess say/way, provoked the independent resistance instantaneously. 剑道一受到棋道的压制,瞬间就激起了自主反抗。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The Ye Luo drawn game demon god has not handed over the seat of honor. 叶落和棋道魔神还没交上手。 But Great Dao that both sides grasp actually already to. 但双方所掌握的大道却已经对上了。 In the inexhaustible darkness, has bang the sound to make noise everywhere. 无穷无尽的黑暗之中,到处都有轰隆声作响。 Obviously fight of this Great Dao, is fearful. 可见这场大道的战斗,有多么可怕。 Snort......” “哼……” After several breaths . 数息之后。 The entire checkerboard is loudly stave. 整个棋盘轰然破碎。 The chess say/way demon god stuffy snort/hum, the figure backs up, the corners of the mouth flowed out the blood. 棋道魔神闷哼一声,身形倒退,嘴角流出了鲜血。 Obviously he received the heavy injury. 明显他受到了不轻的伤势。 The war of this wave of Great Dao, he lost. 这波大道之战,他输了。 The chess say/way meets the tough head-on with toughness with the swordsmanship, that seems like cracking a joke to be the same simply. 棋道和剑道硬碰硬,那简直像是在开玩笑一样。 Should not come to battle with it by Great Dao, the war of Great Dao, I must not be his opponent, if by the cultivation base direct suppression, can't be that bad.” “不该以大道来与之交战的,大道之战,我必不是其对手,若以修为直接镇压,何至于此。” The chess say/way demon god also looked. 棋道魔神也看出来了。 Ye Luo cultivation base is inferior to him radically. 叶落修为根本不如他。 If hits by cultivation base directly, that injured possibly is not he. 若是以修为直接打,那受伤的绝不可能是他。 Meets the sword.” “接剑。” Ye Luo also understood, the struggle of Great Dao, he won. 叶落也明白了,大道之争,他赢了。 He is impolite. 他也丝毫不客气。 While opportunity. 趁着机会。 He launched the attack decisively. 他果断发起了攻击。 His hand grasps the long sword, sweeps away to go. 他手握长剑,横扫而去。 A sword goes. 一剑而去。 Changes to the dreadful sword potential to take away as many things as possible. 化作滔天的剑势席卷而去。 This sword potential is changeable, a while changes to the verve sword, a while changes to the supple sword, a while was similar to coerced the potential of thunder, had the inexhaustible change. 这剑势变化多端,一会儿化作刚猛之剑,一会儿化作阴柔之剑,一会儿又如同裹挟了雷霆之势般,拥有无穷无尽的变化。 Is grasping Chu Yuan of myriad kendoists, a sword, its imposing manner is not then common can compared with. 掌握着万千剑道的楚缘,一剑而下,其气势便远非寻常能比的了。 This sword to a certain extent, even exceeded Sage, can be on par with Chaos Sage. 这一剑在某种程度上,甚至超越了圣人,能够与混沌圣人比肩。 The chess say/way demon god is looking at this sword, transfers the strength of Great Dao hastily, forms a guard/shield, stops the sword potential. 棋道魔神望着这一剑,连忙调动大道之力,形成一层护罩,阻挡剑势。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… The sword potential and Great Dao strength of collide. 剑势与大道之力碰撞。 In the darkness spread buzz the whining noise intermittently. 黑暗之中又传出了阵阵嗡鸣声。 After the moment . 片刻后。 Ye Luo near body, produced a close combat with the chess say/way demon god. 叶落近身,与棋道魔神产生了一场近战。 both sides fight. 双方大战而起。 Chess say/way demon god obvious does not excel at the close combat. 棋道魔神明显的不擅长近战。 In by Ye Luo nearly behind, the chess say/way demon god is unable to spread out , can only by the Ye Luo unremitting attack. 在被叶落近身后,棋道魔神无法拉开距离之下,只能被叶落不断攻击。 both sides at once, tied unexpectedly, no one can take anyone. 双方一时之间,竟然打平了,谁也拿不下谁。 However, once was spread out by the chess say/way demon god, then the Ye Luo situation will become the danger. 不过,一旦被棋道魔神拉开距离,那么叶落的处境就会变得危险了。 At present can tie, complete is because Ye Luo has held to the chess say/way demon god, does not give the reason that it spreads out. 眼下能打平,完完全全是因为叶落一直粘着棋道魔神,不给其拉开距离的原因。 ...... …… Not far away. w. 不远处。w. Chu Yuan and great antiquity six Saints are looking at Ye Luo and fight of chess say/way demon god. 楚缘与洪荒六圣都在看着叶落与棋道魔神的战斗。 When they saw when Ye Luo has held to the chess say/way demon god, acclaimed one. 当他们看到叶落一直粘着棋道魔神时,都不由赞叹了一句。 This Young Friend Ye skill seriously was, by the boundary of Sage, counter fought Chaos Sage, but also tied.” “这叶小友的本事当真是了得,以圣人之境,逆战混沌圣人,还战平了。” Wields the person of swordsmanship, is really the clever in fighting generation, all previous generations wields the people of swordsmanship is so.” “执掌剑道之人,果然都是善战之辈,历代执掌剑道之人都是如此。” As the saying goes, time to revere, the space is the sovereign, the causes and effects, the destiny called the sovereign , I looked that was the people of these good deeds misprinted, the swordsmanship forgot to stand in line.” “俗话说得好,时间为尊,空间为皇,因果不出,命运称皇,啧啧,我看是这些好事之人是排错了,剑道都忘记排上了。” Yeah, has not actually misprinted, Great Dao does not have the division of strong and weak in fact, depends on Great Dao the person of grasping.” “哎,其实并没有排错,大道事实上没有强弱之分,取决于大道的掌握之人。” Good, is Young Friend Ye is obviously fierce.” “不错,明显是叶小友厉害罢了。” The great antiquity six Saints are praising Ye Luo. 洪荒六圣都在夸赞叶落 Chu Yuan listened, the facial features are tranquil, but the innermost feelings almost smiled insanely, full proud...... 楚缘听了,面容平静,但内心都差点笑疯了,满满的骄傲……
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