NTTMIMR :: Volume #9

#866: Helplessness of Chu

Sage Qing Tian(Blue Sky) falling from the sky incident in the past, Immortal World restored again tranquilly. 青天圣人陨落一事过去后,仙界再次恢复了宁静。 Chu Yuan has not stirred up trouble. 楚缘没有挑事。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao has not stirred up trouble. 仙界天道也没有挑事。 But Immortal World turns over to tranquilly tranquilly, the tribulation of situation has been deducing. 仙界宁静归宁静,大势之劫已经在推演。 Battle of Immortal World all living things is even more crazy. 仙界众生的厮杀越发疯狂。 The northern immortal state leaves uncultivated, therefore no one. 北仙州荒废,所以没人。 The eastern divine land under the control of Chu Yuan, pours good. 东神州在楚缘的管控之下,倒也还好。 But a south day of state and heading west state are not good. 但南天州和西行州就不行了。 All living things are almost slaughtering always. 众生几乎无时不刻都在厮杀。 This battle not just stops in mortal world, among the immortals is also slaughtering at this moment. 这种厮杀不单单止于凡俗之间,此时此刻就连仙人之间也在厮杀。 And even half Saint level, is attacking brutally. 其中甚至连半圣层次的,都在大打出手。 Immortal World confusion, it goes without saying. 仙界的混乱,不言而喻。 The eastern divine land almost becomes Immortal World final pure lands. 东神州几乎成为了仙界最后的一片净土。 Here has the Chu Yuan protection. 这里有楚缘守护。 Heavenly Dao large size suppression destiny. 天道大号镇压气运。 The god brilliant number suppresses Tribulation Qi. 神光大号镇压劫气 Makes the eastern divine land not be invaded by the great misfortune. 使得东神州不受大劫侵扰。 Had the Tang immortal toward maintaining the order in the eastern divine land, making the eastern divine land with every effort keep peaceful. 在东神州之内更有大唐仙朝维护秩序,让东神州尽力保持安宁。 Therefore eastern divine land under the tribulation of this Immortal World situation, although there is a confusion, but actually nothing to be afraid. 所以东神州在这种仙界大势之劫下,虽有混乱,但却不足为惧。 Regarding the peace of eastern divine land. 对于东神州的安宁。 The Immortal World Heavenly Dao is very discontented, but does not have the means that can only the less seen the better. 仙界天道很不满,但也没有办法,只能眼不见为净。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点的过去。 Quick, two years disappear. 很快,两年时间转瞬即逝。 On this day, swordsmanship river, in Daoless Sect Sect Master Main Hall. 这一日,剑道长河,无道宗宗主大殿之中。 Is opening god light/only small-sized Chu Yuan, is opening the character present situation, examines. 开着神光小号的楚缘,正在打开人物现状,进行查看。 He in the two years continuously passes in the Heavenly Dao large size and god brilliant number that side. 他这两年一直在天道大号和神光大号那边流转。 Stable Heavenly Dao authority, while suppresses Tribulation Qi. 一边稳定天道权柄,一边镇压劫气 Until today, he has the time the god light/only small-sized, examines the present situation of disciples. 直到今天,他才有时间来神光小号,查看弟子们的现状。 Your big disciple Ye Luo comprehends myriad kendoists, grasps swordsmanship authority, magical skill rises suddenly 【您的大弟子叶落领悟万千剑道,掌握剑道权柄,道行暴涨】 Your two disciple Zhang Hao swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises 128765 【您的二弟子张寒吞噬天材地宝,道行微涨】128765 Your three disciple Su Qianyuan refine the destiny of witch, grasps the Great Dao of authority strength, magical skill rises suddenly 【您的三弟子苏乾元炼化巫之气运,掌握力之大道权柄,道行暴涨】 Your four disciple Tantai Luoxue clearly become aware chess say/way, the dao heart transformation 【您的四弟子澹台洛雪明悟棋道,道心蜕变】 Your five disciple Su Xi......】 【您的五弟子苏兮……】 ...... …… Your 15 disciple gluttonous ti swallow heavenly materials and earthly treasure, magical skill rises sharply 946327 【您的十五弟子饕鬄吞噬天材地宝,道行大涨】946327 Your 16 disciple Chen Jun clearly become aware Ruism, results in the Ruism approval, magical skill rises sharply 【您的十六弟子陈君明悟儒道,得儒道认可,道行大涨】 Your 17 disciple said that dao heart is not steady, cultivation base draws back greatly 【您的十七弟子叶道道心不稳,修为大退】 【The say/way of your 17 disciple leaf Daoist temple Ye Luo, has not attained 【您的十七弟子叶道观叶落之道,未有所获】 Your 17 disciple Dawson have heart demon 【您的十七弟子叶道生出心魔】 Your 17 disciple leaf dao heart demons multiply to expand, demon air/Qi enters body 【您的十七弟子叶道心魔滋生壮大,魔气入体】 ...... …… This situation generally speaking, is very good. 这情况总的来说,还是很好的。 The disciples are stiffening with steady steps. 弟子们都在稳步变强。 Is this second child, where comes so many heavenly materials and earthly treasure. 就是这个老二,哪来这么多天材地宝 Is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao so rich? 难道仙界天道就这么富? The Chu Yuan corners of the mouth pull out. 楚缘嘴角微抽。 That side his god brilliant number, in nearly two years of this little while, receives heavenly materials and earthly treasure that many Zhang Hao sent one after another, the almighty troops sharp weapon. 他神光大号那边,在近两年这会儿,陆陆续续收到了许多张寒送来的天材地宝,神兵利器。 Huge of the quantity, making Chu Yuan shock. 其数量之庞大,让楚缘都为之震惊。 Has not thought, Zhang Hao gave him so many, but can also remaining so many heavenly materials and earthly treasure be able to swallow. 可没想到,张寒给了他这么多,还能剩下那么多天材地宝可以吞噬。 Chu Yuan feelings, Zhang Hao can only swallow so many, will therefore send that bunch of things to come. 楚缘都有一种感觉,张寒是只能吞噬这么多,所以才会送来那堆东西过来。 That bunch of things possibly are only Zhang Hao cannot swallow bothersomely. 那堆东西可能只是张寒吞噬不完烦。 Is the Immortal World Heavenly Dao so rich? 仙界天道就这么富? Chu Yuan was speechless. 楚缘无语了。 He is so how poor. 他怎么就这么穷。 Hateful. 可恶啊。 Damn dog wealthy and powerful family. 该死的狗大户。 However the issue is not big. 不过问题不大。 Whatever Immortal World Heavenly Dao rich, finally is not cheap he. 任由仙界天道有多富,最后不也得便宜他。 Chu Yuan shakes the head, no longer thinks so many. 楚缘摇了摇头,不再想那么多。 He starts to look at the following information. 他开始看下面的信息。 Also is leaf say/way the information. 也就是叶道的信息。 This leaf say/way...... 这个叶道…… Hasn't the least bit progressed? 还是半点没长进? Also multiplied the heart demon? 还滋生了心魔? Chu Yuan sighed. 楚缘叹息了一声。 He selects Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking at once silently. 他旋即又默默点开了‘无道宗弟子战力排行榜’。 Daoless Sect disciple strength ranking 无道宗弟子战力排行榜】 First: Ye Luo( Sage)】 【第一:叶落(圣人)】 Second: Perilla( Sage)】 【第二:紫苏(圣人)】 Third: Su Qianyuan( Sage)】 【第三:苏乾元(圣人)】 Fourth: Tantai Luoxue( Quasi Sage)】 【第四:澹台洛雪(准圣)】 Fifth: Gluttonous ti( Quasi Sage)】 【第五:饕鬄(准圣)】 Sixth: Ai Qing( Quasi Sage)】 【第六:艾晴(准圣)】 Seventh: Su Xi( Quasi Sage)】 【第七:苏兮(准圣)】 ...... …… Tenth: magnificence highly skilled doctor( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十:华神医(大罗金仙)】 11 th: Lin Mo( Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十一:林漠(大罗金仙)】 ...... …… 15 th: Zhang Hao( half Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十五:张寒(半步大罗金仙)】 16 th: Chen Jun( half Daluo Golden Immortal)】 【第十六:陈君(半步大罗金仙)】 17 th: leaf say/way( Loose Immortal)】 【第十七:叶道(散仙)】 ...... …… Chu Yuan careful looks at the ranking, an innermost feelings satisfaction. 楚缘细细的看着排行榜,内心一阵满意。 Now in disciple, uniform Quasi Sage. 现在弟子之中,清一色的准圣了。 If he has not guessed wrong, Tantai Luoxue, should belongs to the Quasi Sage peak, the poor point can achieve the boundary of Sage. 如果他没猜错,其中澹台洛雪,应该是属于准圣巅峰,差一点点就能达到圣人之境的了。 However several disciples, without achieving Quasi Sage, that several Daluo Golden Immortal. 不过还是有几个弟子,没达到准圣的,就那几个大罗金仙 Two -and-a-half Daluo Golden Immortal, second child Zhang Hao and small ten six Chen Jun. 哦,还有两个半步大罗金仙,老二张寒和小十六陈君 As for this 17 disciple leaf say/way...... 至于这个十七弟子叶道…… Loose Immortal. 还是散仙 Chu Yuan is supposing, that was draws back does not have to draw back. 楚缘估摸着,那是退无可退了。 This cultivation base achieved Immortal Realm, wanted to fall down is very difficult. 这个修为达到了仙境,想要掉下去就很难了。 Under Loose Immortal, that may be the boundary of mortal world. 散仙之下,那可就是凡俗之境了。 This 17 disciples.” “这个十七弟子啊。” Chu Yuan has. 楚缘感到头疼。 He thinks, decided shouted Ye Luo first. 他想了想,决定把叶落喊过来先。 Ye Luo in swordsmanship river obtains Master to send greetings, immediately came. 在剑道长河之中的叶落得到师尊传音,顿时过来了。 Disciple Ye Luo, pays a visit Master.” “弟子叶落,拜见师尊。” Ye Luo arrives in Sect Master Main Hall, immediately worships on bended knees to salute. 叶落来到宗主大殿之中,当即跪拜行礼。 Chu Yuan, was makes certainly Ye Luo get up, then he one is comforting to the latter, praises the great strength of its cultivation base. 楚缘对此,当然是让叶落起来了,而后他对着后者一顿宽慰,夸赞其修为的强大。 Ye Luo is also a modesty. 叶落也是一番谦虚。 When two people exchanged greetings after the period of time . 等到两人寒暄了一阵子之后。 Chu Yuan then asked about leaf say/way the matter. 楚缘便询问起了叶道的事情。 He had seen in the character present situation before. 他之前可是在人物现状里面看到过的。 Ye Luo spoke the corridor to leaf say/way. 叶落给叶道讲过道。 However does not have any result. 不过没有什么结果。 But opposite Ye Luo one hear of Master inquired, after staring one next, got back one's composure rapidly, the lip shivered, does not know that should say. 而对面的叶落一听师尊询问,在愣了一下之后,也迅速回神了,嘴唇颤抖了一下,不知道该不该说。 Said.” “说吧。” Chu Yuan also saw the Ye Luo situation, the light opens the mouth, making him say boldly. 楚缘也看出了叶落的情况,淡淡的开口,让其大胆说出来。 Master, ten seven Junior Brother situations, some...... somewhat strange.” 师尊,十七师弟的情况,有些……有些古怪。” Ye Luo silent, said. 叶落沉默了一下,说道。 Strange? How strange law?” “古怪?怎么个古怪法?” Chu Yuan sits cross-legged on the rush cushion, asked in a soft voice. 楚缘盘坐在蒲团上,轻声问道。 Returned to Master, the disciple once brings many same side, discussed together how to help ten seven Junior Brother strengthens the things, regardless of we used what means that is unable to help ten seven Junior Brother strengthens, but ten seven Junior Brother had very strong talent obviously, but does not know why is unable to grow stronger.” “回师尊,弟子曾带着诸多同门,一同商议如何帮十七师弟变强的事情,可是无论我们用什么办法,都无法帮十七师弟变强,可是十七师弟明明有很强的天赋,但是不知道为什么就是无法变强。” Even the disciple teaches by Great Dao of sword directly, is unable to make its strengthen tiny bit.” “甚至弟子直接以剑之大道进行传授,都无法令其变强一分一毫。” Moreover , in this process, ten seven Junior Brother, not only has not stiffened, instead also had the heart demon.” “而且,在,在这个过程中,十七师弟非但没有变强,反而还生出了心魔。” Helpless Ye Luo must shake the head, so said. 叶落无奈得摇着头,这般说道。 This......” “这……” Chu Yuan deeply inspires. 楚缘深吸了一口气。 He knows, possibly small 17 will be very strange. 他知道,可能小十七会很奇怪。 However has not thought that will feel strange to this degree. 但是没想到会奇怪到这种程度。 In his sect can't more than ten disciples on, drive a person together? 他宗内十几个弟子一起上,都带不动一个人? He directly on my goodness. 他直接就好家伙。 Moreover in this process. 而且在这个过程。 Small 17 have not stiffened also even, instead also had the heart demon? 小十七没有变强也就算了,反而还生出了心魔? Whom this asks to reason things out. 这找谁说理去啊。 He is wants well teaches to mature a disciple, is so difficult??? 他就是想要好好的教成才一个弟子,这么难??? I, Chu teach the inadequate disciple unexpectedly...... 我,楚某人竟教不成一个弟子……
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