NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#868: Chess say/way demon god suddenly

Chapter 869 chess say/way demon god suddenly 第869章棋道魔神的恍然 Extremely wild. 极荒之中。 A god of journeys light recklessly vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 一道神光肆意纵横于其中。 The extremely wild within that inexhaustible darkness, regarding others, is an enormous hindrance, the darkness will hinder the revolution of spiritual power. 极荒之内那无穷无尽的黑暗,对于他人来说,是一种极大的阻碍,黑暗会阻碍法力的运转。 Generally cultivator, even if Sage, enters in this inexhaustible darkness, like entering the mire will be ordinary, is unable to display. 一般修士,哪怕是圣人,进入这无穷无尽的黑暗之内,都会如同进入泥潭一般,无法施展开来。 But this god of journeys light shuttles back and forth in the darkness, actually like a fish in water. 但这道神光在黑暗之中穿梭,却如鱼得水般。 Not only had not been hindered, instead also just like had the boost, the speed was more terrifying. 非但没有受到阻碍,反而还犹如有了助力般,速度更加恐怖了。 This god of journeys light is opening Chu Yuan of large size. 这道神光正是开着大号的楚缘 Chu Yuan is bringing Ye Luo to hurry along. 楚缘正带着叶落赶路。 He not anxiously not slow flight. 他不急不慢的飞行着。 Obviously, he felt, that side Tantai Luoxue also not with Hundun(Chaos) demon god to. 明显,他感受到了,那边的澹台洛雪还没和混沌魔神对上。 Therefore he does not worry. 所以他也不着急。 Actually Ye Luo, is feeling the speed of Chu Yuan flight, is somewhat shocking. 倒是身后的叶落,感受着楚缘飞行的速度,有些震惊。 Is the Master speed so fast? 师尊的速度这么快? This was also too odd. 这也太离谱了吧。 This speed. 这种速度。 He flies full power cannot achieve. 他就是全力飞行也做不到吧。 „Is Luo'er, what thinking?” 落儿,在想些什么呢?” Also has the thoughts to turn the head to look in flight Chu Yuan to the own big disciple, inquiring. 在飞行的楚缘还有心思转头看向自己的大弟子,询问着。 Master, the disciple sighs with emotion the Master escaping technique fierce.” 师尊,弟子只是感慨师尊遁术的厉害而已。” Ye Luo answered hastily. 叶落连忙回话。 He was being only wrapped by the god, is unable to move, can only by the language reply, unable to have any movement. 他被神光包裹着,无法动弹,只能以语言回复,不能有任何动作。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan was actually shocked. 楚缘却是愣住了。 Escapes, escaping technique? 遁,遁术? What escaping technique did he use? 他施展了什么遁术么? Said this. 哦哦,说这个啊。 Chu Yuan looks god who around oneself covers light/only, isn't his ordinary soaring? 楚缘看着自己周围笼罩的神光,这不就是他普通的腾空么? This is what escaping technique. 这算什么遁术。 His where can the escaping technique, depend entirely on soars at will. 他哪里会遁术,全靠随意腾空。 His draw A, was mistaken was the big move? 他一个平a,被误以为是大招了? This big disciple looks like, misunderstood anything. 这个大弟子看来,是误会了点什么。 Chu Yuan shakes the head smiles, excessively has not cared, had not answered. 楚缘摇头一笑,没有过多在意,也没有回话。 He moved a body slightly, picked up the speed fiercely. 他稍微挪了一下身子,猛地加快了速度。 This sudden acceleration, has a scare Ye Luo, the heart said the lying trough. 这突如其来的加速,把叶落吓了一大跳,心底直呼卧槽。 This Master unexpectedly also useless full power. 师尊居然还没用全力。 Two people toward forward flight in the past. 两人一路往前飞了过去。 When Chu Yuan close to the Tantai Luoxue state of mind, was actually stopping suddenly. 楚缘在接近澹台洛雪的神魂时,却突然停了下来。 He caught the eye to look toward the front. 他抬眼往着前方看了过去。 In his front, six forms stand in the darkness. 在他前方,六道身影站于黑暗之中。 Past great antiquity six Saints. 正是昔日的洪荒六圣。 Six fellow daoist.” “六位道友。” Chu Yuan also recognizes these six people, slightly good a Old Gu ritual. 楚缘也认得这六人,稍微行了一个古老道礼。 Six seniors.” “六位前辈。” Ye Luo also follows to salute. 叶落也跟着行礼。 Has seen the clear/pain fellow daoist.” “见过楚道友。” The past great antiquity six Saints saluted to Chu Yuan. 昔日的洪荒六圣都向楚缘行礼了。 Then they nod toward Ye Luo in abundance, was salutes upon meeting. 而后他们又纷纷朝着叶落点头,算是见礼了。 Both sides line of rituals, various. 双方行的礼,各不相同。 What great antiquity six Saint lines is the Old Gu say/way ritual. 洪荒六圣行的是古老的道礼。 What Ye Luo line is modern Immortal World say/way ritual. 叶落行的是现代仙界的道礼。 Reviews it, Chu Yuan was different. 反观之,楚缘却是不同了。 Six how here?” “六位怎在这里?” Chu Yuan asked one in a soft voice. 楚缘轻声问了一句。 Detected that some people want Transcending Tribulation to become Saint, we suspected that is the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist , helping one another especially the clear/pain fellow daoist.” “察觉到有人要渡劫成圣,我们猜想是楚道友的弟子,特来相助楚道友。” The Most Exalted Lord Lao stand, said one. 太上老君站出来,道了一句。 Other five people are also such idea. 其他五人也是这么个想法。 Then Chu Yuan was shocked. 这下楚缘就愣住了。 Are this great antiquity six Saints, all help? 这洪荒六圣,全是来帮忙的? The Taoist trinity helps, he can understand. 三清来帮忙,他能理解。 After all they intersect the sworn friend. 毕竟他们相交莫逆。 Western two Saints help, he did not understand, but is also passable. 西方二圣来帮忙,他不理解,但是也说得过去。 How however this Nüwa is a matter, his previous and opposite party meets, makes does not support happily. 但是这个女娲是怎么一回事,他上次和对方碰面,闹得也挺不愉快吧。 How did this little while Nüwa also help him? 怎么这会儿女娲还来帮他了? Chu Yuan did not understand. 楚缘不理解。 But does not want to reject. 但也不想拒绝。 Has the great antiquity six Saint help, after all was good. 有洪荒六圣帮忙,终归是好了许多的。 That then many thanks six fellow daoist.” “那便多谢六位道友了。” Chu Yuan salutes submissively, said. 楚缘拱手行礼,说道。 „The clear/pain fellow daoist are overly courteous, your disciple little while in the front, is confronting with that chess say/way demon god, we make a move together, it is estimated that in less than a breath, then can solve him.” “楚道友无需多礼,你之弟子这会儿正在前方,与那棋道魔神对峙,我们一同出手,估计用不了一息,便能解决了他。” Most Exalted Lord Lao so said. 太上老君这般说道。 The fact is also so. 事实也是如此。 With a Hundun(Chaos) demon god, selects to be victorious only in which in their these seven, has not said. 凭着一个混沌魔神,单挑能不能打得过他们这七位之中的其中一位,还不好说呢。 Their here seven, may be the top Hundun(Chaos) demon gods. 他们这里的七位,可都是顶级的混沌魔神。 Especially Chu Yuan, is the top in top. 尤其是楚缘,更是顶级中的顶级。 Seven same places make a move. 七位一起出手。 Only Hundun(Chaos) demon god, resisting a breath feared that is is very difficult. 单凭一个混沌魔神,抗住一息怕是都很困难。 Six fellow daoist, my time lead this disciple to come, is informed and experienced he, not, if we first plunder in side, making my disciple first try.” “六位道友,我此次带着这位弟子前来,乃是为了历练他,不若我们先在旁边掠阵,让我这弟子先去试试吧。” Chu Yuan actually rejected, said the own idea. 楚缘却是拒绝了,说出了自己的想法。 He brings Ye Luo to come, the itself/Ben is this idea. 他带叶落过来,本就是这个想法。 He wants Ye Luo to try, can be victorious this Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 他想要叶落去试试,能不能打得过这个混沌魔神。 Makes Ye Luo come in any case informed and experienced. 反正就是让叶落来历练的。 Has him to plunder, can guarantee safely, now has the great antiquity six Saints to plunder together, that was safer. 有他掠阵,本就可以保证安全了,如今更是有洪荒六圣一同掠阵,那就更安全了。 Friendly.” “善。” The great antiquity six Saints from may, nod all in abundance, complied. 洪荒六圣自无不可,纷纷点了点头,答应了下来。 „?” “啊?” Stood is dumbfounded in Chu Yuan Ye Luo. 站在楚缘身边的叶落就傻眼了。 He was brought to confront the Hundun(Chaos) demon god?! 他是被带来对阵混沌魔神的?! He also thinks that he is only sees a play, Master is never so expected that polite, unexpectedly lets confront the Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 他还以为他只是来看戏的,没想到师尊这般客气,居然让来对阵混沌魔神。 This was also too odd. 这也太离谱了吧。 Ye Luo knows oneself are very fierce in Sage, but has not thought completely, goes to and Hundun(Chaos) demon god hits. 叶落知道自己在圣人之中很厉害,但也完全没有想过,去和混沌魔神打。 The Hundun(Chaos) demon god representative, grasps existence together, is the Hundun(Chaos) demon god. 混沌魔神代表,都是掌握一道的存在,属于混沌魔神。 He is the natural talent is strong, that is also only Sage, the realm disparity, definitely is unable to make up. 他就是天资再强,那也只是圣人,境界的差距,完完全全无法弥补好吧。 Such being the case, that walks.” “既然如此,那就走吧。” Chu Yuan may not have manages so many. 楚缘可没管那么多。 His goal is to train this big disciple, has their seven people to plunder, about will not have an accident. 他目的就是为了培训这个大弟子,有他们七人掠阵,左右不会出什么事。 Read hence. 一念至此。 Chu Yuan waves immediately, the god light/only coerces Ye Luo to leave. 楚缘当即挥了挥手,神光裹挟着叶落离开。 The great antiquity six Saints each other looked at each other one, sets out hastily, follows Chu Yuan. 洪荒六圣彼此对视了一眼,连忙起身,跟上楚缘 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In an inexhaustible darkness. 在一片无穷无尽的黑暗之中。 The chess say/way demon god is facing the Tantai Luoxue state of mind. 棋道魔神正在面对澹台洛雪的神魂。 The Tantai Luoxue state of mind facing the chess say/way demon god, appears small and weak. 澹台洛雪的神魂面对棋道魔神,显得弱小至极。 Even a feeling. 甚至有一种感觉。 The chess say/way demon god puts out the one breath breath at will, can the destruction Tantai Luoxue state of mind. 棋道魔神随意吐出一口气息,就能覆灭澹台洛雪的神魂。 But the chess say/way demon god does not dare to do that he sees that flash of Tantai Luoxue state of mind, had understood all, on his face full is the forced smile, what words had not said, is standing. 但棋道魔神根本不敢这么做,他看到澹台洛雪神魂的那一瞬间,已经明白了一切,他脸上满是苦笑,什么话也没说,就那么站着。 I, got it.” “我,明白了。” The chess say/way demon god looks up the front inexhaustible darkness. 棋道魔神抬头看着前方无穷无尽的黑暗。 He knows why Tantai Luoxue will find him. 他知道为什么澹台洛雪会找到他了。 Also knows that the demon of god previous sword, the demon of god strength, why the demon of god dream will fall from the sky. 也知道之前的剑之魔神,力之魔神,梦之魔神为什么会陨落了。 He with that three demon gods, there is a common ground. 他与那三位魔神,有一个共同点。 They with other demon gods, had rushed to a mysterious place. 他们与其他一些魔神,都曾经闯过一个神秘的地方。 That mysterious place has had a hearsay. 那个神秘的地方一直都有一个传闻。 Entering dies! 入者既死! Initial they do not believe, afterward were innumerable the Yuan to pass, they were safe and sound, this also proved the falseness of this hearsay. 当初的他们不相信,后来无数元会过去,他们安然无恙,这也证明了这个传闻的虚假。 Now looks like, not all right, but is the hearsay should at the present. 只是现在看来,并非没事,而是传闻应在了现在。 Initially the demon of god sword was first goes. 当初剑之魔神是第一个进去的。 The demon of god strength is second. 力之魔神是第二个。 The demon of god dream is third, he is fourth. 梦之魔神是第三个,他是第四个。 If he has not guessed wrong, fifth, should swallows the demon god. 如果他没猜错,第五个,应该就是吞噬魔神了。 Chess say/way demon god deep sighing of. 棋道魔神深深的叹了一口气。 Even knew all, but he must seek a slim chance of survival. 即便知道了一切,但他仍旧要博取一线生机。 At present this life, then must seize his Great Dao life, if can kill it extinguishing, perhaps has a slim chance of survival! 眼前这个生灵,便是要夺他大道的生灵,若是能将之灭杀,或许有一线生机! Read hence, the chess say/way demon god acted...... 一念至此,棋道魔神出手了…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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