NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#867: Tantai Luoxue to become Saint

Chapter 868 Tantai Luoxue to become Saint 第868章澹台洛雪成圣 In Sect Master Main Hall. 宗主大殿之内。 Chu Yuan had a headache about the period of time small 17 things, then made Ye Luo leave, goes to call Tantai Luoxue. 楚缘头疼了一阵子小十七的事情,然后便让叶落离开,去把澹台洛雪叫了过来。 He first small 17 things putting down. 他还是先把小十七的事情给放下。 Tantai Luoxue training Saint first. 澹台洛雪给培养成圣先。 Tantai Luoxue present cultivation base is away from Sage to be recent. 澹台洛雪如今的修为是距离圣人最近的。 Now is the Quasi Sage peak. 现在已经是准圣巅峰。 So long as trains some time again, proper can to become Saint. 只要再培养一段时间,妥妥的就能成圣了。 Therefore Chu Yuan plans first to train Tantai Luoxue. 所以楚缘打算优先培养澹台洛雪 As for small 17. 至于小十七。 Chu Yuan is speechless. 楚缘已经无语了。 He was considering, must small 17 give to teach waste. 他都在考虑,要不要把小十七给教废了。 Used to complete his god light/only small-sized task. 用来完成他神光小号的任务。 But changes mind thinks, Chu Yuan does not want very much. 可是转念一想,楚缘又很不愿意了。 How small 17 said again, is his passes on the disciple. 小十七再怎么说,也是他的亲传弟子。 Passes on the disciple who the disciple is not only he approves. 亲传弟子既是他所认可的弟子。 Disciple in his guard ring. 是在他保护圈内的弟子。 He is not willing to teach to abandon this 17 disciples. 他是绝不愿意教废这个十七弟子的。 Chu Yuan indicated that although he has duty that must teach the waste disciple, but he also has the bottom line. 楚缘表示,他虽然有要教废弟子的任务,但是他也是有底线的。 His passes on the disciple, he will not teach waste. 他的亲传弟子,他绝不会去教废。 Yeah, 17 disciple, can only walk one step to look at one step.” “哎,十七弟子这个,只能走一步看一步了。” Chu Yuan sighed spookily. 楚缘幽幽一叹。 Finally closes the eye, static waiting. 最后闭上眼睛,静静的等待了起来。 He must wait for Tantai Luoxue to come. 他要等待澹台洛雪过来。 After probably after a while. 在大概过了一会儿后。 The form entered in the palace together quietly. 一道身影悄然走进了殿内。 Disciple Tantai Luoxue, see Master.” “弟子澹台洛雪,参见师尊。” Comes person Tantai Luoxue. 来人正是澹台洛雪 Tantai Luoxue enters in the palace, then good a ritual. 澹台洛雪一入殿内,便行了一礼。 Tantai Luoxue at this moment, wears a azure clothes robe, the hair ties up by the ribbon, the bunch after behind, its makings is very indifferent to fame or gain, but in his eyes was actually full of none. 此时此刻的澹台洛雪,身穿一袭青色衣袍,头发以丝带绑起,束于身后,其气质十分恬淡,但其双眼之中却是充满了精光。 Existence of this none, making others look at each other with it, has a feeling. 这种精光的存在,让他人与之对视,都有一种感觉。 She can control all. 她能操控一切。 Controls all! 操控所有! All in world as if are the chessgames. 世间的一切都仿佛是棋局。 But she is the person who controls the chessgame. 而她则是操控棋局的人。 But this feeling, does not contain Chu Yuan. 但这种感觉,却不包含楚缘 The Chu Yuan god light/only, any all are fabricated. 楚缘的神光之下,任何一切都是虚妄。 Dispense with ceremony.” “免礼。” Chu Yuan waves gently. 楚缘轻轻挥手。 An invisible strength immediately Tantai Luoxue supporting by the arm. 一股无形的力量顿时将澹台洛雪给搀扶了起来。 Many thanks Master.” “多谢师尊。” Tantai Luoxue expression of gratitude. 澹台洛雪道谢。 Un, Luoxue, should you be now the Quasi Sage peak? From the boundary of Sage, is far?” “嗯,洛雪,你如今应该是准圣巅峰了吧?距离圣人之境,还有多远?” Chu Yuan asked such a few words lightly. 楚缘平淡的问了这么一句话。 „All cannot hide the truth from the Master discernment, the disciple has been the peak of Quasi Sage, can step into the boundary of Sage momentarily, when Master once word, broke through Sage, do not worry, must first accumulate, therefore the disciple had not broken through, the will is accumulating.” “一切皆瞒不过师尊法眼,弟子早已经是准圣之巅峰,随时可以踏入圣人之境,只不过师尊曾言,突破圣人时,不要着急,要先积累,所以弟子一直没有突破,意志在积累。” Tantai Luoxue replied itself very much cleverly the Master issue. 澹台洛雪很乖巧的回答了自家师尊的问题。 Hears this words. 听到此话。 Chu Yuan is actually startled. 楚缘却是一惊。 He has not thought that Tantai Luoxue has reached the Quasi Sage peak unexpectedly. 他没想到澹台洛雪居然早就达到准圣巅峰了。 Has been accumulating. 在一直积累。 This disciple real...... 这个弟子是真的…… Really obedient. 真的听话啊。 That Luoxue, how long have you accumulated now?” “那洛雪,你如今已经积累多久了?” Chu Yuan inquired. 楚缘询问道。 Returned to Master, the disciple had accumulated for a year.” “回师尊,弟子已经积累了一年有余。” Tantai Luoxue replied. 澹台洛雪回答。 „A year has......” “一年有余……” In the Chu Yuan heart had a scare. 楚缘心中又被吓了一跳。 He has not thought that Tantai Luoxue can break through Sage one year ago unexpectedly, without the choice breaks through, but chooses the accumulation. 他没想到澹台洛雪居然在一年前就能突破圣人了,没有选择突破,而是选择积累。 Moreover this accumulation, is one year. 而且这一积累,就是一年。 This disciple, the disposition seriously is powerful. 这个弟子,心性当真是强大。 Such being the case, that then starts Transcending Tribulation today, Master, may for your protector.” “既然如此,那便今日开始渡劫吧,为师在,可为你护道。” Chu Yuan opened the mouth immediately. 楚缘当即开口了。 Yes, Master.” “是,师尊。” The Tantai Luoxue disposition is calm, nodded the head slightly, sat cross-legged, started to transfer the aura, broke through realm. 澹台洛雪心性非常沉稳,微微颔首,盘坐了下来,开始调动气息,冲破境界 She to own Master incomparable trust. 她对自家师尊无比的相信。 Since oneself Master said were OK, that was OK inevitably. 既然自家师尊说可以了,那必然是可以了。 As Tantai Luoxue starts to transfer the aura. 随着澹台洛雪开始调动气息。 The space of her whole body immediately became not steady. 她周身的空间顿时变得不稳了起来。 A faint trace exceeds all aura, fills the air from her body. 一丝丝超越一切的气息,从她身上弥漫而出。 This is the aura of Saint. 这是属于圣的气息。 This aura fills shortly, all around the space fiercely shatter, the golden light flies to escape to go from Tantai Luoxue body together, drills into the space. 这股气息弥漫没多久,周遭空间猛地破碎,一道金光从澹台洛雪身上飞遁而去,钻入空间之中。 That is the Tantai Luoxue state of mind. 那是澹台洛雪的神魂。 The Tantai Luoxue state of mind went to cross the tribulation of Saint extremely wildly! 澹台洛雪的神魂前往极荒渡成圣之劫了! Chu Yuan had a scare by the scene of Tantai Luoxue this breakthrough. 楚缘澹台洛雪这突破的场景又是吓了一跳。 The scene sound that Tantai Luoxue breaks through is small. 澹台洛雪突破的场景动静非常的小。 But this is not good. 但这并非是不好。 On the contrary, this is very good matter. 相反,这是很好的事情。 This on behalf of the Tantai Luoxue foundation very deep. 这代表着澹台洛雪的根基非常的深厚。 When the deep foundation, can control the breakthrough sound, this is control to own strength. 只有深厚的根基,才能控制突破时的动静,这是一种对自身力量的掌控。 Luoxue, if breaks through the Saint, feared that is the third child is not his opponent.” 洛雪要是突破成圣,怕是老三都不是其对手。” In the Chu Yuan heart said such a secretly. 楚缘心中暗自道了这么一句。 He read hence, started to branch out the mind. 他一念至此,开始分出心神。 Adjusts the god brilliant number that side the mind all. 将心神尽数调到神光大号那边去。 After transferring god brilliant number. 在调动了神光大号之后。 The Chu Yuan earliest possible time has not rushed to be wild. 楚缘并未第一时间赶往极荒。 But opens the god brilliant number to return to the swordsmanship river, arrived here to pick Ye Luo, went to be extremely wild. 而是开着神光大号回到剑道长河,来到这里接走了叶落,才前往极荒的。 ...... …… Tantai Luoxue breaks through the Saint, the state of mind goes to be wild, opens the struggle of Great Dao! 澹台洛雪突破成圣,神魂前往极荒,开启大道之争! Extremely wild in innumerable existences, detected instantaneously. 极荒之中的无数存在,对此都瞬间察觉到了。 They are looking that with own eyes the Tantai Luoxue state of mind leaves from Immortal World, entering to be wild, the innermost feelings somewhat are dignified. 他们都在亲眼看着澹台洛雪的神魂从仙界离开,进入极荒,内心都有些凝重。 They do not know that this time who will have bad luck. 他们不知道这次又有谁会倒霉。 Yes, unlucky. 是的,倒霉。 They did not feel, they can live in the struggle of Great Dao. 他们并不觉得,他们能够在大道之争之中活下来。 Refers to the demon of god sword specifically, the demon of god strength, the demon of god dream. 具体参考剑之魔神,力之魔神,梦之魔神。 These exist also want to look where with own eyes Tantai Luoxue will go. 这些存在本来还想亲眼看着澹台洛雪到底会去往哪里。 How long but they have not looked. 可是他们还没看多久。 Three forms flushed from the inexhaustible darkness. 三道身影从无穷无尽的黑暗之中冲了出来。 Sees these three forms, these existed to draw back immediately, does not dare to continue to peep at again. 看到这三道身影,这些存在顿时退了回去,不敢再继续窥视。 These three forms are the Taoist trinity. 这三道身影就是三清。 The Taoist trinity circles in the darkness, is looking at that Tantai Luoxue state of mind flight direction distantly. 三清盘旋于黑暗之中,遥遥望着那澹台洛雪的神魂飞行的方向。 Two Senior Brother, how this time process, this obviously is the disciple of clear/pain fellow daoist.” “两位师兄,这次怎么处理,这明显又是楚道友的弟子。” Tong Tian Founder shoulders both hands, makes noise the inquiry. 通天教主背负双手,出声询问。 Old rule.” “老规矩。” Most Exalted Lord Lao calm nod. 太上老君淡定的点头。 Senior Brother said really good.” 师兄所言甚善。” Heavenly Venerable of Primordial Beginning serious nod. 元始天尊严肃的点头。 Their Taoist trinity obviously reached the agreement. 他们三清明显达成共识了。 Their three people just prepared to leave. 他们三人刚准备动身。 At present suddenly flashes through intermittent golden light. 眼前忽然闪过一阵阵金光。 The next quarter, the forms of Western two Saints walked from the inexhaustible darkness. 下一刻,西方二圣的身影从无穷无尽的黑暗之中走了出来。 Three Senior Brother.” “三位师兄。” Western two Saints walked, does obeisance submissively, salutes to say. 西方二圣走了出来,拱手一拜,行礼说道。 Two Junior Brother, together?” “两位师弟,一起?” Most Exalted Lord Lao asked one. 太上老君开口问了一句。 Friendly.” “善。” Western two Saints nod. 西方二圣点头。 Not many exchanges, but actually reached the agreement directly. 没有过多的交流,但却直接达成了共识。 They must go together, leading a cheer to cross Tantai Luoxue of tribulation of Saint. 他们要一同前往,助阵要渡成圣之劫的澹台洛雪 Five Senior Brother wait a bit.” “五位师兄稍等一下。” In five people prepare to leave. 就在五人准备动身时。 Also ray twinkle. 又有一阵光芒闪烁而过。 The next quarter, existence of person snake tail appears together on the spot. 下一刻,一道人身蛇尾的存在出现在原地。 This person is Nüwa. 这人便是女娲。 Junior Sister, you......” “师妹,你……” Most Exalted Lord Lao knits the brows, does not know why Nüwa will come out. 太上老君皱眉,不知道女娲为什么会出来。 Five Senior Brother, I also prepare to go with you together.” “五位师兄,我也准备与你们一同前去。” Nüwa expressed this meaning. 女娲表达了这个意思。 She also prepares to go. 她也准备前去。 This......” “这……” Most Exalted Lord Lao and other people, gawked. 太上老君等五人,都愣了一下。 Nüwa what is this?? 女娲这是什么意思?? Past great antiquity six Saints, united front??? 昔日洪荒六圣,统一战线了??? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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